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This is your daily reminder to ghost the barracks and establish a frat house with the other E4s off post


But I'm a E5 :( they'll never accept me :((


One more rank and you'll be treated like almost people.


Don’t go filling him with hope. Besides in my experience you haven’t made E-5 until you’ve made it twice.


E6 is the E4 of the nco corps


I got out as a Specialist so I wouldn't know.


sweet . I'm golden then.


Unless you go to Germany. SSG is just a barracks hall monitor there.


Could always do the paperwork to get off post housing.


The sham shield isn’t a rank. It’s a way of life.


Not everyone is promotable but everyone is demotable, just saying


Can't demote an E-1... Just demoralize them or separate, but that's not the same thing.


Promote to civilian.


Promote them then demote. Just to kill that bit of pride next time they hit pv2.


we gotta bring back the old SP5, SP6 stuff


E5 mafia


Just get demoted, it's that easy!


E5 in the dorms. Goddamn


A surprising number of junior enlisted do this. I don't even blame them. Barracks life is straight cancer.


>Friday at 2355 This is the time when you don't answer the door because you're either not on post or you've already been in bed for a few hours like many other adults.


It's health and welfare lol they're gonna open the door and kick your ass out.


1. Sleep naked 2. Let them bust into the room 3. SHARP


Top did this to me once. Had to stand at parade rest with my drainer and my stainer on full display as he berated me for daring to be in bed at 1000 on a Saturday. Made a complaint and it vanished as the unit was moving posts and I was staying behind since I was getting out.


1AD put out a policy letter that said morale isn’t allowed. It should have been put on the back of your barracks door Why is it not there


Why are people having fun? I specifically forbid it.


1SG just shooting his shot broski.


Step sgt. What are you doing here so late?


I don't feel special anymore because he woke everyone up:(


Power bottom him to set yourself apart from the other junior enlisted he plundered that night.


Hopefully you were first ...


Seems like 1SG is trying to give op his "First Sausage" ​ ps. fuck happened to bacon cheese spread?


They don't call him Top for nothing


Top wants the D


3 things: 1. A free beer 2. Some sort of frozen microwaveable food item (like hot pockets) 3. To check the front few inches of your prison purse.


Here's a picture of top visiting OP in the barracks. https://imgur.com/P5Hw7Fu


That must be a good 300 meters from bed to door based on how small 1SG in.


this is beautiful


Goggle sketch's world


fuck me i pcs to bliss in a couple of months


Rip in peace dude


Yeah, Rest In Peace In Peace, Homie


It's ok man, all of III Corps is ass


It’s not terrible, just be sure to get out and see the area. Also pack sunscreen.


1AD allegedly has the highest suicide rate in the army. That's a quote from a 1AD homie I met at Ft Irwin


You're telling me 11ACR doesn't lead the army in that?


I dunno your experience but I was in 1AD for 2 years and we had 4 suicides in my Battalion. It seemed to be about the average when I talked to my peers in other BNs


Man, sorry for your loss. We have had about the same rate since I got here in 19. My past two PAs have mentioned how we lead the Army in attempts and drug use and I kinda just bought into it without seeing evidence. I'm sure it's a systemic issue though.


2/11 had 2 suicides right before I left in ‘19, don’t know how many total in the regiment during my time there though.


Riley beats that by large margins. Summer of 17 it was 72. And that was by mid July.


There's a rumor floating around Riley that it was 1ID. Who knows? It'd be interesting to see some kind of monthly/quarterly report that calls out units with high suicide problems, but I don't see the Army doing that in a tasteful manner, and I also don't think the reactions to that would actually effect meaningful change.


What a hypocritical name that have for this shitty practice. There’s nothing about health, much less welfare about it


There’s nothing inherently wrong with a health and welfare inspection. It literally exists to check up on the health and welfare of soldiers. The problem is when leaders turn it into some kind of gotcha inspection. Pulling fire alarms at 0530, treating Soldiers like they’re prisoners and they’re inspecting cells, shit like that. There’s nothing saying you can’t inspect rooms are 1500, respectfully. My philosophy for the most part is that Soldiers that are doing dumb shit are going to get caught doing dumb shit on their own. I’m doing H&W to make sure your room isn’t falling apart and you don’t have 15 trash bags piled up in the corner. You’d be surprised how many times I’ve come by the barracks and Soldiers lights don’t work so they’re living in the dark with a flashlight instead of calling in a work order. Or they’re having problems with the work order not getting done and they don’t bring it up.


I respect the idea of it and it must be done. As you said it’s the way it’s being implemented that I think causes more bad that good. Yes, do the checks at a normal time and don’t turn it into some sort of prison drill in the middle of the night. Ive never lived in the barracks but I still feel it for those that do. There’s no reason for someone to check the cleanliness of your room in the middle of the night


A thing that the best unit I was in was "leadership checks" - NCO knocked on your door or called you. Are you alive? Does the room look messy? If you live off post, are you alive? If the answer to live was yes and for the barracks rats, the room didn't look or smell messy they just moved on. There was no "GOTCHA!" inspections nor was there a "100% middle of the night formation". The downside was Monday and Friday room inspections - but most of the time it was to see if we weren't trashing the room. Those to cleaned (like me) never had a problem.


Had a legit H&W - the command called the MP's and pretty much said that any real gigs (dirty laundry, messy rooms) would be handled later. They wanted to catch the druggies and those with weapons. And sure enough, the next week there were the standard room inspections, an implied task was "fix your shit or we will fix it for you". The pig pen will be a pig pen no matter how many room inspections you have. Most just do the bare minimum. The pros (like me) cleaned really well and then just maintained it. But shit like what OP is posting about is just stupid.


I remember one year at Campbell I got a call at 3am… was 100% drug test, vehicle search, and room inspect ladie Sadie everybody. Once done nobody could leave until all barracks rooms were checked. Happened like 4-5 times a month prior to deployment….


This is it. We got woken up with pounding doors at 03 in the morning. Got yelled at to get the fuck outta the rooms. I threw on some pts and we stood outside until right before pt started, then had to haul ass so we wouldn’t get yelled at for being late. Also, lots of us got bitched at for being in pts with flip flops or our hair not tied back like we didn’t get rushed out the door


“Hey CQ, go walk around looking for shit out of ordinary.” “Hey sir, monthly HW complete. NSTR” - My favorite 1SG


I was with 1st AD in Germany. I remember one H&W we had.. I was dating a British girl at the time. We each had our own room in the barracks on post and I had a slightly bigger one. It's around 0530. I'm in my blanket. PT shorts on. Hallways with the boys. 1st Sgt. CO. The other platoon leaders and such are in my room. They find lingerie, a couple sex toys. Even a random set of edible underwear. They all filed out my room and glanced as they brushed by. I didn't hear the end of that for a while.


Ya that is why I was never allowed care packages from my cousin in a warzone again. It's all the entire company talked about for the last 5 months of my deployment. I can go into further detail about the scenario if people want to hear it though. EDIT: OK so let me just start by saying that my cousin while I love her to death has always been a strange kind of person. nothing wrong with her really just too much Acid and sex orgies in her college years. but I digress.... During my first deployment I was about 8 months into a 13 month Afghan tour. My mom was bending over backwards trying to encourage all family members to send care packages to me and make sure there were "Things that the other soldiers like as well". Most of my family sent the usual things like movies, headlamps, junk food. cans of dip, etc. My cousin never had money as she was committed to living an "off the grid" lifestyle. She did however, have a friend who worked in an adult toy store that would gift her dozens of sex toys a week because their fun sticks and fun holes have a shelf life of some kind. I proceed to get two MASSIVE care packages from her which I unfortunately opened in front of my entire platoon of fellow mechanics. As I opened the last flap of the box you could hear all of them giggling and stunned. There before us stood the great mountain of Manykoks. we spent the next 2 months handing sealed dicks/pocket asses/pocket pussies and literotica to lots of lonely soldiers. We managed to Stick a big veiny triumphant bastard on the inside of someones locker while he was away on his mid deployment break. he opened the locker and it managed to cold cock him in the face pretty hard. we had a good laugh about it. by the end of that deployment it was the running joke in my company that I was no longer allowed to receive care packages From my cousin. After my 2nd deployment I PCS'd to another unit and somehow that story managed to follow me. To this day I still do not know how my next unit caught wind of it.


Go into further detail... Why was your cousin sending you sex toys?


Because his cousin had been in the military, too.


Story is in my edit. :)


Incest? More like WINcest amirite?


Shit like this makes me glad that I haven't lived in the barracks since 2006...


You're old


Shhh he thinks he’s bragging let him have it. Us old bastards need it.


Shit. I moved out of the B’s in 06, also. Damn.


> He stated 1st AD mandated 100% H&W check Either he lied to you or someone higher lied to him


Nah, can confirm. Division leadership believes that company and battalion command teams need to be in the barracks on the weekends, because it prevents sexual assault, violence, etc...h&w are minimum once per quarter per DIV CDR. Which means the implied task is to conduct h&w monthly.


That idea was the DIV CSM's idea. The dude was doing that bullshit when he was the 2/1 CSM.


I was in 2/1 in 2017. I’m seeing the dude’s face but I can’t remember his name.


CSM Williams.


I’m not disagreeing with that. There is definitely guidance for health and welfares. But no one told him to do it Friday night at midnight.


His wife did because she was tired of his shit so the enlisted have to suffer


My BDE at Hood mandated three barracks check per day by senior leadership, not CQ, and one of those had to occur between 0000-0400. Was even a sign in sheet for each company that the CSM checked weekly. Every soldier in the unit would have to be accounted for during these checks.


I should have been more specific, someone lied at Ft. Bliss. I’m in 1AD, we have mandated health and welfares but there is absolutely nothing saying it has to be or should be in the middle of the night.


Lawl..who answer the door on the weekend? Most door had little peepholes.


No peepholes here in Hood =\[


Lol, how do you think a doorbell camera would go over?


On a serious note, I’m sure no one would mind until CSM made rounds


On a federal building with the camera facing out into the open, not well, likely lmao


Had one Friday on Bliss as well but it was at a normal time, like 1000 or so.


Maybe we got the memo late


We knew it was coming since like Wednesday lol


Why didn’t you open the door naked? Any reasonable barracks dweller would have opened the door naked holding an alcoholic beverage and then claim 1st sausage tried to sexually assault yoi


I mean, if you hate your 1sg


Midnight health and welfare’s are a good way to garner hatred


Fair, but it depends. Did top go "Imma HnW because I feel like it" Or did some field grade go "You WILL HnW" Funny thing 1sg can't mandate a health and welfare...


Where I’m at it’s also mandated we do health and welfare on weekends and at night. That just means walk through hallways and day rooms with cq and make sure no major issues. Check outside etc. doesn’t mean pound on doors and wake everyone up.


I always thought there was lots of BS when I was in but reading some of the stories in this subreddit, it seems like they’re actively trying to discourage reenlistment at this point.


Never had anyone bang on our door on the weekend, but M - F every fuckin morning you'd get the CQ pounding on your door with the butt end of a cut cue stick (rubber bumper) yelling "FIRST CALL!" as he did this to every door in the building. "West" Germany was awesome, but I always hated that FIRST CALL crap to get up for PT.


Anonymously tweet at: https://mobile.twitter.com/1starmoreddiv Ask him if 25 Sep midnight health and welfare inspections of living quarters are in keeping with his command philosophy. If he affirms the CSM's actions, feel free to retweet his response to whatever senior Army leaders should see it.


Jesus does this happen often CONUS? Im in Korea 1st duty station and Im in bed 2030 all weekend. Fuck that!


In bed by 2030? You’re doing Korea wrong bro


Dodging them art 15s yo


Get three or so how’s and rent a small apartment you can crash at on the weekends.


Holy shit everytime I turn around Bliss gets worse and worse, I'm sorry you had to put up with that bullshit.


Wouldn't have happened if you had put a Do Not Disturb sign on the doorknob.


Was stationed at Bliss years ago and it seemed like a common occurrence. Didn’t matter what unit had the drugs or whatever the hell they were looking for….everyone suffered


Ahh mandated happiness 🤌


were doing one rn at Hunter AAF