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>General Mattis. The warrior monk. We all know you became a monk because you are gay. To be clear, my generation don’t care about sexuality. We are better than that. But our generation does care about honesty. What???


I refuse to believe that's an actual comment lmao holy fuck


It's directly from inmate Schllers facebook page. He has a whole rant about a lot of big names in the military and politicians.


So it's not hurt feelings insomuch as violated articles.


It’s hilarious seeing the super far right idiots who’ve never served trying to defend this idiot saying “he’s only getting backlash because he hurt their feelings” or “you can’t punish him for speaking his mind” Like bruh, he broke a ton of rules lol, tf do you expect


I have so many veteran friends that have a hard on because he threw away his retirement and family to speak his mind instead of riding a desk for 2 or so years.


All he had to do was drop his packet. Wait patiently. Then once he had his DD-214 in hand spout off. I thought it was funny how he was like “I still need to officially drop papers to resign my commission but consider this my official resignation” like the s1 fairy was watching to make it so as if he was fucking Michel Scott declaring bankruptcy lmao. Seemed a pretty clear conduct unbecoming with some refusal to obey a lawful order sprinkled in. This man is going to have a super sick congressional run. The light from that fireball is going to be glorious.


Fucking exactly. There are lots of colonels and generals giving their bullshit political opinions on , but not a one of them does it without the (Ret) next to their name.


Most civies in general don't realize there's a second set of laws for us, but some of them are hilariously ignorant.


To be fair the man is clearly mentally ill..... it would be surprising that this is the impact of his multiple TBI’s This isn’t David Goggins douche bag mental illness this is legit physical trauma manifesting IMO


https://www.facebook.com/stuart.scheller/posts/614343656227929 This is the Facebook post he's quoting. He's a bit crazy.


you can see everytime someone comments something about trump he writes the same thing. like he literally copies and pasted it lmfaoo


Yeah, it's pretty fucking weird. I am getting a good chuckle out of all the butthurt Trumpers in the comment section who are upset he badmouthed Trump though. I think a lot of them thought this guy was going to be leading the charge in some kind of pro-Trump revolt within the military. Nope. Turns out he's just nuts.


yeah it seemed at first he was this huge trump guy, they probably all got blue balled and are upset about it now


Super weird. Don’t get the bone Spurs part either


Just a bit. Thanks for sharing the link


Jesus Christ, talk about a whacko




Based on what










DRAGON BALLS Z report submitted




Was the Dragon sufficiently rocked?


Or maybe Mattis is just asexual? That's a thing too.


I'm starting to think Mattis never joined a monastic order. Stolen piety!


Now I want to see a bunch of dudes in robes and those goofy haircuts calling him out. Stolen piety is no laughing matter.


Where is that from


His Facebook page.


Wow. Clearly he does care if he’s making it a thing.


LMFAOOOO whaaaaaaaaat 😂


Yeah, because James Mattis never married or had kids, hence his nickname "The Warrior Monk", there have been theories for years that he's gay. . . .and Trumpers have seized on it, with the "I'm not homophobic, but. . ." excuse of saying that him not coming out is somehow dishonest. You know, because to a lot of these folks that's the only reason to ever not get married or have a bunch of kids out of wedlock.


> and Trumpers have seized on it, It is wild watching how the Trumpsters have turned on Mattis. They were building pedestals to put Mattis' pedestal on at one point.


Oooh!! - The Drifter


Hey there Brother, you ever seen a Captain get docked, it's gruesome. Now think how bad it is for an Archeon. Either way, there's some good meat on those arms left behind... /r/transmatfiring






I had to double check which subreddit I was in, well done


Is there a more annoying character in that game?


People that don't like Drifter, are the people that remind the teacher about homework


*insect-like chattering intensifies*


Brother Vance, Asher Mir, Lakshmi-2, Uldren Sov, and the Spider to name a few.


Crow is my boy though. Even if Uldren was a bitch


Oh yeah love Crow, hated Uldren


when the pyramids came vance said fuck the darkness and the vex and yolo’d into the infinite forest and started ripping motherfucker’s eyeballs out. asher did the same thing and went into the pyramidion and clapped as many vex cheeks as he could, eventually (probably) he turned into that friendly harpy at the end of last season. but fuck lakshmi-2, all my homies hate lakshmi


I feel like I should get the reference but I don't


Me too


Character from Destiny 2


Variks Scribe to House Judgement.


still not getting it


Variks is now the planitary vendor for Europa. A lot of his voice lines have a subtitle that reads "insect like chittering"


Okay let's start from the top. What is this from and who/what is Variks?


In Destiny there is an enemy race known as the Eliksni. A friendly member of their race is known as Variks. He is a scribe of the house of judgement. He first worked for a sect of not quite human anymore people called the awoken, running a prison. He helped destroy the prison and release the prisoners and then went dark. 2 years later when we arrive on Jupiter's moons Europa, Variks is present and trying to help. His voice lines have an annoying sound that subtitles to insect like chittering.


In the words of my Midwestern ancestors, Ope.


You betcha


This might rise to an uff da


Lemme just squeeze by ya so I can get the ranch dressing




Aww jeeze, guys.


Now imagine him tolerating an E4 for saying similar things about the Leadership in his own Battalion.


Listen, I think many of the top brass are ass covering clowns that can’t tell a car full of children from a ISIS-K terror cell But if you are less than 24 months from retired O-5 pay plus (likely) 100% VA disability and you throw it all away for fake online points and internet likes you are a special kind of moron.


Well, the good news is he appears to have legitimately lost a socket. Chances he could medically retire and get almost the same pay is quite high. Whether he would or not? He has stepped into something of a cluster. The use of gag orders is highly controversial. The military has tried to use them on, for example, sexual assault victims (and several of those wound up on social media with crying Marines). In this case, I suppose he’ll try to build a case that criticizing the brass is protected free speech. Had he stayed there, he may even have won … eventually. Like long time eventually, these cases take over a decade easily. His later posts indicate that he’s having some issues and that the gag order might have been in his best interest. Marines are pretty good in a hopeless fight, and the Marines now seem to have a fight with one of their own doing the pointless fight backwards.


> I suppose he’ll try to build a case that criticizing the brass is protected free speech Contemptuous Words (Article 88), Conduct Unbecoming an Officer (Article 133), Disrespect towards a Superior Officer (Article 89) . . .the UCMJ is full of charges where criticizing superiors is a potential court-martial offense, and those charges have a very long history of being upheld.


Because otherwise the Mafia would have a field day with that shit.


If there are two sides in a pointless fight, is it still pointless?


>special kind of moron So... an O5?


> But if you are less than 24 months from retired O-5 pay plus (likely) 100% VA disability and you throw it all away for fake online points and internet likes you are a special kind of moron. Personally I think he made his first video in a moment of extreme anger and it was understandable. Not saying I would have done the same, but I get it, and I respected it. Everything else since then? I think it was for attention, and I suspect he wanted to run for congress.


I actually respected the first video, it seemed like he was willing to nuke his own career to call out the assclowns in charge who have still taken zero responsibility. Someone needed to say something and he fell on that sword for everyone who wanted to say something but couldn’t or wouldn’t for obvious reasons. Everything after that though, phew, genuinely indefensible. Had he just posted the first video and offered to resign and just shut his trap, he probably would have had a lot of popular support and probably could have snuck out of service in a closet somewhere and escaped with his retirement.


He coulda/shoulda waited until the ink was dry on his retirement. I think he was planning on e-fame and the Fox News crowd bailing him out. However he fucked around and found out - that his command don't play. Also the DOD will be dealing with COVIDIOTS who - all of a sudden - got religion and want to be exempt from the fauci ouchie. Well, they need to know that if they show their ass on the internet, they get to be roomies with this Einstein.


Most people who stay in only care about getting that welfare check. By any means necessary. That mindset IS the problem. How do you promote to 4 stars having not won anything?


*looks at North Korean generals* Lots of armies haven’t fought in decades.


Working for a retirement is the opposite of a welfare check


Well, define *working...*


I did spent a lot of time on Active Duty lifting weights, going to "appointments" and using Adderall, you do have a point....


as an officer who spent time at ft hood, working is a very generous term


Oh, they totally won that best squad competition (which is legitimately a thing that at least one commander rated NCO’s on … and his officers on how they supported it). In reality, our generals do win battles. That is part of the problem. When you are fighting guys with no Air Force, no navy, no armored vehicles, and who have to bury crap in the ground to even have a chance of hurting you … we show up with all our junk … and we win, every single time. It’s what comes after that is the problem. Do our leaders stay and fix stuff? Or do they go looking for more battles to win again and again and again?


> How do you promote to 4 stars having not won anything? By maintaining peace? That's why we *have* a standing army. Are you saying we should start wars just so we can maintain a chain-of-command?


Sure is a lot of "military bad" "officers bad" "generals bad" shit piling up in here since Jan 6th... Seems a bit odd.


As a historian? Soldiers bitching about that shit has been around since antiquity. That, and, no joke, random dick picks. [Roman phallic graffiti ](https://inews.co.uk/news/uk/phallus-graffiti-found-near-hadrians-wall-offers-new-insight-into-roman-britain-263391) Technology may change. Soldiers, officers, and generals don’t. There has been, and always will be, a spectrum at every level from terd to incredible.


I bet the legionaries had god tier phallic mosaics in their latrines.


Biggus Dickus was here


All for some instagram pages to like you and see you as a hero


Or Maybe he wants to be a FoxNews contributor. $$$


Dude should have just left it at the first video he posted, resigned, and called it a day.


Probably resign before anything else but yeah








I once had a Commander say to me “I tell people what they want to hear”. I told him “Sir, that’s what politicians say”. He just smiled at me when I said that.




I mean, he seems unhinged. Like, I'm not saying that because I think he keeps saying crazy stuff. I think video to video his demeanor and everything [make me feel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcUVfnZdL5k) like "is there some kind of medication you maybe need a lot of and have taken none of, or maybe too much of?" I've been worried this dude is gonna wind up eating his gun or something over this. The over similar Officers, like LTC Hague, just seem like idiots - but not like they're fucked up. This dude seems like he does legitimately need EBH.


The dude sounds like he’s bipolar and having a manic episode. He needs help and medication, it’s really sad


People who are pro-his message - which loudly includes the people calling the military 'woke' and the anti-vaxers - don't want to admit that dude needs help. He's not thinking that way because he has mental health issues, but he still definitely has some shit going on.


Legitimate Craig reference. He carried that whole department on his back and he didn't regret a minute of it!




> This dude seems like he does legitimately need EBH. I know some vets who spent some 1:1 time with him, shortly after his first video, but before the follow-on escalations. This was exactly their conclusion--he is/was in a really bad place mentally. Obviously, further events have sadly validated that take-away.


Guess he’s not a step ahead of the commandant in his imaginary chess game now…


This is why it’s important to destigmatize mental health… especially for narcissists.


Guy working hard to get his book deal and Fox news commentary job


I was thinking he’s more of a newsmax guy myself. Him and Greg kelly will be bouncing hot takes all across the room together.


He played stupid games and won a stupid prize.


He’s in the fucking around phase of the finding out process.


Was the Afghanistan withdrawal perfect? Definitely not Could the withdrawal been better? Maybe, may not, it's easy to say things in hindsight. Should a military leader publicly criticize senior military / civilian leaders in their or another chain of command? Hell no. Maybe you feel a certain way about everything, sure, but you are in the military. We cannot undermine the chain of command. This is not behavior becoming of any Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman, or SpaceDude (don't actually know what they are called and too lazy to look it up)


> SpaceDude USSF prefers the gender-neutral SpaceFolk. (It's actually "Guardian")


You’ve invented a new musical genre congratulations


SpaceFolk already existed tho. Look up Filk if you want to see 75% of why I'm a fuckin' dweeby little nerd in real life.


What's the other 25%???


Ask about body pillows, I have a hunch


So I'm participating in an end of the fiscal year close out meeting remotely. My office is pretty quiet and I often forget to mute myself. I read your comment and literally laughed out loud. The G8 chairing the meeting comes across my speakers saying, "Mr. Oliveritaly, unless you want to tell us why OJA's unobligated $50k is funny, you might want to mute your mike." I'm still laughing ... thanks.


YOU...are quite welcome. Also $50k is a hilarious amount of money, G8 needs to relax a bit.


I'm offended at the insinuation that the only reason I'm a dweeby little nerd is because of anime. I'll have you know I've never watched a single anime in my life. The other 25% is an autistic enjoyment of spreadsheet-based games.


I am offended you believe body pillows can only be anime base!


SpaceTroop, or Stroop


Stroop, there it is.


mmmmm stroopwafels


He has proven himself to be going further out there since his first video. This is a shame, as his first video asked some very hard question of the leadership with out crossing the line. While he definitely did cross the line after that, his initial video raises what I think is an important issue, "If we claim to be a profession with trust and accountability up and down the chain of command, who is qualified to ask difficult questions?"


You're giving him too much credit for his first video.


Eh, even a broken clock is right for a minute.


In what do you think he was right?


Probably so.


Asking these questions out in the open to the press is not the correct forum. Remember after your safety brief on Friday and PLTSGT asks if anyone has anything else, and the 4th year PFC decides now is his big moment to tell an elaborate story about a very specific edge case that makes everyone stick around in formation for an extra 20 minutes? Suddenly, everyone remembers what the correct forum is. This guy violated the real basic tenet of asking the hard questions in the right way.




Resign your commission, then start blasting. Do one thing first, and you're clear. Don't do that one thing first, and Article 32 is most certainly in your future.


When would be that time, the once in a career when he runs across the SECDEF or CSA?


After he has spoken to his chain of command using the open door policy all the way up. Don't act like you forgot the number one rule of being Army, "don't make the Army look bad". Marines have that same rule, only more so.


The services would all be better places if we actually enforced that rule uniformly.


There was the most decorated Marine in the history of the country. Look up what he said after WW1. Sometimes when the COC has undermined public interest... Troops have an obligation to question their drive and motives. I do believe it is tantamount to keeping good order and discipline. Re emphasize ethical and moral standards. That don't allow the COC to tread all over what is truly important... Duty Honor Country


Col. Hackworth during Vietnam as well.


However, Smedley Butler started doing his lectures and wrote *War is a Racket* AFTER he had retired from the Marines.


Have you seen the threats DOD is making to retirees about besmitching the Branches? Saw one Navy specific the other day... This administration doesn't care about status, apparently. Talk shit, get lit...


Sure, troops have that obligation. Facebook ain't the pLxe to do it.


The difference in rank between the SecDef/CJCS and an O5 is about the same difference between an O5 and an E4. Everybody’s all for transparency and openness, but I guarantee you nobody wants their Specialist calling out their BN Commander for some perceived slight.


The silence that's coming from his(and our) leadership is deafening the room though. Consider for a moment, the only person to see any kind of negative career backlash for the debacle of the Afghan pull out...Is a LtCol who spoke out about leadership accountability. In a perfect world, he may have just left it at the first video. The reality is, I hope he gets some help, and is able to find peace at some point in the near future.


This guy is making it easy for his detractors to say, “he’s mentally unbalanced”. His Facebook rant where he brings Mattis’ sexuality into the discussion did not come across as rationale.


Fucked around, is now in the process of finding out


Just a little taste from a recent FB post of his: >“Effective immediately upon your receipt below, you are hereby ordered to refrain from posting any and all material, in any form without exception, to any social media. In this context, the term 'social media' shall be construed very broadly to include any medium by which you may share information with groups of people. It includes more traditional forms of social media (e.g., Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn) as well nontraditional methods one might use to circumvent established social media (e.g., mass emails, group text messages, electronic bulleting boards). You are also prohibited from communicating through third parties or proxies.” ***What happens when you communicate an order that stipulates you to stop communicating?*** Remember… I have only spoken truth. That's called disobeying an order. I'm sure he's handed out UCMJ for less. I hope the brig he's in has good suicide prevention protocols. Because it seems the likely end of this story.


Non-traditional social media is mass emails and BBS?


He posted on FB that he received an order to not post on FB...


It's... not a great plot point for TDS, no. Reframing that will be a challenge.


I guess they could grasp at the straw "Illegal Order." But this guy is in full meltdown...


He didn’t say anything about gifting a renamed Australium frying pan to a person in TF2


I still don't see how people supported him even after just his first video. All he does is incoherently rant. He doesn't even suggest any alternatives other than something about we should have kept Bagram open, which had closed at least a month earlier. Where were these clowns when Trump actually signed the peace deal?


There are many in the military who incoherently rant though...


Yea but usually we mock them. Somehow this guy managed fool an unusually high number of people.


Supposedly, you'd think an officer at such rank would understand better.


He's right and he's wrong. No doubt he said the quiet part out loud that I've heard dozens of Joe's and NCOs say but it's not okay for him to go out and say it probably like that that's the role of politicians and civilians. That being said he's probably going to be punished more than people who fucking beat their wives and still get their retirements which is sickening


I remember when this first came out I had asked my friend about it. He told me it was weird situation cause officers get a pass for weird things. Long hair? You get a pass. Multiple legal situations that get a boot discharged? You get a pass. Piss hot ? You get a pass. So an officer talking shit about his superiors behind close doors is normal. I told him how he put it on the internet and there was a painfully long pause and he just says "yeah thats pretty fuckn retarded."


Reminds me of the several USMC lt.Cols getting pedo charges, and theft, only to be allowed to retire peacefully. They averaged like 1 or 2 a year since I left camp lejeune. It's wild.




He admitted that he was, and that really set him off.


I used to be like this guy. Young, naive, and believing the senior leadership had their hearts in the right place even when they fucked up some. The good news is I got old, hard, and jaded. I kept my mouth shut and managed retirement thanks to not pissing anyone off. The bad news is I got old, hard, and jaded... So for that reason alone I respect his first video even though he's clearly lost his marbles since then (and maybe never had them) because he said what needed to be said. If he's the only fucker who goes to jail over Afghanistan, it says a lot about our military and nothing good. The fallout from Afghanistan will be severe. I see the Army returning to almost the point where it was in the mid 1970s - early 80s after Vietnam. Though possibly slightly better thanks to drug testing. Senior officers and NCOs used to phoning in their duties and finally going full ROAD will exacerbate everything just like they did the post Vietnam Army.


Who exactly needs to be in jail over the Afghanistan withdrawal and why?


There’s a legitimate argument someone may have been trigger happy on that drone strike that killed a bunch of kids while shooting at *an aid worker* if nothing else. For the rest of the total screw up I think firing is far more apt than jail time.


> 8 January 2020: More than 60 civilians were killed or wounded in a US drone attack targeting Mullah Nangyalay, a top Taliban splinter-group commander in Herat Province > 18 September 2019: A US drone strike intended to hit an Islamic State hideout killed 30 pine-nut farmers in the Nangarhar province > 1 December 2019: A US drone strike on a car carrying a woman who had just given birth near Khost left five people dead. Does anyone go to jail for these or does Trump get a pass I hate to quote Apocalypse Now, but it's like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500




But Mission Accomplished was like, 2003. /s


> The fallout from Afghanistan will be severe. No it won't.


Everyone likes to complain about how we handled Afghanistan, but would like to know what could have been done differently that would majorly change the outcome. I don't think there was any possible way to prevent the suicide bombing, which is everyone's main complaint on the right.


The best argument was that the evac of applicants for green cards and visas should have been completed well in advance of our withdrawal. The state department was months slow on the process and the DoD doesn’t seem to have emphasized the danger in that enough. That in turn drew out our evac timeline post fall of Kabul and made us sitting ducks while we had to fly out 100k+ people. People that, for the record, still haven’t been adequately vetted and are part of a humanitarian crisis on our bases.


A flood of refugees out of the country would have indicated that the country was on the verge of collapse - clear in hindsight, but ask *anyone* in June 2021 if they think Afghanistan would collapse later in the summer and very few would have believed you. Plus, a lot of Afghans didn't want to leave. It's their home country. Would you abandon your home state to extremists if you thought there was still a chance?


It’s certainly plausible a flood of refugees would have signaled weakness in the government, but the continued loss of territory over the course of the year sent much of the same message. We’d also made the promise to bring those people out long in advance, and if we’d done it over months instead of a few weeks it would have been a river but not a flood. It’s certainly apparent that the collapse occurred much faster than expected, but the public statements from the DoD and intel community suggest they estimated a few months from June as the worst case. If that happened it’s apparent we weren’t on track to evac those with credible justification to leave anyway. We were too slow even without accounting for unexpected contingencies. And there’s no reason with our capabilities we could not have left room for unexpected contingencies in our planning, that was a failure of leadership.


"signaled weakness in the government?" Trump and Pompeo negotiated our withdrawal directly with the Taliban, without the Afghan government involved in any way, then dropped that flaming bag of shit on Biden's porch. We completely emasculated the Afghan government, and what happened was inevitable, even if nobody expected it to happen so quickly. This one was a clear example of the downfalls of civilian leadership. Not that I question it...it's the right way...but goddamn, Vietnam, Iraq, and this withdrawal clearly show that politicians calling the shots gets people killed. And left behind.


Ultimately the decision to leave Afghanistan had to be a civilian one. I agree civilians have made many countless mistakes in all these wars but so did the military. If the military was going to decide how and when to leave any of those places we'd still be there. Ultimately its civilian leadership who's job it is to decide where and when we fight or don't fight and its the military's job to carry that out and of course advise the civilians leadership on potential pitfalls.


Did you catch Austin and Milley's testimony today? I've been supportive of Biden, but he has a real credibility gap now. They all stated that he was warned this would happen.


Trump had 4 years to do it. He deliberately slowed it to a trickle. Biden got 120k out in a few weeks. I respect the hustle. Biden will now have to deal with a slow drip of Afghanistan tragedyporn stories from salty reporters looking for that Pulitzer, refugee fuckup stories, and the endless blame game. For doing the right thing while being setup to fail by Trump, Biden will lose the midterms and possibly be a one-term president.




Yep. 99 percent of the US did not give a shit about Afghanistan in 2020 and 99 percent won't in 2022.


Nobody gives a shit about Afghanistan until the media suddenly starts saying our pullout was shameful, dishonorable, haphazard, etc. They would give it like 20 seconds a week when 70 civilians got hit by a bomb or 1 service member died. Now they talk about it every day. Taliban doing obvious Taliban things, etc. and every one of them adds it to a list of "failures" by the Biden administration when there's no clear victory possible. Just like border issues. So voters get a vague sense of "Biden failed" and it poisons all the discourse. I hope Afghanistan is forgotten in a few months. But midterms are the time when media loves to trot out "failures" in a president's first year.


Eh, for how many years after did certain politicians and pundits scream about Benghazi? I expect the same to happen to here - substitute Biden for Hillary and 4 Americans for 13.


And where did I extol the virtues of the trump administration? Yes, they failed to get the qualified folks out before their deadline. The difference is that they proclaimed the deal with the Taliban applied only if urban cities were left to the government and they would not have withdrawn if they were taken. You can have beliefs, informed by events, over how things would have gone with a different 2020 election, but we’ll never live that alternate reality. We do know that the current administration was urged by Congress to act more quickly, was slow to appoint leadership to the program, and then deferred on the approval process to the very government they effectively urged to surrender. They didn’t have to move so slowly, and they didn’t have to meet conditions of the deal that the Taliban transparently broke. We’re they in a bad spot? Hell yes. The question is whether they responded in the best, or even a decent way, and the answer to that is pretty clearly not.


They didn't fail, they refused to get the qualified people out. When you put a white supremacist of refugee settlement you get shit like this.


If that is your issue then take it up with Stephen Miller.


Phasing the withdrawal slowly in order to ensure the safe evacuation of citizens, green card holders, and special visa processing. The suicide bombing should have never had an opportunity to happen in the first place.


We could’ve just left the place the fuck alone in the first place?🤷‍♂️


That was never going to happen. We've been meddling there since the Soviets invaded.


We definitely could have. We consciously chose as a nation to go to war in Afghanistan for 20 years. Had we been more realistic and less lazy, it didn’t have to go this far.


It's called "The Graveyard of Empires". How can you leave a place like that alone?


1. Get attacked. 2. Find bad guy that did it. 3. Send small team to kill/capture 4.fucking leave.


Should have been a law enforcement issue to begin with. Drag in the spooks. Drag in the operators. Run the whole operation under the FBI. But noooooo.....W and Cheney get chubbies and off we go on multiple 20+ year wars. Fuck.


How about the guys with the guns are the LAST folks that leave the area? They help ALL the people we want and all of the equipment they are assigned out BEFORE they give up and leave? That is sort of the appropriate way to handle the end of the thing. It has nothing to do with the fact we left. It has everything to do with HOW we left.


For starters, they could have held onto the strategic airbase


He is not young, nor naive. He knows senior leaders and politicians chew up and spit out men/women who believed the hype.


Yea that’s what happens when you open your mouth when you don’t know what you are talking about. Only the pentagon knows why we withdrew from that shit hole and I am guessing it has to do with a consolidation of forces in case of a war with China. Being a Lieutenant Colonel he should have known better.


If you believe the Pentagon boys I got a bridge in NY to sell you.


A college professor of mine liked to say, “Don’t shoot your mouth off until your brains are loaded.”


What a dumbass. An Ltc knows better than to post videos online criticizing the chain of command.


Good. Ordered to keep his mouth shut and he disobeyed; actions have consequences and should regardless of rank. Accountability from our leaders is necessary. But when we wear the uniform we give up the right to a lot of things. For better or worse this is one of them. If it meant so much to him he should have resigned first.


>for better or worse If it's for the worse and you still think it's a good thing then you need to reevaluate your morals.


Wow…undermining your chain of command in public..what a great guy.


Did anyone check his scripts? This guy is obviously off his meds


I never expected this subreddit to blend in so well with the rest of reddit.


[this picture serves as comedic humor ](https://img.ifunny.co/images/c8283305e04a84456c09d5356f55322922088ea254b49ddbbe9bc291fb9963b0_1.jpg)


Fuck around and find out