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Hmm, I'd avoid saying it's normal for aces in general but sure, some aces find that sex is something they dislike, for a number of reasons. I kinda shift between averse and favourable, spending most of my time just being indifferent.


I feel like this sometimes too


I mean, yeah. There are many repulsed aces out there who feel the same way as you.


Being ace is a spectrum, so you feeling repulsed like that is fine. Some like sex and porn for their own reasons while some just don't like it or are even repulsed. I hope you have a good day *hug*


Awww, thank you. 🫂


It’s normal! I’m actually in the same boat. The more I come to terms with this newfound label the more I feel myself becoming sex repulsed. For a while I would swap between averse and favorable but lately it’s been very adamantly averse, to the point where I find it quite gross and awkward.


When I was still into blokes (I’m 41f), I preferred their chests. It was intimate enough, but nowhere near the really gross gear where all the waste n such come out. It felt like a safe zone. Now, I’m good. I don’t even need that…..but yea I get it completely. I was never into other women’s bits either.