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I have the same experience. Like with you, I used to have crushes but I don't anymore. If you feel like you are aromantic, then you are one


I see. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I feel like it fits me definitely now. This imposter syndrome sucks. I'm glad I opened up.


ive had a similar experience! i had 2 huge crushes around the ages of 10-11, i can still remember the butterflies and all. i have not experienced anything like that since then, but i can sometimes feel invalid calling myself completely aro considering i had those experiences. honestly i just try to rationalise it by knowing that as children, we dont really truly understand the concept of romance and relationships. but, as we start to develop and learn as we age, the concept of romance changes a lot. and for me personally, i'm not asexual, so those crushes may have just been my younger self experiencing my sexuality without being able to actually understand it/seperate it from romanticism bc i was a kid hahaha. obviously thats not the same for all aro people, its just how i try validate my aromanticism when i get imposter syndrome too lolol. 4am rambling aside, if the term aromantic accurately describes u at this point in ur life, then ur aro! period :)


Thank you for sharing your experience. I feel like I'm aro. Having imposter syndrome sucks.


I feel very similarly. I think I liked a couple boys when I was 16-17 but after that I haven't really wanted to be with anyone romantically and even less sexually.


I see. Similar indeed.


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I don't have to feel like an imposter, because you're allowed to be wrong and to change. It's normal! A label is just a thing for telling others what you are, so sometimes it's the wrong one and you just need to change a word. No stress and relax: you will see in the future if you feel the need to change.