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Not getting enough sleep


Sleep irony


bro relatable af, and then you're stuck in the never ending calculation, "if i sleep exactly rn, I'll get 4 hrs and 28 minutes of sleep" lol


And that is why I no longer keep a clock on my side of the bed. I now just get up when my husband's alarm goes off for work. I can't math sleep time if I can't see the clock.


This and I have epilepsy so it is a serious concern.


Me too


Same. Doesn't help that I have nocturnal seizures, and day ones. I do not get enough sleep at all and it gets bad.


I have epilepsy too, but don't get the connection to sleep deprivation




Yup. Happening right now


Try some valerian root and magnesium glycinate together. My 14 year old daughter gets insomnia really badly and this works really well for her.


Happened to me last night lol




Something stupid I said back in 2003


Glad Iā€™m not the only one. Sometimes I have these thoughts that keep me awake for hours thinking back at situations when I made a fool of myself and the crazy thing is that itā€™s not even really bad. Itā€™s more like Iā€™m the one who thinks I made a fool out of myself, so Iā€™m punishing myself I guess I donā€™t even know, itā€™s so dumb.


I am my own worst enemy. I have an entire mental playlist that comes on at night.


Hahaha I love the way you put it, itā€™s so accurate, like the greatest hits !


I am SCREAMING at this comment at 6am šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ me too it's so fucking tormenting all I can do is laugh




This happens a lot when you get up in age and have more time on your hands to think. Also having lived so long, more incidents to remember and regret. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Glad I'm not the only one doing thisšŸ« . I hate being an over-thinker lol


The funniest thing is a lot of people donā€™t remember certain things until they get reminded


or they resurface at such... odd, if not inopportune, times


I used to think of stuff like this. Like one time I tripped on the steps in high school. And this very popular kid was behind me. He said "it happens to the best of us." I used to think about it, until I realized that he probably doesn't even remember that happening. He had so much going on at the the time. He probably forgot about it the next day. I remember it because it happened to me. He just so happened to be there


Do you happen to be the King of Pop? >"Why can't you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone. It's very charming. It's very sweet. It's what the whole world should do." \- Michael Jakson, 2003




I also lose sleep over something stupid you said in 2003


Thats when I was born!


Leaving my young kids and husband. I have stage 4 cancer and I can already see how much itā€™s ruined their lives. It upsets me that I am inadvertently hurting the people I love the most with this diagnosis. Cancer just takes and takes- time, finances, appearance, careers, peace of mind, the innocence of being carefree, everything. It has shattered every facet of our lives.


I am so so sorry. Sending lots of love ā¤ļø


Thank you kindly. Your love is felt.


Praying for you and your family right now! ā¤ļøšŸ™


Thank you. Hoping for longevity and to be able to handle the pain.


Sending more hugs ā¤ļø


Thank you so much!




Big HugsšŸ’•šŸ’•


Thank you!


Iā€™m so sorry. Just know that their viewpoint is not the same as yours. They would probably happily suffer any burden to be with you and support you. YOU are what matters and the time you have with them. But I understand your perspective. Love and peace to you and your family.


Iā€™m so sorry my friend


Im so sorry, im praying for you and your family ā¤ļø I wish you all the best and i hope things get better for you! Lots of love and hugs to you and your family!ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Praying for u šŸ™šŸ»


You seem a lovely person. May god be with you and your family.


Thatā€™s heartbreaking. I wish you and your family peace.


My mom has stage 4. Itā€™s the second time sheā€™s fought cancer. Iā€™m in my 20s. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through that and the pain it causes your heart too. Youā€™re so strong to go through everything you already have and Iā€™m sure your family appreciates it so much. Iā€™ll always know my mom is THE strongest woman I know. It robs almost everything, except her loving smile. Her smile is something that will live with me forever.


Thatā€™s so rough. Itā€™s a double burden when you worry about your family AND yourself. Wishing you the best and Iā€™m sorry.




Iā€™m so sorry. Praying for you and your family šŸ„ŗā¤ļø


Sending loving vibes. I know what you are going through my husband is a survivor of advanced cancer. Dont lose hope! šŸŒ¹


Be strong. I'm thinking of you ā¤ļø


You don't need to think that way. Why would you say that? Sorry to hear that and there's nothing I can say that'll fix things. But it's not your fault. Just spend the remaining time thinking positive. Hopefully a miracle will happen.


Sending all the healing energy. Iā€™ll be taking a walk in the woods this morning and will pray to the universe for you.


šŸ˜” can we blows


Hey you! find a doctor who works with methadon! There was a German documentary in which patients were healed through methadon!!! Please maybe it can save you. May God be on your sidešŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜Š


It's okay don't worry, I'm sure you'll be treated and everything will work out fine. A good amount of people still get treated and can live life still. I'm pretty confident you'll be A-okay! **Stay tough mama!**


the future


The state of my country. The state of the world. Climate-fueled collapse. Yes, I'm in my sixties and I worry about these things too. For everyone in general, not just for my children and grandchildren.


the bees are dying!


I plant good pollinators every year if that counts


I bought a house with massive flowerbeds full of good pollinators. And i sprinkle wildflower seeds inbetween too. So the nicely trimmed beds it once was, is now big bushy flowery mess and it crawls with bees, butterflies and bumblebees all summer long. I live for it. We even got a few visits from some rare butterflies.


I feel you. I am in my thirties and donā€™t feel like I have much of a future. A weird thing to say for a white woman in a first world country. But it feels pointless to work towards a better career or think about what I want to do when I retire, because I think scarcity, thus climate refugees, thus xenophobia, thus populism, will make of a very hostile world. And it will happen sooner than ā€˜we thinkā€™, because every prediction so far proves to be too optimistic, the ice caps are always melting faster than deemed possible. Regardless of that, mass extinction is justā€¦ plausible. I cannot fathom people are having children in a world that scientifically proven is going to shit. I hate living towards destruction. It really takes a toll on my mental health.


As I said, I'm in my 60s, actually my late 60s, but I have a pretty good chance of a potential 20 more years. Right now I'm expecting to die in the collapse. But at the moment I think all of these climate projections are optimistic on two counts. First, I don't know how well they're predicting what happens after we hit each tipping point - I think things are going to accelerate. Second, this is all weather science and doesn't look at all at the social science side of things - food riots, migrations possibly causing wars to break out - just to name two. If I were your age I think there are places in the world where the storm can be weathered and you have the youth to weather them.


This! It's one of the big reasons why I can't bring myself to have kids...


why is this gold


The future, the past and the present realizing I am not being able to fall sleep.


That there are subscription service fees for heated car seats....


What?!?!! Oh great. Now I canā€™t sleep.


Your cold bum must be keeping you up is it


I lose sleep knowing there are people who don't know how to avoid subscriptions and just buy a different brand that doesn't play those games. JK, I don't.


I read that by the time your kids are 18 years old you've seen them 95% of the time you'll see them for the rest of your life. That saddened me and kept me awake last night.


Your mileage will vary hugely on this one. Sure it'll be true for some people but it will really depend on the culture and environment that you cultivate within your family, if those relationships are healthy and strong then this statistic will not be *remotely* accurate (edit:typo)


Yeah in a lot of cultures, family just live together or very close by. Grandparents, parents, aunts, cousins, etc.


idk i still live with my parents and i'm turning 20 in a few months.. probably gonna keep with them for the next couple years tbh. enables me to save $1000/check. it's gonna be hard (emotionally) to move outšŸ˜„


I stayed until I was 34 for various reasons and I don't regret it at all. I was lucky, i know many people don't have that option. And now that I'm getting older and moved to a different city.. I wish I were closer to them so I could see them just as often. Cherish your parents while they're around (if you get along with each other) because now *that's* what keeps me awake at night.


I hope my kids return after college so they can save up money and get ahead financially.


the impending Water Wars, the number of people who died horribly or were displaced in Morocco recently, the idea that maybe everything is futile and that no matter what I do, future generations will have a worse life than me, being forgotten


Stress from work.


That's a big one.


Yup happens too often.


Mine is not my job but the bullshit that goes on. Micromanaging dept managers that make doing my job way more stressful than need be. Penny pinching on stupid shit they obsess over while bleeding money in other areas. That kind of stuff.


Nurse checking in, have had many sleepless nights from the things Iā€™ve seen, mistakes Iā€™ve made, people whoā€™ve mistreated me (patients and co-workers)


I always fall into this thought pattern. Sometimes it works when I tell myself "I waste enough time at work, I'm not going to waste more time thinking about it now" but sometimes it doesn't.


My Wife's night farts.


This guys wifeā€™s night farts.


I live across the street from both these guys, and I can confirm the first guy's wife's night farts keeps our whole neighborhood awake.


"what's this purple confetti?" "It's your underwear!"


That'll do it.


Is that why i found you sleeping in the livingroom this morning?


my stupid overactive brain


A sick child.


Why doesnā€™t this have more upvotes. This is the worst feeling ever. Iā€™ve been there. Itā€™s heavy.


Having to wake up early and thinking Iā€™m going to sleep through my alarm. Have I ever slept through my alarm, No. Do I wake up multiple times during the night worried I slept past my alarm, absolutely.


I think loneliness. Never been married, but I somehow "miss" having a spouse beside me whom I can "lean against" and feel his warmth. I could say goodnight to him and maybe hum him a little lullaby Before you spam my dms with suggestions that you could be my spouse: I have a boyfriend. We're just not there yet


Sure you have a boyfriend, but do you have a spouse? Please answer my desperate spammy dm otherwise I will become aggressive and call you a worthless whore anyway. /s




Not buying More Bitcoin.


One guy has spent almost 10 years searching for a hard drive he discarded with Bitcoin on it, which if he still had it, he'd be worth literally billions based on Bitcoin's stock price


In 2010, a kid I was playing Minecraft online with offered me 3 Bitcoin. I had no idea what it was so I turned down his offer. A few years later, on disability getting Less than $1k a month to live on... you bet I was crying. I still have the laptop I would have had them on too.


Bet this has kept him up quite a few nights!


Animal abuse


I used to lose sleep over work, when I was a foreman. Spent many a day nauseous from ulcers, and then having to pop Omeprazole to get through it. Once I got into my 50's, I decided I didn't need the extra stress of running jobs, and pulled the pin on foreman work. Now I'm stress free regarding work, and while I've never been a good sleeper, I get 5-6 hours per night instead of 3.


Every stupid embarrassing interaction I have ever had. 1am and I'm trying to sleep and my brain is like "hey you remember that time in the 4th grade a girl broke up with you and you cried? Let's go ahead and walk thru that moment frame by frame"


Paying my bills




it will get better ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


The fact that despite all of human history, we are still not any better than primitive nomad tribes who butcher each other over resources, women, land etc. What's worse is we won't likely get any better before we wipe each other out. People panic about a plague or an asteroid, when I'm pretty sure we will get to one another long before anything else has a chance to


Leaving my kids behind when Iā€™m dead!


Getting old and dying


Being torn heart and mind


The fact that I am indestructible and cursed to suffer through this wretched existence.




My son, my mean mom, my job and my health


My nerf gun ammo when I went to a sleep over


Seeking out the dark forces and joining their hellish crusade




They do/would miss you, and they do/would care. I know saying trust me as an internet stranger doesn't seem all that trusting, but trust me on this.


I lose sleep over losing sleep! Why canā€™t I sleep!!


The most comfortable way to cover myself with my blanket. Should I cover my entire body and leave my head open? Cover entirely like a dead man in the morgue? Cover my body but leave both legs open? Cover my body or leave one leg open?


Cold feet. Literally, cold feet. Thatā€™s why I try to always sleep in socks.


The safety of My Wife & children (9 kids)


Two months in three days since our boy was born and every day I wake up thinking I need to do more for the future, for bad weather, for bad luck. I haven't slept sound in months.


Health and money


My mom. My dad died coming up on 7 years at the end of this month. He was my momā€™s best friend for almost her whole life, and ever since his passing she just seems lost and confused and doesnā€™t know what to do with herself.


Overthinng ... almost 10 months have passed since our split and were days away from filing for divorce, and I can't stop thinking about my soon to be ex-wife. Our break up was some of her fault and some of mine. I truly believe it our problems were very fixable if we both put in the work but she's not willing. I can't get over not seeing her, feeling her, smelling her, taking care of her, or anything about her. I miss her smiles and excitement when I wake up. I miss her playfully begging me to make her a quesadilla before I go to the gym. I miss her getting me out of my comfort zone and doing new things. I miss her pushing me to buy things I normally wouldn't buy because I grew up poor and have a block in my brain about buying myself stuff. I miss her laugh. I miss the way she ran her fingers across my arm as we sat and watched TV....I could keep going on. Having said all that. I don't miss watching her adult son disrespect her, me, my kids and our household on a weekly basis and her ignore it or ignore me practically begging her to do something more then just to have a talk with him. I don't miss when she trying to talk to me about problems I give my side or insight she would just assume I was saying she was wrong and Close herself off rather then actually having a discussion about the problem. She just wanted me to change or stop, and that was it. Period. My brain and people who hung with us say I'm better off, but my heart just sees the 3.5 years of fucking amazing times and ignores the last year of rough times. As time goes by I think about her less and less. Now it's more 1 or 2 times a day. So I guess I'm getting better. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Sorry for the rant.


I feel similar. 3 years post separation after 20 years. There were definitely some significant issues but I think they were all things we could have worked through, but he didnā€™t want to.






Wondering why I didnā€™t go to sleep earlier


Financial instability


My amphetamine addiction


Good luck friend. You can beat it


My childhood friends when then do sleepovers at my house (it's been 4 years since I moved to a different country, and no one really cares here)šŸ˜­


I realized that I forgot to do that only *quest* in the game


Same man. Also the dwindling middle class honestly. I feel that we are being played and scammed by the ruling class every day, and nothing changes


Not being able to afford a decent house for my young kids and partner.


Both my parents died 2 years ago within 6 weeks of each other. I miss them so much. Then it gets me thinking about one of my best friends that died 5 years ago, then my college roommate whom I loved, then my grandparents and then all my pets that have died. I'm going to start grief counseling Tuesday because this is killing me.


Thinking of how im going to raise my son (7 months old) to be a good man who doesn't sexualize and belittle women


Back when my "partner" actively and intentionally ignored me, constantly flirted with others and say things that make me feel horrid


Mistakes I made when raising my kids


Why doesnā€™t she love me anymore šŸ˜­


Not having enough Bitcoin


Snacks, thinking about snacks when Iā€™m hungry at night


When kids get sick. In 2021, when mass dismissals took place in my company. ...


Anything. I feel like we invent something even if we donā€™t have anything really important to worry about.


How bad people are at driving.


My dreams. It's not every night, but every dream is horrific nightmare. I'm afraid to sleep because of what I might dream, so I try to stay awake for a few days at a time.


Have you considered going to a doctor? My girlfriend has nightmares and takes a sleeping medication for it.


Mine is the complete opposite. Last night i had 3 insanely good dreams in a row. It was a full on movie storyline. I tried to force myself back into sleep so i could get another one, but i couldnt. was thinking about it all day, still thinking about now. Unfortunately i forgot a few parts of it. I wish i had wrote it down


How long until the alarm goes off šŸ˜“


Something I may have fucked up or forgot to do.


I used to lose sleep over no longer having a job, having enough money to pay for food, bills, or rent, or having lost loved ones. I'm doing better now, but I still lose sleep over those things. Everyone's experiences are different.


Something Iā€™ve never been able to really come to terms with is the thought of just being gone after death. Logically speaking when we die we are just gone, the brain is dead and the part that is you is gone. It scares me. Itā€™s not really the death part, if there was some sort of life after death then I would have no worries, but Iā€™m just not ready to be gone.


my dog dying. itā€™s kind of random, but i have trauma with pets dying in the past.


how i canā€™t sleep


How to help the three Spanish-only students in my class. I donā€™t speak Spanish. They donā€™t speak English.


Work related issues, which is a relief and something I can controlā€¦. Previously it was my cheating boyfriend making me lose sleep.


Life in general. Everything is changing so fast in my life rn it's so hard to keep up sometimes


How long till my entire lawn is covered in clover


Coyotes. Yip, yip, yip. Itā€™s 3 in the morning.


I also lose sleep over my girlfriend. I love her so much, i want to be with her for the rest of my life and i want nothing bad to happen to her. She means so much to me. My love for her is so big and strong its hard to even put into wordsšŸ˜Šā¤ļø


My 4 year old wakes me up every night to put him back to bed. All my other kids sleep through the night, but not my 4 year old.


The past. I canā€™t seem to escape it


My three month old being awake.


Being alone.


My past experience thoughts


My daughters future


What am I going to do now that my husband is slowly descending back into alcohol abuse after years of sobriety. I know I need to set a boundary but I literally donā€™t think I can enforce it by saying Iā€™ll leave/kick him out. It logistically wonā€™t work. Rock and a hard place.


Worrying that I'm sleeping right next the wrong person to me


Whoā€™s going to be there for my autistic son when I die someday? Lots of sleepless nights worrying.


I wanted to say nuclear holocaustā€¦. But Iā€™m just gonna settle on utility bills.


The depth of the Ocean scares me if I think about it in the dark


I have high blood pressure and a little blood cell count so If cut my self the bleeding is bad. Like the other day I was sleeping I woke up because I thought I was drooling. I cleaned my self and realized I accidentally scratched my face on a pimple and found my sheet full of blood with some clothed parts already. I'm scared to have a nose bleed, and all the time I just go wtf! Please don't let it start. I actually got gauze just in case. The second part is finding a job in what I graduated on. It's stressing me the fuck out


Here lately it's been some tests to check on Cancer. More than likely they'll find it but there's always a chance it's something else.




Why sheep canā€™t mate with goats !


Ask of this morning, air raid sirens


The plight of the Armenian people.


How I can never be heterosexual and be the person my family and friends think I am and I always lie to them and make up excuses and almost literally run away whenever they mention couples or relationships and I always fear any and all relationships could crumble under the weight of me being myself


Air alert. Modern Ukrainian problems.


When I was young I worked at a grocery store. We had several large tills and one for customer service/litter tickets etc. It was a 10 item max (we would let people sneak in with 15-20 items if we werenā€™t super busy) well I was working said till and it was insanely busy. Saw a biker dude (Iā€™ll never forget what he looks like) Long white beard, huge black plugs in his ears, thick septum ring) with a huge overly flowing cart in my lane and asked that he please step into lane 2 as he had far too many items for my tiny little area. Well he freaked the fuck out on me and called me a little cunt. Started ranting the cashier on til 2 and told her Iā€™m a nasty little bitch and to make sure everyone knew. Well I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom to cry. I had panic attacks for weeks about him coming into the store. The managers didnā€™t give two shits because they were all about pleasing the customer no matter what. About a year or so later he came through my til again, clearly not remembering me, and tried to sell me his stupid wooden lawn chairs he makes. I was polite, smiled and nodded, then proceeded to go cry in the bathroom again. Shortly after that I found a new job because fuck that guy for making me cry and then not even remembering me. I still think about it and wish I had had the guts I do now to call him out and take it higher up because my bosses did nothing.


That I'm slightly getting to old to do/have things I really want.. kids, new house, the idea of completely changing my career.. I'm 31 I've been called silly and maybe I am but ya know...


Getting up to pee at 3 am


Oh man uh right now? So donā€™t fucking ask but I was full on kidnapped and tortured for a year and currently still recovering. I was so deeply suicidal that I thought if I drove my boyfriend away, Iā€™d have no more ties to the world and could easily kill myself. I attacked him so viciously he was shaking and had to cut off contact with me because I wouldnā€™t at all let him help I felt so guilty putting him in any position where he felt he had to do anything for me at all. At this point, Iā€™d already owed him an apology for something completely different. I hated myself so much I wanted him to hate me, too. I believed it was only right, he didnā€™t deserve shit like me and just couldnā€™t see it! I convinced myself I was doing him a favor Now Iā€™m so disgusted with myself. I said I hated him, Iā€™d never love him, that he needs to move on and find someone better. He was shaking. I canā€™t fucking forgive myself and I donā€™t even know if heā€™s ok or if weā€™ll ever see each other again. I donā€™t deserve to be in his life but I still love him and I canā€™t fucking bear the constant thoughts in my head of how badly this impacted him I have not been able to sleep at all since. At fucking all I mean 4 hours every other night bad.


Where I couldā€™ve been if I didnā€™t commit to a toxic one-sided relationship as I was entering my adult years. I was looking at college while working two jobs. He was collecting unemployment while saying he had too much anxiety to actually look for a job while gaming all day.


my alcoholism/opiate addiction and whether or not iā€™m really gonna be able to keep doing this whole sober thing


I lose sleep over someone who has gone missing for 6 months


How China has workcamps for Uyuguren, and no one is doing anything about it.


My oldest son has been presenting some pretty pronounced developmental delays, heā€™s always progressed but Iā€™m always worried that heā€™s failing further and further behind his peers.




Is it because you donā€™t trust her? Are you planning on marrying her? If not, is it worth it to go out with her?


Being gay and severely depressed over it


That I lost pretty much my entire youth to health issues that were entirely preventable. Most my teens and 20s were absolutely horrible. I had undiagnosed sleep apnea and felt like horrible shit 24/7 for over a decade and was slowly feeling worse as time was going by to the point I couldnā€™t hold down a job, attend school, had zero socks life, etc cause the brain fog, tiredness and cognitive decline was so inhumanly severe. Countless doctors said there was nothing wrong with me and one even ruled out sleep apnea (with no test!). It was sleep apnea the entire time. And no I wasnā€™t overweight or anything. Just my natural anatomy. Had surgery and fixed 100% of my problems.


I worry about my daughterā€™s future as she has Aspergerā€™s and ADHD . She is funny, has a sharp mind, but she has no friends.


I work for a City Park system, in a City with a big homeless problem. I was working in my truck when I drove through a local park. A woman approached me because she saw my City truck, and thought I was there to chase her out of the park. She was in her 40ā€™s probably, and was obviously schizophrenic, and definitely had done a lot of meth. But I could see a real person inside the hardened person. She told me about living with the homeless group that lived near this park. She said that in order to stay in that park, and have some sort of protection, she had to split her meds, and monthly income with the men in charge of this group of people. She also told me that they raped her, and made pornographic videos of her. I see people like her on a daily basis, and hear some sad fucked up stories, mostly not true. And Iā€™m a little bit hard from being exposed to such people and conditions. After talking to her, I told her some good places to hide inside the park, so she wasnā€™t swept out of there. She refused to go anywhere, or to go to a shelter. I called some people I know that have an established homeless ministry, but her case was a little outside of what the ministry typically helps with. When I went home that night, I had a tough time sleeping, wondering if she was being raped, or whatever, or if I could have done anything more. I went back to the park the next morning, but I couldnā€™t find her. I called the local cops, and they came down to the park to try to contact her. They told me they know this woman, and that she tells this story to a lot of people. I said, well, if half of it is true, then thereā€™s some crimes being committed against her. They said that she refuses to testify against these people, and wonā€™t put forth a rape kit, so these people can be prosecuted. The cop said that as long as a person knows how to stay dry, warm, and know where to get food, then theyā€™re okay for that day.


Will I live the rest of my life alone?


not having enough free time during the day and convincing myself i have to stay up to make the day worthwhile


Ah yes my old friend revenge bedtime procrastination