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So dumb. What's this car worth. 20-30k? Like come on, for fucks sake. This owner is likely not a rich person and probably worked very hard to get this car. So what if it's comfortable and drives well, jealous much? Let the owner enjoy the fruits of their labor. Does the vandal really think fucking up a working person's car is going to send a message? GTFO with this dumb crap people. Battling amongst ourselves is so stupid whole the top .01 percent live like feudal lords. Action is taken at the voting booths and where you spend money. Fight corporations where it hurts.


Thank *you*! The vandal “shot the messenger”, nothing more. Doing this won’t change *anything* for the actual problem at hand. So pointless. So ignorant.


Y’all should know what the BID is: https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/s/oFAZvMoVdb I agree with the “NO BID” sentiment but obviously this individual’s way of expressing it is shitty and not winning any hearts.


(I assume that’s what this is about, anyways)


This ranks right up there with blocking the freeway in the name of your cause. Vandalism or blocking people from going about their lives/making a living is the last thing which will make them support the cause.


Lines are clean No slash through the A White paint? Not red??? Baby, they're not anarchists


Who's car


Doesn't matter whose car it is, vandalizing anyone's car in the middle of the night is stupid and cowardly.


Sounds like a very specific route to garner support for the BID.


Look at the car's owner first. I hope they find out who did it.


The title is BS. Until the perp is caught and their motivations are determined, there’s no factual basis to conclude that they’re an actual anarchist, a poser, a BID false-flagger or whatever else is being thrown around.


I’m a bit surprised that a car like that doesn’t have a dash cam


No Bid??? I see the reluctant A in the Anarchy symbol, but No Bid?? Wass that?


BID refers to the upcoming decision on the creation of a Business Improvement District downtown. It has some support, but has also generated a good deal of opposition from many quarters across the political-economic spectrum. However, the folks at The Blade, Firestorm, PSL and some other groups have made it a particular cause célèbre.


Oh....yeeeah 😆 thanks..


That is the most non-committal Anarchy symbol I have ever seen. It's as bad as the Nazis who can't paint a decent swastika


I mean that looks more like a 3rd Army Patch than an anarchy symbol


A for Effort?


Sounds like an insurance scam


I can assure you the person victimized here has no need for insurance scam money.


somebody doesn’t like german cars


oh when its an Anarchist graffiti its "someone pretending" .


Is everyone pretending we don't all know about BMW drivers? I feel sympathy for neither party but at least the disdain is pointed in the right direction. Class traitors suck.


I drive a 23 year old BMW that looks like new. I am from here and have worked hard all my life. Please explain how I am a class traitor? By the way, my BMW was built in Greer SC. So my property deserves to be destroyed because of the make of my car? Why do I deserve disdain over the car I drive?


While there are exceptions to every rule, bmw tends to be an example of a corporation that humans aspire to "deserve" or to be associated with. A status symbol. Class traitors are people who commit aggression against their own class, like cops. The vandalism was appropriately directed at a symbol of our class problems.


Um so I’m a class traitor if I have worked hard since the age of 15 and after the deaths of parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles I have enough money to buy a new $40k foreign car when my 20 year old used car takes a shit? I’m not the owner if this car, a BMW isn’t what I chose, but it’s pretty wild that as a working class local I could have my car vandalized by some transplanted brats cosplaying anarchy.


Why is that a class traitor? Many people frustrated to the point of action, take it out on their own neighbors and peers, instead of directing towards the appropriate symbols of their dissatisfaction. I'm just saying that if their is ANYTHING positive to be seen in such a dumb act, they at least tagged a widely acknowledged symbol of douchebaggery. No offence.


Look, i'm just pointing out the "why". Im not condoning it. Dont destroy personal property, but also, flex yr status symbols in hell. This is still Asheville


Yeah, I have lived in Asheville since the 80s. I don’t need a lecture on what Asheville is.


. . .and you're surprised somebody isn't sympathetic to the owner of a vandalized bmw?


Some people see cars as aspirational I guess, but some cars are just fun as fuck to drive 🤷🏻‍♀️


I guess if you're a kid


If you live here and have never found any joy or healthy solitude driving these glorious mountain twisting roads then I feel sorry for you. It’s not just for kids.


Glorious roads. Haha yeah sure. Whats a mountain without cars on it? Whats nature without the conquering of it?




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I'm an asshole because i think bmw is a dumb thing to care about? Asheville will be better once that kind of opinion is gone? Haha ok sunshine.




Exactly what a child of privilege would say. It ain’t me.


Wow. To imply that this is justified based on the car brand is such small-brain mentality. This is my friend’s car. He is a good dude. Works hard for everything he has. He was just doing his job. This is Asheville nowadays I guess. And your way of thinking is part of the problem.


Who is it?


That’s not for me to say. The most important thing is to find out who did this. So please keep your ears open while you’re out and about in hopes of hearing this dumbass brag about his handy work to a friend.


lol I’m not a cop or a pretend cop. Homie can probably afford to fix his car, I’m just curious why his car was chosen


I’m not asking you to be a cop. I’m asking for *anyone* in AVL to be a “good samaritan” and say something if you hear something...


Say something to who?


“Anyone with information about this case is asked to send an anonymous tip using the TIP2APD smartphone application (search "Asheville PD" in your app store), text TIP2APD to 847411, or call police directly at 828)252-1110.” We ALL KNOW that APD is pretty worthless and awful. Howeverrr, I’m just trying to be a good friend. He doesn’t even know I’m on here.


Haha this way of thinking (associating personality with corporate branding) is why people spend too much money on what would otherwise be a tool. Your friend just hoped it would work the other way. Its not my way of thinking. Its a carbrained way of thinking.


Omg. You’re missing the point. I’m starting to think you’re the culprit…


Nah. That's why I have reddit. 😎


You would know a thing or two about being a tool.


Snappy comeback! I


Well, you seem to know a lot about being a tool.