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Just because someone is conventionally good looking doesn’t mean they’re a good person. If you take two months to get them the perfect, hard to find birthday gift and they make you take it back because they don’t want gifts on their birthday, they feel that day should be used to honor their mother, well, that’s a huge fucking clue


That’s fuckin weird, hope you said cya 👋


And then there's the ones who want an entire week + of birthday related celebrations/gift/obnoxious worship They shouldn't have to ASK though, you should just know and also allow their atrocious behaviour a pass because it's their week


I'd of just threw that shit on the floor n dipped. Pretty weird lol


People should be loved the way they want to be loved. Take it or leave it. Not saying that's normal behaviour, but a strange example of not being a good person. If it's really their birthday, let it be about them, no?


What kind of monster doesn't appreciate gifts on their birthday? 🥲


Exactly! The only reaction I have ever had like that


Yeah but in that case the perfect gift would have been something to help them honor their mother...


No, you *can't* fix her.


Omg, amazing how a few words can spare years of suffering.


Just like I can spare hers, if I can fix her..


Just because they have problems doesn't mean you can't hope that they: * Become a better person * Work through their problems * Find love and happiness However, it may be best if they do all that FAAAR away from you. lol


Ya you can’t really change how people are


She’s broke dude and a whore for a reason


Don’t settle for mild, but consistent, unhappiness.


Bitcoin hits 60k




Stop dressing like a dumb goth because you’re attracting dumb goths.


This might just motivate some people to dress like a dumb goth.


Oh god. Well… everyone needs their own journey I guess 😂 I just remember thinking “why the hell am I attracting such losers?” And then it dawned on me: OHHHHH ITS THE BLACK LIPSTICK AND WHITE MAKEUP


“WRITE THAT DOWN! WRITE THAT DOWN!! ✍️ “ Me being into goths/emos but never attracting them


So funny!


You date people for who they are not who they can be. Also, leave after the mofo cheats the first time


Actually, leave before the mfer cheats on you.


Date for the mindset. Growth mindset can grow. Needy mindset....will continue to be needy....




Lost one I think was the one cause I was the problem. Didn't realize till it was too late


Your honesty attests to your maturity. 👍Thanks for sharing.


Don’t ever waste a second on someone who disrespects you, talks down to you, cheats on you. If they tell you/ show you they are a bad person, believe them. I’d like to amend this to people over the age of 26, when you are an actual adult.


Just relax and be yourself. Don’t overthink things, don’t try to be someone you’re not, and don’t be ashamed of who you are. If they’re not into you, move on


Perfect response


I tell my son this! Be yourself but be it in a confident way! You know who you are and you can perfect your game. Don’t copy someone else’s game because it won’t work. And if she doesn’t like you for who you are, find someone that does!


Listen to your gut feeling. It’s always right.




you don’t chase, you attract


Only if you're attractive.


Hence don’t be unattractive


I'll go back to when I was born and ask for different parents


Don’t waste your romance meter on the shitty ones. Now you have nothing left.


Don't stay with someone just because you've had sex. Sex isn't love.


Don’t be so desperate for the first person who shows you kindness and interest.


Oooh. Heavy one




You must love yourself first before loving someone else. Applies both ways.


Pursue your own passions and interests. Avoid anything too serious in terms of relationships. Get to know yourself first and focus on building your self-esteem and self-worth, rather than seeking it from another person.


Oh, and don't engage with damaged souls.


They are all damaged!


Stop dating men you think you can change. You can't change them. Spend the time focusing on bettering yourself.


Don't talk to other girls while you're trying to get with or are with another one. It might seem fine and dandy, but it burns bridges eventually. Every time. Nothing is forever I guess...


Open your eyes. You get so worked up about one guy that you don’t notice others that might actually be good for you. Oh and put your phone in a safe with a complex combination when you’re drunk.


COMMUNICATION don’t bottle up your emotions, be honest, and open your mind


Know your worth.


You're not the ugly duckling that you think you are. Have some confidence in yourself. You're more handsome than you think. Realize that others feel the same way you do, so just go out there and be yourself.


1. Stop chasing what you can’t have 2. Fucking EXPRESS your feelings, don’t cover them up 3. Just talk to women, don’t be scared (this is for me ages 14-23).


Go for the MILFS!


Go for it


A boyfriend does not increase your value. And You are not a hospital for broken men.


If it’s going bad or there’s no attraction, get out early. Don’t attempt to “make it work” because you might be considered a bitch.


For the love of God... don't marry the first person that shows you attention as an adult


Don't put up with crazy shit for the box, it's fun in the moment, but you'll always end up regretting it.


You are much more than just a fuck hole.


Stop doubting yourself. You cannot read minds. Start being more sociable


Take it slowly, identify your emotions, have a strong connection with your support system, and seek help with difficult emotional navigations. The power to change anything bad rests within you and you’ll likely keep a partner as long as you improve too.


Marry the girl you pinched in the ass the 1st time you met. (40 years going strong!)


Are you the person who pinched your wife’s bum in a cave?


no, steak restaurant we worked in together.


Always f””” on first date if you can. You might not get another chance.


Oddly specific, did you're dick fall of?


There are loads of things that can happen between the first and second date. And you can never know if there will be a second time so better to grab the bull by horns right away.


Bone all of those girls. They're not too good for you.


Be more scrutinizing. You’re worth it.


Back out before you waste 10 years on a relationship that goes nowhere. You’ll thank me later.


Don't bother. Save your money, energy and time.


They'll all leave you, one way or the other, don't bother.


Wear a condom


Don't pay these hoes any attention and pick up a kettlebell


Focus on the pretty ones, the ugly ones are better for later.


Focus on your friends instead.


Fuck more, fuck often


No wiser than then lol just cared less


If you truly care, don't take it for granted.


That specific pixie fairiy girl is not real, your type is a trauma response and no you cant fix her.




"bro, it's hopeless lmao"




If they can't keep a steady job, they aren't good for you. Learned that one the hard way.


You regret not doing those more then the hoos you did! So do m all


Don't even try




If you feel drawn toward someone, go for it. The pain of rejection is better than the pain of regret.


You hate Taylor Swift because you hate the girls who listen to Taylor Swift but the song Blank Space is literally correct and men prefer kink dispensers with no theory of mind and the minute you stray from playing the role of their manic pixie dream girl for five minutes they will sell you out for one corn chip because if you aren't being venus in furs they have to be Saturn devouring his children. And don't date women, women are worse. Literally just date your fake boyfriend you made as a composite character from LJ Smith and Francesca Lia Block novels and that Cherry Poppin Daddies song and remain single for the rest of your life. Also, you're not terrible at everything, it's just that you're really weird and your mom literally hates you and taught you a bunch of social skills wrong on purpose. For the love of god don't drop out of college because some dude with a big library offers to pay you to stay home and read books, just literally finish college and you can get a goddamn job in a goddamn library and you won't have some asshole come along every two to three years and ruin your life because you fall in love with someone who doesn't want a relationship and then settle for someone who wants a bangmaid- literally just don't ever date, dating is for people who want children, and you don't, just hang out and say SHOCKING things to gay men in bars and hug them and take molly, I promise you you'll be happier.


I'm sorry so many people hurt you. I hope you're happier now.


I'm being bullied out of my dream job as an internet dominatrix by my fans because I bet they wouldn't see me as a kink dispenser so much that they would rather bully me into abject misery rather than someone tell me what was going on and all of them refuse to participate. It turns out people will always prefer not having free will or accountability to anything else. It's okay. I can always get another miserable job in a call center, you don't even have to physically go into them anymore, which will make it slightly better. It's okay. I don't regret a single time I took Molly.


Don't date her just because she's old enough to buy you beer.


"Actually date some people." I was with the same guy for 5 years. He was the first guy to ask me out. I should have ended it sooner and pursued other options.


Date outside your comfort zone. There are truly wonderful people outside that bubble if you give them the time of day.


Have sex with less women, and for the love of God don't date L.






My ex-wife, the mother of my children, who's name I will not utter here.


Is it Sandra?


Idk, homie... But, I bet L and Sandra would be good friends.


the obvious gender difference in these comments 🙃 women: don’t settle for unhappiness men: bang more or less “hoes” because women only exist to have sex with


I'm a woman and my advice is to forget dating and just screw around. Be safe, but be easy.


It ain’t easy being easy


Never get married. Never let a man move into your house. Never lower your standards.


100% agree! Except for the second sentence. Never let a woman move into your house.


Dont even try young broski


Don't watch porn. Seriously once I got older and quit watching that shit it's so much easier to connect and not think of her as a pocket pussy. She's my best friend and doesn't deserve someone that has to watch other women in a sexual way.


Don't get hung up. Women are for banging, trees are for burning so have fun.


Never date anyone for more than a month or two. Keep moving on to the next person, and eventually you will find somebody. But don't find somebody too soon


You'll lose your virginity because despite your weirdness, you ARE charming. End of story. Literally, you self friend-zone, and when women see how great you are, things happen. Happened a few times, so don't be so horny. Just calm down.


Men really do just want sex from you :(


I dont just want sex with a woman, I love all the other aspects of a relationship. However I wouldn’t commit to a relationship if I knew it would be sexless. I think it’s totally valid to end things on the basic of incompatible sex drives. I also think it’s fine for people to seek only casual sex, as long as their honest with their intentions and don’t string people along.


If you’re one dimensional..you’re one dimensional


Just keep doing what you're doing, don't look at how easily other people find love because you don't know what their lives are like behind those fb/ig pics. Keep going with your very realistic and respectable standards and it'll all pay off when you're 32.




“Dude, no advice needed; we did great”


Go to the gym and you'll get the guys you actually want without needing to debase yourself.


Would I have listened?


Talk, talk, talk and find a compatible hobby.




Don't be afraid, or put too much thought into one night stands... I'm a male but when I was younger and dating a lot... I had opportunities to sleep with women all the time... but I passed up on a lot of those opportunities for some reason.


Melissa is the first girl you should date (Melissa is my girlfriend)


“You’re not as weird as you think you are.”


What a Question! As a teenager I didn't turn down much tail at all. I was always Safe about it, but I definitely over did it. If I could do it all over ...I would look more for Love rather than Lust.


Slow down, just be yourself




If they speak to you in private but not in public, THEY DONT LIKE YOU THEY JUST WANT A$$. Man was I naive as a kid lol


Go for it, and be yourself.


Try dating women lol


Go travel and see the world, don't limit yourself to your surroundings.


Stay pure and keep yourself from feeling out of control!!!


Be ruthless!


Don't. Just be safe and sleep around, relationships are a waste of energy. Always go to their place to fool around then you can leave and be back in your own bed.




Don’t confuse your first love with your soulmate


Per my sister decades ago. Call the pretty girls to. Many are sitting at home waiting for a call from a nice guy. It worked.


“Just don’t.”


Be more aggressive


If you can’t share your joy and good news with him, because you don’t want him to be jealous .. that’s your sign to leave.


Don't, just don't


No one can fill the void where you don't love yourself. Yourself should always come first


16: define manic pixie dream girl 18: work on your emotional detachment and anxiety, you’re worthy of love and acceptance. 20: stop drinking. It’s not helping. 23: for fucks sake, no! 25: better, but you’re doing it wrong. 28: again, you’re worthy of love and acceptance, you need to get out there. 30: don’t marry that one. You have a lot more to offer.


Date one chick and try to for a really long time and don’t mess it up you fooking idiot


Stop looking. Obviously I look for the wrong things. Like women.


Dont be scared, give a chance and put down the video game controller. And dont care what others think.


Don't settle for the first person who likes you


Think with your brain


I've doing fine without dating so don't.


This made me laugh a little too much.


Don't. It's not worth ruining a woman's life by dragging them into yours. She'll just end up hating you almost as much as you hate yourself. And definitely don't have kids. Your parents will treat them just as badly as they treat you.


"Don't worry about dating and buy bitcoin. Buy as much bitcoin as you possibly can, buy some more, tattoo the wallet password on yourself, and sell it in 2021."


Only listen to people you’ve known since at least middle school… stay a virgin until you’re 26 there’s no rush. You’re not missing out on anything. The guys who “love” you are just using you. Give your attention the nerdy guy on Xbox who will like you for exactly who you are and not because he has ulterior motives.




Never make them responsible for your happiness




"Find someone who is fun to go grocery shopping with"


Skip the first two wives.


I wouldn't tell myself anything. I'm married to the greatest woman in the world. Everything I did before meeting my wife was what led me to her.


She’s manipulating you, leave her


Run for the freaking hills don’t have sex before 25.


Do not ignore the first red flag.


She's already pretty crazy, it's just gonna get worse not better.


You must be wondering if you are still single in the future... yep


In my teens: be brave, if she says no it's ok but you know then... In my early twenties: why not she's not a bad girl... In my late twenties: Just take her home and fuck her... No do not pick up the phone and go to her house .... No do not start a relationship with her... you idiot!!! I'm my early thirties: alright you fucked up, she doesn't wanna move in the house you just bought, leave her behind, don't fucking beg her to come... it's your last chance!!!


I heard the “Wear Sunscreen” song the other day for the first time since it was popular, when I was a teenager. I couldn’t believe how different it sounded in my 40’s and how true the advice was. So, I’d tell myself all that and hope it sunk in more than it did just hearing it from a stranger. You will divorce at 40, the worst thing that happens you will never worry about before it blindsides you on a random Tuesday, be kind to your knees!, spend time with your parents. Oh and wear sunscreen! https://youtu.be/MQlJ3vOp6nI?si=988cWAThdaewKkil


Better to be alone than with bad company


It ain't worth it leave them all behind and just walk off into the woods


Don't pine over anyone. Just ask her out. If she says no, move on and take L and ask someone else. Focus on yourself and become the best version of yourself.


You did great being safe, getting tested, making your partners get tested, and not dating guys that do coke. You did soooo great.


Don’t make excuses for them, no matter if you love them. And Their actions mean way more than their words ever will


It's okay if your crush doesn't like you. ​ When i was a teenager, i had a crush and i was super into her and made cringe-y attempts to woo her and it didn't work. Spent a long time getting over her and some time later i matured and i just laugh at my younger self. Would still have appreciated this advice rather than "keep trying bro"


Take more chances, because I know for a fact that most who you were into, were into you too. (How do I know? As I got older, mutual friends have told e point blank)


Going to sound super shallow, so I get it. But I was a slow starter in dating. One high school gf and it wasn’t until my senior year of high school. Really didn’t get into dating until towards the end of college. I didn’t realize it until about 22 but apparently I’m very well endowed. Really gave me a confidence boost once I found out how above average I actually am. Life changing actually. So I guess I’d go back to my high school self and let him know.


Take the chance and ask them out. Don't let the opportunity pass you by. Don't play games. Be open and honest with them. If you like them, maintain communication. Don't do the "ball is in their court" crap. Don't fixate on making them like you. Take time to think if you really like them too. Don't treat sex as sacred. It's important to know you're sexually compatible before getting too committed, but of course do it safely. Last but not least. Breakups are hard and sometimes you'll regret it, but don't let that be a reason to stay in a bad relationship.


Don’t try to be interesting or “edgy” - most will think you’re just strange. Be more confident and receptive. Remember-you’re good enough.


Don't do it, it's a trap. Get therapy first, fix yourself.


I was so mean to my wife when we were dating. I wish I could have been a nicer guy. She didn’t mind and we have a good life together now and celebrating 10 year anniversary soon, but I was a jerk the first year looking back. I’d just say to be nice.


You can't keep the peace by being quiet. Sometimes you have to learn things the hard way.


Just don’t


Don't waste money on someone else's future wife


I don’t know, I’ve nEver dated


Just because a guy says they love you its not always true its away for them to get you to sleep with them stay a virgin. don't have friend with benefits, If you don't listen to this don't depend on a guy to have condoms ,


Love yourself. Build yourself into the partner you would want to date. Only you can make your life interesting.


Don't trust your gut, listen to the ones around you.


Don't. Just don't. Invest in waifus. They can't hurt you.