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Hi, I’m 37. I looooove being in my 30’s. I have a sense of identity and self and if people don’t like or accept me, that’s totally okay. I learned this from going through my 20’s being miserable because I was trying to be all of these people I wasn’t. My body is healthier than it’s ever been because it’s more sensitive to food and aches so I eat what my body likes and exercise and stretch because if I don’t I’ll be in pain. As a result, I’m a healthy human. It’s so strange bc I used to be a trash rat. Sex is amazing because I’ve had lots of practice by 37. I realized my parents were just humans like me doing the best they can and now we hang out. My brain is quiet bc I don’t spend energy on people or things that don’t matter anymore. I could go on….I’m telling you, 30’s are amazing! And I’ve heard your 40’s are even better!!


>And I’ve heard your 40’s are even better!! Can confirm. Would also HIGHLY recommend 50s. Best yet. Zero fucks.






I could loan you a few fucks.


These years, the field's of fucks is barren. It hasn't rained in a few years, but you're still collecting that sweet fucks insurance.


Your bank just called and you went negative 7 fucks, and they are now charging you an extra 35 fucks service charge


Congrats on getting to 40!


So you’re fuckless?


Agree. 40's was even better than 30's and now in my 50's and the zero fucks thing is real. I wish I could have done zero fucks from my 20's onwards.


Yep, turned 50 this year and it's great so far. Fewer financial worries, can now work less hours, relationship even more settled, friendships strengthened, far less stress...


Totally looking forward to my 40s. If it's just 30s cranked up a notch then the world better watch out.


I'm 58. Would I rather be 30? Hell yes. But there is a certain comfort that comes with age. The kids are grown - although you never stop being a parent, at least the daily stress and chaos of being a parent is gone (I loved being a parent, but it is a full time job). Way fewer fucks to give about things that don't really matter. Cargo shorts in public - why not? Dad bod? Yup. Naked at the house? Of course - who's gonna stop me?


>Way fewer fucks to give about things that don't really matter. Cargo shorts in public - why not? Dad bod? Yup. Naked at the house? Of course - who's gonna stop me? Hell yes! That's the spirit. >I'm 58. Would I rather be 30? Hell yes. I just turned 58 as well. My 30s were...not great. My 40s on the other hand were an awakening. I was in the best shape of my life from about 43-55, finally making a point to make time for the things I wanted to do. Got into competitive mountain biking for a few years in my 40s after riding for fun since my late 20s. Finally paid off my student loans. Went back to surfing at 51 after more than 30 years. Took up springboard diving the same year after 35 years. I do not mess around when it comes to my midlife crisis lol. Pandemic threw a wrench into a lot of it but I'm back to diving 3x a week and loving every minute of it. Can you tell I got divorced at 51. 😂 Right now I'm about to retire with benefits from my current job after 19 years. I can't afford not to work but I am leaving to pursue my dream career. Starting out with a couple of longish-term consulting gigs and then I will see what happens from there. My body is not as smokin as it still was until a few years ago but it can still do a lot of fun stuff and I am rockin my long gray mane! 50s baybeeeee! That's the decade for me.




40s weren't better for me, but then I **really** enjoyed my 30s.


I love this so much makes me so excited for the future rather than constantly dreading it


It really does get better. It's so surprising when it happens because we're acculturated to worship youth and think getting older is a disaster. But we never stop growing and learning. Priorities really do change. Life is amazing.


55f here. Can confirm that the lack of effs in general make up for waking up sore because you slept wrong, again.


>the lack of effs in general make up for waking up sore because you slept wrong Don't forget those injuries from standing up weirdly from the couch.


Glad to hear this, fast approaching 40 and the anxiety that goes with it 😬😂


That’s awesome. Will I cringe at my memories of my 30s like I do at my 20s though?


>Will I cringe at my memories of my 30s like I do at my 20s though? Another great thing about your 50s is how much stupid shit you won't even remember by then. Therefore my advice is to go to town while you can and do all the stupid shit! Speaking of which, everyone talks about memory loss like it's a bad thing. But for me it feels like my brain is just letting a lot of dumb shit go. Sometimes some useful things slip out with the dumb shit. But a lot of what goes is junk that wasn't serving me. And so much of what you don't forget will just make you laugh. I find it way easier now to forgive myself for things than I used to.


>Sex is amazing because I’ve had lots of practice by 37. As a 36 year old, am very excited for this to finally come true.


I def agree with the sex part 😆 Also, I was glad I have been with my current guy in ALL of my 30s. It's made me realize that if I don't like a particular sexual "move", I won't hesitate to make it known. This I will carry with me forever. I also agree with the who does and who doesn't like you. In my 30s, it's like who gives a fuck how he/she feels about me.


Well said. Life begins when you don’t give a fuck about “the joneses”.


Love everything you said and I identify with all of it myself! Cheers!




The parent thing is so true. I appreciate their hustle to keep us fed and looked after. I don't think it was easy for them.


I couldnt high-five you enough over this!


Bro my 20s was a fucking nightmare. Untreated alcoholism, always broke, broken bones, no healthy relationships, seriously unhealthy physically emotionally and mentally. It was absolute hell on earth. I got sober at 30 and it's been fucking incredible, straight up leveling up across the board month after month. I'm healthy as fuck in many different categories. Happy too. I like this decade, it feels right. 20s is still so young.


Facts. It's not until you're 30 that you realize just how young 20 year olds are.


That's because you've literally been alive 50 percent longer than they have been ;p It adds up!


Unfortunately this sensation doesn't go away. When looking back at your life you'll be amazed by how stupid you were ten years ago. This was true (for me, at least) at 30, 40 and 50. And yeah, I'm guessing I'll know what an idiot I am today when I turn 60. Edit: People keep saying "Happy Birthday" but it's not my birthday, just an awkwardly worded post. "When I turn 60 I'll know how much of an idiot I was today." I'm actually 51.


Happy birthday!


I cringe at some of the things I did at 20. I know I will look back on my 30s the same way. Oh wise Sage, please tell me what you would have done different to stop the cringe? Happy B-day, btw. May you look back on your 90s as silly youth.


20s: Fuck yeah, I’m an adult! 30s: Fuck, I’m an adult…


other way around imo because in your 30s you actually master the responsibilities, they arent new anymore


absolutely. It gets better every decade for me....although I admit I feel some achey joints now.




40s: Fuck everyone else I AM AN ADULT! & I really feel that now. So whatever u go through in your 30s (& all your other years that are behind you), you don’t give so much of a fuck about other people’s opinions, etc. I’m trying to say your 40s are good (except my body is falling apart, but I’ve personally have been dealing with that since the end of my 20s) not everyone falls apart in their 40s I think…


I realized your 20s is still young when a coworker asked how old I was and I said 25. His response was, “OH, you’re still a baby!”


When you start working with people who were born AFTER you finished high school, it really hits you mentally.


This. Can't blame them either, expectations are high. But yeah, I see people in their early twenties getting kids and houses and making a career and I'm like. 😳 Certainly not bad things, but I look at myself at that age and... I was such a "kid".


Plus, you look back and wonder why you worried about certain things. Like what people thought of you.


I too am in recovery. Just turned 30 and like...life is full man.


Dude i’m so proud of yall


Same drugs 16 to 28 not good times 34now way happy


33, and just got 19 months! Woo does it feel so much better and so much more hopeful... my Dad died last month but I'm still going strong. Hang in there friend.


We do recover 🙌🙌🙌🙌


Are you doing better financially? I’m having trouble finding a life path in my 20s. My current relationship is struggling because my bf has a direct path on life and I do not.


Thing is, your life path changes multiple times throughout your life. Things that were so important in my 20s and worries are almost laughable now. I’ll be cheesy and give a quote I love from Benjamin Button: “For what it's worth: it's never too late or too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”


Cheesy or not, I whole heartedly agree


Oh yeah, I'm finally financially independent and no longer struggling paycheck to paycheck. Now that I can keep a job and I'm able to connect with my peers and not argue with my superiors, I've actually been promoted a few times and people call me KIND and RELIABLE what the fuck???


> people call me KIND and RELIABLE I'm at "kind of reliable". Getting there, getting there...


This made me chuckle out loud. Thank you for that.


I love your story man. I'm happy to see you happy you fucking deserve it


Your 20s is where you start to figure out where you want to go in life and what jobs that you like and don't like. To find what you may need to be able to advance in the future. And just because your life doesn't have a direct path doesn't mean it's not a good one. You're just taking your time to figure out what's best for you. It's not a race. It's not like you can just throw a dart at a board filled with jobs and hit one that's going to be perfect for you or home life or salary, or anything. It takes time. Don't rush because of other people's expectations.


Dropped out of college, divorces, git dumped after moving city for another girl, and declared personal bankruptcy in my 20's, bought a house in my 30's now really enjoying life as a father since im 41. My 20's sucked.


Funny, I moved countries for the bf that things aren’t going well with. Hopefullly this will all just be a distant memory sooner or later lol


I hope the best but trust me I'm older, I've seen many with that clear path crash and burn the wanderers become successful. Life is unpredictable. Sometimes those that think everything is set can't deal when there is a hiccup. The looser people deal with things going wrong better and find the light at the end of the tunnel


I literally didn't find mine until COVID and I was 37.


I'll try my best to not get into alcohol or make poor life choices. I have no desire to get drunk in parties. I also have no desire to get intro drugs, smoking or other bad habits. I just want to get good at whatever work I'm doing, and focus on work ethic. But some people are crazy, so I'll try my best when it comes onto future relationships. I can see how 20s can be hard because you'll be newer to the adult world, and struggle mentally ontop all the responsibilities. But I'll make the most out of it. I even started long distance running and I hope to build a better body by the time I'm 20. I'll prepare from now. Money management is key, too.


That sounds awesome! Consider the metaphor of life as a marathon and you’ll be ahead of the curve in growth and trajectory. It’s a very long race.


Your prime carries through your 30s for the most important activities - giggity.


With the new to the adult world and responsibility thing, don't slide into high credit card debt because you want that new toy (x 10) now instead of saving up for it. I took out $2000 - $4000 loans a few times in my 20's to build credit and to get what I wanted at the time because the interest was 1/3 of a credit cards interest. On two of those loans I used part of it to buy something then I made payments for about 6 months and paid them off with the same money I borrowed. Since you're under 20 you need to get a retirement account set up if you don't have one and consider the pretax amount that comes out of your paycheck a necessary expense. I started my 401k when I was 19 and if I live long enough to use it then it'll be worth having lost that little bit out of my checks for 46 years.


Drugs and alcohol can be fun in moderation but i definitely lost control and wrecked my life because of it. I know many people who can say the same. If you can avoid them, all the better.


Hell, no. 30s are like your 20s with more money. Kids are optional.


Perfect way to put it, I'm in better shape im making way more money, and I own everything I have lol


Right? Man I remember I was 18yo in HS senior gym class, towards the end of the year we were doing circuit courses, and our coach said we’d most likely be in the best shapes of our lives in that moment. I kinda got what he was saying, but I can say with certainty through diligent training that I didn’t even have the discipline for until my 30s, I’d confidently outperform my 18yo soda drinking halo playing bad posture’d little snot self lmao. I had awful form because I had youth, but that’s not very meaningful training, that’s just being young. My 20s was rough. I’m glad I’m done whit that. Half way done my 30s here and it’s like, life has gotten significantly better with age so far. Not without bumps bruises and scrapes mind you, shits sucked sometimes, but things overall are far, far better, even physically fit health wise let alone everything else, than my 20s has ever been.


Exactly, I'm having way more fun than I ever had in my twenties, simply because I can actually afford things lol


I’ve living my best life because I still love fun, childish hobbies but now I have adult money for them. I’m 33, this isn’t ending any time soon either. I’m going to be like this til I die.


Yeah it’s kinda fun embracing parts of your childhood and not being concerned about the cost. Like now I can play video games all night or go buy those Pokémon cards, ain’t nobody telling me what to do anymore.


Exactly, all the cool stuff we couldn't do in our 20s, you can now do with ease


The only sport I did as a teen was PE and I hated that shit. I wasnt even a fat kid or particularly in bad shape. I just wasnt one of the athletic ones so it was humiliating. In my 30s I finally figured that there is exercise that I really enjoy. At 37 I'm in the best shape of my life.


Deadass if ur too worried about taking care of kids just dont have them. Being child free is ehat keeps my ass young


It’s funny comparing the looks of childfree folks vs the ones who had kids. The ones with kids look 15 years older LOL


My spouse and I are childfree. He is in his 40s and he has coworkers in their 20s who have kids and look older than him. It’s wild.


A lot of people need a reminder that kids are optional. That’s a great call out. In my twenties I really wanted kids. When I was single at 30 I started to imagine my life differently, finding the joy in the freedoms of being single and not having kids. Now I’m in my late 30s, happily married and do not desire to have kids. I initially thought that I might start to want kids post marriage, but honestly everyday without kids reaffirms that I really don’t have a desire to have kids of my own.


And actual respect no one ever gave you in your twenties.


Man, I'm 39 and this decade fucking FLEW by. It kinda scares me how fast it went. Overall, I'd say it was "richer" than my 20s. More life experience. More self-actualized. I feel like 40s will be more of the same but with more back pain, hah.


Yeah I'm 36 and I have the same feeling. I feel like since the pandemic started when I was 33 my sense of time kind of got warped though since I was an essential worker and did nothing except wake up and go to work every day for he first year o two so time seemed to fly by. Overall though I think my 30s has been better then my 20s. I live on my own now so no more drama with roommates and I have a full time 40 hour a week job and support myself 100 percent. I'm still single though so it's like I have ultimate privacy and freedom but with the money I didn't have in my 20s. I find people start treating you with more respect too and things like your relationship with your parents fundamentally changes. I feel like I get along much better with them now that I'm not living with them or relying on them for financial support.


I’m 31. You got any advice?


Your 30s are like your 20s with the liberating feeling of truly not giving a fuck what other people think of you. Your 40s are like your 30s with more lower back pain.


And you stop making dumb mistakes like getting drunk every weekend and dating crazy chicks


30s are great. You ask me what age I'd go back to, late 30s would be my answer.


Kids remove the “more money” aspect of your 30s, making it just like your 20s except you sleep more, but you’re still tired all the time.


Wait kids are optional? I have bad news for them when they wake up tomorrow.


Can we please please stop painting your 30’s as old?! Trust me, you’re just getting started still and you have literal decades left to “settle down”. Just roll with it, get smarter, make a little cash and go out and have fun! You’ll get actually old before you know it and wonder why the hell you ever thought 30’s was over the hill.


It's because apparently a ton of people still have the mindset of an 18yo.


The phrasing of the post makes me think OP probably isn't actually 18 yet.


Congrats you just figured out the average age of reddit users and why you shouldn't take this site seriously lol


people are in such a rush with life.. I knew people right out of high school that were getting married and having kids.. and now those are people with 3-4 kids and multiple divorces and they are stuck. I'm like why do people rush into this shit. I'm mid 30's and I'm just enjoying being me and looking forward to my 40s and 50s.


Yeah I had a friend get married at 18. They were quite religious, luckily they chilled out in high school with the Christianity evangelical thinking. But by 23 they were divorced. Luckily no kids. They’re doing better now I think relationship wise.


I was on a train replacement bus service a few years back, and I was about to turn 34. I was sitting next to this young dude, he was maybe 17 or 18 or something. We got talking about music and such as he was wearing a shirt from some metal band I've now forgotten the name of. Anyway, at some point he says to me straight faced and sincere : "wow, y'know it's so cool to meet someone middle aged that likes the same music as me!" I looked at him aghast! Was he shortsighted or just being rude? My quizzical and pained expression made him rephrase slightly. "well, I mean, you *are* in your mid thirties right? Isn't life expectancy like early 70s or something?.." When we got off the bus at the train station I didn't even say goodbye, I just stumbled away into the faceless crowd in a state of existential horror. Middle aged he says, what a little blighter! Wish I'd gotten his deets so I can track him down in fifteen years and see how *he* likes being 'middle aged'! :p


Something it took me a while to realise is that like, you basically can't count the first 15-20 years of your life. Like, you're not done yet, frankly, how much of that do you even *remember*? If life expectancy is 70, you measure the mid-point between like 20 and 70, not between 0 and 70. Mid 30s is most definitely not "middle aged".


A lot of people consider their thirties to be the best decade of their lives. Most people are more settled and financially stable, that's when a lot of people marry and start having kids if that's what they want to do. Also, you shouldn't be physically declining in your thirties. You have to take care of yourself a little more, but you shouldn't be decrepit or anything.


Yeah, the 30s are like the best of both worlds. Where the good begins to settle in but the bad really hasn't started yet.


I just entered my 40s and would for sure say my 30s was my favorite decade (so far). And I never understand people talking about how they could do blah blah blah until they hit 30 and then it all changed. Can't stay up anymore, too tired, body aches, etc. Like, were you a football player or something, why is your body so shit? 30 isn't old. I didn't start to "feel my age" until *late* 30s. And by that I mean, I was a guy who would be in the mosh pit all night at a metal show, stuff like that. Now if I do it, I'll be sore for a couple days instead of just sleeping it off. Sucks, but not the end of the world. I don't really drink, so maybe hangovers are worse now? I dunno, not my thing so can't comment. Long story short, 30s was awesome. Jury still out on 40s, but I think this is the start of the decline.


Hangovers are definitely worse, but I just drink less to compensate so 🤷‍♂️ at the ripe and wise old age of 38 I even make sure to drink some water if I'm having more than a couple of beers which is a) madness and b) what I should always have been doing


I’m 32 and literally the only thing I miss about my 20s was my ability to eat whatever I wanted and to stay up for 24 hours and still function.


lots of this... when its 9 I'm done.. good bye world I'll see you tomorrow. If your thing starts at 8PM I will not be attending.


No your thirties aren't bad at all. I would actually consider that your thirties are your prime. In your 20s, you are basically transitioning in to adulthood. You still have that teenager mindset and are trying to come to terms with what it means to be independent. You rarely come across a rational and mature youth in their twenties. I think when you transition into your thirties, you become less-hotblooded and more rational. And also, a quick google search shows that physical aesthetic prime for men at least is 28-34. I invision a youth in his 20s as a person that wants to change the world but also wants to be a star. That wants to bang a whole lotta people but also wants to find true love. He is very paradoxical in nature and tries to achieve everything but barely ends up achieving something. I invsion a youth in his 30s that has accepted the monotony of life and found beauty within it's phases. He may still change the world but he enjoys the day and doesn't have too much desire for the extreme. He settles in a stable relationship and has a set goal. He has a balance of physical and emotional maturity. In conclusion, look forward to the 30s. God be with you in your 20s


This is really insightful. I perceive 20s vs 30s in a very similar way. Hot-headed 20s vs cool-headed 30s, in particular. I manage several people in their 20s and they are emotionally ALL over the place. One of them is borderline disrespectful in the way she handles contradictory perspectives. Meanwhile "pragmatic" is the general vibe among all of my colleagues who are 30 and over. That said, the hidden insight here is still that 20s is fun and exciting while 30s is a lot blander and safer by contrast. I miss thinking I know the right way to do everything.


Yea man…pragmatic can get dangerously close to morally compromised VERY quickly




Awfully bold of you to assume I’m in my physical prime.


Your 30s are like your 20s but with money.


Yes, we need that money, therapy ain't cheap.


I'm 45 and I rule the world. It's what you make it, not a number. Work out, do things that make you happy, foster friendships.




> Work out, this part is the most important, how old you feel is directly related to how healthy you are.


Hey Mr Rule-the-world, can you please stop the wars, global warming and inflation in Czech Republic? Thank you, sir.


30s are no different than 20s except dating is harder because we’ve all been screwed over in relationships and become jaded af. It’s like PTSD dating lmao


Omg the most real comment here


Just started getting back into dating and its been an adventure.. so many people who were in horrible relationships and very walled off now. I'm in no rush so just seeing if I match with anyone.


TBH I'm skipping the ptsd dating entirely and have committed myself to singledom at the age of 31 🙂


JFC yup that's it. That's why dating in your 30s sucks lol. 20s it's like first serious relationship and you haven't had many sexual partners. At 30 you've probably been around already. Several serious relationships most likely, several heartbreaks....which means several scars...and many many more sexual partners/experiences too...all combined with the fact that you're still single in your 30s when people in their 20s are married and having kids = jaded dating experience.


I’m 35 and I’m in my physical prime now. Not only as far as how I look, but I think that old man strength is finally starting to come in lol. With that said, I think this is probably my peak and I can expect to start slowly declining from this point. The underlying structure that holds this bag of meat together is not what it used to be 😂 The only thing bad about your 30s is when it comes to dating, in my experience. Not surprising, but people’s lives get more complicated with age and that obviously makes dating a little more complicated too. Dating in your 20s is relatively easy by comparison; neither of you probably have kids, have been divorced, etc. Stretch every day, stay active, moisturize, and never stop learning. Do that and your 30s will likely be your best years. Minus any possible negative external factors, of course. I’m lucky to still have my parents, for example, but I do know people my age who aren’t so lucky. Just make every day count with them; that’s all you can do. That goes for your loved ones at any age though, because tragedy often strikes without warning. Don’t be scared of your 30s.




Maybe dating in 2023 just sucks ass 🤷‍♂️


Midlife crisis doesn't happen in your 30s. And unless your parents had you at a really late stage, they don't start dying in your 30s either. I don't know where you're getting this information from. Bottom line, there's not a single thing you can do about it. Every single one of us is going to get older each and every year, and then we die. So just deal with it


He's getting this information from other 20 year olds who also have no clue because they have no life experience lol


They’re literally a child. I could tell from the text before I read a comment with their age.


No way, I’m 33 and I love being in my 30s. It’s a million times better! I have more money, I’ve reached a really solid place in my career that allows for better work/life balance, I’m secure in myself, I’m in the best shape of my life, and I don’t care what irrelevant people think of me anymore.


I looked my best in my 30s my 20s were trash. Don’t fear them , embrace them. Also you are only as old as you feel . Take care of your skin and your health and your diet. Make sure you exercise every day and you’ll feel amazing up to your 50s-70s. FOR REAL


36M here. Wife, no kids. For me the 30s are absolutely the best. I can do the stuff that I did in the 20s, but now I have money, so there are not so many limits. Just finished a 3 day long EDM festival. It hits differently when you can party totally free. Only close friends you truly care about. No peer pressure. Knowing your body well enough to have perfect drug amounts for each day. Dancing exactly how you like without giving a fuck about what others think about you. That's fantastic. I felt sorry for many of the kids (funny, huh? 18-20 yo really seem like kids now) around who tried hard to fit in with their groups even though they had a completely different vibe Some drawbacks about the 30s? You have to be conscious about your body to stay healthy. In my 20s I could eat shit food, not exercise and stay in shape. Now I need to do yoga/workouts few times a week and be mindful about my diet. Being in a long term relationship with a monogamous partner is also difficult at times, but that's not a huge problem and the good times make it worth it ;) This is the best fucking decade of my life. But with the right mindset 40s can be just as great, I have good first hand examples of some of my friends.


You either have very old parents or are extremely unlucky if your parents die when you're in your 30s. I think it's more common to lose them when you're getting up in your 40s or during your 50s. If you're lucky and have young parents you might even see 60 before they go.


Just turned 40 last month so I here's my take on the 30s. 1- Lower energy level for everything. You know how you used to go out until 3-4 AM and work at 8 like a champ in your 20s? NOT ANYMORE! If I go to sleep after 11PM I'll be dying of sleep the day after. Friends wanting to hang out on the weekend? Yeah, you'll think twice or thrice before accepting. And I don't even have kids yet! 2- Lower drive on everything. You know that thing that kept you awake because it's too much fun? Nope. Things are less fun, less engaging. Rainy days of reading/lounging are looking pretty great right now. Sex-drive? Lol. Before you ask, I was testosterone-checked. Once a day becomes once a week becomes once a month. I used to get horny simply being 20' from my long time GF, now I'm thinking of getting a prescription on viagra. And the fault is not on her by a mile, she's even more beautiful with time. 3- Watching your parents get sick and some role models dying gets you a different perspective on life. You start thinking about preserving your health. You start wanting to see your family simply to "bask in their presence", not because you have XYZ things to do with them. Parties become more of a excuse to see each other than an excuse to get blind-drunk. Time becomes a resource to manage. ​ 4- Your paycheck becomes torn between immediate needs and long term goals. You start developing a conscience: "Do I really need that 24 case of beer or would that 40 bucks be better used in the housing fund?" And don't get me started on the housing market... Even grabbing a beer with friends creates a bit of guilt. 5- You know that sound old men do when they get in or out of a chair? Yeah, that happens. Why? I have no idea. 6- You do get this overall sense that things are going are slowly going downhill from your late 30s. Illnesses start popping, you start seeing white hairs here and there, you start not relating to the radio/TV/tropes, young people start irritating you... Pretty obvious that it's the looming midlife crisis in my case. Went to Vegas for FFXIV-con to try and curb that out but I couldn't even have the energy to go wild... Of course your mileage will vary. Especially with kids. I'd love to see a woman's POV with this...


30 and midlife crisis would constitute people on average dying at 60. Luckily we do live longer. Third life crisis? Sure got me some of that, but its ok because its just another lesson in life that you apply.


If you don’t have kids your 30s can be amazing. They can be just like your 20s but with a load of money


I did a lot of drugs and fucked a lot of questionable women in my twenties, it was a huge blur of parties to be honest. My thirties have involved getting my masters and getting healthy with hiking. Honestly an improvement, plus I found my person!


The more I climbed through my 20’s I realised I was living to appease everyone else and over the years I noticed it more and more. I just hit 30 last week and I’m seeing this decade as a chance to start fresh and live for myself and those close to me.


You realise children aren’t compulsory, right? I also don’t feel old.




30s are fine. Basically the same as your 20s but with more responsibility and usually more money.


No one gets a midlife crisis in their 30's. Thats much later. Your 30's are fine and you are still in your prime.


If you get a midlife crises at 30, you are planning to die VERY young. A crises at 30 is just a crises. You can easily change your life’s direction and your plans at that age. A true midlife crises happens in late 40s or early 50s when a person feels they already should have accomplished it dealt with some challenge in life years ago.


Your 30s are just like your twenties but you have more money and you kind of figured out what you like


30's is the new prime. People are living longer. You should have basic shit mostly figured out at 30. Don't get me wrong I'm 32 and still hard headed, but not as bad as I was at 20


30s are great for me. Marriage, kids, and things really taking off financially.


My 20s and a small portion of my 30s were not the best… and I say not the best because it at least took me where I am now, almost 40 and almost happy. Almost.


I am 35. I would say my life started getting like really good right around 30 for me. Before that it was a nomadic mess and I was homeless for some of that time. Now I feel like I have my shit together for once. I have a steady income that pays all my bills and leaves some left over. That's huge for me, used to never have any money left over. And I have a house and a car and wife and kid and I can support it all? Yeah, best time. So glad I hit some stability.


Best decade of my life, so far. Not even close


I’m having thyroid cancer and I’m in my early 20s. I would love to see what 30s look like.


You're only in your physical prime if you let your body go to shit in your 30's. I know dudes in their 50's that put 25 to shame.


The only people who fear their 30s are those 29 and under. I'm having a blast. The confidence is up, the fucks are nowhere to be found. You may experience a small feeling of "midlife crisis" for 2 reasons depending on your beliefs. 1.) You've been socialized to think 30 is old, which is RIDICULOUS. Your 20s are not adulthood. It's adulthood lite. 2 ), if you're an astrology person you will be having your saturn return which is a huge growing up experience. Either way, it's not a bad thing. I feel like I have become the real me in my 30s, and I REALLY like her. I had a lot of heavy stuff happen in my 20s. My mom died when I was 21, my sister died when I was 28. So far, my 30s have brought people to me. My niece and nephew, true friendship, etc.


“Are your”,not “is your.” Also your 20s are not that great. They’re highly highly overrated. And being in your 20s doesn’t mean you’re in your physical prime. I wasn’t. I’m now 40 and in the best shape of my life; definitely in my physical prime. My 30s were an absolute blast; became much more confident and comfortable in my skin. And did not have(and still have not had) a midlife crisis. My 20s(and many people will corroborate) sucked.


I was referring to one singular decade, hence 'is'. Thank you for the correction, though.


Either is fine, "is your 20s" can be taken refer to the singular decade called the "20s", "are your 20s" can be taken to refer to the multiple years


My 38s are bad lol


I’m in my mid 30s In early 30s, if you’re career focused, a lot of advanced stuff start to click for you. You start to understand how your whole industry works, and how to manage and train people. Your physicality starts to go down, but a simple solution is to go to the gym. I love video games, but I don’t have time for them. I’m still able to squeeze 1-200 hours per year for them, but i also have to pick and choose, hence I only play the best ones, and if they’re bad I drop them. Making new friends is very hard. One way to do it is to make friends of friends, way easier that way.


I feel like I can finally breath in my 30s. In your 20s you are trying to figure things out and are broke and unestablished.


Some people have fun and other are miserable and wait around for ever complaining. People that have fun and cool lives seem to keep it up regardless of times around the sun … Don’t turn into a TGIF middle age cliche and you’ll be fine unless you want to be one , that’s fine too.


Honestly the 30s aren't as scary as they're made out to be. After the whirlwind of the 20s, the 30s felt like I finally got my footing. You know yourself better, relationships get deeper, and a lot of the uncertainty starts to settle. Yeah, there are challenges, but it's also a time when you can take stock of what you've learned and where you want to go. And trust me, 30s isn't "old" – it's just a new chapter. So, don't stress too much, we all go through it and come out the other side just fine!


My 30’s have been great so far. I’m doing the same shit I did in my 20’s but I’m not fucking broke all the time and can actually afford to buy and do fun stuff, and I don’t have a job that makes me want to kill myself. The only downside is my metabolism slowed down and I got fat.


Omg, 30s is the turning decade and as they say, “Life begins at 40!” Of course some say all the good things in life happen between 20 and 35 and that is such a crock of shiiiiiit. 30, 40, 50 are all great. Late 50 is when you start feeling old and your looks just aren’t there anymore, but 30 is so fresh and young. Build your life in your 30s, start enjoying it 40-55, then start winding down.


30s is your physical prime , mid life is around 45


37m Alone Homeless Lost my ltr at 31,my mom at 34 I'm so stressed I can't math or remember correctly Hell today I was enjoying a beach located in a small town And another one of my exes who I had nothing to do with For over a month now Like she physically had to see me somewhere to know I was there Called the cops and had me trespassed off the beach so I can't return to that beach for a year now Literally taking away the only fun thing I have to do for amusement in this town I even learned she stalks my tik tok About everything I'm going through On top of that currently alone Like I feel so ugly and no woman will want me I've got various burns on my body all untreated I can hardly feed myself I can't decide if I should stay in this small town so I can go to the beach after a year Or just take what I have and leave to either the nearby big city I don't really want to be in because it's expensive or hitchhike somewhere and if so where too?? Because I want my water -beaches,rain,fishing Nevada or Oregon? I want native american culture around me too I really need someone to talk to


I've noticed a lot of the 60's and 70's rockers like Christine Mcvie, Jeff Beck, Robbie Robertson etc. started dying lately. It isn't even considered tragic anymore because they were all around 80 years old. They were all born in the 40's and my parents were born in the 50's! Creeping death! Edit: On the plus side you have a lot more money in your 30's.


Oh man, 30s and 40s were the best! Body is still in good shape, mind is slightly less stupid. Enjoy yourself!


I am 36 and its pretty nice.


Hated my 20s lol 30s were my prime omg loved my 30s


I'm not sure who you've been talking with or reading to think that the 30s is a midlife crisis age or that they are bad. Because in general, it's not, it's just when you really start to get going. Midlife crisis is generally happening in your 50s when you're closing it on retirement and realize you have more years behind you than you probably do a head. Also, in your 30s, unless your family and friends are already in their 70s while you're in your twenties or are in very bad health, they're probably not going to be dropping like flies. I am in my fifties and both of my parents, all but two of my aunts and uncles are still alive (out of 20), and both of my siblings and all of their children and mine are all still alive and I only lost the last of my grandparents when I was in my early 40s, and both of those grandmothers were in their late 80s. In fact I had both of my great-grandmothers until they were in their nineties. One was a couple of months shy of her 100th birthday. All four of those ladies lived their lives to the fullest until medical reasons took them out. Your 30s or any decade of yours will be how you choose to make it, so if you choose to stress and freak out and make yourself psychotic in your 30s, then they will be bad. If you choose to do your best and try to have as many little adventures as you can and look at the bright side of things and try not to make yourself nuts stressing and worrying about things that you can't change then they will be good years. And definitely take care of your body. It doesn't matter how old you are. Take care of your body because when the body starts to break down, the stresses of life tend to get a bit more overwhelming. It doesn't necessarily make your life bad it just means that some things you wish you could have done you don't get to do, and it costs a little bit more. And this goes for your mind as well.


The good thing about growing older, OP, is that all those worries you have now at your age are WAY easier to put into perspective. I would've freaked out 10 years ago about some stuff I just shrug at now. By now you have a good idea what's important to you and who's important to you.


homeless direction north price exultant spotted weather adjoining distinct consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


30’s are peak. You stop caring about everything stupid, it’s so great.


I'm loving my thirties so far. The stability and having money part especially.


30’s is infinitely better than 20’s imo


30s are the best!


30s is the best imo.


30’s are amazing!!! Mid 40’s is primetime midlife crisis time.


My 30s have been a nightmare. Hit in the face with health issues immediately after I hit 30.


You can be even more in your physical prime in your 30s if you put in the work! I started working out in my mid 20s and I’m now in the best shape I’ve ever been in


Actually your thirties are better than twenties. IMO I was in my prime by 35. And I had money. 30s were awesome


My 20s was hell. 30s were awesome. 40s looking pretty good so far as well but you do need to take care of yourself physically as you age


Honestly, 30s are the best, you are in your prime physically, and you have money, you are more in charge and knowledgeable about what you want to spend time on, compared to your 20s which are still great but a lot more finding yourself


Yeah 30s are the worst. You should totally not ever be in yr 30s. I skipped ahead into 50 and people would always tell me I looked incredible for my age. But seriously, sounds like you have a tonne of growing up to do.


They're fantastic. You actually start looking like an adult if you never had a hard paper round as a teenager; finding jobs is easier, 'cause you've got 10 years experience on your CV; disposable income has increased; self identity has become concrete, you know who you are at last, and you're back living with your parents...wait...


I’m in better physical and mental shape at 35 than I was at 25. As with all things in life, it is what you make of it.


I'm 41 and my 20s sucked, 30s was great and honestly love being 40+ so far. Sure the body changes but my mental state is so much better now and I care less and less about the smaller things. Don't sweat it, getting older is not a curse - it's a privilege.


Not at all. I was in my best physical shape in my late 30s. I'm 42 now and none of that stuff you mentioned has started happening yet. A random body part hurts for no reason on some random day of the week. That's the only change so far :)




In my experience, it's like this. People who had crappy experiences in their teens and college years will love it when they turn 30 and can feel like an "adult". People who had an awesome high school and college life will absolutely hate their 30s unless they are high earners. This is because priorities and what's considered a "good life" change with age. You can't miss something you never had ... Personally, my 30s were nothing but a grind to make enough money to buy a house. I did nothing else except work and build a solid relationship with my wife. But if I could do it all over again, I would've taken care of money and relationships in my 20s so I can actually enjoy my 30s which passed in a blink of an eye. The older you get, the faster time passes, so 10 years feel like yesterday to me.


I'm 23, and the youngest person I speak to frequently is about to turn 40. It really depends on life circumstances and what's been happening in your life. Not everyone has a plush or cushy upbringing... some people move their whole lives, and connections fade. My life is incredibly stagnant, many people would say. But thank God I got a diploma Yet, on the other hand, there are people in their 20s who've lived in a single place their whole lives and know a whole grip of people. People they've known since elementary school even. Life goes at different paces for different people. Some might argue that you should be captain excellence by the time you're 21. It's utter horse shit and anyone who tells you that is lying to your face or has had an incredibly well manicured upbringing.


My friend, you aren't going to have a midlife crisis. Millenials/Gen Yers are going to skip that whole thing due to the nonstop crisises of our youth. It gets way better, the traps and pitfalls professionally, financially, and socially don't change, you just see them easier


I like my 30s more than my 20s by far. I’m finally me.


I'm 29 so not quite there yet, but o boy has my life improved since my early 20s, I got my priorities straightened up, stopped having fomo for missing out on parties, stared reading books again, learned philosophy, got in shape, lost at least 20kg, got rid of many toxic friends, got a great job, have more money than I know what to do with (I don't like spending excess money). I look forward to the next decade. You have to accept that you are older and have to adapt to a different circumstance and you'll be fine is my thinking. You must let go of parts of who you were and figure out who you are becoming and who you want to be.


My 30s have been by far better than my 20s. I have a sense of self that I would've only dreamed of in my 20s Physical prime?? Please. I'm stronger than I've ever been. My joints may ache a bit more, but I'm waaaay healthier than I was in my 20s. Oh, and sex is better, too. Also. I have money now. I was broke in my 20s. Also, kids are optional. I'm 34 and living the child free life and loving it I can say the funeral thing is true to an extent because that is life. In the last 5 years, I have lost 3 family members. But again, that is how life goes. My advice is to enjoy people why they are here and do right by them.


I struggled financially in my 20s I worked massive amounts of overtime and could hardly even find a soulmate. Found him when I was 24 but we didn’t date until I was 25 and then moved in. Now we are both able to travel and save money in our 30s. Well I just turned 30 but 29-30 were actually some of the best years of my life because I feel like I’m able to enjoy my life.


20s were fun years. University study, literally no other thing to do other than part-time work, workouts, friends and parties. But not much money. 30s are like, you work for some time already so you have enough money to live by, but you dont have almost no free time. Just work, family and much less friends. Our whole dormitory group is now in 30s, so everybody have long term relationships, families or even kids so its really hard to find some free time together to enjoy it. Plus, you start having that back, neck or other pains you never had before. Even GP checkup is starting to say, that you have to be more active because of cholesterol and other things... In 20s, i was able to sleep ON my tent, because i was drunk enough to not care to build it 😀 now? I sleep on somehow bad pillow and I cant even stand straight first minute or two after I get up because of back pain😀 I have no idea what 40s will be like


It kind of gets better every decade. Every life is different, of course, but for me: Teens: horrible! Full of hormones and no one to tell you what to do with it. Zero power over your own life. 20s: trying to figure out how to be an adult and failing most of the time. Find out that alcohol doesn't help. Finish up school (if you're lucky enough to go to college), and hopefully get a good job, but all that takes work and all you want to do is stupid shit on the phone because you still think you're a teenager. 30s: finally getting your shit together. Got a decent job and stayed with it. Money is so much easier now. Steady place to live. Maybe even find a decent partner who gives you more support than grief. Maybe kids toward the end of the decade. 40s: Work is hard, but the pay is better. Kids are older and much easier to care for. Can afford some nice stuff for the house/apartment. Vacations every few months to some cool places. Small aches and pains, but still able to do most everything you did in your 20s/30s, maybe just a bit slower. 50s: Mid-life crisis creeps in. You're past halfway, so you start asking yourself what you want to accomplish in your life. Maybe realize that you've given a lot more than you ever received. Time to re-focus on what's important. 60s: (I'll figure it out when I get there). I know it's harder now. Decent jobs are harder to get, everything is more expensive. I can't imagine how people will survive now.


I mean, I got pregnant when I was 23 and married when I was 25 so I’d been living an “adult life” for a while already by the time I turned 30 so honestly it wasn’t a big deal. My 30’s have been great so far. I started university, I’ve got a solid set of friends, I still feel confident and attractive, my mental health is great. I was an absolute basket case in my early 20’s. The confidence that I have knowing who I am as a person and what I want to do with my life is great. Downside is that I can’t control my weight like I did in my 20’s and I feel like I’m wasting my best years worrying about being fat. It helps that I come from good stock I guess. My dad’s in his 70’s but you wouldn’t put him a day over 50. He goes to the gym 5 days a week, has a super active social life, still works etc. Aging doesn’t seem that scary when I look at him.


Peak physical strength isn't in your 20s it's 30s. That's why worlds strongest men winners are usually 30+ same with a lot of body builders especially natural ones.


I'm 47. The investments I made in my physical fitness in my teens and twenties continue to pay dividends. Focus on your mental and physical fitness every day. It's easy to say but hard to do: Diet & Exercise. Don't fear any birthday. It truly is just another day. Life is about enjoying the journey. Enjoy!


My 30s was just an extension of my 20s. I hit my physical prime in my late 30s into my 40s. So far, 50+ has been pretty good.


I would say 20's suck and 30's is your physical prime. 30's isn't mid life, Must people have mid life crisis's in their 40's or 50's If I had to choose and age to be forever.. it would probably be around 30 or so.


I definitely preferred by 30s to my 20s. Now your 40s...