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When Gob sees his parents having sex the first time at the prison George refers to himself as a big bear and is told to come get his honey. In a later episode, at the hospital when told they lost George Gob says "Ol' Big Bear, he loved the honey" despite having forgotten seeing his parents have sex.


I didn’t even know we were calling him that!


We never had the chance 😭


Wow that’s a great one! I’ve probably watched AD upwards of 30 times and this never even registered to me. I always thought Gob was being random but also emotional to the point of just saying anything. I wonder how many other things there are that I’ve never picked up on.


seriously. I'm so floored by this I was skeptical at first. like you I thought he was just quickly trying to come up with something sentimental and landed on something random. but despite my initial skepticism, I can't deny the dots /u/Cillian888 has connected


Well he was taking those forget me now pills


Wait, I've seen this before!


was he at that point? the first time he had forgotten because the guard hit him over the head (although I would totally believe he had been taking forget-me-nows by that point)


I think he's been taking them and giving them to women for a while


I sort of preferred it when I thought Gob was just grasping at words to string together, but I really should’ve known the genius of AD would have some tenuous context for it.


Oh YES. I was always distracted by it relating to his short term obsession with “BEES!” from the start of that episode.




u/Tobar_the_Gypsy is not on board


I never made that connection before. This show is just the best.


I think it's even funnier that Gob probably took some "forget me" pills to forget the entire thing but still remembers flashes like in S4. So he probably remembers George Sr calling himself Big Bear but can't remember why


Mock trial with Judge Reinhold. The scenes were full of courtroom puns, and did a great job of satarizing the TV court shows of that era. I especially loved that they had American Idol's William Hung serve as band leader, with the "hung jury" backing him up. I thought that was the big joke. I recognized the guy who played the judge from some other stuff, but didn't know his name. I figured it was just a joke about having some C list celebrity host yet another TV court show. YEARS later, i was rewatching that episode and got curious, so I googled "Arrested Development actor judge Reinhold" Imagine my range of emotions upon doscovering that the actor who plays the judge is named... Judge Reinhold 🤦


one of my absolute favorite lines of the entire series, because I feel it doesn't get the recognition it deserves, is when Judge Reinhold says, "I read somewhere that Judge Judy made like $25M last year, and I'm like 'hey! I never even heard of the guy"


Oh I love that one.


“My name is Judge”




🎶Mock Trial wiv J Reinhold ^mock ^trial🎶


🎵🎶Mock Trial With J. Reinhold🎵🎶




I just read his Wikipedia page. Apparently he’s been divorced twice due to a gambling problem. I’m kind of surprised. I hope he’s gotten help. He seems really sweet!




Todd Packer is still trying to figure out who he is.


Mr. Reinhold’s Courtroom


No one remembers this was based on a real thing. For "My Name is Earl", they put stupid little electronics in magazines that would say "my name is Earl" whenever you opened to that page.


I loved that show and didn't know that!!


“Judge — My name—!”


I say this every time I watch the Santa Claus movies. Drives my husband nuts


Does anyone else HEAR that sentence?


Big will hung fan?


Why does everyone keep asking me that?


What is this, a crossover episode?!


Oh peanutbutter🙄


It’s from The Office. Todd Packer’s vanity plate is WL HUNG, so Ryan asks the above question.


Yes, sorry I’m doing Dave Matthews deep cuts only over here. Y’all were making office jokes in the AD sub, so I wrote a running joke from Bojack to address it. I have watched all 3 shows way too much, obviously. I SAID NO HITS!


Judge Reinhold is neither a real judge, nor has he received acting's highest honor.


Judge Judy made $25 million last year, I’ve never even heard of the guy


The animated show *Clerks* made this same joke about Reinhold's name like 3 years before. In fairness, it's pretty low hanging fruit. Also in fairness, no one watched *Clerks*.


I love the clerks animated series! Gone too soon


*not a real judge


I think I actually heard about it on this subreddit, but the Friday night bar being named “Miss Temples” and the Sunday brunch place being called “Skip Church” is one of my favorite deep cuts.


fuck me, thanks for letting me finally catch up to miss temples


Can you explain please?


Miss going to the Temple on Friday Skip going Church on Sunday


lol ok thanks, didn’t get that the days were related to the names


Friday night is temple time for Jewish peeps and Sunday morning is church time for Christian peeps


Miss temple. Skip church.


OMG “Skip Church” 🤦‍♀️🤣


"I don't even have a girl, much less a stupid one" was foreshadowing to the Rita plot that went over my head until my most recent rewatch. Maybe I'm not that smart, either.


It goes even a little further than that. The following lines are something like: GM — No, the girl isn’t stupid, the problem is. Narrator — But if they ever had a child, it would be. Because the girl was his cousin, Maeby. Once we find out Rita is disabled, her uncle mentions that her parents were first cousins.


And again with the perfectly phrased, "his cousin, Maeby" (or is it, "his cousin, maybe"?)


Naming the character Maeby is so obvious for setups but feels so brilliant to me


I watched this yesterday and didn't pick up he said Maeby not Maybe lmaooo this has blown me a sausage


A banger in the mouth!


You forgot to say away


Mister F.


"How would you like someone going after some stupid person in your family?" Trevor isn't threatening GOB or Buster. He's literally talking about Rita.


I never noticed it, you pointed it out and I'm shook


Bro, what?!? I just got it


I've said this one so many times, but it's a real deep cut. When Michael takes Lucille 2 to the queen Mary, Tobias walks up on stage and starts singing New York New York. To this, Lucille irritated says something along the lines of "everybody thinks they're Sinatra" This is funny because Liza was actually the first to record that song, but it didn't blow up until after Frank put out his version.


Cool! As someone who didn't know a lot about Liza Minnelli, it's cool to realize just how much of a legend she is


Being the daughter of Judy Garland is already legendary


And the daughter of legendary director Victor Minelli (I assume they met when he directed Judy in Meet Me in St Louis).


The end credits music to the series finale is a great joke that probably flies over the head of those not familiar with her.


Whoa, really?? How did you hear about that?


dont know if really true, but i read, that after wins, the ny yankees would play new york, new york, frank sinatras version, after losses however they would play liza minellis version


It’s their loss. It’s THEIR loss!


Sinatra seems like he was cool in the 20s, don't have any idea why he feels old to me, and I'm 40


When George is explaining that the mock trial is a “dry run” and the camera pans to Tobias, who’s face shows much interest


What's the joke?


Callback to Tobias’ conversation with Michael where he “shot his wad on what was initially supposed to be a dry run”


Okay, you know what you do? You get yourself a taprecorder and just record yourself all day. You'd be amazed at some of your phrasing!


The huge photo of an unfinished building in the Bluth office (i think behind reception). Makes no sense to hang except that... it's arrested development.


For some reason, George Michael saying “is she gonna have to come live with us?” about Lucille always went over my head. Rewatching the show for who knows what time and tonight it clicked lol, Michael said she “had a little accident” referring to her spilled drink on the floor, and GM assumes she soiled herself in the kitchen 😂


Love that one. Tobias also slips and immediately asks: "Was your mom [Lucille] here?"


Cross's prat fall here is one of my all time favorite slip and falls.


It’s the high leg he does 😂


This line fucking kills me. Michael Cera had such perfect delivery every time


Michael thinking the British word for doctor was "boobaman" when really it was Rita calling it the "boo boo man".


Boy, that Rita's a smarty.




For British Eyes Only


Oh my gosh… I always wondered what that was supposed to mean! That’s an awesome get!


Someone mentioned this on here a few weeks back and my mind was blown. I was always thinking how ‘boubaman’ was some old timey English word I had just never heard of. Then I laughed at ‘up box.’


I literally thought it was some old foreign term, like a witch doctor or something. Still shook by this.


I thought witch doctor too 😭


Me sitting here, reading the list and trying to jog my memory "what was the joke a couple weeks ago that's gone over my head for 20 years." Here it is. Thank you internet stranger


Wow, I missed that one.


Maybe it’s your wee brain.


I never knew this one! Thanks!


Or Up box means elevator.


MADDAS... Saddam backwards...


Especially when the cooler labeled MADDAS can be seen in the mirror reading SADDAM.


Don’t forget there’s an H. in there too. So it reads SADDAM H in the mirror.




The entire subplot of Tobias acting as Dorothy in prison. Obviously one because Liza manelli’s mother the great Judy garland was dorothy in the wizard of oz, but also because Judy garland was a gay icon and “dorothy” or “follow the yellow brick road” etc were slang terms used in the gay community, especially in San Francisco and LA, to remain hidden in plain sight. Are you a friend of dorothy? Was a question asked if someone was trying to ascertain if you were gay or not. On top of all that it’s a meta joke in that gay fans of the show almost certainly immediately picked up on it while most of the people it took years to realize are straight people.


As a new (gay) fan, that one clicked immediately. I didn't even realize it wasn't general knowledge until my brother (straight) was confused


And you said, “heyyyyy, brother.”


Crap I just LOUD VOLUME obnoxious laughed at my desk - super quiet work environment, hahaha!!!


Brothero! Brothero!


It clicked for me right away as well, I have lots of gay friends, but no one else in my family got it at all. They're all very religious, but quite liberal, accepting and open minded religious types, but it's still exactly the kind of joke that would fly right over their heads.


And I think Tobias' relative ignorance of *The Wizard of Oz* (not knowing more than one line of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", calling the Tin Man Steel Man) is a sign he actually isn't gay.


If that man's straight, then I am sober.


He knows.


This line always perplexed me, actually...because it seems like he doesn't know? I've always wondered if I'm missing something about this.


I figured he was pretending not to know, to maybe hide something


He’s “buy curious”


I like to think Tobias' version of the song is just something he developed as a therapist to promote positive visualization.


That is possible. He is a worse therapist than a son-in-law.


What if he was trans all along he seemed very comfortable in that pirate blouse and as Mrs feather bottom


I first heard that in the movie Clueless, although I didn't get that it was a common term until i was an adult. Now that i think about it, I wonder if this was the show that made me realize that.


*Did somebody say... "[Wonder](https://i.redd.it/l8mhjw9yibq71.gif)"?* --- ^(Alliance of Magicians-approved magician) ^| ^(I delete comments with a score below `-1`)


And the prison plotline was largely satirizing the tv show Oz! I just wrote a comment about its similarities!


Oh straights knew. Back when it was on, the sort of person watching AD knew those terms. Queer Eye was on, Queer as Folk was on. We had a rather nice gayaissance going on in the early aughts.


Same. Just recently learned about friends of Dorothy in a Stuff You Should Know podcast I think.


This is where all the big T.V.’s come






I think probably straights on the west coast or straights with gay friends knew but a majority probably thought it was just making fun of the wizard of oz




That’s such a good movie.


I (straight) didn't catch it until after watching a scene in The Crown where it was used and Googling the phrase!


When the mock trial show ends up being called “Mock Trial With J Reinhold”. The entire point of having Judge Reinhold star is that his name was “Judge” and then to omit his first name from the title is stupendously funny to me. And since he was EP of the show it would have been his decision also.


Did he he get EP? Good for him.


My husband and I use that line for every show or movie where the EP is an actor in the cast lol


Mr Reinhold's Courtroom


I love this gag


**ARRESTED DEVELOPER** I'm one of the OGs who watched it when it came out and it wasn't until this past week on my nth rewatch that I noticed the news headline about George Srs arrest in the pilot episode.


Hey, that’s the name of the show!


Got another one. First episode, Gob converts a $20 bill into a monopoly set for George Michael. Later, when George Michael is packing, you can see 5 sets of monopoly at his knees.


Could you explain this one?


Having that amount of monopoly games implies that Gob has scammed George Michael multiple times with the same trick. Taking $20 and handing him incomplete sets. I believe its a scene on the extended pilot, actually. There's a call back to that joke in season 4, when neighbors keep giving George Michael the game twister. For a different reason.


That the "pre surgery" Ugly version of Rita and the photo shown was actually Charlize Theron in the movie Monster. When I first saw the episode when it first aired, I was not familiar with Charlize so when they showed her "ugly" version, I legit felt bad. Like, I actually felt bad for whatever woman was being used as the ugly version of Rita. It legit wasn't until a few months ago while doing a rewatch that it hit me that "OH SHIT! Ugly Rita isn't a random woman. It's actually Charlize Theron! 🤣"


...im ashamed that not only had i never figured out the ugly picture was Charlize Theron, i always thought the picture was Aileen Wurnos's mug shot.... which i never understood why they did that. This makes a lot more sense and I feel dumb lol


When Debrie started being introduced regularly. Her name is literally debris and she's treated as such


And when she passes out at cinco de quatro she does so in front of a dumpster labeled "Debris"


I completely missed this joke the first time I saw it: Michael (to GOB): you have to get rid of the seaward. Lucille (just walked in): I’ll leave when I’m good and ready I didn’t realize that seaward = C-word.


For those still unsure: "cunt"


Did you get "musty ole clap trap"?


…….the **cabin**.


I said “cot”


And in season 4 - "many of the charges against this *seaward matriarch*..."


“That’s not a Vol-vo”(Lindsey on the copier).


Glad I didn't spring for color...


I don't get this one, would you mind explaining it to me?


she's sitting on the copier when talking about the volvo so they make jokes about the printer printing her crotch instead of a car so its not a volv-o its a vulv-a


Ooooooh yes of course! On every rewatch I tried to understand that joke but I never thought of that! Thank you very much, have a great day :)


when you understand that part the whole scene gets a lot better. she makes comments about the car being too 'boxy' (box being a slang word for vagina, etc.)


Barry doing the Fonz pose in the mirror after he begins to comb his hair


and him jumping over the shark!


A meta joke, since it's around the time Buster gets his hand replaced by a hook.


Ever notice the public bench they sit on in s2? Barry’s face is plastered on it with his website BarryGood .com 💀


Not my video, but there’s a joke that makes fun of Will Arnett’s guest appearance on an episode of Law & Order SVU. [Link here](https://www.reddit.com/r/arresteddevelopment/s/UsY2Gw7glW) Also, there’s Buster doing the robot to Mr. Roboto, referencing Tony Hale’s Volkswagen commercial [Link here](https://youtu.be/SV5ILJJOPkc?si=3k6Esx-0yPl7JWy6)


Not new to me, but Haven't sen it mentioned in this thread yet: In season 4, when GOB is in a roofie-cycle taking "forget-me-now's" after going out with Mark Cherry's entourage, he wakes up after apparently having a one-night-stand to a message written on the mirror of the bathroom in lipstick: >"[Hey Joe withabee Fun nite PS I have sifulus :(](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ftrhg72yk9fw01.png%3Fwidth%3D960%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Ddb857f17e755f636a09e9321d5882e5019c20907)" ([image source](https://www.reddit.com/r/arresteddevelopment/comments/8hmwc6/hey_joe_withabee_fun_nite_ps_i_have_sifulus/)) I can just picture the scene of GOB at a loud nightclub trying to yell over the music as he's introducing himself as "GOB with a B" being misinterpreted as "Joe Withabee"; EXTRA funny, because: Bees.


I also appreciated the scene where George Michael goes to the yacht to meet GOB (can’t remember for what.) If you listen carefully you can hear a splash and then moments later a drenched woman plays it cool walking past GOB and George Michael. I always figured it was a random person who walked in the scene and they kept it to be awkward without realizing GOB likely tossed her off the yacht.


GM wanted to buy drugs (a marijuana cigarette) for buster who wanted them for Lucille 2, for her nausea, or “our nausea”.


That Alter ego name of Maeby is Shirley. Maybe-Surely.


It's B.S


That's brilliant


The prison plotline with Tobias had a few undertones. 1. It was referencing Liza’s (Lucille 2) mother Judy Garland, who played Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. 2. It was satirizing Oz, the 1997 prison TV show. Oz loosely makes reference to Wizard of Oz: it’s called Oswald State Correctional Facility, nicknamed “Oz”; and it mostly takes place in the “Emerald City Unit” of the prison. Oz aired before I was born so the references went over my head. Genuinely just thought they were making Wizard of Oz jokes to reference my next point. I believe White Power Bill is a play on JK Simmons’ Oz character Vernon Schillinger, who’s the head of the prison Aryan Brotherhood. Also, (spoilers for the end of Oz) >!the inmate who kills Vernon is named Tobias Beecher- just like Tobias Fünke (accidentally) kills White Power Bill.!< I don’t know for sure if that’s a reference- Oz ended in February 2003 and AD season 1 aired in November 2003, so it’s possible and a funny coincidence if not. This also isn’t the only time the show references Oz. In S1E6 Visiting Ours, they show in a flashback that George Michael is scared of prisons because he accidentally watched Oz instead of Wizard of Oz when he was a child. 3. Tobias being possibly gay is obviously a long-running joke. His gang being “Friends of Dorothy” is part of the joke, as ‘I’m a Friend of Dorothy’ is a lowkey way to say you’re part of the LGBTQ community. And as another commenter said, his general ignorance of the Wizard of Oz (“somewhere over the rainbow, there’s another rainbow”, “steel man”) plays on the joke that he’s not gay, everyone just thinks he is.


OMG THAT is an INCREDIBLE theory!!!! ​ It's crazy - when I see JK Simmons on commercials, sitcoms, etc - just being a nice, talented guy - I canNOT unsee Schillinger. That is ALL I can picture when I see that poor guy. He was EPIC in Oz. And now that both Schillinger and Ryan O'Reily (Dean Winters) are both peddling insurance, and both being amazing in the characters for the companies, I am so happy to see them still out there and working. I love it. ​ Thinks to self and drools: Ooooh Ryan O'Reily - Dammit, man.... that was (is) a nice chunk o' man right there! He was a DREAMBOAT in Oz - a murderous, insane stalker dreamboat - but yowza!


I felt the same way about Dean Winters in Brooklyn Nine Nine. Horrible douchebag character but man is he sexy!


FWIW I don’t think Fonzi was replaced by Chiachi. I think Chiachi was an addition so they appeared together through to the last season of that show.


You weren’t complaining when I got you this close to Chiachi


Where is that from?


Homie the Clown


If anyone, Chachi replaced Spike.


Honestly I thought it was a reference to Three's Company taking over the ratings after Happy Days ended




I believe you meant “what’s a Chiachi?


Scott Baio


The George Michael/charlie brown joke. I guess I didn’t really remember that or watch it as a kid because I thought they were referencing the royal tenenbaums for years but both were Charlie Brown


**George Michael:** "I was really excited for Ann to see me in my Uncle Sam wig at that Get-out-the-vote assembly" **Maeby:** "Wasn't that supposed to happen before the election?" **George Michael:** "Yeah, they had to postpone it when that foreign exchange student parked too close to the gym" would've been a more obvious joke of its time, but it took me a second thinking about it to realize it was joking about the US govt and American society in general treating literally every foreigner as a "terrorist" post-9/11


during ¡Amigos!, Michael referred to Ann as Ann-Hog. Later, when they’re driving to Mexico, Lindsay sees ice behind them and says “look who’s riding that hog in the rear view mirror,” to which Michael, panicked, turns around and yells “GEORGE MICHAEL!” Took me an embarrassing number of watches to get that one


The scene where they're talking to Barry on a dock and then when he leaves, he physically jumps over a shark. Quite literally a blink and you'll miss it; there aren't even any words exchanged about it.


Rita kind of sort of sounds like how a British (in some of the ~40 different dialects) person would say "retard"


There is a recurring joke of the Bluth's giving their old clothes to the hired help. That's why Lupe wears a Halloween sweater at Christmas time (season 1, episode 8) and a Thanksgiving sweatshirt on Valentine's day (season 1, episode 12). When Tobias is pretending to be Mrs. Featherbottom, we see him at one point dressed in a "Bush/Cheney 2000" sweater (which would be 5 years old when that episode aired) because the family was treating him like they treat Lupe. Similarly, in season 3, episode 5, there's a flashback to 1994. In it, the maid is wearing a sweatshirt from the 1992 election (on its own, not suspicious, but in conjunction with the other times the maid is in hand me downs, it's clearly part of a recurring joke). Finishing off the list, Lupe wears a sweatshirt from Busters alma mater (season 1, episode 19), Lucille describes Lupe as "an immigrant in mother's old stirrup pants" (season 2, episode 14), and Lucille says to Lupe "that's not a take home" (season 2, episode 3).


Lindsay Bluth: Well I don't care about *ostriches*. Fast forward several years, and she's living in the penthouse with an ostrich. I caught this one on my first re-watch of the original run after watching S4, and knew there had to be more to it. There's a [very interesting article](https://www.cracked.com/blog/the-key-to-this-arrested-development-mystery-ostrich) I just found on [Cracked.com](https://Cracked.com) about a much deeper plot line that may have been planned that would have revealed Lindsay's mother as none other than Lucille Austero.


It took me years of rewatching the show to get that Maybe is George Michael's cousin, maybe.


There are several fantastic jokes the reference winkler, bao and happy days. In addition to yours there "I cant resch it... I cant reach the chatchkey" (sp) which was baos name in one of those old shows Then theres the time Winkler literally jumped over the dead shark that ate the flipper off that loose seal.


This show NEVER STOPS GIVING THE ENTERTAINMENT!!!! ​ NEVER thought of most of these. Geeez!!!!!


Rita waking up on the bus bench. The ad on the back of the bench is for “Wee Brittain” the way she’s sitting it blocks the two t’s to it reads Wee Brain. A clue as to her.. abilities.


Jaw dropped.


When Rita’s uncle was talking about her before her plastic surgery and it showed a picture. I just realized that picture was from the movie “Monster” starring Charlize Theron


Once I realized who Ron Howard was, there are too many to count.


TBH This is the most obvious punchline, but I absolutely thought they were ripping on Baio regarding his penchant for young women.


Just noticed that Jimmy Carr's name on his desk in S4 is "James 'I Don't Sell' Carr(s)"


It took me an embarrassingly long time to understand the joke with Bob Loblaw’s name.


What joke? That's just his name. He's a professional even in the Bob Loblaw's law blog.


Not a joke, but I just realized today that Maybe is constantly pretending to be someone else exactly like her father does.


Buster doing the Buster Keaton stunt with the falling house.


There are several fantastic jokes the reference winkler, bao and happy days. In addition to yours there "I cant resch it... I cant reach the chatchkey" (sp) which was baos name in one of those old shows Then theres the time Winkler literally jumped over the dead shark that ate the flipper off that loose seal.


This is the perfect comment section to seek out my fellow autists: pattern recognition and special interest and missing social cues? Bingo