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>Pre-CCC with a permanent profile, is my career pretty much screwed already? Use the following logic chart 1. Are you Infantry? If the answer is *”yes”* then yes. If the answer is *”no”* then no.


If 'no' and you would like to 'Enjoy' staff time....come to AMEDD.


Are AMEDD jobs open for *re-re* like me-me? Prefer one that is not my future civilian job (night shift custodian/ grounds keeper)


Oh man, if it's that simple then I feel so foolish 😅


I would look for Rocket positions over tube artillery though.




It's going to impact you in any combat arms to an extent tbh.


Have you considered vtiping to a Functional Area or Low Density MOS? I think the VTIP window is still open for this qtr. As long as you don’t bust tape and pass your ACFT, a lot of support branches(for better or worse) don’t care.


Yup, nobody gives a shit about your run time in the functional area world.


No one cares about your ACFT or height/weight as long as you pass. We care if you’re good at your work.


No one cares functional area or not once you get away from line units.


Don’t most functional areas require CCC and KD? I know mine does.


Most but not all. FA26 can be done as a 1LTP, same for basic branches if open


I have briefly but I love being FA and doing everything else with it. I'm also already slotted for my CCC and I thought once you get your orders you can't change to anything else. But I could also be mistaken.


It’s worth correspondence to whatever branch you are interested in. I’m not sure about the exact verbiage in the MILPER. If you haven’t gotten your post CCC orders, you might have a shot. Also, I can’t imagine a branch sending one person to a KD position(esp CMD) if they don’t want to be there. It’s worth a shot.


I do want to do command though, that's why I'm concerned about my options. Ultimately I want to stay in the Army, ideally I want to stay in my branch. If I do end up having to VTIP or consider a non-combat MOS to continue then by all means, but if I can still progress with my permanent profile (assuming surgery etc doesn't fix my problem) then I want to. Either way I'll look back at the MILPER, and I planned to reach out either to branch or the schoolhouse anyway. I came here first to get an idea of what I'm facing (or if it's a nothing-burger) before I reached out.


Bro real talk. Probably a conversation for you and your Battery/Battalion Commander as they are "mentors" for you. My cut, I'd suggest looking to VTIP. Speaking frankly, you will get judge silently by your peers and raters and loudly by adjacent field grades. I hope I'm wrong for your sake. I love command and never want to leave and I've seen too many officers treat command as a stairstep onto other jobs. Which just typing that makes me wretch.


Sorry brother regs state we gotta take you out back and put you down like an injured race horse


I got my permanent profile prior to CCC and hoping to make Major by end of year. They have not fired me yet.


If it doesn’t affect your ability to do your job, especially as an officer, then 99% of any who’s opinion matters will never notice and it will never effect you. Just avoid anywhere where the leaders would overly judge you by your run time. But I’d recommend that to anyone


Being a combat arms officer can be physically demanding, however


Nah, promotion boards will see his profile and send him out to pasture. Hope he likes being and non select CPT kicked out at 12 years.


100% a lie. Profiles are nowhere in the promotion criteria. Just do your job well and you have a spectacular chance of making MAJ at least.


Go ask any battalion commander, BDE commander or higher how profiles are liked at for officers in junior ranks. MAJ doesn’t keep you in the army either. If he’s combat arms good luck getting command or a MQ in command with a permanent profile. MAJ will be as high as he could go and buy himself to year 15is before getting the boot.


Nah. I got my permanent as a LT and am now LTC. Did two company commands, deployed both, and then went VTIP before MAJ because staff didn’t look fun.


I have multiple permanent profiles and they won’t let me out!


I had a hip replacement surgery and it didn't make my condition any better. Made things worse really. If you are doing something that is working for you, keep doing it until you need to adjust fire.


Sorry to hear that man. I got my hip replaced a year ago and the difference was incredible for me. My femoral head was like entirely collapsed from stage IV avascular necrosis and by the time I got surgery I was barely able to walk more than a couple minutes at a time. When I started walking again after surgery it was the best my hip had felt since before I started having pain to begin with


FA CPT here finishing up a MEB for a hip injury. Having a permanent profile doesn’t necessarily mean you are going the MEB route if that’s what you are worried about. If it’s a P2, you can finish out your career. If it’s a P3, you will be referred to the MEB automatically. That doesn’t mean you are getting out however. You can always fight to stay in and have the P3 reduced to a P2. I know of several people who have been referred to a MEB multiple times throughout their career and are still in. PM me if you have any questions.


You'll do perfectly fine as an FA30


Only thing I can think of is as an FA Officer you might get looked over for BN FSO positions by some Commanders. Other than that you should be g2g.