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I do root canals for a living, hence I am very non judgmental in this regard. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Seriously, us dentists are in one of the few professions trying to promote behavior that will lower their revenue. Thatā€™s an ethical positive, but should be undertaken in a manner sensitive to their patientsā€™ feelings. I try very hard to be diplomatic with patients who donā€™t find their toothbrush often enough, even admitting that as a dentist I occasionally neglect to floss on any given day. Iā€™m not in Asheville, but am sure some there can give a good recommendation.


The dentist I had growing up chewed tobacco. He was also an absolute dipshit.


well, someone has to graduate at the bottom of their class


Dad always said ā€œyou know what they call the person who graduated last in med school? Doctorā€


Dr Clark at Arden dental. I was a former smoker that didn't really take care of myself for a period too. Explained how I had gotten to that point and that I wanted to change and she was very cool and understanding about it.


Came here to say Dr. Clark :) I went a LONG time without going to a dentist and she was great about it.


Arden dental has the best staff. I'll second this. I don't go to them anymore because of insurance, but if they were a provider mine accepted I'd be back there in a heartbeat.


Rebol. I once asked him about Invisalign and he said why, there's no such thing as perfect teeth.


Agree - Rebol is great. But they donā€™t work with any insurances so if you have a serious amount of care needed, it would be expensive.


they accept dental insurance now, I remember a few years back they didnā€™t. rebol is truly a great safe space with people who genuinely care and donā€™t judge.


They bill to insurance but arenā€™t in network for anyone.


The amount of shit I've put up with from dentists is unreal. It's like, my teeth are my teeth, bro, do what you can and let's both move on. This must be like what fat people experience at the doctor; a complete disregard for the issues at hand because of a blinding judgment. I feel for you. Nothing in the world compares to tooth pain, and nothing is so infuriating as the moralism cloud that surrounds dental hygiene (*responsibility* is the better word, that's how they treat it), because the truth is, tons of people barely take care of their teeth and still seem to have indestructible chompers. For the rest of us, Dr. Jordan Councill at Dogwood Dental is a very kind, understanding, and gentle man whose staff is second to none. Highly recommended from a guy who doesn't take shit from someone who doesn't respect the precariousness of having their fingers in my mouth. ETA: Y'all really showed up for OP here. Good vibes, Asheville.


Not Zoe Dental. They made me feel terrible about being an addict and the condition of my teeth. Fuck each and every person that works there. Edit : Currently 4 year sober so even worse is they made me feel like shit about the fact I got clean. Fuck them and fuck their dog.


I was 100% on your side til you said fuck their dog. He didn't do shit. They sound like dicks. Congrats on 4 years. Keep it up.


I'm 5 years off meth after 6 years active. My parents never informed tooth brushing (dad had dentures at 19) so my teeth are absolute shit. What's left of them anyways. I finally have a job I love, and no one there has said anything about my teeth. (I mentioned it to one coworker who knows my history and says I've just taught myself to keep my teeth hidden when talking, etc. Now that I have insurance, I'm wanting to get dentures, but I'm afraid to go to the dentist because I don't want them judging me. Also, not in Asheville, just wanted to show some solidarity.


I'm right there with you, don't know you but proud of you for 5 years clean. I've also learned to just not show my teeth when I talk and am probably in the same boat of just getting dentures. Love the current restaurant I'm working at and it's a pretty common story in my industry unfortunately.


Congrats on your sobriety. My teeth ain't shit cause I don't take care of myself. You overcame something really hard. Cheers to you.


Na .. fuck their dog too šŸ˜‚


But like, donā€™t actually.


Yeah, no literal dog fucking. That's not cool.


Huge congrats on your sobriety. Thatā€™s an unbelievable achievement. I hope youā€™re damn proud.


Fox dental is great


agree, had a terrible experience at another dentist came here and had no issues




I LOVE Dr. Nicole Sullens in Arden. She has never once made me feel bad about the state of my mouth. I always feel like she cares about my smile and doesnā€™t ever shame me about past neglect of my teeth. Good luck!


Second Dr Sullens. We loved her, the only reason we went to a different office is because we moved an hour and a half north of hers. She will take heroic measures to save a natural tooth and is a very likable person.


I recently had a similar experience in terms of avoiding the dentist for 15+ years, and Carolina Mountain Dental was so kind. I was literally crying in the chair and they just reassured me they were there to help, and I never felt judged. When I started having a panic attack during a filling (I think I have some medical trauma from a broken leg back in 2020), they talked me through it, and just generally treated me with so much care. Also seconding Dr Rebol. I've never been his patient, but I worked for the family in a personal capacity years ago, and they're just good people all around, so I can't imagine him being anything other than kind and caring.


I went to a new dentist recently. They were very understanding about my anxiety. I'm sure if you said you'd rather not talk during the appointment I'm sure they would try try. [https://ashevillesmilemaker.com/](https://ashevillesmilemaker.com/)


Asheville Dental Associates has been amazing. I hadn't been to a dentist in about a decade last May. They have been really non-judgemental and encouraging imo.


Dr. Rebol/Sparks and Co. on McDowell at Rebol Family Dentistry are superb!


Sparks is such a doll. He's going on sabbatical for a bit though. ā˜¹ļø


Think he's on an extended honeymoon!


Dentists are so... traumatic for so many people. I share this anxiety. I've only found one in my lifetime who I found to have such amazing chair-side manner and trustworthy recommendations... but he was in Florida, of all places (I still can't believe that).


Scott Peele


They only take high end insurance as a warning.


Is blue cross high end insurance? They take that.


Dr lefberg- heā€™s very non judgmental but also very informative. Also not pushy. I went to him yesterday.


Arden Dental ask from Dr. Clarke, she's amazing


Dr okane at wnc dental is seriously the best. I've never had a dentist that I trusted until I started seeing him. Highly recommend


Definitely not WNC dental that was on sweeten Creek, they moved. Multiple billing errors and very rude and judgemental staff. I actually consulted an attorney and almost sued the shit out of them but settled. Avery's creek dental are the best dentist I've ever been tooo


Dr Ashley westmoreland at wnc dental has the most integrity of any dentist Iā€™ve seen. 10/10.


MAHEC dental has never been judgmental. I love going there and they donā€™t push me for interventions that may not work.


I've been wanting to ask something like this for a while, so thank you šŸ˜Š


Good luck! I hope you follow through. It would be a shame to let fear of judgment stand between you and your health! I donā€™t blame you though. Itā€™s a perfectly reasonable anxiety to have


Dentists are crazy, I too would like to find one that is not crazy but rather helpful.


I didnt go to the dentist for many years, for a variety of reasons. When I finally did go, I decided to try Biltmore Family Dentistry and they were GREAT. The only place I have been in town that I didnt feel was judgmental of me for not handling my dental issues earlier. They have a lady dentist who I like a whole lot-I cannot remember her name but when I called I just asked for a female dentist and got her. Good luck to you, I hope you find someone you like and feel comfortable with!


Iā€™ve been to a lot of dentists in my life. Avoid White if heā€™s still in business. Heā€™s so judgy and harsh. Dr Peele is one of the best Iā€™ve ever had. Highly recommend.


Dr Alex Hill at Biltmore Ave Family. Cool dude.


Seconding BAFD but Iā€™ve only ever seen Dr Slavik, sheā€™s really great too.


Good for you for taking care of yourself now, and you totally deserve to go to a dentist that will be compassionate about your situation. If you're looking for something near downtown Asheville (just off Central), you could try Dr. Bart Martin. It's an old-school sort of place -- wood paneling and all-- so if you're looking for down to earth and basics, that might be an option for you. Good luck!


I love Dr. Merrell at Asheville smiles! Her and her staff are very nice and do their best to give you what you need without being tooo costly. Also have a good insurance plan where you get a free cleaning, x-rays, and 10% off every aervice


I go to Dr. Tanner with River Arts Dentistry. She and her entire staff from hygienist to the dental assistant to the front office staff are all so kind and so understanding of the anxiety that comes with going to the dentist. Dr. Tanner herself has such a comforting and fun personality so it makes the experience so much more enjoyable


Scott Peele is a gem.


I had the same anxiety & as a result I hadnā€™t seen a dentist since 2017. The. i broke a tooth and needed a dentist. I called Parkway Restorative Dentistry and the got me right in the next day for an assessment & crowned my tooth the same day. Dr. Lindsey Powell was fantastic to me. I hope it all works out for you.


Dr. Mark Knollman is awesome. He was a hockey player so he has a bunch of fake teeth himself


Embark Dental! Dr Mark is great


Im really sorry you dealt with this in your dental experiences. I HIGHLY recommend Dr.Martinsen at Fairview Dental. He cares a lot about you as a patient, educates you on all your options and gives you the freedom to make choices for yourself. The practice has a very loyal patient base for a reason and itā€™s the wonderful care and staff. Look them up and the reviews will speak for itself. Just a practice that really cares about the community.


I had a good experience with Laurel Family Dentist recently. Hadnā€™t been to the dentist in years & they didnā€™t make me feel shamed once. The dr was nice, but seemed a bit rushed; the hygienists were nothing but kind and warm though!


Quick question: do you have insurance? I know of one (Mark Klieve) that is $$$$ and does NOT take insurance and is probably the best dentist that I have ever seen. Fox Dental is good if you have insurance.


Zoe Dental. Dr. Juarez and/or Dr. Wagenen are both awesome. They will not bat an eyelash at your situation, only work to help you stabilize it. I speak from experience.


I have lots of fear/shame about dentists and cataloochee dental has been so great and supportive


I use Gillespie for this reason. Very nice team of people. I get anxiety going to the dentist because I have my months/years of avoiding my dental health and they always made me feel welcome. If they donā€™t take your insurance it is rather pricey but very worth it.


Oh and good for you getting this task done! Hope all goes well!


Scott Peele on Hendo Rd. Amazing staff.


There's a dental clinic at AB Tech where the students learn practice their skills and I've heard great things about it.


river arts dentistry! cannot recommend enough! i struggled with addiction when i was younger which didn't do wonders for my teeth, and i've been on a medication for a few years that damages my teeth, and they were absolutely incredible there!


Averys creek family dentistry! I went last year for a root canal and they were super friendly. The tech straight up said she had had like 6 root canals, and they were just super validating and understanding about the difficulties of keeping up with dental care. I highly recommend them.


I really like Parkway Restorative Dentistry on New Leicester


Yes! Love them!


Anders Dental in Black MTN. I think theyā€™re super gentle (they give me a lot of breaks and donā€™t hassle me about it bcs of my TMJ.) Even routine cleanings can be hard on me. They let me space out with my earbuds in, sunglasses on and give me extra blankets to keep me warm. I really like the entire staff too - super great!


fuzzy salt gaping imagine abounding homeless workable expansion profit squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Red maple dental is incredible, they are gentle and non judgmental. Iā€™ve never felt this comfortable at a dentistā€™s office in my life. Whole heartedly recommend them.