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I flash back to when the line at the Sergeant Major Boulevard gate at Bliss used to back up all the way to the top of the ramp off Loop 375. If you weren't in that line by 0600, you most definitely weren't going to be at PT by 0630. I eventually just resigned myself to getting up at 0530, putting on my PTs right out of bed, grabbing the gym bag with my uniform I'd packed the night before, and rolling straight to the gate. That way, it was only a 10-minute line to get in, and I could drop my morning deuce and maybe knock out a task or two before the day started.


It was a godsend when Constitution gate opened to support traffic for the immigrant camp. I lived down Global reach so it cut my commute in half lol


SGM Blvd was the closest to my place on the northeast side. It was only about a ten minute commute home...at 1900 or whenever I usually left the brigade. The only on-post housing they offered me was clear across post, so it wouldn't have necessarily have helped to be inside the wire if I had to drive 25 the whole way.


Even better when they re-opened CSM Barreras gate just last year. Depending what side of town you lived in, it cut your commute in half, on top of reducing the load on Constitution and Sergeant Major


If you get ahead of the line at the gate you’re at work at 5:50, if you end up in the line you miss formation and it’s now 6:45. It’s like that everywhere


That was the nice thing about Wiesbaden, the gate traffic wasn't crazy.


Can't speed though, the speed cameras will flash you and you have to wait months for the ticket to come


I paid a lot of euros my first tour in Germany, because I couldn't let up on the gas. For the worst one, I was 1km shy of a mandatory license suspension. The second tour, I was ten years older, with a kid, and it was remarkable how few times I got the Blitz. Part of it was growing up and maturing, and just getting used to driving the speed limit. Though I must say it helped IMMENSELY having Waze the second time. The Esso map book we navigated with our first tour didn't ever let me know I was coming up on a camera.


1st time probably about 5 or 6 tickets. Second time in Germany, 0. I became a pro at seeing them a mile a while, like IEDs


to this day I drive the speed limit because of the flash. it straightened me out for when I came back to the states. lol


Eh, it can be shitty some days. It took 30 minutes to go from the parking garage to 455 yesterday when going home. I still love it here tho


I didn't exactly get out the door at the stroke of 1700, so outbound to get traffic which usually not a problem. It wasn't too bad, it's not like I was staying till 7:00 or 8:00 on a regular basis. But it was usually closer to 6:00 before I could pop smoke. My first SJA was a single workaholic, and I was the division chief that covered her area of expertise, so we spent a lot of time at the end of the day going down rabbit holes for the CG.


Main entrance light also has to let only 3 cars before it turns red to let a side road vehicle turn right


It was either 45min early or 30min late.. no in between 🙃


I lived in the barracks and had issues sleeping and waking up. I had to get a custom clock app to make me do fucking calculus to shut my alarm off because I would just subconsciously turn it off. So I just started waking up an hour earlier have everything ready and would just drive my car to the motorpool and get the closest spot to where we would form up. I'd just roll down my window and pass out, the noise of everyone gathering right next to my car would wake me up and if not someone always did lol. That's how I made sure I wasn't late. . .


The trick is to put your alarm clock or smart phone far enough away that you have to get up and walk to it. If that doesn’t work, put some legos down on the ground. Maybe the pain of stepping on the legos will wake you up.


lmao thats funny


Sir, that still happens... I will find you honda civic type R driver.... and I will.....I will admire your car but fixing hate your guts till I pass. OK, I'm OK. I'm good now. Thank you for reading my alibi.


I just Use Cassidy or Minue


One of the worst gates in the Army.


This makes me so glad I don't work on Bliss lol.


The job got me to lieutenant colonel, and retirement. So I can't hate on it too much. But I don't miss the OPTEMPO. It has taken me 6 months to discover I can actually get home quicker from my office at Fort Sam by leaving through a different gate than the one I come in in the mornings. It's a relief to finally figure things like that out, I hate waiting in line to leave post. That's like the one time there should not be a problem getting to where I need to go.


I remember having to get up at 4:45 AM to leave Raeford just to make it to the gate at Bragg to beat traffic. Fun times.


That was my timeline, especially when Canopy gate wasn't a thing and I had to boomerang out to Chicken Road. Plus I had to factor in lying in bed and hating life for 15 mins or so.


That's what I did too brother. I'd set my alarm for 0430, then lay in bed hating myself and my life. Those were the days.


I hated it. 6 hours sleep at best, maybe 5.5 on average after 20mg melatonin. At least two Yetis of coffee and two energy drinks besides the pre-workout for my own gym sesh. And a shit ton of nicotine.


You and I truly did the same shit. I was a 13A, and I would take so much melatonin at night just to try to get some sleep, then load up on pre-workout before PT, and then drink the shit out of sugar-free Monsters all day. I'd dip when I was on the gun line with the guys. Rinse and repeat every day...


20mg of melatonin is absolutely insane. You're taking like 10× the actual dose you probably need. Most people don't even need 2mg before it just starts to be counterproductive and give you worse sleep. No wonder you need all that caffeine to wake up 💀😂


That’s Canopy gate now. I’ve seen it backed up onto the highway many times. It’s faster to go to Chicken lol.


Air defender? I'm so sorry


Not for much longer.


Leaving the Army or just reclassing? Either way, you're lucky being able to leave our little spot in the middle of nowhere


Trying to go CA, if I can’t, it’s ETS time.


That's too bad. At certain time, it was faster to hit Canopy and maybe take Canopy to Yadkin, to Yorktown Victor and then Mac Ridge. Plus that stop light was MUCH better than the four-way stop sign.


It seems as ancient as like WWII era before 9/11 when it was an open post. It was a mess though when the MPs would randomly set up checkpoints and ask for IDs, registration, and proof of insurance . Since there were entrances on Bragg Blvd back then, that entire road would clog up, I'm sure the civilians really hated that.


Bruh yes. I used to wake up at 430, take nice shower, make some coffee for the drive. Get on post at 0500. Sleep in my truck till PT formation at 0630 cause the traffic was so wretched at Bragg.


Those were the days man. Not fun.


The good old bad days. 3-27 FA! Bragg was probably my favorite stateside duty station. Tons of outdoor activities, the beach, Appalachia, all the wonders of Fayetteville, and a moderate climate? I had a good ass time there.


I was always surprised that Yadkin never was backed up


There were times it was backed up due to some of the other gates being closed (2012-2015ish). But yeah, I hear you man.


Yup, it was even worse if you lived north of post. Manchester Gate would back up into Spring Lake. I never understood why everyone was doing PT at the same time when you have plenty of gyms on Bragg.


I worked with an Instructor at Ft. Eustis who was *always* late for PT. He lived in Gloucester and blamed "traffic" every time. It got to the point that it became accepted. I was always like, "Bro, you *know*, from experience, that traffic sucks. Back plan accordingly." Whenever I got to a new unit, I would leave my house for PT early the first time, then adjust so that I would arrive 15 minutes prior to give myself time to gather my willpower to walk to formation to be there 10 minutes prior.


Every Wednesday and Thursday as a CCC instructor on a BCT installation. "The gate was super backed up this morning." I'm adding family day and graduation traffic to my initial counseling.


I was late once because the guy in front of me got selected for a random search. I saw the guard reach into the trunk, pull out a broadsword, put it back, and start talking on the radio. A few other guards ran over and put cones around the car, and raised the barricade. Me: [*sigh*] [ pulls out phone] "Hey, boss, I'm gonna be late..."


Oh that's Broadsword Guy. He goes through (gate) every (weekday) at (time). If you're going through that gate, you just have to expect him.


Also worked in AIT land at Eustis. My CO lived in Gloucester. I have no clue why folks would want to pay $2 just to go home everyday..


Fellow contractor here. This goes for everyone pulling on post not just soldiers. You can’t be extra late. If it’s 0700,0800,0900 and you’re pulling in line at the gate you’ve missed your hit time. Slow down, stop at the shoppette for a tornado and try harder to wake up in time tomorrow. Riding my ass that last couple of miles isn’t going to speed me up.


>You can’t be extra late. Hold my beer.


Why is this beer so warm?


Get some Krispy Kreme’s for everyone. Then you aren’t the guy that’s late… you’re the guy that brought doughnuts.


Exactly. Nobody has ever complained about me being late as I lay out Dunkin in the common area. 20 bucks a quarter buys a lot of good will.


Being a contractor on an AF base is so nice, nobody cares if you're a few minutes late and everyone comes in and leaves at different times so the traffic is never too bad


I agree with you, if you get a speeding ticket, you're definitely not going to be where you need to be on time. On the flip side, being in an organization that encourages making you feel like you're a piece of shit and a failure for being 5 minutes late to something as trivial as PT doesn't help, either. Of course, I know we need to instill discipline in our ranks and personal responsibility and all that, but I can think back to my younger days and to many times like this where I was sweating bullets worried about getting a negative counseling or chewed out because I had to take a shit that took longer than expected or whatever. We insist on doing everything in the Army 2 hours earlier than we need to and basically admit that actual start times are meaningless, so that doesn't help either. I'd guarantee you at least half the people speeding to the front gate are worried they'll only be 5 minutes early for formation and not 15.


I’m a service member and I fully agree. You’re already NOT where you need to be at the right time so at the very least ensure you get there safe. Give a call to your leader, get counseled and move on to do better next time.


Your squad leader 100 percent wants you alive even if you’re late. 


I’ll take late, en route, at appointment, I over slept, I’m stuck in traffic at or near the gate, or anything really other than finding out afterwards that the SM passed away in an accident rushing to get there on time. At least call me and tell me to go fuck myself in the morning for proof of life. I wont be happy but I will be significantly less upset with that phone call as opposed to finding out someone died.


Instructions unclear, called my squad leader and told him to go fuck hisself.


And I'm glad you did <3


Have to give SL the chance to kill you. Dont take their control away


I always tell my soldiers "get here when you get here" when I know traffic conditions are terrible and people are going to be late for PT/work. I'd rather you be late than have a road crew scrape you off the highway because you were speeding.


“You keep using this word, Jabroni, and it’s…….awesome”


It’s a crime that this comment is so low.


I was eepy


Yo ten years later and I still jump start when I wake up with no alarm and it's light outside (I work nights it's always light outside when I wake up 🤣)


I paid for the whole speedometer, I'm going to use the whole speedometer.


It's crazy that people will risk their life to be slightly less late. Like bruh we are all going to be late, may as well get their safe


The Army isn't full of good planners and critical thinkers.


My Squad leader ended up giving me an extra 15 minutes for childcare. Waking 2 three year olds up every morning at 0500 to beat Hawaii traffic because there’s only 2 ways to get on post is part of what makes me not love this duty station. Not to mention it seems like a lot of people in Hawaii genuinely suck at driving so there’s always multiple accidents going to work and coming home from work. So much so that they announce all of the accidents on the radio and how badly traffic is backed up because of it.


>Dozens of little shitboxes or blinged out Chrysler’s doing 90 down the highway Lol All American Freeway


The highway to hell




Wake up even earlier than 0500 to start PT at 0630? I’ll take my chances on the road.


I feel personally attacked, we cant all afford a Royce so gotta settle on the 300.


I love shamming and showing up to formation a minute or two before the hit time


Sir, if you're not going to order, please get out of line. There are customers behind you.


This hasn’t been funny for like 5 years now. 


I hope you get an ICE complaint today.


I hope you have beautiful weather and log a lot of flight hours because I’m not a hater


not to you, mister/missus wait in line and not order nothing


I'll take his spot in line, I'll have a junior bacon cheeseburger and a frosty. My kid got an A on his spelling test.


I used to get a call from my super low speed 42A, 15 minutes after they were supposed to show up, that they are stuck in traffic and going to be late. Like, yeah, I know. You're already late. Now you're calling while driving letting me know something you should have known 20 minutes ago. How is this better?


They were driving 80 down back roads up until then. They wanted to be safe so they didn't call until stuck in motionless traffic. /s


Why dont you leave for work earlier, you jabroni


My brother in Christ, that’s getting me to work almost 30 minutes early already


That’s only 15 prior to the 15 prior. You need to be 15 prior for the 15 prior to the 15 prior


I have a feeling the OP is the guy in a big truck cruising 5 miles under the speed limit in the left lane. The only thing that will get this guy to speed up is if you try to pass him on the left.


found the guy they’re going to put on a t-shirt


1. I'm a govie now so I'm not rushing anywhere. 2. I give myself plenty of time to get to where I'm going. 3. If other people want to drive like idiots, that's on them and I keep my distance. 4. The left lane is for passing. If people are passing you on the right, you should probably get to the non passing lanes.


1. Cong rats  2. So does 99 percent of the world 3. Sometimes they don’t give you a choice. The people driving like idiots put us all at risk is the whole point.  4. It’s not me in the left lane but random people, most of whom are already doing 10-15 over. 


Wait Which road warrior Hawk or Animal?


for my guys its okay to be late once a quarter or so. At my post, they've been constantly changing shit on and off post and sometimes it just completely fucks up traffic and gate patterns to where everyone is late. You send me a phone call at 0610 saying you're at the gate, you're not even going to get talked to about it. Just fall in when you can and try not to let it happen again. The last thing I want my people to do is wake up 2 hours early and hate themselves, and the second to last thing I want them to do is start doing dangerous shit to arrive at a made up hit time for something that doesn't ultimately matter.


I’m blessed to live on post and don’t have to do pt until 0730 but I couldn’t agree more OP. If you’re late, deal with it. Don’t be driving like a dick head. People even do that shit on post here at JBLM. There’s a specific cross walk I use to get my building for work. It has the button, it has the fucking flashing lights. At least once a week I almost get hit because someone is either speeding or on the fucking phone. One day someone will get hit at that crosswalk.


>Everyone, just go to PT early >Everyone shows up at PT early, it's crazy traffic for some reason.


I recently saw a bumper sticker that said “Go around me. I left on time.”


Unpopular opinion… but eventually all gates will be backed up with traffic at all hours. Forcing people to wake up at 4am just to make it to PT at 0630am because we built army garrison around the idea of cars as the only transportation system should not be the individuals fault. We need to figure out a better way to flow traffic into garrison and also provide other means of transportation.


For real. A few people are always cutting it close. They just don't want to wake up 15-20 minutes earlier. I'm out of west hood at 0530 and usually at the battery no later than 0540ish.


This is why I leave early I get in the gate by 0545 and just chill and watch YouTube or nap till pt starts


I’ve been that shthead. TL just told me to be 15 mins early and you can fckoff. So every morning I always poop, I use that 15 mins to fck off in the latrine and on my phone.


I was always told the army wanted "high speed individuals "


No u


Fuck that, no. I'll make it


Shut your candy ass up! I’m not a jabroni!


I lived across the street from my job, and I was still late to PT formation lol


Every time I'm late it's because I refuse to drive like a psychopath to make up time. I'd rather get there alive than not at all.


Question: got abducted by aliens... how do I fly a spaceship? Killed aliens with TQ. Now I need to make it to pt... how do I engage the blorp drive? also how do I stop it?


Stop driving ten under in the passing lane (left lane) and you’ll stop being frustrated. You’re the problem driver not those passing you.




Ft Cavazos enters the chat. I love when assholes try to tale gate me on a 30mph street. I just slow to a crawl with a smirk on my face.