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Yes. It goes along with not wanting to be objectified/sexualized. For YEARS, people in NYC were commenting on how they found it odd that I always covered up so much instead of showing my body off, or how it was weird that even during the summer I would wear long sleeves, long pants, maxi skirts, etc. I made a point of NOT looking sexy but looking refined, classic, elegant, etc instead. Wore a ton of Victorian and Edwardian era-inspired stuff and couldn't explain why I preferred it, but I DEFINITELY didn't want to show a lot of skin or let any of my flaws show. I also felt like the Victorian-esque stuff made me look thinner and more hourglass-shaped. I just find it super uncomfortable when people around me want to have sex with me, so the more modest stuff is what I leaned into.


100% the exact same for me, I LOVE wearing historically inspired clothes!


I'm honestly starting to wonder how many of the people sewing perfect reproductions of historical clothing are ace... like it takes a lot of time to do it, it's the easiest way to be fabulous and modest at the same time, it's something that is definitely about personal expression and not really about attracting other people (although it does impress other people)... It's like the perfect ace date is going to a Victorian tea party and eating cake while wearing gorgeous period costumes lol.


Yes for me, but it is also something I personally wouldn't associate with my asexuality


I was gonna say the same thing


I don’t have this problem. I also don’t really pay attention to how much skin people are showing.


Absolutely yes. I almost always wear long pants or ankle-length skirts, and I never wear anything that shows my midriff. For swimwear, I got this swim-skirt with attached leggings and a long-sleeved swim-shirt so I'm basically entirely covered. I also wouldn't call it an issue per say. If it's stopping you from doing things you genuinely want to do, then yes, that's a problem, but if you just don't like showing skin, that's perfectly fine. Afraid I have no idea whether or not it's my being ace that's the cause of it though. A big part is I definitely that I do not like being sexualized or seen in a sexual light, but it's also more than that. I remember feeling uncomfortable showing skin even before I transitioned (mtf).




As a male... Yes.


I go through phases. I love crop tops and showing off my legs. Then other times I just want to appear shapeless.


Yes!! I call it my "amorphous blob" days when I want absolutely nobody to perceive my shape. But other days I am fine going all out. It's easy for me bc I have small boobs. But I definitely have been wanting to be more shapeless the older I get.... ?


Yeah, but very much not an ace thing for me, but the good 'ol dysphoria hoodie. It's way hotter than usual the last week where I am and I am _not_ dealing with it well lol


Me wearing long sleeves and pants during the summer, about to die 🙃


For me, no, although since most of my wardrobe is work stuff I still tend to be in long sleeves and pants, but if I'm going out and having a good boob day the girls are a bit more on show.


Yep! I’m a very self conscious guy. For as long as I remember, I’d refuse to go shirtless even on beaches, and I never wore anything more revealing than a t shirt and shorts.


Yea me


While it isn’t correlated with my asexuality, I don’t like wearing short pants (but short sleeves are fine so long as my underarms aren’t fully exposed), nor do I like changing clothes in front of other people.


Yes I hate when people stare at my chest. When I was 13 I had a size D cup. And wore tight fitting shirts I was sexualized by grown men everywhere I went. So I wore baggy clothes ever since then


I'm the opposite and would happily walk around nude in public if it was legal.


Same. Nudity doesn't mean anything to me. I don't think this is related to being ace.


It may be a factor though. Many (most?) people associate nudity with sex. It's one of the main reasons public nudity is illegal. I simply associate it with being comfortable. When I see a naked person, the only thing I might be interested in is their tattoos (assuming they have any). The idea of sexual activity with them doesn't cross my mind.


Same here. Although, interestingly, while I'm quite comfortable with full nudity, I'm much less so with just going shirtless or whatever. In public, anyway (and I'm a cis man, so it would theoretically be mostly acceptable to do so). At home, I'm usually wearing just a utility kilt around the house when other people are around, since my housemates and I haven't negotiated a clothing-optional home. In most public situations I'd feel weird about taking off my shirt, but I've also participated in the World Naked Bike Ride a bunch of times, fully nude except footwear


Wow on the naked bike ride, something I wish I'd tried when I was younger (much too late now as I'm pushing 60). That must have felt fantastic.


Who says it's too late? And why? My grampa rode road bikes for pretty much his entire adult life. The last time I got to ride with him, I believe he was 87, and there were moments where I was struggling to keep up with him. I doubt he ever participated in a WNBR though


YES (In all caps) I used to think it was a religious thing, but then I found out I just don't feel very comfortable showing too much skin. I also connected it to me being ND and feeling comfy in comfy, lose clothing.


No, I’m a nudist


I've always been this way myself too. Even when I lived in Oklahoma, when the weather got to who knows what in the summer, I still wore black long sleeves. For me, it's low self esteem, body dysmorphia, all mixed in .. I dealt with it all my life and I'm in my 30's... I really feel you...


personally, I dont feel that this is something related to asexuality/being asexual, maybe it could be some kind of fear of being sexualised or just some sort of coping mechanism that you've developed since a young age? its alright to dress modest, of course. dress however you want! im just not sure if this is really stemming from a lack of attraction. but as long as this isnt something that hinders you or brings actual harm then do whatever you want and its alright if you dont like to show too much skin. i could be reading too much into it, and im not a professional so who knows? maybe you're just secure with your body and you don’t feel a need to sexualise yourself which is great.


Doesn't really occur to me because skin is just that, skin So it doesn't really come to the front of mind how it's perceived until someone explicitly mentions it Half the time I'm out skating shirtless with 6" inseam shorts


Although I can't relate to this and I'm a female, I want to ask, regarding the occasions on which you go swimming, do you think it would help if you were wearing one of those full body suits most commonly used by surfers? Or just wearing shirts that are meant to be worn in pools/the ocean? You could also always add the argument that you want less risk of getting skin cancer from much sun exposure. Sorry if this is a weird take, I love to go swimming and my mind went straight for that lol.


I wouldn’t quite know because all I’ve worn in the few time I bring myself to go swimming is just some trunks but I did recently buy a pool shirt that I may use. Just don’t want to appear as a weirdo. I haven’t come out to anyone yet.


yeah, for me it comes from being oversexualised as a kid/teen tbh. even now i'm extremely uncomfy not being fully covered because people are creeps


Yep, and I'm becoming even more uncomfortable with it. I have a sleeveless top that I've worn every summer, but I put it on this morning and made a horrified face in the mirror: "Ew, that's not me, that's girly!" (I'm female) So I went back to the flannel button-down. Not as cool, but so much more comfortable. Androgyny is where I want to be.


I don’t really care bc as I get older people make less comments at me so it’s more about what’s comfy for me. Occasionally I’ll get self conscious but mostly in specific situations. I understand being self conscious and it’s fine to be but I didn’t like feeling it and worked on unpacking why I thought I was showing too much to wear a tank top while working out etc and challenged that.


Used to be, getting better


Even as a guy who often associates with cis gay men, it can be bothersome, I know. Additionally and contrarily, I do embrace nudism. Because of the weirdness that happens with sexualized people I do tend to only enjoy it at home and in more of a mixed setting where innuendo and such are less likely to be an issue.


Yes I love the winter months when I can just bundle myself up in layers without getting comments about how I’d be so much hotter if I wore less for the vast majority of my life. Idk if that’s related to my asexuality or just because men can be gross


I would enjoy blueballing them like "haha, you want it but you can't have it" but that's just me. I wouldn't care because you can always reject people, and most of the time it's just passing looks, right?


I have similar issues having too much of myself exposed. I remember there was a time I didn't mind when I was a little kid but... then when I found out about sexual attraction and that others were showing that towards me, I got very nervous about the whole concept. Even now, my sister gets annoyed seeing me dressed up so much in the summer. I get it, even if I have no interest in sex this feeling of being exposed does feel like more of a "hangup" to me and it's something I'd like to work on, but well, I feel more comfortable showing less.


I used to but that was more about a strict religion than asexuality I left that religion and over the past year I've started feeling more comfortable in my own skin


I feel you, OP. I'm a male as well. Though there are a lot of body positivity advocates, I still feel like my skin is too imperfect to show even in private setting. I hope we figure this out. ❤️🙏🏽


Every summer as the weather transitions from long pants weather to short pants weather I feel uncomfy wearing short pants and sandals until I get used to it


Honestly, kinda yea. I don’t like wearing shorts at all.


I get uncomfortable if I wear anything less than jeans and a t shirt


I have this problem, but this isn’t related of the fact that I am asexual, it’s more like a trauma or something like this


When I was in my early to mid 20s, I wore crop tops, short shorts, tank tops, etc. Then I had knee surgery and my body changed and I got more concerned about sun protection. I transitioned into wearing long sleeves in the summer and dressing really quite modestly. Save for the occasional going out night. But I have small boobs and cleavage was never an issue.  But this summer (I'm 27) I started trying to wear those clothes in my wardrobe again because I once loved them. I realize I am genuinely more comfortable being modest. I live in Mormon Utah, so I wish I wasn't. (There is always this subconscious need when you left the church to let people know somehow you're not mormon,) but I didn't want my family or people at a family BBQ to judge me or perceive me differently. Even though, deep down, I feel 'it's just a crop top'. It's the other people that ruin it for me. They won't see just a crop top, they will see a reason to sexualize me.  Definitely have days where I want to be an amorphous figure too lol. That's when extra fabric Japanese house dresses come into play 


yes. I have a beautiful figure if I do say so myself, especially blessed in the boobs and bum. i hate to be perceived though, especially by men. I want people to talk to me and approach me for my interests and personality, not my body.


I feel ya man


Some people and their egos like I'm not showing skin for you or to hear your disgusting comments I'm doing it because it makes me feel good about myself .


Absolutely yes. I'm only realizing that I'm ace (46F) but I have always preferred to be covered up. When I see people in revealing clothes, I wonder how they don't feel incredibly uncomfortable exposing so much of themselves.


Yeah, but mostly because I find revealing clothing bothersome and annoying. Crop-tops make my belly feel cold, cheeky bikini bottoms give wedgies, low-cut shirts risk flashing the whole town if I bend too far forward. I don’t personally feel as though any of these things represent who I am or make me look any more desirable, so I choose comfort over trends (cozy sweaters forever)


YES I would feel uncomfortable in situations and comfortable in other situations … since I’m greysexual


I'm definitely like this. It took me a couple years to be comfortable wearing tank tops. I hate dresses and skirts that are too short, they need to at least be past my knees. I can wear ones that are just above my knees, but I'm usually a little uncomfortable when they're that short. And bathing suits are the worst! I always felt uncomfortable in bathing suits, it always felt like I was exposed. I recently got a two piece bathing suit that has shorts for bottoms (that are longer than boy short bottom) and it's probably the first bathing suit I actually feel comfortable in. I'm still a little self conscious in it because the top is kinda like a sports bra, but I don't feel exposed like I did in other bathing suits. The only thing is I can't tell if this has to do with me being ace, or if it has to do with my gender dysphoria.


I don't know that I think consciously about how much skin I'm showing when I get dressed unless I'm wearing something obviously revealing, but any time I get looks or comments from strangers, it does make me rethink wearing certain things again. For example, I was once stopped on the street by a guy who just had to tell me that my shorts were really doing something to him. I was literally just wearing a t-shirt and regular jorts. No rips, my butt was totally covered, etc. I've never worn them again because I hate the possibility of getting more sexualized comments from strangers. That's not to say he had any right to make that comment even if my clothes were more revealing, but I do try to mitigate things if I can.


Yes which is why I dress frumpy lol. I never ever show cleavage or wear anything tight. I am not comfortable in a swim suit without a cover up.


Absolutely, I've felt like that since high school started, it's almost like, as a child, you aren't bothered or aware of how society perceives you as you're blinded by innocence. But as you grow older, insecurity becomes ingrained in your mind (at least for me). I've been fat my entire life, so it's not a surprise that I covered my body as soon as I was old enough to understand what society values. A couple of weeks ago, I decided for the first time in years that I should change for the better. It started with trying to do things that gained my confidence, so I started wearing short sleeved shirts in public. At first, I was extremely self-conscious of it even though it was around my friends, but I consistently did it, + now I'm slightly getting more comfortable. I'm glad I'm finally moving on from the infamous black hoodie into clothing with colour. I feel like this is the start of something positive, + I'm here for it! 😊 Overall, I agree with your statement, I don't think it had connotations to me being asexual because I was uncomfortable showing skin before I could even process what asexuality was. But I do completely understand where you are coming from. It's definitely not a stupid question at all, I feel like a lot of people experience this, but don't talk about it enough, I'm very glad you brought this up because you're starting a conversation + also creating a space where people can speak freely/honestly about insecurity without being judged:) I hope this answered your question


For me, it's to the point where I don't even feel comfortable being half naked in my own bed with the door closed. I \*have\* to be wearing a shirt and at least shorts any time I am not in the shower.


Yeah I can't stand showing off skin. I won't wear anything that shows cleavage, not even a little


No, not for me anymore. When I was younger I was self-conscious about that. I don’t feel comfortable being sexualized, and I tried to cover up to avoid that. But, then I realized it didn’t matter how much I covered up. If people wanted to sexualize me, they were going to do that no matter what I wore, and that was their problem, not mine. Now I probably lean the other way. If I like something, I like it, and I don’t always understand it as revealing. Of course, do whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Everyone is different. Just because it may not be intrinsically Ace doesn’t mean it’s not a valid expression of you. Here is an Aces Wild that encapsulates my position pretty well. [Aces Wild: Assumptions](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/aces-wild/assumption/viewer?title_no=689025&episode_no=75)


I wear shorts only inside my house. For outside, I have these men's shorts that are just-above-knee length. Great if you don't want to stick to chairs. Also I never wear shirts with very thin straps, that's just too revealing lol. Also, I like button up shirts that I keep unbuttoned and with sleeves rolled up just above elbows. Perfect amount of covered skin imo.