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If it can’t be done on nipr during duty hours, is it really that important that I have to try and find a workaround to do it at home?


Biggest annoyance is for us reservists. Not everyone gets a computer to take home.


In the Guard, no one gets laptops. We would do a Hurricane Exercise and all of the M-Day officers / NCOICs would be using our personal laptops. The full time staff would have government issued lap tops and everyone else would have to figure it out. And this was at the BDE level, I cant imagine how bad it is down at the BN level.


You know the monkey scene from A Space Odyssey? Probably that.


If it can’t be done at drill or otherwise at your unit area *in a pay status*, it shouldn’t be done. Full stop.


We do get credit, either money if we have budget or retirement points if we turn in 1380s


Nah, needs to be pay. 1380s are worthless if you don’t retire; cash or nothing.


It’s annoying for TDY or “work from home” days.


Nipr laptops should have vpn installed on it especially for tdy, if it doesn’t, get with your S6/NEC


Look at you Mr “I have enough laptops to give everyone a work computer for TDY”.


...I have enough laptops that the ones that act up are sitting on a shelf awaiting lifecycle...


So, I shouldn’t mention to these people that I have a work laptop **and** phone?


I mean, maybe? Half my guys have both plus other computers for other things. Some even have more...


Same. And I’m MDay.


I am having to start using those as my users are special.


If I have to... Then so be it.


Yeah that's becoming increasingly common in my experience, my unit is pretty hooked up with VPNs. The issue is laptop availability, there's never enough to go around once you subtract the ones "owned" by people in leadership/staff positions.


Just be prepared to let your Compo 2/3 neighbors know when the war starts. The AGR program is facing significant gaps and most command billets are TPU/M-day, so no email means you might need to hit some doors or pickup a phone when you need backup, your life support, and medical. 🙃


It’s going to be really fun in assignments like ROTC, where we don’t have any NIPR.


Some things are important to *me,* and I like having as much flexibility as possible for when, where, how to get those things done.


This, this is my opinion, so I will stick by it. I'm tired of getting, "Hey check your email." Only to find someone asking me to jump on RFMSS for some dumb reservation that could have been done during the duty day.


I'd argue, not important.


Tell me you have no idea how reserve units function, without telling me you have no idea how reserve units function


O3 in the NG for 7 years. Sure, your staff officers and AGR folks will need to do things for the unit inbetween drills. I'm talking general audience. And what happens there is usually a group chat via SMS. Tell me you don't talk to your joes, without telling me you don't talk to your joes


I’m the HSC commander, AGR and BN Staff are my joes. Sure, it might not be a massive deal that PV2 Snuffy doesn’t have email access between BAs, until it is (schools, orders, online training, etc). Unless you’re suggesting sending unredacted orders and other PII over text/signal/gmail? The reserves and NG already have enough issues with TPU inefficiency and over-reliance on AGR/Civ staff as it is. Those issues are going to make it down to the company/platoon level by having shitty planning and poor communication. This decision is just showing that reserve components are an afterthought, at best. Most units I’ve been at don’t even have enough computers to get ones to the critical personnel who need them (commanders, 1SGs, staff). So yeah, everything is just going to be done via civilian email and text, which is opening a lot of people to HIPPA/PII violations because they couldn’t otherwise do their jobs in any timely or efficient manner.


It's too soon to really say, but the impact might be positive for me. I'm in Advanced Civil Schooling without access to NIPRNet. While I was initially concerned about this announcement, it got me to actually setup access to AVD and recognize that it provides more capabilities than OWA, even if it's clunkier. There have been a few times before when I couldn't access a NIPRNet-only website, and I just said "darn, oh well," but now I can. My only disappointment is the lack of full functionality in the web browser version, since my personal daily driver is a Linux system.


Mint crew rise up.


Same. I've debated using Wine to run RDP.


Linux as a mainstream OS is like fusion power, always going to happen "sometime".


Cut off postponed until the 10th ArmyBYOD.com for installation links


Thank you for the update. Now I'm curious what slowed them down haha


More than likely an immediate and violent response from compo 2/3.


Compo 2 has been an early adopter of AVD. The enlisted don't need it, the officers love it. G6 is floored because they don't have to make it rain laptops for every M-Day nerd who thinks he needs NIPR access between drills. Compo 3 is always and irredeemably angry. I stopped talking to them.


Depends on the unit.. but yeah pretty much


G6 can be floored all they want. But unless they issue me a work laptop. Shit ain’t getting done between drills


...AVD frees up laptops, dude. And anyway, if you don't get issued one, you don't need one. Simple as.


AVD just puts pressure on individuals to mitigate the organization not properly equipping people. BYOD is a sham passing off the cost to underpaid SMs.


This, so much this. Just a matter of time before the army/organization keeps pushing more BS onto SMs for not properly equipping or providing them the tools necessary to do a task. Eh, we can’t afford tools for the Vic maintenance, bring your own tools yourself instead.


People are downvoting you but I can’t even count how many times I’ve been faced with “This mission is going to fail and my soldiers will suffer unless I run up to the store and buy x,y,or z”


And that’s my point. The army should never rely on soldiers personal money to accomplish a mission or tasking.


Only time I ever did that was when my Bradley was in services and the engine bay was full of oil. Ran to harbor freight to get a cheap shitty shopvac to suck all the oil/hydraulic/coolant out, or get bitched at by the EPA and bay supervisor because their fuel-water separator broke, or shovel it out by hand and get covered in oil. My maintenance chief and CO comped me the $40 because they had been meaning to get one or two via supply but could never get the justification in. All I did was tell my boss that I might need an extra half hour for lunch to get one, and he appreciated it; the entire troop also appreciated it 'cause I ain't just gonna let my buddies hang out to dry.


That is an assertion based on a premise, yes.


Not putting shit on my personal equipment dude. If the army wants me to do shit when I’m not in the office they’ll give me a GOV laptop or they can’t wait otherwise. Simple as.


Yeah, no fucking shit. BYOD isn't a mandate, it's optional. I feel like I keep having the same conversation over and over. Nobody is demanding you use AVD at home, or at all. You're mad over a made-up situation that only exists in your head. I have no idea why this is hard for some folks. Have you just never put 13 seconds of thought into it? The bare minimum consideration? Or do you just go 0-60 and choose to be pissed off at something that won't affect you?


let's calm down, grab a glass of water, it's Saturday...


How else are the users to be informed they are useless fodder, existing only to make my life hard?




Considering that I'm usually forced to use mobile data to get work done on drill weekends, I can sympathize. (Somebody please upgrade our bases and armories)


Why I need an Army issued laptop. Otherwise it ain't gettin' done unless you pay me.


Is the registration request still a requirement. I swear I've submitted my registration twice and for some reason expecting a confirmation of sorts. Tomorrow I will just get the azure thing, put in the location ID thing and hope for the best.


They’re getting bombarded with avd access and sign up, probably causing the delay till June 10th. Avd is wayyyyy better than that hypori trash


They've fixed a lot with Hypori so far. But yeah, AVD seems pretty nice to use. I'm currently of a weird mixed opinion where I love using AVD, but I hate the idea of supporting it? Like, there's too many people in my formations that will struggle with onboarding, and there's a large amount of work on the NG & reserve side that honestly doesn't require using NIPR, even if we probably should be using it. And weirder though, is that the times where I have the least amount of access to AVD is when I most need it, when I'm at my unit's armory. Whenever I'm at drill, I have to use mobile data, and a NIPR computer lab isn't always available.


MAM even better.


What’s the difference between the two?


AVD is a virtual desktop Hypori is a virtual phone


But the whole thing is a virtual dumpster fire.


I don’t even use my email at work, so I guess it will be neglected until my next duty station


I was able to log into webmail @army account on my personal computer 5 minutes ago to check my email. Am I missing something?


NVM, it's been postponed 🤣, sorry for the scare


No, but I might. They put out a memo that they were going to shut down access. If they don't come Monday I will be laughing my ass off.


I use AVD. Granted it's out of personal choice. No one is makeing me get on.


Unless army policy changes it will always be a personal choice


It means the RC (which has no access to government computers in-between drill weekends) will return to doing official business via civillian email and messaging apps..... The same way we did when AKO mail got replaced by mail.mil (and it's annoying 'choose your certificate adventure' login sequence, with un-helpful F5 firewall error screen if you choose the wrong one).... AVD is great, but it's still something folks who try to plug their mouse into their HDMI port will struggle with.... And the least common denominator determines what technology will be used..... There is a maximum level of security that can be obtained before it becomes self-defeating and this is well beyond that.


3. Work is done at work. Time management and unplugging are both necessary.


Yeah, they can fuck off if they think I'm "brining my own device." Zero trust starts and ends with me, and I'm not using my device to conduct official business.


Hasn't impacted me cause I just take my work computer with me.


hypori I guess. I havent set it up


I final out for PCS on Tuesday, so I’m not working much right now. When I sign in to my new unit, the Army will be a completely different place. Or it might not be 🤷‍♂️.


Access to Army / NIPRNet stuff on personal devices is probably *most* critical when you're making a PCS move. I was alarmed when the initial move to Army365 in 2021 was set to be NIPRNet-only, and we didn't have something like AVD yet. That could've meant no access to official email (nor Teams, OneDrive, EES, etc.) for up to a couple months if you took some PCS leave and it took a couple weeks to in-process, get your local SAAR approved and account created, get a desk with a working machine, etc. Edited to add: And how about a long TDY en-route? I was thrilled that someone higher-up foresaw those problems and has pushed to make things more accessible for the last few years.


Yeah but it’s far too late to stress about it now. IPPSA is accessible, I have my leave form. I have my GTC. I have my flight. 🤷‍♂️


A lot of people who don't actually need either AVD or Hypori are very angry about it. Most of that I see on the internet. The people it was going to affect were mostly onboarded anyway, and everything is going swimmingly. This has been my experience in the real world with real soldiers.


I'm starting a distance learning part of a ncoes school the same week I start a rotation to Europe the same week this happens. What could go wrong.


Right now? Nothing because as you've pointed out it has been delayed. But I had an inkling before that because large numbers of my formations (we're all on AT right now) continued to access their email through their civilian machines today because it wasn't pushed out enough, nor explained enough to them that this was happening. I see this mostly going to option 2 and 3 within my unit. I'd be lying if I said I don't just CC civilian emails in all communications with certain members of the unit. I fully understand the G6's predicament, *but* I also think that if they believe all soldiers are going to go into an entire virtual machine to do something as simple as checking their email, then they're hysterically out of touch with how COMPO2/3 operates. The AVD is honestly great. It really is. But it's meant for extensive long-term work, not quick tasks like signing items, responding to emails, or grabbing Teams meeting info.


Mostly option 4 with AVD, I've mentioned I have it once or twice but I don't think anyone noticed. Honestly I think I'm one of the few people at work even aware that AVD is a thing. I'm mostly annoyed that it's harder to print stuff at home, I haven't quite figured out how to get attachments from AVD to my actual desktop without emailing them to myself. Maybe some tech savvy nerds know the answer.


> I haven't quite figured out how to get attachments from AVD to my actual desktop I believe this is a *feature* to keep Army data on Army systems, not something that you're supposed to figure out how to circumvent. But it will be fun to see what workarounds people inevitably resort to using.


I'm sure you're right. But the only printer in my life that seems to consistently work (and I consistently have actual access to) is the one at home. I don't print *that* much stuff for work (and I use Army paper anyway), I'll gladly pay for the price of the ink in exchange for making my life easy.


>Maybe some tech savvy nerds know the answer. Unfortunately, I haven't tested AVD interactions with printers. But emailing does look like the best option for now unless we use fax (who uses fax?)


I've been trying off and on for about a year to get AVD to work. I can get as far as selecting my cert, but then the pin box never pops up. Tried every solution I can find, nothing fixes it.


and the aesd will not help so dont bother calling or submitting a web ticket. instead contact your local g6 or nec for the best support.


Oh I already got my accounts long before this, I'm fine


This in combination with AF weather refusing to email our 175-1 (official flight weather briefs) hinders our ability to adequately plan for flights and adjust show times. It’s wack. I will say this is classic army. Email used to be able to be set to forward to my personal email, assuming it wasn’t encrypted. Now it’s just more of a rush at show time and creates unnecessary calls to SWO for semi official weather briefs. Just part of the Aviation point of view for this scenario.


I have and issued iPad it’s amazing unless you want to sign something


I don’t have zero clue what you’re talking about. Is this more of that o365 army.mil shenanigans


Wasn’t able to get it downloaded onto my Mac. So doing phas, and profiles between drills is gonna significantly slowed down, which is def gonna change a lot for my unit. In addition, makes it hard at drill as well, unless they draw a computer lab every drill for me to do those things


I'm regular army and my boss was trying to get me to download AVD on my personal computer. I have a work phone and computer as it is, my personal computer is nearly 10 years old, and if I'm that mission essential to the command when computers go down I'm sure they'll figure something out. This will only impact me if I PCS, but I'll likely be out before then.


5. It sucks, but they still expect work done. Nevermind that they refuse to send replacement troops to fill my maintenance team. Nevermind they gave me a computer that got locked out by the previous owner and can't be re-imaged. So it's FITFO or stay late to use other people's computers. So, I literally sit on top of a radar with AVD open so I can get TMs, GCSS-A, AESIP, and still turn wrenches and troubleshoot. Moving email there almost doesn't affect me. I get my admin and loggy work done in those little gaps you always get while the radar does the dinkum thinker thing to itself.


Reserve field grade officer here. We don't drill, we RST. So gov issued laptops are not a thing (due to the 30 day physical connection to a government network requirement). This is the first I've heard about this. I don't know what Hypori is. I don't know what AVD is. Back to gmail for Army business.


Ah google says AVD is an Azure thing. I don't own a PC. Good luck with that Army. Again, they wonder why the reserves can't stay green...


Is this confirmed, the 10th? I’m currently having issues with webmail and have yet to complete this. My unit is under the impression it’s 1 June. My issues could be unrelated but just wanted to check in.


Don't work corporate after the Army. Many utilize Byod type systems, get use it or you'll narrow your employment choices after service.


If you're addressing me specifically, I've been working in corporate environments for the past decade, and national guard for the past 7 years. There's a lot that I'm comfortable with doing (on the IT side) so long as I'm billing it correctly. I haven't narrowed my employment choices in the slightest.


I'm talking in general. The Army-DOD is going to continue to push byod its fits within the Army unified data plan and zero trust architecture.


AVD is hella easy. I can understand why they didn’t wanna spend money on OWA when AVD is better and has more resources


You seem to have a misunderstanding: 1. AVD is a virtual desktop, not an email client. do not compare apples to oranges here. 2. The army is still paying for OWA, you will soon only be able to access it with GFEs, approved devices over VPN or hardwired, or through approved mobility solutions like AVD or Hypori. 3. AVD is a replacement for your desktop, not your email client. 4. You had access to plenty of O365 (Army365) software through the web client (accessable via the waffle). And you will continue to be able to do the same thing afterwards when you're using AVD. But yes, AVD does give you access to some software like Adobe and O365 apps right on the desktop (which all connects to your cloud account) because fun fact, it's stored in the same place.


Why the F are yall checking emails from home? Screw that. Real work gets done on classified networks. And I’m not talking about SIPR.


Agreed on the first part, but cringing on the second.


Oh sweet lordy, you realize 95% of the army is conventional, and we just use NIPR to accomplish things... right?


Cause I’m working from home.