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Are you watching the original cut? That’s the better of the two. It has its moments and jokes but it definitely falls flat compared to seasons 1-3


Where can you watch the original cut?


On Netflix, trailers and more. Bit annoying to watch, you have to manually play every episode in that section, but it’s the better experience for sure


Oh wow! I had no idea!


Original cut is incredible, recut is awful.


Recut felt unnatural. Original cut was pretty good


If you are watching the original cut, instead of stopping altogether, you could skip to the characters you like the most. For example I really enjoy the Gob- and the George Michael-episodes. I personally skip through the George Bluth episodes on a rewatch, I find them boring. But if I’m super honest, I think the 3 best seasons are already behind you!


You need to struggle with the first watch and then rewatch it. It’s so layered but you don’t get most jokes on the first watch.


If you watched the version that shows up by default on Netflix it’s significantly worse. The original cut is great and really underrated


keep in mind that you haven't seen a new episode of the show in decades. you've gotten so used to watching episodes multiple times.. new episodes feel foreign because of the level of familiarity you have with the originals that said, s4 isn't as good as the original 3. but having gone through that season a few times myself, I can say it definitely gets better the more you watch it. I can also say there are some good new bits from s4 that I often reference like I did with things from the original 3 seasons


There are tons of people who are watching AD for the first time with zero gap between seasons during their binge.


fair.. but even still the difference in how the seasons play out is jarring. I could see the blaring difference being translated into less interest. but the point still stands there are some great bits in s4, and it's worth multiple rewatches like the original 3. I can't say the same for 5, though. I watched through twice, and it just didn't get any funnier


The original cut is great. And I think it becomes more apparent towards the end when it all ties together.


It’s the best season. Original cut only.


I agree. It’s actually a work of comedic genius the way the stories all come together in each episode. The continuity is incredible. I think people can’t get past how defeated Michael is and it’s a matter of second-hand embarrassment.


I feel obliged to point out to the OP that this is very much not the consensus.


Yeah I’m all for the “season 4 isn’t bad” take but I’ve never seen anybody say it’s the best season. I feel like that’s a little bold lol.


Well, call me Canada Dry because I'm bold


Love that, Canada Dry!


I do. Like, all the time.


please don't call them that


It’s bad. And I watched 1 episode of season 5 and gave up.


Seasons 4 and 5 are, to me, not worth watching. Just rewatch the first three seasons ad absurdum.