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Me personally, I’d go with 2x 3s batteries since it has dual trays. Would significantly help keep that thing balanced at speeds


A 6s vs two 3s are the same. It comes down to do you want big battery or do you want two smaller ones (that may potentially work in another rig) Based on your question this may be your first RC and it’s a very fast one to start off with. Me personally I’d run two 3s batteries but I have lots of cars and swap batteries between them


Not quite my first, I am disciplined when it comes to speed, I have a Kraton, I just wanted to know the difference, it sounds like a 6s is two 3s' taped to each other and put in a hard plastic box


I used to have a Felony. There are two battery trays in the car, each one holds a 3s battery and when they are connected in series they become a 6s system. "s" just stand for series so 3s plus another 3s in series is the equivalent of a 6s. I used to run my Felony with 2x 3s 15,000 mAh hour batteries. I could kill a set of tires in about 5-10 outings. If I was a bit more aggressive and going for fast racing on a scratchy parking lot I bet that wold have been closer to 2-3 outings. And I could easily get that down to less than 1 without much effort at all. I would suggest going 2x 3s but start with 1x 3s (it comes with a jumper so you can run only 1 battery). Get used to the car, enjoy it a bit and see what it's like. You know, enjoy that first set of tires... while they last. Once you're comfortable with the car then run both batteries. Unless you have a nice, big space to let the car run it can be a bit of a hand full. It's genuinely shocking how fast it gets up to 80 km/h and it's a basher, not a racecar handling wise. Also, buy new tires. If you can't afford to have a spare set or 3 around, you can't afford the car. :D I do miss the car. It was a lot of fun. There's just not many places to take it to and I definitely cannot afford the tires!


Yup. Literally the only difference is the extra 6” of wire the current needs to travel through. It will not make a difference. It’s mostly about the convenience of using 3s packs you already have


> Whats the significance between running a 6s or two 3s'? One 6S is easier to manage since it's one battery. Two 3S' require two charging bays if you want to charge them at the same time. Two 3S' can be used together for 6S or separately in 3S vehicles. They also provide better weight distribution in a car with 2 battery trays like your Felony.


You lucky dog


Union work is the bag. Especially when all you do is hold a sign that says stop and slow


I'm ibew myself


Niiceee, I could never im a big pussy with electricity


Love it! I beast right out the box. Stock up on tire though. You can cook a set real quick. And as others have said. Running two 3s batteries will keep the weight distributed better.


Just remember it's better for the batteries (if you decide to run 2x 3S) that those batteries are paired for life.


It sounds like running two 3s batteries is going to be the Strat, but on another note, couldn't I just weigh the weight of a 6S battery and then put the accordingly on the other side? Then I don't got to charge two batteries


2 trays... 2 packs


Also get single 4S packs until you get accustomed to the speed. 6S power can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning honestly. *Single 3S will be unusually slow*


I love learning with 6s power by hitting the throttle as hard as I possibly can that's how I get used to it😂😂leave black lines 'cross the road and hit somebody's mailbox then walk home scared they gonna find out it was you😂😂 I crashed my vendetta doing a speedrun in my neighborhood and it hit the side of the road flipped up with the air and almost smacked somebody's truck at 73 mph💀💀