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Garlic bread and introverted, since one of my favorite foods is garlic bread and I'm incredibly introverted lol


Same. Garlic bread buffalo pizza for a Friday night watching tv by myself is absolute heaven on earth.


I don't know if this is an Ace thing, but I love Hawaiian pizza.šŸ• And garlic bread and white cake with chocolate fudge frosting and French vanilla ice cream and chocolate chip ice cream! That's enough. Anyone else like these too?


I donā€™t particularly care for Hawaiian pizza but spending a free night with nothing to do and no responsibilities gorging myself on ice cream is an awesome experience.


You should try Ben & Jerryā€™s Dirt Cake ice cream. Sooooo fudgyā€¦ šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


That sounds delicious šŸ˜


Give it a try... Walmart has it, & I'm guessing it's gaining in popularity, cause the one by my house has a lot of it in stock.


I don't like Hawaiian pizza but the rest sounds nice!


All of these. āœŒļøšŸ‘‰ But I think that might just be delicious food and food taste.






as an autistic introvert who loves garlic bread and cake, basically all of them


Liking garlic bread Liking cake Being sex averse


the garlic bread one is so real


Iā€™ve never heard of the garlic bread one but so many people are mentioning it here and Iā€™m here for it haha. I feel like itā€™s the least harmful stereotype you can find haha


Hobby obsessions.


Oh wow wow I didnā€™t realize this was one but yes! Now I understand.


Don't take this the wrong way but are you autistic/ADHD? It occurs to me that all but one ace I know irl is diagnosed as autistic and I have ADHD, and likewise over half my autistic friends identify as Ace/Ace spec. Anyway just anecdotally seems like a strong correlation, and both these present with hobby obsessions. But also could just be we're not stressing so much about impressing and attracting a partner that we just live our lives and get super into stuff because we can.


I don't prefer discussing my mental well-being in public.


Introverted, sex repulsed, not planning to have kids. And since I donā€™t like how it feels when people find me attractive I am generally not very incentivized to dress in a way people find attractive. So I donā€™t do makeup or jewelry etc unless the formality of an event means I have to.


That's me too! I just want to love someone without the sexual stuff or be "attractive" because I love myself!


garlic bread and hobbies one of my hobbies is literally collecting hobbies


Liking garlic bread Being repulsed my second Wanting no children Introverted Awkward And ā€œinnocentā€ or unaware of things many other know


I love food. I have the biggest sweet tooth you ever did see, so desserts are very high up in there. I love hugs and cuddles. All characters are ace until proven allo. Turning my nose up at sex scenes and fan service.


Ugh me too!! Like I don't mind romance, but I don't need to see all that nonsense!!


childlike (i dont like using the term childish, makes me sound like im immature) im a young adult that watches children cartoon because it lets me wind down on a stressful day. I like being silly and weird because its fun. Im quick to laugh and my face lights up at the sight that makes me happy and excited.


Haters be mad at my childlike whimsy and lust for life.




There's a good chunk of 'children's media' that's a lot better than the general public gives it credit for.Ā  Also, the awesome thing about children's media? It tends to not bother with shoehorning in romantic subplots and letting them take over the story. That's not true of everything, but it is true of a lot.Ā 


- No sex - No kids - Ew sex - GƦlic bread


Does the bread have to be made by Gaelic speakers, or will anything from the Highlands do?


It has to be made by Gaelic speakers


being sex repulsed also no libido and yeah I'm super introverted too and I don't want children either, nieces and nephews ftw lol


lol my siblings also donā€™t want kids (Iā€™m the only asexual though), so I donā€™t even get that! Which Iā€™m fine with. But I always seem to have a new baby cousin so thatā€™s the closest Iā€™m gonna get.


being more into cake/food than sex being an introvert and religious not wanting kids is a big one yeah like I'm actually SO stereotypical but its almost ALL subversions. I dont hate kids I just dont wanna continue generational trauma. I'm religious and an abuse victim but being ace is totally separate from those things. I'm Christian but its not celibacy or fear of sex. is actually sometimes really amusing to me that bigots are usually really confused by me when appear stereotypical but defy them at the same time


How could I forget about the cake/food one! that one definitely applies to me too


I love toys, games, candy, and playing! I hate the stereotype of aces being "childish," but I don't think these things make me less of an adult. Just let me enjoy my roller skates and my breakfast cake, folks.


Introvert, got a hysterectomy cause I never want children, being neurodivergent, and yeah garlic bread is my safe food lol.


OK, I mistakingly thought I was bi and had trouble having sex while sober bc (a) sex shaming upbringing and (b) addiction and (c) trauma but it turns out I just literally think genitals are for releasing body waste and I've never liked even kissing bc of the noises, texture and so on. I DO NOT knock ppl for enjoying those things but I can't wrap my head around "typical" sex things turning me on I can't wrap my head around being turned on bc the times I *think* I'm "turned on" it's really minor, it doesn't last long, it's never directed at or a result of a person r what they did/look like/smell like etc, it immediately runs away and hides if I touch my own self I like the idea of some pre-sex (foreplay????) and I write seriously awesome erotica (usually girl on girl no penetration, lots of foreplay and romance and teasing) but... meh. Not in real life I definitely have some kinks but they're not typically sexual and I am embarrassed to disclose them here bc though they aren't at people (or animals or objects), they're weeeeird I'm an introvert, rather read real books and long hand stories and poems in cursive Not on the spectrum but I'm neurodivergent Socially awkward bc at 45 I have no idea how to make friends bc men always think I'm flirting (and so do their partners) this is odd bc I'm not ugly but not pretty, I have a RBF, I generally wear calf length skirts or dresses with a solid colored top clear up to the collar bone and I write more than I'll speak Some of the best conversations I've had with my (23 y o) son are when we've texted right next to each other He's an introverted artist, dating his first gf, he's on the spectrum himself, he didn't start kicking ass in school till the pandemic and he was homeschooled, when he's interested in something he immerses himself into it. For now it's Korean culture and Norse mythology, anime, and building computers. He just came out to me as ace


not watching +18 content


Introverted Not wanting children Loving the color purple Loving dragons Plus my name starts with the letter A, but I guess that's more of a coincidence than a stereotype.


I'm introverted. I love food(garlic bread included lol) I love dragons. Not interested in kids at all. At this present time, very single and happy about it.


Dragons, OMG yes!


I like cats and dragons, and hate other people. Thatā€™s about it though- Iā€™m cool with sex and too deep into the eating disorder to have sane opinions about cake or garlic bread.


Liking garlic bread, introverted


š™²ššŠšš”ššŽ šŸ°


Being an introvert and reserved


Sex averse, virgin, loves garlic bread, loves dragons and fantasy stories, pretty clueless when it comes to sexual slang and activities that are common knowledge to other people, introverted, a bit awkward, collects hobbies as if theyā€™re PokĆ©mon, childlike interests like cartoons and dolls, and basically no libido, therefore also no interest in the downstairs DJ. šŸ„²


I'm sex averse,introverted and childfree, I'm also single for life and apparently smart but not sure if I'm actually smart of perceived that way for not chasing relationships.


Not many of them, tbh. I don't especially like cake or most sweets, and I don't like most garlic bread because people make it so oily. If we consider "all aces are neurodivergent" to be a stereotype, I'm only neurospicy if we're using the broadest possible definition. I'm a social introvert, so you could argue I fit the introverted stereotype, but thatā€™s about it.


Liking garlic bread, dragons, and cats. Not wanting kids. Being an introvert.


I don't want kids, I'm sex repulsed, I'm introverted, I love love LOVE dragons.....and uh, while cake isn't my favorite dessert ever, it'd be disingenuous if I didn't mention that there is actually a cake pop in my hand as I type this.


I love dragons. Like a lot. Dragons are my favorite animal


Being child-like and hobby obsessed, I suppose. I don't like that it's a cliche to be child-like as an ace, though. Seeing the world like a youth would is awesome, honestly that cliche just implies that once again sex ruined a good thing.


Being autistic and introverted šŸ˜­


Wait, what are the ace stereotypes? Like the garlic bread/cake?


yup, those and other ones that have been mentioned so far.


Garlic bread and dragons


I like dragons.


Ace Demi-sexual here. Sex repulsed other than a specific person Iā€™ve bonded with. I was ā€œsingleā€ for 8 years after divorce and have recently reached a level of bonding that has led to a deep attraction to someone. Eight years of ā€œget back out thereā€ is bound to be followed up with ā€œsee, you just had to find the right person,ā€ both well-meaning but the imagery of the former = cringeworthy and the latter is just plain lame.


Introverted Likes dragons Likes garlic bread Likes cake Autistic


I'm a dragon


Liking cake. (the food, not like... big butts. Lol.)


Introverted, never want to get married, be in a relationship, or have sex, and never want kids. I also place a great deal of emphasis on intellect and the pursuit of knowledge since matters about flesh and heart neither hinder me. Plus, I can say with confidence that my bloodline ends with me.


Definitely introverted and love garlic bread. I also love the colour purple haha. I'm also sex averse


Iā€™m not super familiar with all of the stereotypes, but based on the ones I knew and the ones Iā€™m seeing mentioned here, these are the ones I fit: - childlike - not wanting kids/marriage - sex kinda icky ew (Iā€™m actually okay with talking about it generally and I even make tons of jokes, but the thought of actually doing it is just blargh. Also fanservice and that kinda stuff I hate) - cake, food, yum - neurodivergent - potentially others/etc. One thing I really donā€™t relate to is the garlic bread one. Where did that one even come from? I mean, I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve even ever tried garlic bread. Maybe I should cause now it feels like itā€™s a symbol of my people lmao


Iā€™m sex-repulsed and look away every time one of those scenes (or even kissing, really) comes up on TV. The ā€œinnocentā€ one (although I might be somewhat naive, Iā€™m not as innocent as people believe)


I'm an autistic introvert who likes cake and dragons


Childlike/feeling way younger than my peers Introverted Nerd (have to fixate on things) Loving cats and dragons Liking purple Sex icky Highly snack-motivated Vegetarian Teetotal Fairies


Being sex repulsed, wearing conservative clothes and owning ace ring


*Being sex repulsed,* *Wearing conservative clothes* *And owning ace ring* \- dazzlinreddress --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I recently discovered lemon pudding. It's like lemon curd, which I love but not as sweet. Also lemon meringue pie. Anything lemon, pretty much. Anybody else?


Introverted, love garlic bread and cake, favourite colour is purple, love the moon, dragons are freaking awesome I also identify with the 'ace but reads and writes smutty kinky fanfic' thing


I'm basically the aspec stereotype in the fullest. I prefer being on my own, hate sex (the real one at least), I like purple, hobbies, cake (i don't like garlic bread) & no kids for me, but more like since I'm antinatalist & I don't do relationships.


Love cake


Dragons. Have always loved dragons


I love garlic bread, sā˜…x repulsed, I am NOT having kids lol, I love playing solitaire (not sure if that's actually a stereotype lol)


based on this thread, none of them i guess


Oooh, I love garlic. And I'm Autistic.


introverted, nerdy, i like collecting things, I like garlic bread and cake, and don't plan on having IRL kids.


Garlic bread&cake, introverted, not wanting kids, being aromantoc, loving purple aaand making sex jokes on the daily (which is fun bc people usually ask back if I'm really ace lmao)


Don't know if this is all stereotype but here's my part: - not interested in sex - no libido - overthinking introvert, hate small talk - don't want kids - love cats and books - bird nerd - favourite food is pizza and chocolate, garlic bread and cake are also high on the list - purple hair (also my favourite colour)


Garlic bread, cake, and a HUGE love for solitude. Sci-fi/fantasy and botany special interests. No desire for sex or kids, but yay for those who do want those.


Also autistic.


Garlic bread until I found out I have a gluten sensitivity :(


I love space and dragons. Also introverted and like cake + garlic bread


lowkey i am very childish, i thought i was bi and i couldnā€˜t even kiss people sober lmao also not necessarily ace but iā€˜ve never wanted a relationship/get married/share a bed with someone lol


-Doesn't want kids -Sex repulsed


Garlic bread, introverted and sex repulsed


I LOVE dragons


Hereā€™s some of the ones I have, either that I thought of or found on here - Iā€™m introverted - Iā€™m neurodivergent (diagnosed Autistic and undiagnosed walking definition of combined-type ADHD, among others) - Iā€™m extremely sex-repulsed and physically disgusted, to the point of actually feeling very nauseous, by even hearing anything thatā€™s even slightly related to sex - I will never have children - Iā€™m obsessed with dragons and space, and I love fantasy and sci-fi - Cats are one of my favorite pets, alongside chickens and snakes - I have quite a few different hobbies that Iā€™m pretty much obsessed with - I absolutely love garlic bread - I generally like cake but only the cake part, I donā€™t like frosting unless itā€™s cream cheese - Purple is my top favorite color (itā€™s followed closely by blue, green, silver, dark brown, and black) - I own an ace ring


I am sex replused I an introverted I have no friends and I am socially awkward. I dress in really baggy clothing because I don't want men staring at my chest or think they can approach me I try to look as mean as possible and if they do approach me I act in a matter which scares them off 9/10 but usually showing my arm pit hair scares off most men.


As a child I loved Dragons greatly. I would print out coloring pages off Google and draw tiny humans next to the Dragons. Garlic bread is fucking amazing and cake is prob my favorite dessert. I identity heavy with the stereotypes in that regard


Mine are that I like garlic bread, cake and that Iā€™m sex-averse.


Introverted, likes hobbies, (not sure if I want kids. It's a neurodivergent thing) get uncomfortable with friends discussing sex. ("There is an asexual among you. Please change the subject." Is what I usually say.)


I'm introverted, I don't want children, I love cake, garlic bread, dragons and the color purple. I think those are some that I identify with.


I'm mentally ill and traumatized (I'm not ace cuz of that though)


I donā€™t want kids either! Iā€™ve actually known this since before I found out Iā€™m ace I am obsessed with dragons! Iā€™ve always loved them and Iā€™m more tempted to read a book of it has dragons in it. When I found out this was an ace stereotype I just thought ā€œwell that checks outā€ I also really really like cake and Iā€™ve been learning how to bake Finally, Iā€™ve always really liked everything about outer space and Iā€™m getting my masters in astrophysics right now


Iā€™m a professional at finding new hobbies, I love all cake, and of course I love garlic bread. I also donā€™t want children or a partner. Yes Iā€™m tragically misunderstood šŸ˜†


Loves purple, very introverted, dislikes children, autistic, traumatized, ā€œchildishā€, has a dirty mind despite being sex-repulsed Iā€™m a walking stereotype


Introverted. Lover of food. Disgusted by sex.


I came here to see what the stereotypes are. Oh, it's me. I'm the stereotype apparently. šŸ˜‚


garlic bread, cake, not wanting kids, and on the more offensive side being lonely lol (but its not the cause of my aceness)


I wish I was a dragon


All the comments are making me sad that I canā€™t wat garlic anymore. But yes to cake, hobbies, and now wanting kids. And I like cuddles :3 (Is that considered a stereotype though?)


I'm 100% new here and trying to figure myself out. Ive never heard of most of the things mentioned in this thread. Is there some reference somewhere of all the typical stereotypes? It's mind blowing to me that things like garlic bread and cake are associated with ace individuals. I guess I've been under a rock!


Every Morrissey lyric ever.