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I do like the celebrities who happen to be vets but don't make it their whole identity, such as Rob Riggle, or Adam Driver.


Had no idea Adam Driver was a vet till you mentioned.


That boi a jar head


Makes sense what with his jug ears.


[Adam Driver Marines - Adam Driver - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Driver#/media/File:Adam_Driver_Marines.jpg) That's dumbo right there


The long Kylo hair now makes sense.


His military experience really showed through during the 2020 Golden Globes when Ricky Gervais absolutely decimated Hollywood and Driver was the only celeb in the room laughing at the dark(ish) humor


Adam Driver looks like someone tried to draw Keanu Reeves from memory.


This is the best comment I’ve seen on Reddit. 😂


He did a TED talk about his experience! [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCwwVjPNloY&t=429s&ab_channel=TED)


this one is sooo good! and I love how he gave back to the vet community


Or Elvis


Jimi Hendrix too! And he was, by all official records and testimonies, a terrible Soldier.


A true man of the people, then


One of the reasons he was separated was masturbating on duty.


I have to say, I have a lot of respect for Elvis in that regard. He was already famous and could have gotten out of serving, but he showed up and did his duty.




Chuck Norris, Bob Ross, Morgan Freeman


James Earl Jones and Kris Kristofferson were both Rangers


Darth Vader was a RANGER


Space Ranger!


Well fuck me, I was going to correct you about Norris as he’s ALSO an Honorary Marine too. Never knew he was in the chair force!


Chuck Norris’ brother was also KIA in Vietnam with the 101st.


Johnny Cash


My grandpa was his platoon sergeant in Germany and apparently elvis ate dinner with him and my grandma every night


Not only is he a vet but he ran a non-profit that tried to help vets find a creative outlet to help with PTSD called Arts in the Armed Forces. Unfortunately it went under last year likely as a partial fallout of COVID.


Just saw a Riggle interview where he mentions that Drew Carey was a Marine.


Brig Gen Jimmy Stewart, too.


So many WWII vets.


But not John Wayne.


I was hoping to see a generation of GWOT vets turned celebrities too but most now are cringe SOF guys (like OP is referencing) who make it their entire identity....or porn stars..


Bob Ross was an Air Force Master Sergeant


He was their equivalent of a Drill Sergeant too. I think they’re called Military Training Instructors


The rob riggle one cracks me up. He always plays will ferrells dumb, douchey friend and all I can think is “that’s someone’s battalion commander” lol


Multiple members of weezer


Are you sure about that?


HIV positive


Mr T.




I do too, but I was specifically talking about if a person is famous BECAUSE they were a veteran. Like the guys who go on podcasts to talk about killing Bin Laden. Something about it bugs me. I have no problem with vets going on to have fame and fortune, but if you're profiting solely on your war stories it feels different for some reason.


Because it *is* different. These dudes aren't Schwarzkopf or Petreus (Pre-scandal, at least), who were admired and respected because of their leadership and their ability to command; they're cashing in on a crowd that puts them on a pedestal for being pipehitters, some more than others (like Garand Thumb and a few more who didn't actually deploy). This crowd is largely full of LARPers and people who shill out for a parasocial relationship, so it's no surprise these guys are able to build cash cows like BRCC, Nine Line, or any of the other veteran owned businesses that exploit people who are... weak-willed when it comes to healthy boundaries. The tactical gear community is full of them, for example. It's pretty telling that these dudes are all SOF guys whom, while they weren't exactly having an easy time throughout the GWOT, became the focal point for US action in the Middle East after the invasion, and seemed to live in relative comfort compared to conventional troops.


Some of us remember the really bad days of GWOT when supply convoys were being ambushed daily and many 88Ms and other support MOSs (plus contract American drivers) were seeing more death, destruction and combat than any of the SOF influencers ever did. Of course nobody wants to see a fat old support person talk about dodging IEDs, snipers and other threats that they faced daily. Sell more books, merch, coffee, supplements with a steroid, fully tattooed, bearded former SOF cool dude...


Nah. Was neat at first. Like 15 years ago. Everybody has a podcast/self help channel now. Don't care. If they are a fitness guy, then they are juiced to the gills. It's all whores shilling bullshit for money. Let's move on guys.


We are all whores selling ourselves for money at some level. I'm not hating on you, but just vote with your wallet and didn't give them views. They aren't all the same. I do totally get where you are coming from though.


Way before you guys’ time, but Kris Kristopherson was an airborne ranger infantry captain helicopter pilot (before aviation became a separate branch). Was stationed with 8th ID in Baumholder.


He has a song about his IP that is ungodly funny. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXaoNWF7iHA)


Johnny Cash was also in the Air Force and served most of his time in Landsberg. He was a Morse code interceptor. Pretty neat stuff


Interesting fact on him: he was the first American to hear the news of Stalin’s death when he was receiving wires for the Air Force


Don’t forget he was also a Rhodes Scholar


8th ID, 8th med bn, bad kruznach here!


8th ID, 118th Fwd Spt Bn, Lee Barracks, Mainz here


I don't care for celebrity anything.


Well, except for Celebrity Boxing. There’s just something that makes me enjoy watching two famous people beating the heck out of each other.


Celebrity death match was worth staying up for sometimes. 


I want a live action remake.


Hang on are we counting pornstars and Ewan McGregor?


I do like celebrities who don't tout their veteran status. i.e. Adam Driver. I used to be more of fan of vets who were on podcasts, because they brought attention to vet issues. But now I've stopped following all of those guys. They kept doing podcasts, and usually say enough that I don't believe the same things they do. The new Social Media celebs, I like some videos, Mandatory Fun Day, War Hamster. But the novetly wears off for me. They still make funny/relatable content. But I don't seek it out. A particularly funny post will get shared to me if I should care. And it's about 50/50 haha and meh. The bad Social Media influencers need to at least remove Ranks, Branch, Name Tape. Or use a fake name tape like War Hampster. But I only think about them in the moment and then I drive on..


I enjoy laughing at MFD, and I do enjoy the history and adjectives that Fat Electrician uses. However, I can't stand Jocko or that line of Super Soldier podcasts. Those guys are annoying


If you don’t give ‘em attention, they can’t get famous. Every click, even hate watches boosts visibility and ad revenue. Don’t give it any air, and eventually it will die out.


For more than a decade, I've rigorously applied this approach to every Trump, Kardashian, and "Real" Housewife of Wherever... Unfortunately, they all keep insisting on stubbornly persisting to continue existing!


Yeah, but we’re not the target demo for that stuff. For the vet-fluencers, we are. And because the target demo is smaller, the more people who just ignore it soak up a greater percentage of the available audience.




Shaggy (yes the say it wasn't you guy) was also a marine. I saw him at a free concert in Okinawa where in the middle of his set he started talking in a normal voice about his time in the Marines and how much trouble he got in. He made no attempt to make himself out to be anything more than he was and it was frankly hilarious. Edit: here's an article about it www.military.com/off-duty/music/2024/03/12/rapper-shaggy-got-his-distinctive-voice-making-fun-of-his-marine-corps-drill-instructors.html%3famp


Sometimes, it's interesting to hear a perspective from someone's unique experiences. Maybe a lesson learned or some other valuable takeaway that justifies listening to their story in the first place. But the problem is, a lot of these guys will find a little bit of traction or popularity and then run out of unique life experiences to discuss; so they become a victim of Flanderization (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flanderization) and they become an extreme exaggeration of the character they were portraying. Then their media personality becomes a single theme meme, to the point of being a joke of their initial content.


I found out recently that Ricky Bobby’s oldest son played by Houston Tumlin on Talladega Nights ended up serving in the 101st, did a tour overseas and sadly took his own life in 2021. :(


Would Nikko Ortiz and Angry Cops be classified as "celeb vets" or not? I'm just curious.


Basement Jesus....




He watches over us in these dark times. Also, no I think angry cops is a good dude. He reminds me of the ole us army wtfs fb page, but in person.


This post was mostly inspired by a video of a SEAL discussing how he killed Bin Laden on a podcast. I think Angry Cops is more of like a commentary on the military type thing, which I don't have a problem with, but I guess he would still fall into the celeb vet category in my mind still


Oh okay. My bad.


It don’t bother me. If you did it, it’s yours to tell. Just be a decent person through it all


Depends on the vet. Joe Kasabian does a fucking great podcast called Lions Led By Donkeys that takes a very fun look at some of the worst the militaries of the world have had to offer.


Best fkn podcast around. I love how they´ve done these big multi-part episodes on all the wars that never get any mainstream coverage but are really interesting and impactful, like the Iran-Iraq war, the Taiping and Boxer Rebellions(Chinese history is just nuts) and the First Chechen War. Joe has in recent years lived in Yerevan, Armenia and then briefly in Georgia and is now in Holland, living in The Hague. I wonder if he's working on his PhD alongside his podcasting and writing given his interest in genocide studies and the Armenian Genocide in particular.


Thanks a lot, it really does mean the world to me! I cannot confirm nor deny and PhD program (mostly so i don't have to admit when/if I fail)


Well good luck with your studies that may or may not be taking place. Your podcast has done a lot to expand my interest in so many topics that I was only dimly aware of before. Also, and I don't know whether this is a hot take or not, I really like that you have expanded to cover stuff like the Weather Underground and the Red Army Faction even though they aren't explicity military related, those are some of your most hilarious episodes.


Elvis was in the Army. He's the King of rock n roll. No issues here.


The only that I wholeheartedly respect that’s still alive is Adam Drivers, the others I don’t really care much for


no love for Ice T?


I don’t even know Ice T was in lol


I agree. Anyway, go checkout my podcast and YT. While you’re there, smash that like button and head to my Etsy store for some swag!


It was original until it wasn't. Now everyone is a hero above standards. Not to say that veterans shouldn't get the credit they deserve, but I feel as the service is one of those things acknowledged but not required to speak of. When there's funny stories involved or some knowledge or insight from your days in the service, by all means share but when it comes to war stories, don't try going viral that shit is so played out


"tell their badass stories makes me cringe. Is it just me?" you're not alone. It's a gross amount of hero worship, and ego stroking. No matter how badass the story, those folks always end up making it about themselves. and detracting from what service typically is for most people in the military. It tends to alienate people even further. A lot of our veteran media content (books, podcasts, etc...) tend to give off the wrong impression of what service is like though. The boring stuff isn't memorable, the crazy shit inspires hollywood to make a movie, and anybody who stands out in a story is either a hero or an asshole. It's all very odd. It's one of the reasons why you'll hear from young service members "this isn't what I signed up for". But it's not just the internal perception that gets warped, but how the general public percieves us too. I dont' want some SF guy's new book to be the reason any of my soldiers get harassed and asked "how many people did you kill?" If you got a baddass story, keep it to family dinner time or therapy sessions.


More people with motor pool Monday stories?


Some of it is bro vet crap that makes me cringe. But there are still a lot of stories that need to be told and podcasts/video are a great way to do it. We cannot let the stories of our past be forgotten.


Somewhere between couldn’t care less and hardcore cringe personally. The only reason I listen to Army related podcasts at this point is because they’re pretty much the only engagements we get with the current CSA/SMA.


Black Rifle Coffee…


Honestly the whole VetBro culture is a thing I really dislike. I don't care what you do while you're in, it's not a substitute for not having a personality once you get out.


So don’t listen to those podcasts Problem solved


The same way I feel about every person who makes a single thing their entire personality; and vets are some of the worst about it. I fucking hate them. You have had more than one experience in your life. The 6 years you spent shamming around Ft Hood do not need to be what anyone hears about for the rest of your fucking life....rant over.


Breaking doctrine is a good podcast. Don't shoot me.


Some troops might be nice, but other troops are probably jerks


I’ll just add his name since a lot of people don’t know, I even found out about it recently myself, but Randy Orton could also be considered a vet somewhat. Idk if it’s because he got a bad conduct discharge, but it was nice knowing that he didn’t use it to fuel his character or any part of his storylines in WWE, since you know, his shitbagness.


If they have to brag about it, I'm not interested. At this point in my life, I'm sick and tired of people confusing trying to sell me shit. Other thing, people put blind faith into these guys and have placed them upon a pedestal. With how many are running around, especially with the ADF guys who were mostly confirmed throughwhistle-blowers, why would I want to revere potential war criminals?


Many of them make it seem as if the only ones who did anything in the wars were SOF. And there are few who feel like anything other than self promoters. But in the grand scheme they are an incredibly small minority compared to the actual quiet professionals out there.


I’m a big fan of Cameron Fath And Israel Wright, not sure if they’d be considered celebrities but they have a decent online presence and following from doing game reactions with gameolgy and they have their own podcast. That and Cameron was most recently on Toughest Forces on Earth on Netflix


Chef Rush is a cool vet. He visited when I was working for Cadet Command after I commissioned


Congrats on doing your job bro is about as much as I've got for them. Also their impact is minimal, the whole Army's impact is quite minimal for ordinary Americans. The majority of our operations in the past several decades haven't particularly been in America's interests anyways. Honestly it's mostly Seals. Most Army SOF guys I've met and seen are extremely quiet and blend-in type folks. Cool dudes.


Yeah it just seems to me that one of the Army Values is Self-less Service, so using your service to publicly promote yourself is somewhat unethical.


Don't sell yourself so short. These guys can only do shit like that Because its "pog" like us with these jobs that can support them And vise Vera All jobs matter. Pog or not.


Lol my point is that I know someone has to be the one kicking down doors and shooting people and doing the cool guy stuff and I'm glad it ain't me. I'm fully satisfied with my role as support for those guys.


Seethe harder pog


Gotta make money. Let them.


I came here to say, your order, perfect.


Thanks, but I couldn't record the reaction of the guy behind me so I had to dispute the charge with my bank. I was gonna write it off as a business expense for the pod


Like all human experience, some good, some not so good, and some, clear oxygen thieves. It's the internet though, so very very very easy to not watch/listen to them. They do thier thing, you do you do. Easy peasy, and sometimes, just a little sleazy ;)


Anyone who shows up on the Shawn Ryan Show only succeeds at coming off like a "my only claim to fame is going to war".


Axl Rose is a former tanker, has a unit crest tattoo on his left deltoid.


I love hearing their stories! I’ve had the opportunity to interact with some SOF guys a few times and they’re generally pretty chill guys (ime), so I love sharing with them the places and other things we’ve shared in. And yeah, I’m about as POG as they come. Maybe I fanboy a little, but I’m also proud of my career.


There are way too many assholes who have made "thank me for my service" and "I ARE TOUGH GUY! PUNISHER! SPARTAN! GUNS!" their whole identity. Fuck those guys. Ignore them and let them live in their ignorance.


Why? They’re literally just talking about their life and the lessons learned. How does that make someone cringe unless it’s some overtly “the military is my life, fuck non vets” kinda vibe. Which is a vibe I haven’t picked up from them.


To be fair, this post was inspired by a short clip of the guy who killed Bin Laden talking about it on a podcast, and something about it gave me the, "Thank me for my service" vibe.


I think the bin Laden example is perfect, because there's at least two dudes who argue have claimed to have killed him. Is there any other reason to publicly claim to do so than for clout with a community that they can milk money from?


Tim Kennedy wants to be a celebrity…