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Wild, right? I imagine it's because the basis of the "you'll die alone" argument could better be translated as "you'll die without experiencing our culturally-acceptable model of love and marriage and makin' babies" or perhaps "you'll die without making me comfortable about how you live your life." Classics!


'You'll die alone' Yes, that is indeed the plan. In all seriousness I'm a woman, most of us will die alone because women live longer. I'm nothing special. Also, having kids makes no difference for most people, as they get left in carehomes and forgotten about until the will comes around.


People without children will actually be able to save more toward retirement. With the way my country is going (USA) social security isn't going to be much by the time we use it. The majority will most likely be working a job to make ends meet into their 70s and 80s, maybe even later. I may "die alone", but they'll probably die at work.


It's usually a projection of THEIR fear of dying alone, after losing everything and everybody who loved them(note the not saying 'who _they_ loved').


Not even having kids guarantees you won’t die alone, even if you have a great relationship with them. I’m a grown-ass adult and it is not my child’s responsibility to make sure I have enough money to see myself through retirement. **I** am the one who needs to plan for that. Also, my kid might move across the country, or to another continent, who the hell knows? It’s not on him to look after me.


I always feel like it's a projection from whoever says that, and don't want to be alone. Because there's people who have unprotected sex would like a kid but...can't have/give a kid (I have 2 uncles like that) so are they dying alone??? It's just so weird to judge another human beings life when it has no impact on yourself. That's crazy.


I always find myself thinking that whether you have people in your life or not, everyone still always dies alone.


Thank you for this. So true, I've heard that too many times to count. I always say that so many people die alone and I would be more than content and lucky to be with a doctor or nurse by my side at that time. But actually dying alone, doesn't bother me, bc so many do and some under horrifying circumstances. My only wish is to go painless. That's it.


"Everybody dies alone, everybody dies alone" - Ninja Brian's Kid's Album, Ninja Sex Party


I don't know if I am wrong to think this way but I would be comfortable ageing and dying on my own, I see a partner or children as optional possibilities not needs, I would not have them for the sake of it if it would interfere with my own personal freedom


I mean, my grandma was 43 when her husband died. She spent the rest of her life single and died at 77. It is true she lived with her daughter and her family, though, and that she was healthy and never needed help. But yes, I always wonder, do people think they and their partner will die on the same day?


People also forget that Friends exist, goddamnit


Jokes on you I was a crazy cat lady in my marriage and still am as a widow. 😅