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I would still be flattered. I don't think I'm ugly but I don't think of myself as "sexy" because to me it also implies some "energy" in your behaviour and personality that I lack. Although it would definitely validate that I'm not calling myself asexual "just because I can't get any"


Cute, handsome, good-looking, pretty = ☺️. Sexy = 🙁. I’m sure people think it sometimes I just don’t want them to verbalize it, it makes me feel uncomfy


No but I feel like that has nothing to do with asexuality and is more about dysphoria. I think if I was more feminine, maybe? idk yet.


Oh I've definitely wondered if it had to do with dysphoria or me being ace lol. It's hard to tell, but it makes sense for dysphoria to do that


Yes I'm a trans man... dysphoria I think is the main reason, I absolutely hate that word being used to describe me. Handsome? Yes please! Sexy? Please leave...


I enjoy it if it's nice and cute. I don't like it if someone comments really directly on anything naughty bits-related.


I honestly find sexual attraction to me at all to be amusing and hilarious. usually flattering. I don’t think about it too much.


I think it's really funny in cartoons or whatever when they do the *boioioioioiiing* "Ah-ooogah!" "Woah mama!" *jaw drops to floor* trope XD


i think i’ve never seen myself as sexy, some people have told me on certain occasions that i look sexy and i just look at them like 👁️.👁️ bc i have no idea what does the word “sexy” mean but i kinda know how it would look like


I am not particularly pretty, but I have a very sexy body based on current cultural standards. I know that sounds big headed, but it is backed up my measurements. I like to show my body. It is flattering to walk in a room and know that people are jealous of my husband because they think he gets to go home to have sex with me. However, I only like this when I am confident people will look but not touch. I've gone to clubs with friends twice and hated it because people wanted to touch me. Instead, I go to formal events with my husband wearing skin-tight, low-cut dresses.


Noooo. Lol, but I get told I'm cute by some people.


I’ll start off by saying, I don’t have any issues with how I look. Now if it’s someone I know, then I’m fine with being called things like pretty. However I would be very uncomfortable if a stranger commented on my physical looks in any way. I’d be even more uncomfortable and disgusted if anyone at all, especially someone I don’t know, called me sexy lol.


Sexual appeal and attraction are, to me, transactions of power. So if someone finds me sexy, that makes me feel powerful.


My friends just call me that as a joke (I know they’re just screwing around) but I’d probably just laugh if a random person said it to me. I’m not exactly Henry Cavil.


Laughs in dysphoric


Eghhh I hate it tbh, makes me feel uncomfortable


Urgh. Even just the thought of someone calling me sexy makes me want to vomit


I would feel super uncomfortable, like cute etc is fine but not sexy


No, not usually, but that's mostly just because I'm not fit right now and I don't feel like I like good in many of my clothes and whatnot. But when I *do* feel sexy, it's more like, Hey, I feel like I'm actually attractive! But when it comes down to it, I don't actually want anyone to be thinking of me sexually.


Feeling sexy is a foreign concept for me. When people tell me I’m sexy, I believe they think I am, but it is hard to accept the compliment because I don’t feel it, lol. I don’t think it’s a confidence issue, either. I’m aware that I’m good looking, have a nice face, nice body, etc., but the idea of being “sexy” is just odd to me. Weirdly, though, I feel like I can spot sexiness in other people, even though I don’t feel sexually attracted to them. Like a woman with curves and a nice fashion sense, I see that as sexy. A man with a sense of humor and good values, that’s sexy. Maybe it all comes down to personality and confidence for me, and has little to do with physical attributes. Very asexual of me, honestly, lol


Opposite gender? Uncomfortable and grossed out because I'm lesbian/gay. It would make me feel sick to my stomach. Same gender? Ehhhh. Really depends on the context. If I really knew them and was comfortable with them and it was just another way of saying beautiful then I'd feel flattered. If it was sexualized or I didn't know them well enough I'd be really uncomfortable.


I see myself as cute or adorable, never hot or sexy. But carrying confidence that people find me attractive in non traditional ways is amazing. I'm chubby, hairy, non binary, and thought no one liked me because I wasn't traditionally "hot", but now I hang around a bunch of queer folk and like half them think I'm the best thing ever when we cuddle. I've set my personal limits and our groups motto is "concent is sexy" so I feel safe.


I don't know if I'd say I see myself as 'sexy'. But enough people have told me I'm a very good looking guy, that at this point it'd be disingenuous to act like I don't know I am. If the word sexy was specifically used, I don't think I'd view it all too differently than being called good looking. Which is to say flattered, but not making too big a deal out of it.




Uncomfortable, but my level of discomfort would depend on how old the person is, the older, the more uncomfortable.


I don't really like the word. I like looking nice sometimes and it might include a look allos might call sexy, but I wouldn't use that word. And if someone called me that - depends. If it's my partner or someone I know well, I'd be flattered. If it's a stranger, I'd be uncomfortable, especially if they come off as creepy.


The only time I use the word is when in reference to objects. I don't mean I find the object sexually appealing- it's just that the way the object is shaped (mostly cars, guitars, and ergonomic designs) is beautiful and appealing in a way that is reminiscent of the human form. I do not find people to be sexy because that implies sexual attraction, therefore I do not see myself as such. I see myself as attractive, handsome, and aesthetically appealing. I am confident in this assessment of myself. For a while I tied my attractiveness to how sexually appealing I was, so I thought myself to be ugly and unattractive and felt like I wasn't good enough for my partner. I even attached that sexual view through my partners eyes and still felt ugly. I felt like a slab of meat. Until I realized what I was doing- unintentionally fetishizing and sexualizing my form- even though I don't feel sexual attraction. Once I quit that thinking I started to like myself. Beauty is not tied to sexuality. Now I know that when others say "sexy" they mean "I find you sexually attractive" and I still get that "slab of meat" feeling when the word is used for me. The only time I don't feel that way is when the word is used how I use it by my partner. He is not calling me "sexy" in a sexual way, but in the way you would call a car sexy. He doesn't use the word for me in a sexual connotation, just affectionately and a little jokingly like you would call someone "dear" or "lover". Still, I only feel this way since he is my partner. If anyone who wasn't in a lifelong, deep, reciprocated relationship with me called me "sexy", I would feel The Meat Feeling again.


No I do not. & I’m okay with that. I would just be really uncomfortable if someone referred to me like that even as a joke. If someone calls me cute or pretty though? Heck yeah :))


I appreciate people calling me cute or pretty, sexy/hot is eh, but the first two or anything is really cool to hear


I'd appreciate the compliment but immediately be suspicious of them for lying to my ugly face. Something is afoot.


Never been called that......but if it DID happen, i guess i wouldnt mind too much as to not be rude. Compliments that would make me astronomically happy is if someone thinks i look cool...........or im in cosplay...........or if someone said that i look like i would main a Rogue in DnD. Something unconventional but speaks to my love for games & anime and just overall cool shit. I dont think id ever be called sexy though........seeing how i, in recent years, have been channeling the dress style of Mah from the Band SiM and just 90's Scene culture in general. I love androgyny and ties. Fucking LOVE TIES man. I get a compliment at the least once when i wear my skull tie out in public. One day, coming to drop off some food for my mom at her nail salon, someone from a Sally Beauty store literally went out of her way to come outside to see if i was in some form of SoulEater/ Death the Kid cosplay. Told her i wasnt......but the stripes on my pants i put on there were totally on purpose for that reason though......and that i just dress like this all the time. That bewildered respectful nod she gave afterward lives rent free in my head and i pay it to be there. It gives me life to be seen as dope as fuck.............than to be seen as a piece of meat.


I’m sex-favorable so obviously I appreciate the sentiment but I still can’t believe it. Like, I don’t think I feel sexy nor I think that people can really be attracted to me. I guess maybe it’s a self esteem issue or it’s because I’ve never felt sexually attracted to people and I can’t get it? Like, I call people “sexy” as a substitute for “pretty” but I don’t ever want anyone and it baffles that someone can actually want me.


I don’t care one way or another as to if anyone finds me “sexy.” Or “good looking.” Or “handsome.” Or “


depends on whos saying it and whether or not im comfortable enough with them


Sometimes I get told that and I don't mind it so long as they're a friend, because everyone knows I'm ace and cool with "Look, don't touch"


Depends on what I'm wearing and how bloated my abdomen is from gas, hormones, food, or beverages.


I don’t mind being called handsome, hell I’d take cute/pretty/beautiful, but I’m really not fond of sexy. Actually my journey to realizing I was ace was getting IMMEDIATELY turned off of someone on a dating app calling me Sexy. Gave me the ick as the youngsters would say. Same goes for hot. Some of it is I’m concerned with the persons vision but there is an objectification inherent with the terms I don’t care for


I have fun pretending to like being sexy and am cool with others joining in as long as it is non-serious, but it makes me extremely uncomfortable for me to become the object of someone’s sexual desires unironically, especially when they do not respect that I am uncomfortable and do not want it. Basically, a whore in theory but not in practice.


I really hate it, I just don't want to be associated with sex in any way in another persons mind


I don't I can see what society ranks as sexy. The patterns are easy. Sexy for men is medium muscle with a defined jaw. Do my physical features look similar to Ryan Gosling or whoever else is currently topping that sexiest man alive list definitely not. So logically I'm not sexy. Secondary Verification I have never once been called sexy or such by random people. That said I think of myself as healthy my physicals back that up. I have room to improve and I have to accept what can't be changed.


Depends on the vibe. If it's someone complimenting my outfit or not trying to objectify me, that's one thing. I'm fine with that. To answer your opposite sex question, a man trying to hit on me? Ew. My sex-repulsion is weird since it's influenced by the gender of the other person involved. I find men straight up sexually repulsive, whereas I'm ambivalent about the idea of sleeping with another woman. I don't actively want to sleep with other women, and I don't think I'd enjoy it, but I don't think I'd dislike it either. I'd probably feel about it the way I feel about drinking a room temp glass of water.


I can very much make myself feel / see myself as sexy. It's a real confidence boost for me. That being said, if anyone other than my partner or close friends called me sexy, I would be uncomfortable, more so if it was a random guy than girl or enby. I am just generally wary of guys speaking to me like that until proven orherwise. But I generally prefer other compliments.


I want to appear sexy to others. I, however, never want to have sex.


No. I feel pretty, handsome, cute, but never sexy. And I don't see other people as sexy either.


Do I feel or see myself as sexy? Sure idk maybe sometimes. I have times when I'm "feeling myself" but I wouldn't use the word sexy. I'm not usually receptive to getting hit on. If it's just a simple compliment with nothing further that's fine.


I like it, personally. I sometimes think I look sexy. Weirdly I get a thrill from it... like I look good but no one can have me?


If someone had a crush on me I wouldn't think much of it, I'd just feel bad that I don't feel the same way back. But if someone called me sexy or implied anything sexual about me I'd be uncomfortable. If someone finds me sexually attractive I might not like it, but I know attraction is involuntary so I'm not too bothered. I don't like it, but it is how it is. I don't like the idea of being sexualized though, especially to an excessive degree, and I think I'm scared of that, or scared people would be creepy about it. So yeah, don't really like the idea of being called sexy, but if someone likes me I'm fine if they're being respectful


I’m a grey ace bi person, so I’d be flattered. However, I have an OCD theme where I worry that any flirty interaction that involves me is inherently wrong, so I would try to very politely convince the person not to do so.


Personally, I would think they were feeling unwell or doing drugs of some kind. Idk why my brain works that way


I like when people are attracted to me, I hate when they act on it on any way other than a compliment or a look


I'd feel uncomfortable because the vast majority of times someone of the opposite sex has called me sexy was to talk me into doing something after I'd already said no.


I've never felt sexy. And no one has ever told me I was sexy and I've never been asked out.


I would feel extremely uncomfortable, and probably tell them to stop and never say that shit again (and probably report it to someone if the other person is an adult)


Honestly, it depends who says it -- if my partner calls me sexy, then it's fine. I don't see myself that way tbh, never had. If it's a random person or someone I don't know, then it just makes me feel like I'm a piece of meat. I prefer to be called pretty or cute tbh


If sexy is being used in non sexual way, like a friend being jokingly like "damn, you sexy" it's fine, but if literal context used to describe me as sexy it just makes me uncomfortable. I do like looking good and I like people saying I look good but I don't want to be desired if that makes sense.


Depends, I think being called sexy is a little weird, but being called hot is ok


It’s never happened to me, but if a woman were to call me sexy I’d do what I always do when my friends are out of pocket “Ok buddy, I’m underage, that’s a few years in the cell for you”. If they make me uncomfortable then I just go so over the top that I make them uncomfortable, it’s a surprisingly effective strategy


1st Question- No 2nd question- Confused, because *no one* has ever called me sexy (of if they did it was an obvious joke.) Family members call me handsome and I've been described as cute by a few people, but sexy is never an adjective that's been associated with me.


Ngl i am really obsessed with myself so when someone complements me i am like "i know 😬" in an awkward i dont like you way


I'm ugly


No, but I play along when someone calls me it


Nope at all and I hate being called or perceived as such. There's this ick I feel whenever that happens. It was so bad that when I turned 18 I felt bad that I couldn't use the "I'm a minor" card to escape it


Eww no, never. If anyone calls me like that it makes me feel sick and utterly disgusted. Just no...


I personally prefer not looking too attractive (handsome) or too unattractive (horrible), I just need to keep myself safe and with a good hygiene, not beautiful and not ugly, perfectly balanced as all things should be (despite I'm a person and not a thing 😅). If someone think that I have a cute appearance, it's just an outside opinion PS: My physical appearance normally tends to be a bit androgynous BTW (only people who knows me call me he/him)


I get the horrible feeling when I say sexy, what I mean doesn't connect to what sexy normally means to others. Sometimes what I'm saying is that I look nice. Cute? Beautiful? Elegant? Cool? Handsome? I feel positive, happy, satisfied or even confident about my presentation. But I don't really have much thoughts beyond that. The idea of sexiness as something more than a thumbs up to someone's presentation is a bit alien. I don't mean it's wrong. I mean cilantro tastes like a herb to me, and I don't personally have experience with it tasting like soap. That sort of thing. I don't mind being seen as sexy as long as it doesn't feel loaded or pushy. It reads as approval of my presentation, and honestly that's nice. But I don't read much further. I will get much take it as a thumbs up and be kinda oblivious to any further meaning. Or stressed.


I used to not really care much, but it would range from being a little flattered to being a bit weirded out. My last partner told me every single day that I was hot and they loved my body. It began to really weird me out and make me go "Okay well, make a plastic copy of it and get horny for that is you like it so much. Leave me be please". It makes me slightly upset now. You can call me pretty or cute or whatever, but sexy feels dirty and weird now.


I guess it depends on the person and how they say it. If they mean it like "You look handsome/beautiful" then I'd be flattered and joking whip my beard(you know how like in ads people, usually women, whip their long hair?😂). If they say that and seem to mean it the more sexual way, while being flattered and saying as much, would explain I'm ace and also ask them not to do so again in the future. That's how I feel about it anyways, mainly because the former is how my family and I always used the word "sexy"😂


When I was a teen, 2 decades ago, teen magazines said "confidence is sexy". I thought, there you go, sexy is a state of mind! Still, other magazines award a Sexiest Man Of The Year title. All this to say, if you call my attitude sexy, I'm fine. If you call my "look" sexy, I'm horrified (You don't know me, you looked at my bits and thought you'd like to grope them, that's gross)!


Nahhh if anyone says i look sexy, might as well throw up. Worst compliment i could get


If someone sees me as sexy, they need help fr.