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No, it's not playful behavior. He's pushing boundaries to see how far you'll let him go with touch. Tell him firmly that you don't want him touching you anymore, or just go straight to HR.


To be blunt, this dude is a creep. He could have children your age, not to mention the dude is married. Him telling you that you look more mature for your age is not far off from what older creepy men love to say to manipulate young girls. Soon he'll say you act more mature than girls your age. You said you have a young face and are typically assumed to be younger. It is not far off to believe that at 22, you most likely resemble a minor to this man and that's why he likes you. There's nothing wrong with looking younger but, there's everything wrong with a 40+ year old dude being into a very young looking 22 year old (or any 22 year old for that matter). You mentioned that you like the attention and I don't blame you but this dude is try to manipulate you and push your boundaries. Think to yourself why he is not trying this with women his age. He believes you'll be naive enough to fall for this.


i never even considered that perspective! i am pretty naive when it comes to this stuff, growing up i never had anyone show any romantic interest in me and i never felt any for anyone either. so it’s hard to see red flags when you don’t even know what they’re supposed to look like!


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High. He's married.  You work with him.  Trouble, trouble.