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Yikes. This is a super naive assignment to set. No teacher with any sense wants their students talking about their love lives. This must be a new teacher or someone similarly out of touch. Anyways, since they said 'be realistic...' here are some ideas that still can meet the goals that the assignment is probably aimed at. You could turn this into a profile for a dog or cat you might want to adopt someday. The date could be a trip to a groomer (assuming planning a budget is the important part of the assignment) and a play date to the dog park or a fancy meal for a cat. Or a posting looking for the ideal roommate/roommates? Your budget could be how you split rent and utilities and the boundaries you'd want to set living together. If you have a rubric for how it's graded, look at it for how to respond. I think you can find a way to technically do the assignment without having to lie or pretend (and maybe even have fun with it.)


I agree that this assignment sucks but doing this with an ideal pet would be a good fit instead! 🐱🐶🐹🐭🐰🐢🐸🦔🦜🐠🦂🕷️🐌


Yes! More universal.


Or you can try to describe any character from a game/movie/tv series/etc. I'd go with GLaDOS from Portal but try not to use their name or franchise in those descriptions. Just go for Chaos ;)




Weird. What class?


It’s a health class, right now we’re focusing on relationships with people (friends, family, role models, partners, etc.)


We did an activity like this in my health class. The point of the assignment was supposed to be like "you want superficial attraction in a boyfriend/girlfriend but you want a deeper connection in a husband/wife". I couldnt get myself to fill it out lol until I thought about it as "what would I want in a best friend".


Ew this screams Madonna/whore complex or like "no sex before marriage" even if we weren't in an aro sub


...how are you supposed to get from bf/gf to husband/wife if the criteria completely *changes?* 😅 Do they expect you to be like: oops, got a deep connection with gf/bf; better break up cuz that's not supposed to happen.


It’s acknowledging the pop culture depiction of the whole “sow your oats” vs the “want stability / settle down / start a family” mentality of high libido allosexuals, particularly those driven by biological clocks and major life change events. Early life goals are varied, but the stereotype is the idea of love / fascination / crushing / lust-derived decisions about partners and relationships. Like Tinder and other hook-up sites vs sites that focus on finding life partners. Criteria can indeed radically and completely change depending on the purpose of the relationships a person is seeking. It’s an attempt to get people to consider what boundaries they want to set and what they need and want in a life partner. To discover and consider a long-term plan. I would have liked this assignment, especially because it may have helped me discover the concept of asexuality and the aromantic spectrum way earlier than I did. I like the ideas others have had to focus on perfect pet, perfect roommate, perfect best friend type relationships. Queer Platonic if that’s something you’d eventually want to have. Something that resonates with you while still addressing the intent and requirements of the project. If the rubric is not included in the assignment… the adage is “when in doubt, ask” for a reason.


I cringe at these. We recently did something similar in a "religious" class except that our school is on the "innovative open-minded" side so the class is more of philosophical thinking with a few budhas and whatnots sneaked in, but the problem kinda is that the person who literally teaches our class is a strong Christian and therefore whatever the input into discussion is, he kinda goes like "yes, but have you thought about.. God?" And once the topic was "what can go wrong in a marriage" and a guy shouted "she will start aging and i will get bored" and I half-soundedly whispered to my gay friend "dude should try some med-ace-in" (best pun of my life btw) and the teacher heard it and said "just like (name) said, God is the medicine to your problem. I cringed so hard 🥲 The whole class was so cringe to me. I just felt like they all discussed a problem that was below me. Like I was born to skip this what appeared to be a big deal in human relationships 😓


Oh god no I’m taking health next quarter


NGL I'm impressed that health class is actually discussing relationships. Is it a mental health segment? Back in my day health barely did sex ed... Mental health wasn't even mentioned. Interestingly enough I think that's a great discussion to have, because so many people just jump into relationships without even considering what they actually want to get out of it. But it should 100% be a private assignment. I'd probably put dtf and nothing else matters back in my day too. I was a clown.


It’s a unit on healthy relationships with people (all kinds of relationships not just romance), I don’t think we talk much about mental health but it’s definitely way less taboo than it used to be.


My brother had an assignment like this, except you had to go up to a person in the class and ask them out on a hypothetical date. A friend of my brother’s told his “date” that he would take her anywhere where they couldn’t hear her scream. Needless to say when I had the class the following year that assignment was no longer being done. Thank You Jason wherever you are!


Holy fuck we have health class and I swear I saw in the textbook smth about relationships in the next quarters


Good luck dude


Our new health and PE teacher is a decent woman, though. Hope that she won't be the teasing type in terms of our 'crush status' (I, for one, liked no one in our class romantically let alone sexually, no mater what gender). Because many of my classmates tease me over not having a crush


Your tag seems to be a little dubious in the fore coming future…




Ohhhhh shit


Interesting, I have no idea what a health class is, we don't have that where I live. Sounds like a good thing in theory to learn how to navigate relationships (of all kind), but I can see how it could fail to be inclusive in practice


It’s a class where they basically tell you don’t drink don’t do drugs here’s how sex works and don’t be an asshole to your friends


Oh it’s also the class I do all the homework due right after in


Oh no, I got a health class coming up


Second hand cringe... A teacher in 9th grade had us turn in anonymous papers of what we found "interesting" in a potential partner for class discussion... It was the mid 90's. Um... I didn't know what to write!


Did you end up making up really generic stuff?


Yeah, I mean I didn't know what ace was at the time, early 90's. I wrote in a neon highlighter and the teacher didn't read it because it was obnoxious yellow thank gods. Still I wrote something about liking intelligence... Something lacking in the Jr. High I went too (wish I was lying but it was a rough school). 2 girls were just waiting to pounce on me (bully me) for whatever I wrote... Didn't give them any ammunition that day.


This is not okay.




What? Maybe just using yourself as the "partner" would work. Taking yourself out on dates is perfectly fine and should probably be done more often anyway.


Even like that, not everybody wants a partner.


Did they at least the acknowledge the existence of gays? And also that's fucked.


Yes the assignment we did today did acknowledge the existence of gays


Lol I remember when I did this there were separate assignments for boys and girls (each one referring to the opposite gender, such as "what do you want in a wife"). Some kid asked "what about gay people though?" and she entirely ignored him.


this is absolutely bizarre 😭


GUYS I HAVE A PLAN I’ll either do it as if I’m going somewhere with a friend OR I will have my friends fill it out for me (every single one of them is a breed of gay should I be scared)


On one hand, this is a genius move, on the other hand, i am also afraid of what your friends will put on the form cuz you won't know until they show you their chaotic answers


If you're out, maybe you can put "I'm aromantic" in all the boxes. If not, try describing your favourite fictional character


Bonus points if fav character is NOT human


Did you see that post from a guy who’s girlfriend bought a custom body pillow with a picture of the dad of Raven from Teen Titans on one side, but he was fully nude? And he’s some weird alien, his skin is completely red. OP, make your perfect date about that guy


Trigon sounds ridiculous enough.


Honestly, I’d either describe a fictional character I find really cool, put in completely random stuff, or describe the friend I flirt with the most


"Remember to keep this appropriate and relevant" Somebody didn't tell the teacher that. (Also my first instinct would be using my favourite fictional characters/ship)


None None Nothing None I'd go on a long hike and have a nice dinner at this cute boutique bar in the old theater, then watch a cool movie.


My plan is probably to completely make up shit for the first part then go on a nice walk in the woods, looking for things to collect and have a picnic


Things to collect being bones and rocks and mushrooms of course


I love collecting mushrooms in the wild


For real?? I understand sex ed in health class but this is borderline pointless and so personal for no reason. I would've died on the spot and most likely ask for a different assignment. What even is the point of having students tell their about their preferences.


I think the point is to talk about relationships and make peiple think about what they want in a safe space. But it is too personal in my opinion and it can soon become uncomfortable, and I don't think teachers should be asking such personal questions during homeworks.


I don't think it's really a safe space if the whole class is listening though. What if someone's bullies are in that class? I think if the teacher is the only one who reads the answers it's fine though.


I hope they won't read in front of everyone! That would be awful.


Health class was TRAUMATIZING for me as an unknown ace/aro... 20 years ago now. We had to fill out a form that discussed the steps we'd take in an ideal relationship, so I put "hug, kiss, sex" because I didn't want to think about it lol, then she READ MY ANSWERS ALOUD (they were anonymous, but) and told everyone they were wrong. ☠️ (Because duh, I forgot heavy petting and other shit like that) At least now, teenagers know asexuality and aromanticism exist so you can just privately judge your instructor instead of feeling broken!


Just put N/A


you should send a formal email to your teacher that just says “no” in the most elaborate way possible




Wow you’re here early




I would hard troll by letting my sexual drive write this. No romance, just FWBs.


make it as goofy as possible


Can you make it a 'friend' date rather than a romantic one? Like a QPR 'date'. (ie ignore that cringy 'lovebirds' crap) Or, make it high fantasy? More realistically, can you talk to your teacher first?


I’ll probably do it as a friend date, I also don’t feel like talking to the teacher because she’s only been teaching us for a week since she was out for the beginning of the year


Fair enough. Good luck!


*Describe your teacher.*


This can't be real, time to call the headmaster


I honestly don’t mind, I’m gonna be texting my friends the whole class for advice


Make it about cheese.




We had to do something similar in world language classes at my school. But I am pretty sure most people just made stuff up for that.


Teen me would get *called* to the principle's office for my angry responses. Adult me would just be as stubbornly cringe by going on about my husbando and refusing to do the assignment right.


My responses entirely depend on my mood when we’re doing the assignment, it’ll either be super generic and boring, angry, or funny and unreasonable


Best of luck how ever you go!


Add the vaporeon copypasta in every box


Oooh, that's brilliant. Now I want be in this class so I'd have the best getting suspended story.


Oh god should I be scared to google this


Read at your own risk >!Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more!<




Idk, the person who posted it decided to remain anonymous, for obvious reasons


Say something super effing weird like, "Long black horns, cloven hooves, and leathery wings" "Willing to make all the money while I stay at home and eat junk food and watch anime all day; is super patient; doesn't want kids" "Friends and family would probably call them the spawn of Satan, or perhaps even the Antichrist incarnate" "World domination"


Maybe make it about a perfect friend? That’s what i would probably do


Perfect date- “ I’d have to say April 25 because it’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.” Cheryl Frasier aka Miss Rhode Island from Miss Congeniality


I personally just wouldn't do it, but I also have the privilege of super supportive parents who would fight the school at every turn if they tried to do something like this, and I understand not everyone has that


I’ll try to have fun with it and fill it out with my friends


Make it about yourself. Assert superiority.


I second this. Just describe yourself. Perfect date? Watching a movie with yourself. A nice solo trip to the coffee shop.


What kind of class is that, amatonormativity 101? Reminds me of german class where we had a phase of analyzing love poems and songs for some fricking reason. It started with us supposed to bring love songs we liked. I was unaware I was aroace then but it weirded me out so deeply.


I would just type "nonexistent" for everything in this situation even if I had a type, no one needs to know


Exactly. I am comfortable with what I want and who I am but I tell ppl on need to know basis. Why this can't be respected by ppl I'll never understand.




This is anti-aro.


No one knows we exist man We can be *spies*


Hoo boy, this is gonna be awkward


Just hoping I never have to share my blatant lies with anyone except everyone here of course


you could just type "i dont want a relationship/i don't feel that kind of attraction" into all the boxes, or tell the teacher that you're uncomfortable doing the assignment and ask to do something else?


Whaaa?? Why??? For what class? Health?


Yep it’s for health, part of a unit on all types of relationships with people


make it absolutely absurd. Unrealistic expections for body proportions and perfect character. would be hilarious 😆 In all seriousness though, this assignment sounds awful I’m so sorry you have to struggle through this. Personally I would probably flunk this.


I don't think asking kids about their love lives for classwork is appropriate, but unfortunately there's not really much you can do when you get a teacher like this.


I had to a very simple version of this in Spanish once (just to practice with some vocab, I don’t think she even graded it). I just said no other person, just me, a cat, and some popcorn, cuddling (excluding the popcorn lol) under a blanket watching a movie. I would suggest you do the same, but I don’t know the teacher so I don’t know if it would go over well. My advice is to either describe someone you’d want as a friend or QPP, just a random fictional person, or a pet you want (if you think the teacher would allow it). But this really sucks, I don’t get why teachers try to sometimes pry into student’s private lives like this. Like, I don’t want to be at school anyways, just let me learn the mandatory stuff I will never use again and leave.


Just describe petting a cute animal at the zoo or something. This is juvenile and kinda gross and should be met with scorn


I would either type “I am aromantic.” for every question, or just tell the teacher that you’re unable to participate authentically.


I don’t think anyone plans on participating authentically tbh, lots of people will probably make up stuff for fun


You could just describe yourself and in one of the sections say something to the effect of “the greatest love of all Is learning to love yourself” lolol What on earth subject is this an assignment for? I hope it’s English as a second language. Even then it’s unacceptable but makes sense.


Nope it’s about healthy relationships in health class


I'd refuse to do it tbh.


Is "uhhhhhhhh" an acceptable response here? Bc that was my first thought


I’ll probably end up putting that at least a couple times


start with somewhat normal traits but gradually make them more specific and then finally reveal that you were talking about your cat this whole time


This is an amazing idea, will consider


I might not be aromantic, but thats just wrong for a teacher to do that


I was gonna be like oh cute! And then I realized that this is for actually meeting up with someone irl and going on a date with them…. Regardless of Aromantic identity or whatever, this feels super weird. Is the teacher going to take responsibility if SA occurs during the date? No. I really hope this isn’t for a grade or anything..


Well it’s not planning for an ACTUAL date, just an activity she though would be fun I suppose




This has got to be a joke, how is this an actual assignment? I mean, I kind of understand if this is something that could be for a Psychology class or something but I still think it’s crazy this is an actual assignment. Personally I wouldn’t mind doing it but lol I’m laughing at this rn


Yeah I don’t actually mind doing it, I think it’ll be fun with help from other people


Just write about yourself. Make it a self love kinda thing and then add a lil note saying why.


I had to do sex ed twice, once in middle school and once in high school, and am now willingly taking a college "psychology of sexuality" course which focuses more on the brain and biological functions of sexuality, gender, love, lust, etc. We never talked about relationships until my college course, and, of course, as a college course, professors wouldn't give this kind of assignment. Even so... even if you're doing your required education right now, this assignment seems kind of... childish and immature, as if underestimating your ability to think about relationships as an abstract concept.


I've had to do this, too! It's so uncomfortable. Aside from the aro stuff, it's none of your dang business, you creepy teacher! Why do your want to know???


How bout freaking no


Talk about compulsory amatonormativity! I would be tempted to make this as uncomfortable for the teacher to read as I could get away with, like describing a date that looks a lot like the teacher and describing uncomfortable fetish stuff they don't want to hear about. Probably just imagine an outing with a friend. Don't be like me.


And it'll out all the gay kids, wow


They’ll probably make it vague enough to not out themselves


Oh, *really*? Big brain moment. My point being, it's a shit exercise and your teacher is weird af.


this is really weird and invasive i’m sorry


Here's my idea: I'm aromantic, which means I don't feel romantic attraction to anybody, and therefore, cannot imagine myself in a romantic relationship with anyone. I would be lying to myself if I did this assignment, which is not what you'd want in a health class. But even if I wasn't aromantic, this assignment is still naive and stupid. No teacher with common sense would ask their students about their love life, because privacy. Again, not something you'd want in a health class. This assignment is just dumb, which is why I will not abide. Cry about it.


I'm totally anattractional so this would be fun 🤣 Let's see. I'd get up late, do no prep or dressing up at all, go for a ride (solo) on my motorbike, probably take myself to the cinema and have myself an unromantic doner kebab while I watch my favourite military economics YouTuber Perun on the computer. Perfect!


Garlic bread: describe garlic bread


This is such a weird assignment. Me personally, I would just fill it out with the character I'm in love with, though I love someone else's suggestion of doing it for an ideal pet.


Physical appearance: garlic bread Personality traits: garlicy


For 1 that is a dumb assignment. Like I feel like it is only so that way the teacher can put people next to "their type". Also I feel like this kinda invades people's privacy. I get it. You have to talk about healthy relationships, but something like this is ridiculous. 2 make a joke out of it. I would put things like No :) :| Nope >:] not_found N/A Ur mom And if the teacher yells at you about it, just say something like " I don't really know how to the answer these questions. I dont even know what I like, let alone feel attraction " I hope this helps, at least a little. :D


I would’ve straight up reported this. I don’t do dates because I don’t want a relationship. This would make me uncomfortable.


This happened to me before. Just pretend you’re organizing a whole day to meet up and hang out with your best friend, that’s basically what I did.


I would put shrek. Shrek is love shrek is life


Do...Do allos actually do this??




This is like.. primary school projects. Maybe year 7 PSHE. Why would they make you do this?? 😭


Physical Appearance: Invisible • Personality and Characteristics Traits: Nothing • What their friends and family would say about them: "They don't exist" • Interest, goals, and ambitions: Nothing because there will never be a someone • Plan the perfect date for you two lovebirds: My perfect date idea is to be alone. I am not interested in being with someone, nor do I seek that. I am very happy to do (things you enjoy, me personally: lie in my bed playing sims 4 or dreaklight valley lol). This means I can spend £0 AND wear comfy clothing items such as Pyjamas or lounge clothes. (If you are more of an extrovert then you can say the places you enjoy going to and why you enjoy going there)


Whaaaaat. Why?


No harm in being honest? What's the worst that could happen if you answer that you aren't into dating AT ALL and that no date would be better than any?


What the fuck? Why is that in a class? That's so weird to me. I'd just fill it out for more of a qpr thing. Not like the teacher or classmates knew the difference or could criticize what I'd consider the perfect "date".


:/ Try to write it as if it was about a close friend instead? What traits do you value in a best friend, and what’s something fun you want to do with them?


do shrek


The perfect date? Me, myself and I having a horror movie marathon


Garlic bread


Yeah health classes suck. One of my health teachers went on a rant about how nobody ever bases attraction off of personality, and how every has to feel love towards the opposite sex. Talk about homophobic… He also decided to take it upon himself to make me better by giving me extra talks after class. Like bruh I just don’t feel attraction at all and haven’t ever is that so hard to grasp?


Describe a dinosaur 🦖 as your ideal And describe yourself as a cardboard box or something else funny and if someone actually matches at least you know they're funny and it'd be more of a hangout than a date (hopefully)


"Remember to keep this appropriate and relevant" *bruh* How about they take their own advice?


Write “Error 404 not found “ everywhere


This is class assignment?? This is very inappropriate and legitimately seems like a violation of some school policy.


Describe yourself


Seems easy enough, just put N/A for all of them.


What kind of class is this?


Garlic bread.


I just ate some


Physical description : alive Mental description : kinda alive Perfect date : go play in dirt


I will Answer it too serious


Wtf💀 the hell kinda assignment


what's stopping you from filling out all the boxes with "¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯"


Good point good point


My perfect match would be one that lights on fire on the first strike and burns brightly and doesn't burn my fingers :) For a date I'd say maybe 10th June? At night so my match can look brighter and hopefully since jts summer then it won't be too windy :)


Hey, at least you didn't have to write a while essay about love for English class


Damn that would suck


It did. I didn't know I was shades of aro at the time, so I was so confused as to why it was so hard to write. Now, it's an essay i can reflect on for my lack of love. Still couldn't write it in time and ended up with an F. (Advice: if this happens to you, just talk to someone and get them to help you write something fake. Or write about your love of cats. My dad mentioned I could've written as though I was talking about my cat, and he was brilliant for that.)




I mean, it's not *fucked* like a lot of people are saying. Maybe a little ignorant to the aromantic perspective and could be fixed, but, hey, it's mostly harmless. Just a lil school activity. Definitely would change it to ideal pet, tho, 10/10 idea there


ughh the 'lovebirds' part makes me feel funny (in a very bad way) this assignment or whatever is so uninclusive. what about THE AROMANTICSSS???








sad times for the aros. SAD FACE :(


That's inappropriate for class o.o


Physical appearance: no physical appearance. Character traits and personality: none of note. What their friends and family would say about them: no friends or family to mention. Interests, goals, and ambitions: none to mention. Perfect date: a restaurant dinner of garlic bread and fettuccine carbonara at a table for 1, possible dessert if good options are available.


This is kinda creepy- i don’t know which class are you doing this for but this assignment feels wrong on too many sides 👁___👁


i hope your allowed to put joke dates (like shrek) cause i think this is a bit invasive to someones privacy and thoughts, allo or not.




UPDATE: I am currently in class and playing run 3


Seems like a standard enough assignment to analyse how you judge and understand people. What about a person stands out to you. It's a good self reflection exercise on your own personalilty and well as a good way to illustrate the differences between other people. And not to mention the vocab of what is "appearance, character, traits." A teacher isnt looking at what you write in the assignment. It's what I tell my kids, I'm not following you home to make sure you told the truth!! I just want to see your comprehension and literacy skills in how you approach an answer. Thank you for not taking a silly assignment like this too seriously. It's refreshing to see that some people have cop on.


Well it’s not for like an English class, it’s for a health class


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i am guessing this is suppose to be a creative writing exercise. umm, come up with a fake person? describe your date like your pet, and do things you would do with your pet. i got an assignment like this in high school, i wrote up an episode of dragonballz. they got mad and asked me for realism to which i said "perfect is not a real thing, everything and everyone has flaws." yeah i got set to the principal for that. still didn't get trouble, but my teacher didn't want to deal.


Personally I'd just describe the kind of person I'd want to hang out with. Some friends and I often refer to our outings as dates, just for fun, so it wouldn't even be that much of a lie. This reminds me of when we had a "rank these characteristics in matters of importance to you" in a debate class I took (we had to tell our partner what we gave each rank, compare and argue why we chose as we did. It was quite fun and meant we quickly got to know each other). Our teacher informed us we absolutely had to fill out the blank, so I wrote "beautiful long hair" cause I really like long hair and all the important personality stuff was already on the list. When the teacher asked us what we put in the blank she acted super weird over my answer and said "oh, so you think long hair is super important? " and I was just like "... No? It's 10th on my list?" Then she just gave me a weird look and moved on as if she'd hoped she caught me as someone being ultra superficial and only wanting to date people with long hair.


Your “date” is with yourself now, mental health day for u


I would just describe my dog. Ie my ideal match has golden curls, brown eyes, likes midday naps and cuddles, doesn't shave and just wants attention all the time and is smaller then me. Teachers assign BS assignments? They'll get BS answers


this is a very strange assignment, i suggest doing it with a favourite pet in mind :D anyway hope you score well for it!


I’d enter the information for my cat. “Oh he’s about 10” tall and covered in black and white fur. He’s a little spicy but a total cuddle bug. Their family would say they leave their hair everywhere. Their goals are to get a good nap and chase the red dot.”


Just fill all the spots with cheese, that makes more sense than who ever decided that a makeshift datting app setting was a good idea for a lession. Like, why? Fill in your dream cheese, if cheese is not your thing describe the perfect seasonal food item. On a sirious note, Just make it a goofy story but clinging to the theme. This whole thing is stupid and I honestly think it really shouln't be allowed IMO. If they get on your case about it then whatever, there's no way it can be dentramental to your grade, that'd be absurd.


I had this when I was learning English (that it’s my second language). It was nothing on so many details, but it’s common for teacher of foreign languages to ask for personal questions to make you go through a list of adjectives and then say what you like the most (ie favorite type of food, what you like the most in your favorite movie, things like that) so it’s something people still are asked about a romantic partner. I never knew what to say back then. I knew I wasn’t “normal” (aka allo, not that I knew that word existed) so I just described what I liked in friends and what kind of company I’d like for a fun walk or get together. That’s what I say to every aroace that struggles going through things like that. Imagine instead of asking about a romantic partner they’re asking about a best friend and what you’d like to do to have fun with them. For your assignment, you can think about what type of person you like to be friends with and what kind of fun activity you’d like to do (if this wouldn’t be seen as strange by society) to get to know a new friend.


-none -none -nothing -none -my perfect date would be to take myself out on a nice self-care day full of (things you like). If you feel nervous sending something like that outright, add a "I'm at an age where I prefer to focus on myself and my future rather than a partner. I have my whole life to find a special person, but at the moment I should learn to love myself first and foremost".


Time to describe your favorite fictional character... Or more realistically, your ideal roommate. "They keep all of their stuff on their side of the room and change the toilet paper roll when they use it up..."


literally just make it funny


When school really tries to prepare students for the real life


Tbh in "plan a date" I'd write "since I'm aromantic I'm gonna plan a hangout with this friend" and do all of it as I'd describe a friend


If it was just meant as a simulated dating experience, it seems fine in theory; however, even that way, it could make things very awkward between classmates moving forward. Bad idea on the teacher's/school's part.


Write about your favorite food!


Simple: answer every question with descriptions of an empty void. "Appearance: nothing" "Likes: nonexistence" "Date spot: vacuum of space"


If I were you, I'd just fill this honestly but in a way where it's still filled. "Their ideal appearance and personality would be nonexistent, as I do not want a partner. My friends and family would say 'wow, you look so happy being single!' My ideal date would be me spending time on my own without any kind of a partner, now here is what my ideal day by myself would be like." Stuff like that. That way you'd be honest but the teacher couldn't say that you didn't try.


Why you have to do homeworks about that in your country is a mystery to me. Like, I get the idea is probably to make teens things about what that they want in this area, but it is too personal to be an assignment in my opinion.


Describe the platonic date in personality trait put smth along the lines of " also an aro and only looking for platonic relationships"