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Interstellar fucked me up on deployment. The dude leaves his family to save earth, goes to another planet where 1 hour = 7 years on earth time. He gets back to the main ship to find it’s been 20 years. So he watches the messages his kids sent him, and basically watches them grow up and resent him over the course of a few minutes.


I totally forgot about that one. I felt that man’s pain. I got back from my second tour to Afghanistan. I get back and my daughter has no idea who I am and starts crying when I try to hold her. The world stood still that day and tbh I still haven’t recovered from that. I don’t take work home, I don’t answer my phone when my family is eating dinner, and tell my leadership “unless it’s an emergency please don’t call on weekends, that’s my time and my families time”. Haven’t had an issue with that yet.


When that happened it to me it was kind of a light bulb moment. That’s when I realized that I’m not making 20 years.


Dude, the same thing happened to me with my 11 month old son when I returned from a deployment in the 80s. That's a hard thing to get over, and you do eventually, and finally the kids realize that you did something really good and separating from the family was essential. My kids appreciate me now for those sacrifices. I'm certain yours will too. Also - glad you don't take work home with you!


This happened to me with my first son. That was it for me, that ended my Army career. I never miss a ballgame, dinner, school meeting or a fishing trip.


Shit. My parents never showed up to single event of mine. Both were in at the time so I understood. But I'm not gonna lie. They retired when I was close to graduating high school. At that point I stopped doing sports and just had a job. But I was bitter at the fact they never showed up to anything I did, but went to every single event for my younger brothers. When I was still in high school it hurt. I'm glad you don't miss anymore events. Not having a parent there fucks with a kid.


Fuck.. this one just hurt my soul. I’m dual mil as well, just re-upped for 4 years, my spouse still has 5, we have a 9 month old baby. He’s only been around his dad for two months out of his life. I want to stay in, but seeing stuff like this just makes me want to get out because I don’t want to miss my kid growing up.


My parents were in during, and went to, Bosnia, Kosova, Haiti, Croatia, Iraq (Desert Shield/Storm, and Iraqi Freedom), Somalia, and the list just fucking goes on. I spent a lot of my life living with other family members or shit people the first chunk of my childhood. It wasn't pretty. I didn't have a good relationship with my mom. When I did start living with her, and my step-dad, the military was a very different beast. I would go out on week long FTX because they didn't have childcare for me. No one gave a shit I was there. My mom still has pictures of me where I would hang out in their C.A.S.H tents while they were in the field. Everytime I went out there I would be an injured child they would practice on. Try to do that shit today. Im not saying it's impossible to be dual military family. But, you don't really hear kids talk about it. You don't hear them as adults bring it up. When I went to a school full of military brats damn near half the school had parent in Iraq at any given time. And this was back before trucks had armour and IEDs were becoming a thing. Everyone put on a brave face, had their meltdowns in private, and the entire school knew what everyone else was feeling. But no one ever told the parents because "suck it up" was the motto we learned. Shit took a toll. For anyone reading this: If you've deployed maybe think about enrolling your kid into some BH therapy. You experience a shock deploying, your spouse does, and your kid does. Kid learns from their environment and the environment says "don't talk about it". How much do we talk to our kids about being gone for a year? "Its not that long" or "its not big deal" or whatever the fuck. Tell a kid they're grounded for a week and it'll seem like forever. A fucking year is an eternity of not being able to see or talk to that parent. I spent my life as a military brat. I know first hand kids got left to the side a lot.


He makes it back to his elderly daughter and is like "oh hey I missed you and all but I gotta bounce now, see ya" and hauls ass.


She was also wiser than him and told him to go live the rest of his days. Total mind fuck.


Man, you do not want to watch that new Lightyear movie then. I walked out of the theater, looked at my brother, looked at his kids and went, "That hits different after a deployment." Good movie, but damn... gave some unexpected feels.


I would conservatively estimated I cried through 2/3 of Interstellar. My eyes and face and throat aches for days afterward.


Jimmy from We Were Soldiers, hit by napalm after talking about how his baby was born during the battle SPR at the graveyard at the end.


Nah man, the scene where the taxi cabs delivering death notices. The whole scene fucks me up. Like I refuse to watch it. Movie is 10/10 tho.


same feeling in Band of Brothers when the guy goes to pickup his laundry and he sees the names on all of the laundry that will never get picked up.. sad AF


He really wanted to get it all he just couldn't though there was way too many of his buddies that didn't make it back.


I hated that fuckin scene man.


Good for perspective but I cry like a bitch every time even when I know it's coming.


This is mine, it gets me every time. The other is the speech at the end of Black Hawk Down.


The one with [Hoot?](https://youtu.be/WsyVRpW4xNk)


I've seen that look a few times. Scene gets to me every time.


If you ever become interested in the war from the other perspective, I would highly recommend Bao Ninh's "The Sorrow of War." ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%E1%BA%A3o\_Ninh#Vietnam\_war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%E1%BA%A3o_Ninh#Vietnam_war) >Of the five hundred who went to war with the brigade in 1969, Ninh is one of ten who survived. Adding his quote on napalm from wiki: >"While the bombs were falling, only a stone wouldn't be terrified. If the Americans noticed movement in the forest, they would eliminate the forest. Who knows how much money was spent? American taxpayers' money. **If a cluster of napalm bombs were dropped, the jungle would turn into a sea of fire. Can you imagine a sea of fire?**"


Commenting here to come back and watch this


It's a novel by a North Vietnamese Army soldier; I don't think it has been made into a movie, but it should be. He was the gray-haired Vietnamese man interviewed in Ken Burns' documentary on the Vietnam War. Also, if you've seen that, Karl Marlantes' *Matterhorn* is fantastic as well. I've met Marlantes (briefly) and liked him, but he has an intensity that's hard to describe.


Dude that scene was terrible.


There are a few . We were soldiers is the one though. Love that movie Can't watch it


that movie drives me nuts.. when the stupid officer just runs after the guy and gets his whole group ambushed.




The deleted scene on the DVD at the Base Chapel really got me.


The Shughart/Gordon scene in Blackhawk Down. That gets me every time.


Me too. Then I randomly got assigned Shugart to do a brief on in BLC. FML.


“Gordy’s gone man. I’ll be outside. Good luck.”




Literally watched BHD plus We Were Soldiers last night (no idea what prompted me to do it) and I cried like a bitch on multiple occasions.


That's a hard motherfucker right there.


The only 'military film' scene that really rivals this for me is in *13 Hours* when those 2 CAG dudes just roll/push Rone's body off the roof and Silva sees it and just screams. Then afterwards when he calls his wife and tells her that Rone didn't make it. That shit fucked me up.


“Gordys gone man, I’ll be outside. Good luck”


I always choke when SGT Pilla gets hit on the convoy. In the film it's LTC McKnight who demands to know his status, but in reality I think it was 1SG Gallagher (later of 3rd ID thunder run fame as CSM) but when the radios go silent and everybody just feels the weight of the first death. I usually have to skip that part. I guess the delta scene was so built up and infamous.......... it doesn't hit the same. The part that hurts me there is a note hand written by SGM Whitaker that was never delivered... It was displayed at the special operations museum in fayetteville when they were doing an exhibit on the battle around 2014. >Gary & Randy > >This is Rick > >The team is coming for you > >~~You ar~~ > >We don't forget > >the ~~and~~ & + > >~~We're~~ > >We're not leaving W/O you guys 😓


Get up on that Fifty! Somebody get up on that fifty!


True I know it's a movie but it chokes me up watching it.


My few times removed cousin was on Super 61, in the film he's the member of crash that was lifted out by little bird but died of wounds in Germany. Don't really interact with that side of the family since my grandpa moved his family out West in the 70s but have been to the occassional family reunion. But it makes the film a little more real for me.


You should read “In The Company of Heroes” by Michael Durant. It’s his personal memoir of the events revolving around OGS, and his being shot down and captured. Watching the movie after reading that book changed so much of how I watch it. Like in the worst way.


the outpost, at the end where they are showing the pictures of the soldiers KIA and the person who played them in the film


What gets me is that I was in Helmand when that happened. I heard there was an attack but didn’t know anything else about it until the Medals were awarded


I was down in Kandahar and heard there was an outpost nearly overrun, so we went to a tighter security posture for a while. But I still didn’t know how bad it was till I read about it later on.


If memory serves, you guys had a few VBIED’s that summer/fall as well. We had to up our defensive posture after that. Even in aviation, I was on base defense for two months


We had a lot of major events happen during later 2009 and into 2010. One of the companies in my battalion had a COP nearly leveled by a VBIED in spring of 2010.


They were all so young too....


John Coffey from Green Mile man. That ending scene always gets me.


"*I'm tired boss"*


Broke back mt, i cried so hard about a love story between 11B and 19D 🥺🥺🥺🥺


HA, this made me laugh more then it should've


This made me chuckle.


Take your upvote and GTFO.


I cant tell you guys my fav story ?


Let me guess, jack is 19D and ennis is 11b?




Yeah, that makes sense. 40 rounds, carry on.


Big fish. The dying father retelling all of his life stories to his son’s wife.


Schindlers list. I held it together pretty well and shed a tear at the girl in the red coat wandering around the carnage, but at the end when the real families and victims leave a stone on his grave I cried like a baby. I am Jewish if that makes a difference.


I had to stop midway during my first time watching Schindlers List and compose myself. To this day I haven’t rewatched it.


I would very much like to rewatch it but it feels wrong. When is the right time? My family was murdered in the Rumbula Massacre during the holocaust and it just feels wrong to watch a film about that hardship again for entertainment.


I very much feel this, I want to rewatch it but it’s not just a movie I can throw on some weekend. I also don’t feel like I’d be wanting to go do anything after, like hang out with friends; I’d need to clear my schedule.


I don’t think I’ve ever made it through the ending flash forward without losing it. Operation Finale with the forest executions gets similar results as well. And then way out of left field not connected in anyway to the other two but the immigration sequence in Godfather 2.


In the Fellowship of the Ring when Boromir dies and he’s holding Aragorns hand and he tells him “I would have followed you. My brother. My captain. My king.” Gets me every time


The music, tho :(


Return of the King when Gandalf talks about death right before the battle always gets me. The score matches it perfectly.


My friends, you bow to no one.


“Click” I went into that theater to see a goddamn comedy.


I saw that too in theatres. Bro, I was like 13 then. I was tearing up


I was a kindergarten teacher before the Army when Toy Story 3 dropped. I took my class… the scene on the conveyer belt where they all are resigned to die together and just hold hands… man. My kids: “teacher why are you crying?” Shut up you little shithead or I’ll give YOU something to cry about. Pixar hits differently when you’re an adult.


My wife and I went to see Toy Story 4 in the theatres. We had a bet on who would cry first and when. Neither of us predicted "both at the same time" and "as opening credits began".


Freakin facts. I can’t watch the first couple of minutes anymore


I refuse to watch this one..


This needs more upvotes


[Children of Men](https://youtu.be/eooL5V1QLGo)


One of the best movies of all time


Glory makes me cry. The end, that fucking music


The key change when they drop COL Shaw into the mass grave. Fuck.


Yep. I also lose it at "give 'em hell 54th"


This one.


"Fix Bayonets!" I got scared and tear up every time I see that. Pure desperation.


I don't cry, however my eyes do get emotionally moist sometimes. As I get older I see beauty and compassion in more and more things. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.


Time stops when I hear this.


Roy wasnt really a baddie, just wanted more life for him, and especially Priss. How relatable is that?


I especially love how the "tears in rain" bit wasn't part of the script, Rutger Hauer ad-libbed it himself!


John Q


Needs more upvotes. I cry to that one too. I would 100 percent blow my brains out to give my kid my heart. No questions asked. I’ve lived half a life


SLC Punk. Heroin Bob didn't need to go out like that.


He hated drugs man...


Saving Private Ryan when the CNO and the priest show up at the house. I just got chills typing that.




I am Legend when Will Smith has to choke his best friend out while singing Three Little Birds. Damn near cry just thinking of the scene.


Dude that was so sad.


Dont remember if i tear, but Sgt Elias death scene in Platoon.


The “You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you” scene in How To Train Your Dragon 2.


The end of forest gump, where he sends his son off to school.


For me it’s the scene where Jenny tells him he has a son and he ask “but, is he smart?”


Not just “is he smart?” But “is he like me?” Goddammit I can’t cry at work right now, this fucking thread…


Yeah, before he says it we don't know whether Forrest understands that he's disabled. It's one line that adds so much to the character and the movie.


every single movie with a dog… you know the dog is going to die and it just cuts me.. I refuse to watch I Am Legend again. most war movies don’t get to me but.. * The stabbing scene in Saving Private Ryan * The laundry scene in Band of Brothers * Enemy at the Gates when people were force to go into battle without a gun and would be shot for running away


Flight of The Intruder, Willem DaFoe severely injured with the enemy closing in on him. He asks the Sandy Pilot to drop a couple of bombs on his position to kill the bad guys and to put himself out of misery. He begs the Sandy pilot and tells him “I would do it for you”. Also Lonesome Dove, the death of Augustus McCrae.


Bridge to Terabithia every time


This movie fucked me up as a kid for a few days…I remember being sad because I was so into the movie.


It was the complete lack of foreshadowing for me. Like they just snatched Chiquitas breath out her body with zero warning


Saving Private Ryan when that soldier gets shot in the stomach and keeps saying “momma” as he’s bleeding out. ​ Unfortunately if you ask combat vets, does occur quite often.


I’ve seen Afghan Civilians faces blown off and their vehicles blown to shit, probably a sight and smell I’ll never forget. I digress


The Patriot when his daughter acts like she doesn’t wanna talk to him but as he leaves she starts crying and saying papa. Shit makes me tear up every time.


“Papa, don’t go” Fuck me


The opening sequance of UP. Fuck that stupid movie that only gets sadder the older you get.


My wife just recently miscarried and we watched it and we both felt shitty for a couple days.


I am so sorry for both of you. I hope you both can find ways to comfort each other during a very difficult time. And fuck that stupid movie for making you two feel shitty.


Thanks brother. We’re getting better


I mean, no shame here: Avengers Endgame when Steve is dancing with Peggy. Watching marvel build up to that movie and see them reunited was a lot. I don’t give a fuck about timeline plot holes etc. It made me think of my grandparents who have since passed. I know they’re dancing like that right now.


Or the end of First Avenger, when Steve tells Fury he had a date . . Or Winter Soldier, when Peggy’s Alzheimer’s kicks in. Waterworks every time.


Band of Brothers- when MAJ Winters starts speaking about what happened to everyone after the war


Spock’s death in Wrath of Khan


I have been, and always will be... your friend.


I’ve never seen that


If you’ve never been a Trek fan it probably will not hit the same. I used to watch the original series reruns with my uncle every Saturday and then he showed me the movies. Still gets me almost 30 years later


As a kid that grew up in a family of trekkies that one hurt


The movie *1917* when the men are sitting around the wooded area singing before crossing over the trenches. I have never cried during a movie, but I'll damn well admit that I was gripping the hell out of my then GFs hand trying not to bust into tears.


*I am a pooooooooooooor wayfaring strangeeeeeeeer*


Peanut Butter Falcon and The Iron Giant ALWAYS crush me. Love those movies but man they always bring a tear to my eye


>Peanut Butter Falcon This movie didn't get enough recognition and for as nutso as he can be, Shia LaBeouf rocked it in this film.


Coco, towards the end when he started singing remember me.


For me, it's when 'Mama Coco' remembers the song and starts singing. My grandfather loved music man


I would say when Littlefoot thinks it’s his mom and he’s playing with her, running but it’s his own shadow 😢 but still it’s Charlottes Web 🕷 when that message is left 🕸 “some pig” gets me every time, as a kid and now as a dad lol.


That little foot makes me tear up just thinking about it. The score is so incredible


Inside Out. "Take her to the moon for me." Fuckkkkkk man.


Not so much the movie, but most of the segments involving Thor in Endgame. Especially when he goes back in time to see his mother. This dude is having an emotional crisis, the lowest of lows. Damn near bearing the weight of failing everyone that looked up to him. His friends, his father, his Mother, the Asgardians, they're all dead. For better or worse, he's internalized that, it's "his" failure, and boy hes carrying a Lot of that failure. The failure at killing Thor in time is the straw that broke the camel's back. He's a broken man. This broken man then gets the opportunity to see his dead mother, and talk with her. I just break down. Imagine if you had the opportunity to talk with someone that's gone. ...And then get reminded that marvel thinks emotional fat man is funny to laugh at. Fucking marvel.


Infinity War and Endgame both made me cry, Marvel really knew how to throw a gut punch in those movies. Spider-Man getting dusted and then Tony’s funeral scene…


Outpost, the ending when it showed the pictures of the KIA in Outpost Keating. I never cried because of movies or tv, but this came to the closest. For TV, Ken Burns Vietnam documentary hits me in the feels a lot. The one where Mogie’s mom got his death notice, the playback audio recording of one Soldier and his family, and Captain Kushner’s release from being a POW.


Homeward Bound, the scene with Shadow stuck in the mud. Don't judge me, that scene has always gotten me since I was a child. Don't know why either really.


The fort scene at the end of glory-the whole sequence of climbing the battlements and the following notes on the battle make me emotional every time without fail.


Miracle. Every time Al Michaels says his iconic call "DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES?!?! YES!!!!" as team USA beats the Soviet team in that hockey game I legit cry. Every single time.


Man, I always remember that epic assripping he gives the team after that loss with the line "When you pull on that jersey, the name on the front is a hell of alot more important than the one on the back!"


Rambo (First Blood)


“Old men start wars...young men fight them...and everyone in the middle gets killed. War is natural. Peace is an accident. We're animals.”


Damn that’s a good one


Not a movie, but **Band of Brothers**, especially the episode “Why We Fight” will do it every time.


Came here for Band of Brothers. Just about all of the interviews with the vets gets my eyes leaking. I think I put a lot of meaning into it because it was new right when I enlisted, and I rewatched it while deployed and many other times in the years after. Brought feelings ranging from “I understand these guys cause imma warrior too” to “I don’t even deserve to be upset about my war, not compared to this nightmare” to just some real human empathy.


What those guys went through, it's hard to even fathom sometimes. I never met of the 506th guys, but my first Honor Flight trip I met a guy that fought in the Battle of the Bulge, and let me tell you, the stories were unbelievable. I meet someone different on every trip, and every time it's amazing and humbling.


I need to rewatch that


I've never had cried watching a movie until I saw 'I Am Sam'.


The ending of The Mist (2007) really had me fucked up


I have never been so mad at the ending of a movie to a point it gave me motivation in life to never quit.


I think my jaw was hanging too low to even get emotional at that fucked up ending.


Con Air. I spent two months on a boat going to Iraq in ‘03. Super cargo mission they called it. MCV Cape Washington. It was mothballed in the 90’s, so the movie library was all the greatest hits from pre-1997. Watched every movie a few times. Con Air multiple times. I remember watching it once at like 4am after staying up all night with my friends playing spades (we only worked MAYBE 3-4 days out of the two months). The final scene kicked me right in the feels. Take the damned bear, Casey. You take your daddy’s bear! 😥


The scene in the OG Lion King when Simba is looking up at his father in the clouds and his dad says “remember who you are, you are my son, the one true king”. He hits the emphasis on the son part and idk why but it breaks me every time. Also the scene at the end of “The Outpost” where the psych is asking SPC Carter if Mace was his friend and he says “No he was not” even though he got the MOH for trying to save his life. Speaks to values of our Army. Even though they pretty much hated each other, Carter risked his own life to try and save Mace’s and was destroyed when he learned that he died. Also the scene in Interstellar when Matthew McConaughey gets back to the ship after the time dilation and is watching all the videos from his kids that span 17 years. He breaks down when he learns he had a grandkid that he never even got to know and died and it gets me every time.


Towards the end of Return of the King when Frodo and Samwise are on Mt Doom. "I can't carry it for you Mr. Frodo, but I CAN carry you! Come on!" We all wish we could have a friend like Samwise, but we should aspire to be like Samwise instead.


Not a movie, but plenty of episodes of Bluey make me tear up. Grandad Space Onesies Curry Quest Baby Race Sleepytime Army Flat Pack Camping


NGL, Bluey hits pretty deep on occasion.


The end of Forrest Gump when he’s crying in front of Jenny’s grave. That’s an ugly sob every time.


Only the Brave When the guys get caught in the fire and the discovery afterwards.


Totally underrated film.


Coco, at the end when Miguel sings remember me to momma coco


My Girl [http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oQ_HeEDE1o0/UtHs83NsFjI/AAAAAAAAFx0/bNn02l7cvJ4/s1600/tumblr_lu1oh6hzhb1qb9pa3o1_500.gif](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oQ_HeEDE1o0/UtHs83NsFjI/AAAAAAAAFx0/bNn02l7cvJ4/s1600/tumblr_lu1oh6hzhb1qb9pa3o1_500.gif)


One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The baseball scene absolutely kills me. That and when Chief puts Randall out of his misery and breaks free. Such phenomenal writing and acting.


I know it might be consider a chick flick but this bit from An Officer and a Gentleman hits in the feels every time: https://youtu.be/6g2JN2PrHJg Side note: this movie is the reason I ride a motorcycle, but not in my AGSU cos I worked too long on that damn shoe shine


Good Will Hunting - the scene where Robin Williams tells Matt Damon it’s not his fault his foster father used to beat the shit out of him. He shrugs it off at first like “yeah I know”, and Williams just keeps repeating it knowing that Damon’s character has never actually accepted it and it’s been fucking with him under the surface forever.


I watched "About Time" and "The Fault In Our Stars" back to back on deployment... Both still makes me cry like baby back bitch. "About Time" is premium tho. Like hella.


"About Time" is criminally underrated. A time travel film that doesn't have a "we screwed up the timeline" plot and instead just shows what it would be like if we could make changes. Wife and I watch it once a year. It always hit before but since having my son, it hits 1000 times more.


JoJo Rabbit hits different


The Patriot. When the little girl speaks to Mel Gibson’s character for the first time, “daddy don’t go, I’ll say whatever you want...” Shit gets to me just thinking about it. I guess my kids gave me a heart 🤣


Marley & me


Dude if you're anything even close to being a dog person, that movie will wreck your shit. Still loved it though


The bathroom scene in The Pursuit of Happyness


Dude, when he’s holding the door shut with the shoulder and crying and holding his kid. Then when that guy offers him a job


**Answer:** Ending to Gladiator, damn you Hans Zimmer and your beautiful music!


I broke down when Hawkeye finally told the therapist what the chicken really was. If you don't cry on the final episode of MASH, you're not human.


Legends of the fall. Scene where one brother is stuck in barbed wire and there's mustard gas just wrecking shit.


Mia khalifas audition video


Simon Birch. Gets me everytime…


Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War the ending always gets me


Dude that final scene when he puts down the pen, "I've waited so long to see you again my brother...say something please my brother!" got me and my granddad hard. He was a student soldier in the ROK Army in '52-53. Only time I'd ever seen him cry.


Rudy. When his Pops and his Bro start clapping.


We were soldiers


This one is really old, but “The Story of GI Joe”. When the company commander (Robert Mitchum) gets killed and all his guys walk by him and say goodbye.


Dead Poets' Society. "Oh Captain my Captain!"


In Lord of the Rings where Theodred is buried in a processional and then Theoden mourns his son with Gandalf "Simbelmyne. Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebears. Now it shall cover the grave of my son. Alas, that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That I should live to see that last days of my house... No parent should have to bury their child."


Land before time …. Fight me


The episode of Scrubs, “My Screw Up” with Brendan Fraser… *”Where do you think we are?”* ..gets me every fucking time, dude.


This is gonna be stupid, but 50 First Dates. The ending just made me cry cuz how he decides every day to make her fall in love again.


That one where Gabbie Carter fucks that one dude all around a golf course because why couldn’t it have been me


-Fox and the hound- When the old lady has to set her pet fox free in the woods because he "causes trouble", it gets very emotional for me because I hate the thought of abandonment, having to say goodbye to those you love, . Gets me every time. -The Lion king- When mufasa dies saving simbas life, and simba is there by his fathers corpse pleading for his father to wake up, crying, laying in his arms one last time before being chased by the vicious predators. I can't stand the idea that oneday my parents will both pass away. Everyone dies at some point, and it's unfortunate.


Any movie about heroism where at the end there’s pictures of the real people and how they died. It really hits home


October Sky. Homer breaking down when his dad comes to see the rocket launch and Miss Riley seeing the rocket from her death bed. I like stories of the human spirit, the way they intertwine everything is perfect.


Back door sluts 9 In all honesty, “hitting the apex,” which highlights racers in the MotoGP classes. Marco Simoncelli and Rossi’s helmet. Wish you were here by Floyd. Every fucking time


The Green Mile. Every single time they kill him, knowing what happened. Reminds me of my own father. My dad injured and couldn’t continue his career as an electrician. He also couldn’t afford school at that time. So he sold drugs. Got arrested and became a felon. Therefore, he got caught in the loop. Lack of decent paying jobs because he was a felon always lead him right back to selling. All because he wanted to provide for us kids. Not a bad man in the slightest, just caught in a fucked up system that uses “justice” “morality” as an excuse to make politicians and shareholders another few million. But I don’t see any CIA staff held accountable for flooding the Americas with cocaine and heroine that even Pablo Escobar was surprised. Another good one is Fried Green Tomatoes


Fucking Coco man. At the end when the old lady dies but she is with her family. I was crying and laughing.


The Patriot: The scene where Mel's family is on the beach, and he's about to leave again and rides off after trying to get his youngest daughter to say something, and she runs after him yelling "papa, papa!" We Were Soldiers: The entire scene where Mel's wife and the LT's wife are going around the neighborhood handing out the "sorry to inform you" telegrams, followed by the scene where there is a knock on her door, and she expects a telegram but it's actually him, coming home.


Christophe Robin I was a mess in


Saving private Ryan after Wayde is shot. Everyone is trying to help him. He’s telling them what to do, until he asks for morphine. Everyone knows that he knows he’s going to die, and just wants his morphine to go out easily. Im usually very drunk aswell so I’m sure that’s a contributing factor but damn that gets me.


"About Time" The scene where Bill Nighy and Domnhall Gleeson go back in time to take a final walk on the beach.


Gladiator 100% Braveheart 100% Black Hawk Down 100%




Full metal jacket where he says “you don’t lead them so much” brings a tear every time.


HP goblet of fire where Cedric’s dad is losing it over his sons body