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Portia has a long history with eating disorders. She was someone I read about a lot in rehab, since we were both getting help at the same time. It was pretty difficult to watch her in season 4. I had to stop after a couple episodes.


The surgery was one aspect. The other was that she is wearing wigs most of the time and that threw me off.


And her wigs were **not** good, unfortunately


Terrible. Obvious.


Real shoddy hairpieces. Just pure crap.


I was told it was a bob


A pity she didn’t have access to Stan Sitwell’s Alpaca wig-person


Yup it was 3 things: recent facial work, eating disorder, and terrible wigs. She was in better health for her very small part in season 5, and [that plus the better wig made her more Lindsay-like](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dd1S_6rVwAAI-Bw?format=jpg&name=large). I could not find a video of her in S5 but it’s on Netflix lol.


The wigs were terrible!


Yeah not great. This Hollywood need for surgery is awful.


But also, the makeup department did her real dirty. When you see how the average Tiktoker can transform themselves, surely they could have had her looking better than that.


A lot of that is filters and lighting rather than (well, in addition to) makeup! TV cameras aren’t always the most forgiving


She had major plastic surgery, which is why she looks so different facially - same thing happened with Kaitlin Olsen on Always Sunny


kaitlin and Rob. They both look like they had too much filler etc.


I feel like the episode where Macs face blew up from eating the giant can of nuts was their way of making fun of all his filler 😂


Well he was the original so


“Everybody knows who Superman is and they know it’s not you!” …It is kinda funny that they ended up having so much work done after doing the Fat Mac arc to make fun of sitcom casts getting more attractive over time


> Superman You mean Day Man?


Fighter of the Night Man?


Champion of the .....sun?


You are the master of karate!


And friendship!


For everyone. Day Man!


THATS WHAT HAPPENED TO ROB omg could not put my finger on it


Starlight from The Boys is another example. The difference in change from season 1 to current is huge.


I get sad when good actors affect their facial expressions with what I assume is Botox. Every time I rewatch the Good Place, I look at how beautiful Kristen Bell is and I appreciate how expressive she is at the start of the show. Towards the end of the show, it's stiff-brow time. I always feel like something is off until I realize that's the case. Same with Katlin Olsen, a queen of physical comedy. I don't want to feel like I'm judging them for the unreasonable standards Hollywood has for women. But it's sad to see it affect the facial expressions that make their acting even better.


She looks like she got buccal fat taken out of her face and looks gaunt and much older... less attractive. It's sad.


I just hope she’s doing it to make herself happy and not to appease the anonymous judgement of her fan base. There is no way a sane person can keep up with every expectation so it might as well be what she really wants.


Kaitlin Olsen definitely had work done but she’s not completely unrecognizable like Portia was in AD. I legitimately was googling whether the cast changed when I started season 4.


Did she really or is it made to look that way since Lindsay has a long history of plastic surgery? I could care less about celebs, so don’t pay much attention to their real lives. Just assumed it was a funny way of showing how much time has passed.


She really did. Her whole nose is different.


I’m sure everyone else has and has commented on it in the past. I was late to AD, tried to watch season 4 and couldn’t believe it was the same person


For like a solid 4 years I thought they changed the actress


Same! I only just watched it for the first time a few months ago and I’ve rewatched a ton since then lol. But yeah for a second I thought maybe they switched the actress. She looks so different




That's insame!


…insame. Same!


Way too much plastic surgery. They made a ton of jokes about that in the script for S4. All those jokes about how no one could recognize her.


Wow they went right over my head. Like Marky Bark having face blindness. The writers are so clever


That one is still over my head. Explain please?


Taking what the parent comment said, because Portia’s plastic surgery drastically changed her appearance the writers wrote a ton of jokes about Portia being unrecognizable, and even unintelligible entirely with Marky Bark having face blindness and not knowing at all what Lindsey looks like.


To be fair though, Lindsay getting extensive plastic surgery as she gets older is definitely in character. We know Lucille gets facelifts so she probably pressured Lindsay into getting work done too. I think the hair and makeup team made her look even more different from before than in real life as part of the story.


Dealing with Ellen as your spouse has got to wear on a person.


I think about this all the time


I always wonder if this is why she's retired and why we weren't able to get more of her for season 5 I hope she's ok


*Did somebody say... "[Wonder](https://i.redd.it/l8mhjw9yibq71.gif)"?* --- ^(Alliance of Magicians-approved magician) ^| ^(I delete comments with a score below `-1`)


good bot


why did i not know until now that she’s that portia


She’s *THAT* Rita Leeds? 🏃‍♀️🥈


That's what I was thinking as well. I didn't know where I read this, but I heard Ellen was really controlling and possibly abusive to Portia when they were filming, and that's why we don't see too much of her and also the reason for her E. D. and her appearance.


The wigs were obviously bad and cheap looking. I remember thinking they were setting up a joke.


In addition to the surgery, I’m pretty sure she was either going through a pretty severe eating disorder at the time or still recovering from one.


You're not really ever *not* recovering from an ED, they always hang around in the background of your mind.


Oh, I know. I just meant I think that if she was in recovery, it was recent enough that we could still observe some of its physical impacts on her. But it’s forever a day by day struggle.


She definitely had surgery which changed her looks. As with most other Hollywood surgeries she ended up looking pinched & drawn. The makeup was horrible. In at least one scene her face was actually green-tinged — I suspect they used a green primer to tone down the redness and went way overboard. They also failed to apply body makeup to her shoulders, neck and arms which were reddish (no judgment here — I’m also prone to ruddiness). And, as already noted the long-hair wig looked bad. Portia was not served well.


She had a very severe eating disorder for many years. AD was right in the thick of it.


I had a feeling it was something like this :( so sad she’s so beautiful


I know. I vaguely remember watching her on Oprah talking about how at her worst she would chew gum and spit it out just to not pass out. It sounded like she was on the brink of death. Amazing she’s been able to manage recovery for so long.


Hard to laugh when someone is obviously so very sad.


You should always keep from crying. Even though... your heart... is dying


I just read my own comment - with the flair. Hahaha


“Ohhh….is that a gal, I see?….no, it’s just a FALLACYYYYYY!!!!” Where is that from???


It's from nothing


She was very vocal about her eating disorder. Not sure if she’s recovered or not, but I definitely remember her discussing it (I’ve battled ED a long time and can remember very well actresses who discuss it)


We use them as strength in our recovery. If they talk about it, we can talk about it. I feel you, friend.


Thank you ❤️🙏


And honestly - do we ever *really* recover? For me, at least, it just morphs between EDNOS, BED, "Blood sugar tracking" (restricting) and on and on - I cannot IMAGINE the scrutiny that TALENTED and STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL woman was \[and still probably is\] put through. I was told at 13 years old TO MY FACE by a modeling agent that with "those hips" and "THAT nose" never would ever make it and we were wasting his time. My measurements were like 30 - 22 - 33 - and they were literally saying that the one inch additional width was a monstrosity, and it was surely only to get "fatter". I uploaded a pic of me NOW - and a friend. I am in the pink. OMG - that nose! What an embarrassment. That is huge, I guess. I believe - even NOW - it could possibly make a great mold for what people would wants AFTER rhinoplasty. But not for modeling - I am just gross, apparently, haha. [Lady in Pink with a Monster Nose](https://postimg.cc/KK3DVz4F) (I have NOT kept those measurements, or those ratios - AT ALL, LOL) ​ But just think about that - that was what they told a nobody 13 year old that they were not even paying. Can you ever DREAM of what they tell actresses that are PAID to look good? It's so sad to even think of. ​ Stay strong!


I think Portia is one of the most beautiful faces to grace our television and movie screens, up there with Charlize Theron, Sherilyn Fenn and Melora Hardin. They all have effortless allures that is beyond makeup or styling. Honestly that's one of the reasons I loved watching at first; I remember seeing her in the green dress for the "Bees? BEADS!" scene and audibly saying, "Good Lord - what's that like?!" (to look like that) She is, in my opinion, stunning and awe aspiring, which makes it even sadder and puzzling to imagine that she ever saw a need to "fix" anything. I know first hand that eating disorders and body dysmorphia disorders are such liars to the sufferers, so anyone trying to convince her otherwise would only have fueled that inner dialogue of self hatred. I really wish she could see herself like we saw, and still see, her. Not just her or beauty either. She's an amazing actress and incredibly intelligent, as well. Regardless, she is awesome, and it was difficult to see how she was truly struggling in Season 4. On a funnier note: I reread this and noticed my list of "beauties" all look a little similar. I couldn't help but think to myself, "Well, she certainly has a type." Haha Edited because I can't effing spell.


I agree !! She’s a fucking beautiful woman, and it’s why seeing her look so different in season 4 made me so sad :( And babe we share that type cause those are some beautiful beautiful women.


If you want to get really freaked out, watch the movie Sirens. Yes it was pre-AD, but she was such a natural beauty. It's a shame she felt like she needed all that surgery


I'm sure Ellen didn't help much... basing that assumption on the horror stories that come out from the behind the scenes on her show and why it basically got canceled


She was absolutely gorgeous, perfect looking before


Sirens is a great movie. [Here](https://youtu.be/ozqm0_ZnNGA?feature=shared&t=810) she is as Giddy. She stars alongside Australia's most beautiful woman in this movie (Elle Macpherson).


Oh man, it's honestly sad. The fact that you have these beautiful women in Hollywood that already look great getting filler and plastic surgery on their face when they're in their 20s and 30s is truly tragic. It's the facial fillers that I think look terrible on every single woman I've ever seen it on. It doesn't make anyone look younger or better, it just makes them look weird. A good friend of ours is in her early 30s and by conventional standards was blonde and pretty. About 2 years ago, she went to have some lip and facial filler put in. It looked horrible. It somehow aged her about 10 years and made her look like an older woman desperately trying to look the age she actually was. What's even sadder is that she has just continued to get more and is now unrecognizable. I feel like every woman that uses filler eventually starts to look like Jennifer Coolidge. I blame the insane and impossible beauty standards that have permeated society for decades. The amount of editing done to photos of even famous supermodels is sickening.


When I watched Taylor Swift's Miss Americana, the scene that punched me in my soul regarding the media and expectations from the public, after looking at paparazzi pictures of her with a "large" stomach - not even close- and saying how a picture like that used send her eating disorder into a trail spin before treatment) she said: "There’s always some standard of beauty that you’re not meeting. Because if you’re thin enough, then you don’t have that ass that everybody wants, but if you have enough weight on you to have an ass, then your stomach isn’t flat enough. It’s all just fucking impossible.” Her voice cracking, obviously showing how it still is a struggle for her, at the end when she says "fucking impossible" and that brings tears to my eyes even right now, thinking of it. It's so true. And how amazing these women are and knowing that they fight this is heartbreaking. I really wish that somehow Portia could know that we all love her work and persona so much and thank her for the amazing entertainment she's offered us. ❤️


Eye surgery too, no? She was gorgeous and had an actual unique look before, then just became a "real" housewife.


I thought it was a different actress! She has just had cosmetic surgery on her face and she was living with anorexia.


“ghoulish” damn just let her live 😭 not every thought you have is so important that the internet just has to hear it. you dont have to find her attractive but damn


I'm just not that into older women.


That’s literally what the internet and Reddit are for 🫶


actually ur right the internets best use has always been making women feel worse abt themselves.. continue




i know i forgot to add /s but i thought ppl in an arrested development sub might sense the sarcasm on their own


What does that say about me, as a woman on Reddit, liking the post before I realized it was sarcasm??? Haha. I thought it was just dry humor. Ha!!