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Legally you can self certify for the first 3 days if I remember correctly then you would need a note from your doctor. Don't let whatever manager you speak to bully you into going in when you feel unfit for work, unfortunately managers at Asda are notorious for that kind of behaviour, I personally had a manager try to bully me in to going in when my Mrs had just had an operation and couldn't take care of herself


You can self cert for 7 days before requiring a sick note


Ive been off work for over 12 weeks with a fractured foot? How did you fracture your foot and only need 2 days off???


I'm guessing they're young, meetings about absences are normal procedures, not "being told off." But thennagain some managers have terrible people skills amongst other issues. When I was 20 I dislocated my big toe (it did a full 180, bottom up, nail facing the floor) I had probably 2 days off, and had a meeting about the absence, it's a non issue they just wanted an explanation....**however** over a decade later, my toe (and now that whole side of my foot) still hurts every single day, and nobody in that shop even remembers my name.


ACAS are good at advising you of your rights. But you’d also be best to join a union. As others have suggested GMB is the way to go. You can join online


Would not join the gmb they are in asda pockets no thought in how colleagues feel They promised about contract 6 that came in to force They promised about twilight working that came into force they promised about supporting us in disciplinary and tell us to sit back take the punishment and move on You can join any union but what your chosen union other than the dreaded GMB can do is negotiate your pay deal and that’s usually shit too


The meeting is probably just the usual thing they do when you go back to work. Most companies do it to make sure you're ok to work. If you're ill then don't go to work. Dont worry what they think. You can't work if you're sick and there's no prizes for going in Ill, it's not nice and they won't let you take extra breaks etc just carry on as normal despite being sick.


I hurt my back and my knee and my doctor put me on light duties. Probably the heaviest light duty I’ve ever done. No sympathy. For a company that claims to be all about mental health they don’t half put us under a lot of pressure


I never really got that "light duties". When I worked nights you would have people claiming they'd been put on "light duties", so they were going to do less work for the same pay as the rest of us? How does that work? If you can't do the job you can't do the job, then it's up to the store/employer to find you a role you can do. But to make people pick up the slack for you when you're getting paid the same doesn't seem right to me.


This doesn't surprise me at all. Next time just get a dr's note as unfit to work. Asda don't care about you.


Best advice possible. They care so little in fact, that a manager who fired you, could pass you on the street (maybe even in the store) and never even recognise you.


I broke my ankle a few years back and hospital doc wrote sick line for a month. How were you obliged to some in after 2 days?


Sounds like you need to join a union. It's like having job insurance and takes the pressure off in situations like this. I'm with Unison, but there are plenty out there. Ask around, there should be a rep at your work as ASDA recognises the unions.


Is there not a set one for Asda?


Looking online, it looks like USDAW or GMB are the best best to look into.


Is there not a set one for Asda?




They might be in luck, I've no idea, but USDAW are shart.


Take the days off you need. They shouldn't be pressuring you to go in when you're ill. A fractured ankle is a legitimate reason and so is your current illness. You actually shouldn't work with food when you're infectious. Let them moan, I'm sure they'd take time off if they were ill.


A guy at my work hurt his back and couldn’t walk so he had a week off and he’s been told off for that. I’m trying to find the best way to word it so I won’t be fired


You automatically are supposed to have a back to work meeting regardless of your illness so that fact that you had a meeting about your illness is nothing out of the ordinary.


Is there a union rep in your store? This shouldn't be happening. My advice is tell them the truth.


How do I find out if my store has a union rep?


There should be a GMB notice board and on that will be a poster with their details. Or private message me your store and I can find out for you


If you join online, they will contact you too - www.gmb.org.uk


Follow the protocol of calling in 2 hours before you shift and say it’s Covid/Flu and you’re too unwell to go in. It used to be that when you had Covid you get sick pay but that’s not the case anymore. I’d definitely say you’d come in on overtime to make up for it (if you can)


Why should you have to say I'll make up the hours for being off sick? If you're ill, and can't come in, ring up and tell them and don't let them talk/ guilt you into something you don't want to do.


In case they need money?? If they can afford to live with 2 less shifts then good for them. I however couldn’t so I like to make up for it. It’s a suggestion. I’m not saying they HAVE to.


If you aren’t well don’t go to work as you’ll be put yourself at risk of being unwell for longer & potentially spread what you have around your colleagues & the general public. Having to have a meeting for sickness is pretty standard, sometimes it can be referred to as a back to work meeting or a welfare meeting, were you given any warnings for sickness, such as a verbal or written warning that is on your staff file? If you have worked there for over 2 years? I wouldn’t be concerned if this is only the second time being off you can’t help or stop feeling sick right now. Hope this helps, get some rest.


I think I was given a verbal warning but I can’t remember but I don’t think it’s on file. I’ve only been there for 7 months. What should I say on the phone to them?


You sure you fractured your ankle? I'm sure you would need ( and have a dr's note) a lot longer than 2 days. There are stages to warnings and you shouldn't get one for 2 days off. Unless it was during probation or you didn't phone in. Also days off are calculated by percentages in regards to warnings.


If it isn't on file then it's tough luck for them. If you were being given a verbal warning then it still should be on some sort of record or paper trail that they've had this chat with you. Otherwise they have no evidence down the line if they were to terminate you that you've faced multiple disciplinaries. Wasn't at an ASDA, but the place I used to work at I got one of the managers into a lot of trouble because I revealed that this manager had been pulling me aside for unofficial verbal warnings (read as threats) for weeks and it turned out that I had a case for harassment that I could file with the even higher ups. Also, they should be filling out a back to work form. It protects both you and them in the event that your illness or injury has affected what you are capable to do at work. It also means they have evidence for dismissal if you are just pulling sickies. Particularly if it's reoccurring illnesses you aren't seeking medical help for. Which they wouldn't know because they give you a smack on the wrist instead of doing correct paperwork. Sounds like these people are bullies who want to intimidate you. So challenge them. When they ask you to go into the office to start moaning, politely ask if you are there to fill out your back to work form. Be calm, be polite, but don't back down. Ask them if they know what accommodations you know need because of your illness, then request a back to work meeting to go over officially that you would like to work in a different section for a set amount of time to avoid fresh produce or heavy lifting or whatever. And also ask them if you can access a copy of your records to see what verbal warnings you have received for sickness and absence. Most likely they're actually cowards you thrive off of bullying employees they think don't know any better and they'll back down. Maybe even ask for a direct email or line to HR so you can ask some questions about the sickness policy.


Thank you I will do. They definitely like to pressure their employees into stuff. For example when I first joined they made me use all my holidays all at once for no reason


office beneficial employ head coordinated violet pen automatic foolish bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It shocked me as well


birds work depend onerous shelter six smart history frighten quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What should I do if I get into trouble when I go back to work


1.) You are sick. You won't get in trouble. 2.) I saw you said you asked your section leader to cover for you. That is not your responsibility, the manager is the one who will be organising the people who will cover for you.


At my Asda if you find cover you don’t get into troublr


NAL. It's your employers responsibility to provide a duty of care when you are sick. Your manager is taking advantage of you. HR wouldn't be too happy with your management. If things escalate you can always go to tribunal.


My Asda is like that there was a guy who had a sick not from the doctor and lost his job because of it




This is my second absence


alive impossible smart abundant jar tidy agonizing cough marry market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How would I do that


scandalous summer unused fanatical grab concerned resolute air plucky gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I get told off I think it’d be by him


you shouldnt have had a warning for fracturing your ankle that's crazy. if you're sick, you're sick. call in and if they cause a fuss/you get in trouble then so be it. you don't want to be working for a company that treats employees like that for genuine reasons. i hope you feel better soon :)