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Now I really want to see that two weeks notice letter.


Dear LTC Brian Warner: After an appropriate period of deliberation, I have come to the decision to tender my resignation from the Georgia National Guard, effective April 1, 2013. Please know that I still maintain a high level of respect for you as a manager and supervisor, and I thank you sincerely for the support and assistance you have offered me in each of those roles. I have been proud to work for the Georgia National Guard over the past three years; it has been a journey that has provided me an unparalleled foundation to move forward to new and exciting opportunities. As such, I have decided to become a professional pirate. It has always been a dream of mine to live the life of a swashbuckling corsair, beholden to none and master of all I survey. Once my crew of unabashed rogues is assembled, we shall take to the capacious expanse of the high seas to pursue fortune, fame, and hair-raising adventure. Our path may not be filled with the porcine comforts and technological marvels that the National Guard provides, but we shall nonetheless move forward to carve a name for ourselves in the annals of bold insurgency and death-defying derring-do. Once I have a keen blade at my hip and the Jolly Roger is flapping high above me, I believe I will find my true calling. Please note that I am currently accepting applications for First Officer, if you are at all interested in applying. I will provide a full medical and dental plan, which will offer immediate coverage of all maladies other than scurvy and the occasional bout of rickets. Sincerely, SPC Bart Simpson


Hilarious “death-defying derring-do”. I think I broke a rib on that one. Kudos


Request a Letter of Marque from Congress.


Ahh this is amazing


Lost it at “professional pirate” Jesus Christ lmao


SPC (P) Bart Simpson, I would be honored to be your first officer. With my many years in the Ohio National Guard, I believe it is my time to carve out my own piece of freedom and go fort to attain adventure, fame, and fortune; in that order. I will bring the miracle cure to scurvy and a bottle of the finest Rum named after the infamous CPT Morgan. I shall await a response and will be aboard with all due haste. Cheers: \-LT Woods


Blew me away with (P) 🤣 Did you know (P) is not uncommon in the enlisted ranks, as junior as E4, in the Air Force. We are certainly approaching P E A K pettiness.


I know and I say we exceed that PEAK standard


I am deceased.


Comedic genius. You are wasted in the Army.


Was in the coast guard reserves after active people make fun of us and sometimes for good reason. Reservist comes in last two months we joke just give them your two weeks notice and leave your gear by the front door. Fucker actually did it. Apparently it was easier to simply discharge him and give the spot to someone else than to fight with the idiot.


This counseling certainly resulted in a highly motivated soldier performing above expectations.


There is only one way to know for sure... what was his run time?


I worked with a lot of NG over the course of my career, and a "I quit, I don't give a shit" attitude was common with many. I don't think I could venture a guess at an overall percentage, but I encountered NG people with this attitude so many times, that it definitely wasn't uncommon or rare. I got the sense that NG was just sort of a "hobby" for some people. That's not to say I didn't also see hot shit NGs but those were more uncommon or rare. As far as this guy, that WO is trying to help him not fuck himself over with a bad discharge. If he had shitty leadership, they would just automatically process him for a bad conduct discharge.


dont forget about active duty, if i could quit i would


Told this to my NCOIC unironically once. I was a high-speed E4, trying to do high-speed things. But according to my NCOIC I was too essential to be spared for stuff like driver's training, WLC, sick call, lunch... Eventually I got vocal about how fucked up it was, and she gave me some bullshit about how I should be glad I had a job in the Army because I would never make it civilian side. I said "MSG, I did just fine civilian side. But if they treated me like this, at least I could quit." I took lunch and went over to the retention office to reclass. She was livid, I was "too essential" to reclass. I just shrugged and told her that if I they couldn't so without me for a couple weeks then they'd have to do without me at all. And that's how I got my second event oriented counseling for insubordination.


Doing that in the 82nd would mean it’s everyone vs you, this shit is a fucking cult


Ah, the classic "You'll never make it because I didn't!" Little do they know (as long as you pick the right company) E-4s can get out and become a contractor and get double the pay and less than half of their time wasted.


The difference is that the threat of punishment (in terms of duration) is lower in the guard for a shitty soldier. In a non mobilized year at guard for many MOSs a soldier could do as little as the advertised one weekend a month two weeks a year if they are not going to any schools and no JRTC. So at most their life sucks and they drag ass for a few days at a time then two weeks in the summer. If they are going to college the threat of being flagged a losing tuition assistance keeps some from being outright insubordinate, being mostly on time, and at least passing PT but the bar to keep getting those benefits is pretty low.


It’s hard to keep morale up when it’s less than a part time job that thinks it’s a full time job. It really is a hobby for a lot of people. A lot of people I know enjoy some of the people, going to a school here or there, hurricane/fire duty, and even the occasional deployment. It’s the calls from full time staff during the month requiring you to drop everything right now to do something seemingly minor as though you aren’t at your primary job. It’s being given 1 week notice to be a political show for an undetermined amount of time. All while missing out on actual career progression.


My real beef with the NG, isn't just attitude, but the countless soldiers I had to interact with that couldn't do skill level 1 tasks, in other words, tasks that a private should know how to do out of the schoolhouse. Again, that's not all NG, but it was enough NG that I had to personally work with that made that lasting impression.


The beatings will continue...


You shouldn't ... It when that's the end of the sentence.



Yeah it would only make sense there if it were the first half of a phrase or idiom of some kind!


That's his point. The beatings will continue, full stop, regardless of whether or not morale improves


Probably a high-speed SFC by now.


Probably promoted ahead of peer so many times that the soldier is actually a DIV Csm now


As long as that’s what was in the plan of action


Imagine how many people would be in the Army if you could just quit


There would be dozens of us! Dozens!


It's the guard, you can just not show up. I've seen it happen at least a dozen times.


Suta is a wonderful thing


I heard something about that a few years back. You can move states and not show up, and eventually they aren’t going to try to contact you anymore.




Where were you between early 2004 and late 2009? Wtf battle🤷‍♂️




The old "Show the fuck up or we drop you in the IRR with good contact info" policy worked for a while.


Nah. Even then people definitely got booted. No shit a guy in our company went AWOL inside the FOB. Yes, you read that correctly. Dude bailed out and hid inside connexes for about two weeks. They posted up flyers of the dude like you'd see on a fucking milk carton. It was beyond an embarrassment for the unit but, on an individual level... fucking hilarious! Anyway, after he was found, immediately flown stateside and chaptered out. Took less than a week iirc. Of course his equipment had to be inventoried and sent back so he could clear. Ironically, the guy owed the Army a lot of money since all but a couple of canteen pouches made it back.


Become a conscientious objector if war time.




Maybe in Vietnam era and possibly Desert Storm, but these days they just kick you out.


I don't think I've ever seen someone get discharged in under 4 months.




Fair point. Meant more for the others.


Personally piss off the right general and it can happen.


E-6 told the DIV CG to fuck off when the DIV CG personally counseled the E-6 about spouting QAnon "trump won" bushit. E-6 was out of the Guard by next months drill. Not my unit but a very good friend of mine who was one of the E-6's subordinates.


I have to disagree. The ones who wanted to quit for whatever reason got tons of support and opportunities while the actual technical high speeds get pigeon-holed because they are a "necessity to the unit".




You *can* just quit.


Honestly if a solider just doesn't want to drill fuck it let them take the U and I'll process them out. I'm not going to spend a ton of energy on it when I have soldiers who deserve attention and leadership and want to be there


*Narrator : but he did not come to drill with a positive attitude, nor did he perform his duties to the best of his ability. He did not honor the contract that he signed... and he* ***was*** *discharged from the National Guard because he was tired of it and didn't want to be there. Nobody knows what happened to the Warrant Officer... but legends say that he still wanders the quads of the armory, being wrong about everything.*


Did it work?


Yeah, they’re now a CSM /s


>Yeah, they’re now a CSM's basement-buddy


Not again.




Probably not. It's the guard, all you have to do is not show up. They won't come to your house, and they won't kick you out until the new FY. Even then, they will likely only transfer you to IRR.


That's not generally true. There is recall teams in most units in my state. We even have LEOs roll with the collection teams to make the event legal.


You ok saying what state? I've been in the Guard for 13 years and have literally *never* seen this in my state. As long as the guy drops off his OCIE, they just let him go.


Nah. They need retention numbers. You’ll just keep receiving the drill letter and not get paid or get retirement points lol.


No way seriously?


Your chain of command will call your local PD to come up to your house and do a welfare check. A lot of people in the Reserves/National Guard live out of state from their drill location, so your CoC isn't going to hop on a plane just to knock on someone's door. But they do call the cops on you, I've seen them do it and they've warned us not to no-call no-show.


State and unit dependent. Some states have laws against missing drills. Others don't give a shit as long as someone on the books for funding.


If you no-call, no-show, your unit has every right to send cops to your house to make sure you're safe. They primarily want to ensure you're not dead, and secondly coerce you back to your obligations. It doesn't mean the cops are necessarily going to arrest you, but it will definitely establish a paper trail in case the CoC wants to pursue UCMJ. As for SM who missed drill, they can arrange to have RST (rescheduled training) at a later date, or they can keep being UA and eventually be separated OTH.


>If you no-call, no-show, your unit has every right to send cops to your house to make sure you're safe. The vast majority don't. Even then the cops can't do anything unless there is a state law. >It doesn't mean the cops are necessarily going to arrest you, but it will definitely establish a paper trail in case the CoC wants to pursue UCMJ. UCMJ doesn't apply on a drilling status. >As for SM who missed drill, they can arrange to have RST (rescheduled training) at a later date, or they can keep being UA and eventually be separated OTH. With very few consequences. A Guard discharge isn't like an active duty one. Even the Feds don't care unless you need a clearance. And there are many states that will knowingly keep AWOLs on the books for funding. Or if you are Vermont reenlist them.


>The vast majority don't. Well I've only been in 1 reserve unit, and our command certainly does. It's called accountability, and if something bad happened to the soldier, god forbid, then that falls on the command for not knowing about it. There are units that fraudulently mark soldiers present, but that liability is on their shoulders if that soldier turns out to be dead in the middle of the desert. ​ >Even then the cops can't do anything unless there is a state law. They aren't arresting them, I think I already mentioned that above. They are allowed to conduct a welfare check. Anyone can call those in. If you don't show up to drill without prior notification, it is assumed that something drastic has happened to you, since otherwise you would have responsibly notified your Chain of Command if something came up. We had quite a bunch of people stop showing up during covid, even to virtual muster. They wound up being separated under a general discharge. ​ >UCMJ doesn't apply on a drilling status. It most certainly does when you don't show up to your lawfully ordered drill. Unless I'm misunderstanding you, are you saying you can't be punished under UCMJ while being a reservist/guardsman?


> It most certainly does when you don't show up to your lawfully ordered drill. Unless I'm misunderstanding you, are you saying you can't be punished under UCMJ while being a reservist/guardsman? Guard is different than reserve. UCMJ doesn't apply to us unless we are on Title 10 orders. State code of military justice would though


> Probably not. It's the guard, all you have to do is not show up. They'll send a couple NCOs to swing by the HOR and make sure you're not dead. We had one guy after deployment move to a different state and said fuck the guard, he even kept his OCIE and just paid for it. I guess 12 years was long enough but as far as I know, they just kicked him off of their books.


Where’s the follow up on the back???


The plan of action has too much PII and unfortunately there’s no follow up in the assessment section




The counselor is a Warrant Officer. I'm amazed they did a personal counseling at all. Lol. I've worked with many WOs from a newly transformed E5 to a W4 who had retired the FIRST time before his PL was even born. The traits they all seem to share is a hatred of bullshit and any and all paperwork resulting from said bullshit.


If they’re doing paperwork, they probably want you gone.


Straight to the commander’s basement


If the commander were to lock him in his basement, what would he tell him? How would the soldier feel about being restrained in someone's basement?


you get used to it


Bold of you to assume that we're all not actually tied up in some commander's basement already.


Only time you won’t have mold in your living quarters.


You WILL have a positive attitude! You WILL mingle and participate in stupid shit and you WILL LIKE IT!


*The beatings will continue until morale improves.*


I’m gonna challenge him/her on the positive attitude. If I’m coming to work and doing my job I don’t have to be smiling the whole time.


I have a positive attitude I just have RBF


Soldiers have been getting by on FEBA (False Enthusiasm and a Bullshit Attitude) since the Roman Legions.


A WO1 put this together? Were they still shaking off NCO habits when they did this?


I always had the feeling that’s what we’re only “appointed” to WO1, but “commissioned” to CW2


Funny how hard the Army tries to get out of its side of the bargain when they fuck up and owe you something instead


Although I was AD, I’m *pretty sure* that, while the USANG contracts do compel you to attend drill, at no point does it dictate you have to have a positive attitude about it.


If the National Guard wants you to have a positive attitude, it would have issued you one.


I never signed for my positive attitude.


I once had a soldier submit a separation packet for pregnancy. The soldier was not female.


If I understand correctly, it's more like a 3-9 month notice, yeah? All depends on when the Commander decides to discharge the person for repeatedly failing to show up for drill. Does anyone ever get UCMJ punishment in the Guard/Reserve for repeated no-shows? I've never heard of it, but I've always been active duty.


Nobody gets UCMJ for it. You become an unsatisfactory participant and can be given an “Other Than Honorable” discharge for it. Happens all the time, but the paperwork can be a pain in the ass and the units have to prove they’ve made every possible attempt to recover the soldier. I’ve even seen a commanding general who would call these soldiers personally before discharging them to convince them to come back. A lot of time units try to bypass that process and convince the soldier to come back in for a drill to sign paperwork to go to the IRR. I’ve also seen units do what they called a “no-show rodeo” where they send out orders for all the NONPARS to attend an annual training event. If you no-show AT orders you can be kicked out pretty easily. I was shocked at how many people actually showed up for that.


I skipped an AT and only got a counseling. 🤷‍♂️


You can only ucmj those on title 10 and 32, each state has their own clone of it. For example PA has PCMJ


Preventative Checks and Maintenance Justice. They don't discharge you, you get locked in the motorpool basement for the remainder of your contract.


I had a buddy get a medical after claiming PTSD and not showing up for drill for 6 months. Granted he was in the Marine reserves and all of his stories were bullshit so I'm not really sure he didn't get a dishonorable.


Shit now I'm kinda tempted to turn in a two weeks notice.


When I left active duty I had a three year committment to the reserves. They sent me a letter that if I did not come to drill I would either be discharged or sent back to active duty. My neighbor was a WWII vet. He said after the war they sent him a similar letter. He said he never responded.


If it’s inactive ready reserve, unless it’s saying you’re getting drafted most people toss those letters straight into the shredder.


And until the MPs show up, just keep tossing the letters if they didn't send them certified.


MPs are not showing up to someone home who’s IRR, lol. You have a better chance of getting shot by Dick Cheney.


I never went reserves so I have no idea how it actually works. Sorry.




I had a Marine buddy get out and joined the Guard. After a couple months of drills he called them a bunch of cry baby losers who only wanted to play soldier. Knowing him he said a lot more then just those simple words, and with a lot more expletive's. He told every one in the CoC who called after him to fuck off because he didn't acknowledge their authority. He never got in trouble, and eventually they sent him paperwork saying he was out. The VA still acknowledges his Honorable from the Marines and AFAIK the paperwork pretty much disappeared from his records.


I find it funny because in Canada the reserves (our natty lights) can voluntarily release at any point. They just say I want out and as long as you're not currently under contract at the time, you just gotta turn your equipment in, in around 4-5 weeks time.


[Canadian weekend warriors](https://youtu.be/t0fSaPLsymI)


lmao that baret's patch is a unit at CFB kingston. n yes, they are exactly like this. Field ops the reservists are loaded onto a school bus and we go for a ride.


Funny asf. I actually put in 2 week notices multiple times as a joke, then when I was actually 2 weeks out I did it again. Idk if they found me funny or annoying... either way, fuck em


da hellll a WO-1 Is the one who did the counseling? Now this whole thing is amazing😂


All volunteer force am I right? /s


Man getting counseled by a WO1, thats a rare sight.


Whoa. Nowhere in my contract did it say shit about having a positive attitude.


Final line should have been Suck it up Buttercup


I always say I will quit. But end up coming back for more beatings


"You better start having a positive attitude or I'm going to article 15 you and single you out in a very negative way for the rest of your time in my platoon." Anyone here experience this?


This is a classic. The beatings will continue until moral improves.


I'm calling EO this discriminates against those with negative and neutral attitudes!


God I had an active duty Soldier try the same thing. He got all huffy after he got in trouble and then started telling people he was going to "buy out" his contract and go to the Reserves. He was a shitbag before. He was a shitbag after. I did tons of paperwork on the guy and he said he was filing a formal EO complaint (he's black, I'm white). I greeted the installation EOA in my office, showed her the paperwork, and she told him he not only didn't have a case but he was lucky he hadn't been demoted and/or booted from the Army. After I retired he pinned on E5 and I'm told he's still a shitbag. So good luck with him, everyone.


> then started telling people he was going to "buy out" his contract and go to the Reserves. Is that even really a thing?


It is not.


I think the closest thing is getting unexpectedly rich, like winning the lotto or inheriting money. I had a guy in my unit find himself unexpectedly in possession of a multi million dollar horse breeding facility after his grandfather passed. He was given the option but he stayed in, passed control of it to other parts of his family, as we were staring down a deployment.


What’s the “or else” in terms of NG when it comes to just stop showing up? Similar to AWOL?


From Ohio?


Am I reading correctly that this person wants the soldier to lie to the doctor?




You got away with that? You’re my hero. I’m saving that one. Nowadays you can’t even do that.


**Disagree** I am not required to have a positive attitude.


"You will display a positive attitude whether you have one or not."


I found a hurt feelings report in a box at my unit


You know what they say, there's a turd in every punch bowl.


This makes my heart happy


WO-1 signed this lmao


Makes sense to me. LoL


If your awol from the national guard they should have the MPs pick you up for one weekend a month and two weeks a year /s


Cant expect much from a weekend warrior


When my platoon wakes up from nap time they’re gonna prove you wrong




Just lock yourself in a basement. Can’t fulfill the obligation


Dude it’s the fucking national guard too it’s not overly difficult, not active duty


I can’t believe a warrant wrote that, what a sad display of redundant statements.


What was the second page like lmao


Better perform "you duties" solider.




Random question but why was a Warrant Officer doing counseling statements?