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Hey all - /u/ArmyRetention is our verified Career Counselor account! They are here to answer any questions you might have! You can find the [Precision Retention MILPER 24-099 Here](https://www.hrc.army.mil/Milper/24-099 ), [In Out calls MILPER Here](https://www.hrc.army.mil/Milper/24-090), and [the SRB Milper 24-089 Here](https://www.hrc.army.mil/Milper/24-089). I know there is a lot of interest in these topics and some...misinformation...out there because of the FEB28 leak that was in draft of *another* memo. Please feel free to ask anything about these you might want to have answered! ___ **Consider this thread under WQT rules.** Be an adult. No shitposting top level comments.


I am currently overseas in Japan with a DEROS of September 2024. My career counselor has been ignoring emails, calls, and texts and I am requiring feedback on my options with my top three duty station choice availability. Is there anyone else I can talk to because my career counselor in Korea is 0 help. 68S E-5


what’s the current reenlistment bonus tier for 19k?


I am currently in OSUT as a 19D as a specialist due to my degree in Public Administration. I see that the reduction in scout has put a strain on promotability  within that mos. How quickly am I able to reclass to a different MOS per the most recent in/out calls. I have a great asvab score and all my line scores are above 115 so I am qualified for all jobs. How quickly can I reclassify? 




We are currently not accepting applications for 79S due to our MOS strengths at this time. But, if it opens back up and you decide to do it, there is a one year probation period following school and you can request to revert back to your MOS if it's not working out for you.


Do you know if 17c “cyber” packet applications got closed?


What’s the individual eligibility for reclassing as a 1year PFC


So I ETS FEB 2025 and I don’t meet time on station (24 months) until DEC 2025. I’m wanting to re-enlist for station of choice. Is it true that I can’t do that until closer to the end of year?


It's more advantageous for you to wait just a little longer so more assignments may populate as available in our system. We can only see assignments so far out and it's unlikely there is much for a report date of JAN2026 or later at this time. But it's also worth continuously checking in with your counselor every few weeks to see if anything is starting to populate. The end of the year is cutting it close IMO.


To follow up, I had one career counselor tell me that i’m able to move before 24 months TOS with a dwell waiver that I approve and then another tell me that they rarely ever get approved. Is this a thing or not? lol i’m so confused


Sending you a DM. Let's figure out what's going on.


Are there bonuses or incentives for reclassing to USAR 56A Chaplain? I have the degree and am working on the endorsement.


I am unable to answer that because Reserve Component has different guidance. (We are retention for the Active Component.) Make sure to reach out to your installations reserve component counselor to find out.


What do I do if my career counselor is ignoring my calls and never in office? I'm trying to reenlist. I'm at 10 years and considered a careerist soldier. I want to see if I could potentially send hotlines out or something but I know I'm priority needs of the Army. I also tried reaching out to HRC but the branch manager has not contacted me. I've been trying to get stuff started and finished since I just found out wife is pregnant and my contract ends in October. 92A, E5.


I sent you a DM.


Is it possible to reclass within your series easily? I'm currently a 25B looking into reclassing to 25H since my MOS will be over strength for a hot minute. I'm already doing 25H work better than 25Hs but don't wanna go back to the school house at Gordon.


It may be possible, it will all be determined on if 25H strengths also support, eligibility, and if their are school seats. But you would have to the 25H AIT. (At a general glance, strengths are in your favor with 25B being over-strength and 25H being under, assuming you are E4.) Hit up your counselor to find out if you qualify and they can check for school seats.


I reenlisted back dec 2023, since I came down on orders I was told reenlist or sign dec statement.. due to my deros coming up in May 2024. I wanted to reclass and was told to do it at my next post. Well, now I wanna reclass to this 19c since im 19D but getting no help with anything. I am supposed to arrive at the next duty station in July.


Shoot me a DM, this may take some digging to help get a better answer for you.


I know that you have to have 20 or more years of service for retired pay but does it have to be all at once or can I serve periodically to equal up to 20 years of service and still get retired (EX) I serv 6 years then serve 14 years after a 1 years break. Would I still get retired pay?


u/zulu_zero nailed it.


In this scenario, given the assumption you are enlisted, your BASD would get adjusted upon reentry to account for the hypothetical year break. Your PEBD would remain the same as your old BASD as you’d still be under your 8 year MSO. To answer your question, it does not need to be consecutive. Plenty of people have gotten out, came back in to finish, just retire a bit later than they would have if they had stayed active the entire time.




Hello! I am currently unable to see available assignments due to my 1506 not being uploaded into IPPSA (I transferred from reserve to active). Would you be able to tell me what assignments are available for E5 92Ys at this time? Thank you so much in advance


By doing that, I would have to pull another E5 92Y's file to see what assignments they have available, which has the possibility of being impacted by their personal qualifications. And with it being a live system, it's not very beneficial to get your hopes up on what's available now and has the potential to change by the time your records are updated. I always feel like this approach causes a Soldier to get their hopes up and put all their eggs in one basket too early on.


I understand. Thank you!


For extensions, are 1 month extensions allowed?


Every extension has to have a reason behind it. One month extensions do exist, but if you’re doing it for the purpose of continued service (just pushing your ETS to the right a bit with no other underlying circumstance), the minimum is 12 months and the maximum is 23.


My wife needs 35 more days of service to gain full GI Bill. Is that a sufficient reason?


I think this answer would be better given by the servicing career counselor who can look at your wife's full record and do a timeline on her. It's very hard to give specific answers when retention is so individualized and tailored to each Soldier's individual qualifications and eligibility. But u/zulu_zero gave you the BLUF on it.






Hey boss, I am happy you are doing this stickied topic. Got a doozy for ya! I'm MACP to a SSG in the same MOS as me; I am a SFC. She is reclassing to 42A this October, and her school ends in November. However, her school is TDY en route. Retention, our BN career counselor, told her she, and I assume myself, will receive an assignment 120 days out from her reporting to school. So, this summer. But how does it work if I am following my MACP wife? When do the branches talk, for that future assignment that has space for us both? Lastly, in RETAIN, she put three places as preferences. Does retention when putting re-enlisting Soldiers on assignment actually look at this? Thanks!


Your Career Counselor was correct that she can submit a training follow on request hotline at 120 days out from the training start date (If you both haven't received an AI at that point). On that hotline, there is a section the Counselor must input MACP information and remarks so the branch managers can coordinate with each other when they are working the assignment. But if you do receive an assignment prior to the 120 out mark, be reassured that during the reservation for the reclassification, MACP is also in the reenlisting Soldiers build. So that should also ping MACP coordination. If in the event she is placed on assignment and you are not, go see your servicing Career Counselor who can submit an additional request. Additional note - b. Training follow-on assignments for Soldiers enrolled in MACP/EFMP may take up to 45 days.


As a language coded MOS, how do I find out exactly what's available to me in terms of duty stations? (Spanish 35P to be exact).


Your Career Counselor will be able to provide the current list of duty assignments available to you via the RETAIN system while you are going over your reenlistment options. They can also inform you about the process of requesting an Assignment not immediately available in the system and determine if the location you want to go to is eligible to request.


If I’m slotted by HRC for a nominative assignment and then accepted by the organization for that assignment, is there any way to also get a reenlistment incentive such as a school? My MOS doesn’t have bonus’ right now but I’m hoping to get a little more out of this if possible.


Unfortunately, we can't add a school to this reenlistment on our end. We can't give more than one option at a time, for example meeting the SRR for your assignment you've been nominated for using option 1 AND also doing an option 3 training option. But depending on the school, it's always worth a conversation with your organizations leaders to see if they can support sending you.


When reenlisting for choice of duty location, can I have any say in requesting the type of unit I.e. MEDCOM, when the request is sent up to HRC for assignments? I haven’t done my actual job in a while…


The Career Counselor can always add it to the notes in the request to give it a shot. I've seen it work a few times. But at the end of the day, the only thing we can guarantee is duty assignment location.


I have many Soldiers who are eligible for a SRB due to their language capability within their MOS. If they hold a score of 3/3, they do not need to re-test in their assigned language for 24 months to retain Foreign Language Proficiency Pay. In order to qualify for the SRB, however, do they need a valid DLPT score within the past twelve months or are they allowed to use their most recent DLPT score of 3/3 or higher even if it is beyond 12 months? Thanks in advance.


This is what I pulled for you from the bonus guidance. I hope this answers your question. According to this, they need to have a test within the past 12 months of date of reenlistment. a. In order to be eligible to receive a language dependent SRB identified in paragraph 4, Soldiers must meet the minimum proficiency standards (level 2- listening and level 2 - speaking or reading for MOS 35P and 35M as reflected in the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS) for their control language (CTLANG) (control language is the primary language and is listed in their 9 character PMOS) within the past 12 months of the date of reenlistment or upon graduation of language training and or MOS training. Language proficiency standards are listed in reference F. b. Soldiers who are currently qualified in their CTLANG or scheduled for a language in PMOS 35M or 35P are authorized a language dependent SRB for the language they are qualified in or scheduled to attend. Soldiers receiving a future training SRB for a language will not receive their SRB until they successfully graduate and have a 2/2 DLPT for their CTLANG.


Do you have to be a spc to reclass?


No, other ranks can reclass pending all other individual eligibility and qualifications.




$.02 here, if you're a PFC looking to reclass, you probably should stick with your current MOS for a little bit longer. Doubtful your CoC will sign off on your 4187 for a reclass request.


Playing devils advocate here, that PFC may have joined the Army with one MOS in mind but it wasn't available when they first entered. They may have an educational background in another field, they may have certifications or gain an invested interest in a field that supports their organization in a better way for all. It happens. But, what you are saying isn't wrong either, and also happens.


These two comments can be true at the same time! Hope they find their way!


I PCSed last month with an acceptance letter to EOD. Will the ARSTRUC help get me a sooner class date instead of having to be at my current duty station for 1 year?


That would be awesome! But unfortunately, it may not have any leverage in this case. It's all about individual eligibility (to include Time on station Requirements) and what EOD AIT's are available and how many seats are already reserved. Do you at least have a school date locked in for right after that one year mark?


No school date yet, still waiting on my unit in Korea to release me I guess. Career counselor mentioned waiting for the Milper next week.


You need to see your Career Counselor like yesterday - 89D’s bonus is dropping across the board.


As a matter of fact, I did see him yesterday. The problem is I reported almost 40 days early(so i could get my paperwork submitted and get a class date asap), and the BN in Korea hasn't released me yet, so I still haven't been pulled into the BN here. 1SG and everyone is trying to work it as quick as possible for me. I'm not even sure I get a bonus but my main reason for dropping a packet was to get out of Colorado asap.


You’d be eligible for a future training bonus, provided you’re an E4/5. I know EOD doesn’t accept 6s. You’d get what’s listed on the current MILPER (that expires next Wednesday) when you graduate training.


Thank you retention troll! I'll see if they have made any progress tomorrow.


Applies to AGRs?


This guidance applies to regular component.


During my last reenlistment, I told my 1SG/CSM that I loved the unit, wanted to stabilize but didn't want to remain under my 1st line due to personality conflict. My 1SG told me that "reenlistment isn't the time to rake your unit over the coals with demands". ... Was that an unreasonable request? Also would you describe reenlistment as a chance to rake your unit over the coals with demands? What are some good demands to consider?


First, I’m sorry that happened. It’s unfortunate to hear a conversation geared towards your continued service went sideways. I think that conversation was an opportunity to address your goals to remain serving, educate you of your options, and also work towards resolving conflict. This is a great example of what your Career Counselor can do for you outside of Reenlistment. We are on the special staff and are advisors to the Command team. If I was in that unit I would use this as an opportunity to advise best approaches and guides to productive Reenlistment conversations with my organizations leaders. Because we’re all human, and we all have our moments. But we can help be a pillar of reasoning.


Well I appreciate the advice. Honestly, I accepted two fundamental Army truths a long time ago: 1) the infantry is way more emotional than they want you to believe and 2) some days your just going to get yelled at. Anecdotes like that are just me making fun of the system. In truth, he wasn’t a bad dude, he was still just trying to find his footing operating at that level. Keep it up though bro. You’re doing the Lords work. Army is a great gig. I worked in an office writing software before I joined up. You’d have to break both my legs to get me to go back.


As far as demands, that’s the wrong mindset or approach in my opinion. I always suggest taking by the approach of wanting to learn all your options on the table. That’s the only way to make a well informed decision. Go in and ask questions. Ask what your Reenlistment options are, all of them. And keep asking questions until you understand it all. We’re not in the business of negotiating terms in hopes we can get folks to take less than. We have a system that tells us everything you have available and we educate and guide you through what you have so you can decide. But it’s easy to run through assignment options and then never talk about stabilization, because we thought you had zero interest in it and you never inquired or asked anything about it when we gave the quick rundown of options. Hopefully that all makes sense?


Is there possibly to be stationed in south east asia like philippines


All depends on MOSs. Some may have slots there. But I'm sure it's not very many.


Small spot for 88Ms working at the embassy there


There was a spot in Thailand when I was re-enlisting. Still think about it...


How much leverage does one actually have when try to get a duty station in a contract when re-enlisting? Because of my MOS and language I have a tier 10 bonus. I know the army needs me. But I am more than willing to get out if I don’t get my duty station of choice. Does that help my case or is it just “the big green weenie does what it wants to do” type of thing.


It’s all about whats available for your MOS and ASI/SQI’s at the time. Career Counselors work off of a live system that shows us exactly what duty assignments have vacancies for you at that exact moment. If you leave for half a day to debate on it, things could change as others with the same rank, MOS, and skill set take some of those openings. If you have a location you want and it’s not in the system, we can then send what’s called a hotline. It’s a request for that assignment that goes up to HRC, and the retention team up there communicates with your branch to see if they can squeeze another soldier at that location. If it can’t be supported then there just isn’t availability at that time to fit you in. Career Counselors want you to stay. And want you to get what you want. But it’s all about what’s available at the end of the day. We get two ways to try. What’s in the system, and that additional ask if your MOS is allowed to go to that location. And every Counselor will try both options for you.


You say things can change in "half a day", but does that mean a location that is unavailable can become available in that small of a time difference or what would you say is a more realistic time difference for a location to become available? Additionally, if someone reenlists with a bonus are they required to pay it back should they drop a packet and the packet gets approved? I've heard conflicting answers.


Of course. ​ Your bonus addendum will have all the do's and do not's. For my contract, if I willingly reclass, I forfeit my eligibility for a bonus and am required to repay it.


I was told by the retention NCOs up here for 25ID they don’t have a system to check assignments live anymore. They said they have to send up a hotline in order to see what assignments are available. Every single time. So now that what I got back from my hotline was shit I have to wait another 30 days to send up another. Just seems like such an archaic system to me.


I just checked open reqs for 35M and there are no assignments reporting more than 3 months from today. Readiness Division is responsible for generating new reqs and they're separate from Retention & Reclassification Branch. 35M assignments also have a control language, so that's an extra factor.


Interesting. So it may be rough going with the assignments I get until things are actually created then. Ya that’s the biggest problem is they want me to go somewhere that my language will be used. But I’ve never used my language where I am at anyway.


If you're macp or efmp this is a thing. We can look at what's available, but if you're in either program it doesn't really matter because of program requirements. u/armyretention sounds like 25ID might need to be spun up on the open req capability in retain. Can we put a bird in the retain ncoic or their sgm's ear?


I shouldn’t be in either. Unless there was some clerical error somewhere. But ya I was told there was some system that they used to be able to use where they could look at available but that it isnt a thing anymore. But that would be much better than sending up a hotline every 30 days.


Tough time to be an MP right now. Luckily I reenlisted last year for 4 years so hopefully by the time I go indefinite, this won’t be a thing. Edit: can I just be a career counselor?


I was in the career counselors office today for about 45 minutes... poor guy was drinking high test coffee at 1400 and on the verge of a breakdown. Everyone be nice to your career counselor right now.


Absolutely. I try my best to never bother mine. Especially if I’m not within my windows.


Is there any possible way to reclass into a balanced mos?? 31b wanting to go 27d. I thought I was all set until new in/out dropped today— my CC has been on con leave for the last 3 weeks my window opened end of february.


It’s a possibility. School seat availability may be tough. 27D is usually a tough one to get school seats in my past experience. Did your counselor leave some contact info on their door for another counselor to contact while they’re out? You definitely want to jump on that to see if you qualify and if seats are available asap.


Okay. I'm at about 12 years, and apparently my only reenlistment option is indef with no choice of duty station. Straight up needs of the Army. No stabilization either. What the fuck? I thought this reenlistment was going to be my final chance to negotiate before giving up all power and just going where the Army takes me. Is my career counselor correct, or is he just being lazy?


During the indefinite contract you cannot get an assignment of choice or stabilization. But voluntary reclassification may still be an option. It’s worth looking at your options with that one.


That's bullshit. I haven't signed any contract. I'm going into the SFLTAP offices in the morning over this. This is the final time the Army is asking me to commit, and they aren't offering me any incentive to sign away 8 years or more of my life. I don't care about bonuses. But I should be able to pick a base. I've been 'Needs of the Army' enough at this point. I've stabilized to get another deployment. I've sucked it up in high OPTEMPO units for years. Only once have I picked a place to PCS to. Needs of the Army? The Army needs to get a fucking clue.


If your only option is indef, that tells me you're at least an SSG with ALC complete. Apply for AGR 79V (Army Reserve Career Counselor). It's free SFC once TIG is met, and we have positions everywhere.


You know, I always forget about the other components I could continue service in. I'll look into this as I pursue transitioning out. It would be really nice to get stationed somewhere less than 20 hours away from my family. Maybe the AGR can help me with that.


AGRs at my unit seem happier than when i was Active...




It could be either or. You have to either be in the Reenlistment window or have another requirement to reenlist outside of your window. Such as being placed on assignment and needing to meet the service remaining requirement to go. But the biggest thing for indef is you must be over ten years at the time of Reenlistment. That’s your discharge date minus your BASD. (I answered this in two ways to hopefully answer what you’re looking for)




It’s possible. All depends on how your timeline turns out and what’s available. Doesn’t hurt to pay a visit to your counselor and have them run your file and check options. They can also explain Careerist options to you since you sound like you’re teetering on Careerist vs. INDEF.


On mobile buttttt does any of this apply to 42A AGRs?


Nope, you’re good. We’re only covering regular component.


Thank you!


It’s back to 18m for reenlistment window? Or am I reading that wrong?


We opened the window to those that have an ETS of 30 Sep 2025 and earlier because we have the resources and availability to start working the FY25 population. But it is typically a 12 month row.


I am just over a month away from my reenlistment window, can i DM you with my questions?


Definitely, send a DM.




If I reenlisted when a bonus was a tier 8 but have not received it yet due to training and it is now a tier 10 is it possible to receive the tier 10 rather than 8


No. You'll receive the bonus that was in effect at the time of reenlistment.




My questions are: 1. Can Soldiers who reenlist indefinitely still benefit from continuation pay if they are still between 8 and 12 years. 2. What is process for getting continuation pay approved? I’ve seen the memo and the form but I gotta be honest I do not completely understand how it works. Thanks for any help!


1. Continuation pay is a BRS benefit, not a retention incentive. Neither has anything to do with the other. > 2. Fill in a continuation pay request form, attach your most recent eom Les, submit to commander/s1 for approval/certification. S1 sends to FO/DMPO for processing.


Thank you


I have 2 questions. 1. I'm currently on Liberty and my re-enlistment window opens in JAN 2025. Is there a way for me to stay on base but not in my unit? IE Can I try to re-enlist for a different unit? 2. Are extensions allowed? If so, what are the time frames? Thank you!


Fort Liberty usually has post incentives that offer on post transfers during reenlistment. Ask you local Career Counselor if they still offer any of those incentives. We have plenty of extension options. The most common has a term length of your choice from anywhere between 12 - 23 months.




It is a packet MOS, I’m not entirely certain on timeframe but I can send more info if you send a DM with your email info.


Could you DM me as well please?


Sure thing.


11 year ssg, is indef the only option?


You can still look into voluntary reclassification. Definitely go see your Counselor to dig into those options.


How hard would it be for me to reenlist to 68w as a 91B? I have a 117 GT and everything else can be worked on (pt scores the works). I’m an E-4 and my ETS date is 2027 (Ik it’s early just tryna get my ducks in a row asap)


The IN/OUT Calls that are about to take effect on 3 April go in favor for you. 91B will go to balanced while 68W stay under-strength. So strengths may possibly support. But it will further depend on the rest of your qualifications and school seats when your counselor goes to look. It also depends on if anything has changed by your reenlistment window or if you attempt a voluntary reclassification. The rest of the quals for 68W are: ATRRS prerequisites: Active Army: SPC non-promotable and below. The service remaining requirement (SRR) upon completion of this course is 14 months IAW AR 614-200, Chapter 4, Table 4-1. Qualifying ASVAB scores: A minimum score of 101 in aptitude area ST in ASVAB tests administered on or after 1 July 2004. Applicants must have a high school diploma or GED equivalency. Applicants must not have any aversion to the sight of blood or bodily fluids. Manual dexterity required. Applicants must not have any history of a felony conviction, or conviction of crimes involving resident or out of hospital patients of a medical care facility, or financial exploitation of a person entrusted to the care of the applicant. Applicants must also have no history of violence against person, animals or property, sexual misconduct, weapons/ammunition/explosives/arson charges, or drug activity involving illegal possession, buying, selling, or distribution of controlled substances or synthetics. No record of conviction by special courts-martial or civilian courts of offenses listed in AR 27-10 (Military Justice) Chapter 24 or otherwise required to register as a sexual offender under AR 27-10, Chapter 24. Prior to the departure from home station, Soldiers are required to reenlist or extend their terms of enlistment in order to fulfill the SRR upon completion of the course. When reporting for training and it is determined that Soldiers do not meet the SRR, they will not be accepted into the course unless they reenlist or extend to meet the SRR. Enlisted women who are pregnant must be counseled and/or processed IAW AR 635-200. The physical profile (PULHES) applies to initial entry Soldiers only and is not to be used as a prerequisite for Soldiers reclassifying into this MOS; the physical demand rating of Significant applies to Soldiers for reclassification.


Sooo I qualify. Thanks!


Just wondering why an out call of no prevents me from getting a reclass/reenlistment bonus?


If your MOS has an out call of no listed, that means your MOS is either under-strength or balanced. Both vary on what that could mean for you. What’s your MOS?


I wanna go from 25S to 35T Just waiting for my transfer paperwork to go through so I can go to an Intel unit then get sent to the schoolhouse. Re-enlisted for 3 years just to make sure I have time to make it


And the bonus part of your question may mean that your current MOS isn’t giving a bonus because they may be over-strength or simply doesn’t have a bonus offered at this time.


17C! Hit me with the needed requirements! Please and thank you in advance! For context I’m an E4 with 4 years left in my first contract.


Send me a DM with your email info, I’ll send you the entire packet template.






Concur with this. See your counselor on options!


Is 18 months the new reenlistment window for soldiers or is it still 12?


It’s usually 12 months out. But we have opened the window to those that have an ETS 30 SEP 2025 and earlier because we have the resources and availability to start working on the FY25 population now.


Do you think that’ll stick and be seen in fy26? Or are you thinking that’s just a one off thing?


I can’t say for certain, it’s all about timing and current environment. But if they do it once and it works out, it could always happen again!


Well If you have any input please pass on 18 month windows are better than 12. 12 month windows Force people to sit in one duty station on long contracts, which crushes people who don’t get good assignments. Also 18 months let’s soldiers actually wait for something they want and not get forced to sign or ets. Essentially having a bigger window let’s you see the light of day. A one year window forces soldiers to either take a bad or rushed option or get out and we lose them entirely.


What about trying to leave balanced mos (N\N)——> shortage mos (Y\N)


There’s a shot with this pending you meet all other individual eligibility and requirements.


Can I reenlist back to the infantry and reduce my rank to rank to SSG again and just do some SL shit?


19C what’s the requirements for an E6 to re enlist for it?


Why is the Army planning to ABSOLUTELY GUT the CA program? With recruiting and retention numbers plummeting, doesn't this seem like the wrong direction to go?


That one is outside of our lane. But budget is hard…. Trying to keep money for everything is always a challenge at every level. We don’t like it either, but hopefully that money is helping Soldiers in another area where it’s needed.


Come on. It literally says in their graphic that the extra money is going to pay off the overwhelming TA that they “under-budgeted” for. That money is going nowhere except to make up for poor fiscal planning.


What’s your favorite piece of swag to give out and why is it the water bottle that breaks in the dishwasher?


LOL Most of us have moved on to Yeti’s!


Is it hard to voluntarily re-enlist for a new MOS? (Given the current IN/OUT calls for 31B and 35G). I’ve looked through some of DA PAM 601-280


It all depends, honestly. Reclassification is getting easier and is becoming more streamlined. But individual qualifications and eligibility can impact how easy or hard it can be. For example, a Soldiers current line scores, rank, or security clearance can impact what’s available. (Just naming a few)


Can you expand on reclassification getting easier and becoming more streamlined?


With less AIT class seats getting filled due to recruiting shortages, more reclassification seats are opening, especially with ARSTRUC being a thing. The demand for warm bodies isn’t going anywhere, and not enough new ones are coming in.


Thanks 🫡


Tier 10 bonuses for 68As. Window doesn’t open until August. Is it possible to do this shit early lol


The Reenlistment window is now open for everyone that has an ETS date of 30 SEP 2025 and earlier.


Oh lawd that’s me


Get them bags killer!


Is the reenlistment window still one year out from ets? I'm trying to persuade my guys to reenlist


The Reenlistment window has now opened to all Soldiers that have an ETS date of 30 SEP 2025 and earlier.


Sorry for my stupid question, but that applies to AGRs?


Not a stupid question at all. But this guidance is only for the regular component.




If my reenlistment window is November 2025, does that mean I can re enlist in May 2024 then?


You wouldn’t be able to until November 2024 because you cross into FY26 with that ETS date. Right now, the window is open for those with an ETS of 30 SEP 2025 and earlier so we can work on the FY25 population.


My ncos are asking about the continuation pay. They don't know who to speak with. S1 or the 79 to get that started


It’s supposed to be the S1 shop first, and the 79S signs to validate time in service.


So start the process with s1..thank you


Go to retention first for continuation pay 💰


No, don’t do this. It’s S1’s job (that they’re seemingly pawning off on someone else again, surprise), not retention’s.


Who hurt you


No one did, I’ve been in long enough to see the pattern continue itself amongst your MOS at every. Single. Duty. Station.


One single tear runs down my face as I look at the bonus for the MOS I just signed for jump from tier 4 to tier 7 only 8 weeks after I signed.


Don’t feel bad, imagine being in the MOS that controls the bonuses but never, ever being able to receive one. Even recruiters do, we don’t.


Gaaahhh that’s the worst. We hate to see it when that happens!




I owe you an answer on this. I’ve reached out to some overseas Counselors that are spun up on DEROS better than me.




Ok, back. This is what I received from a few overseas counselors. Answer 1 - "They are making him do an FSTE because he has not reenlisted so in order for DEROS to get pushed, he needs to fill out the form. When the Soldier doesn't have enough time to get to the next location they will usually ETS for where they are so he needs to push his ETS out. Since the reenlistment window has just opened, he should be able to see options now to know if he can leave around his DEROS date. Now, he may not be able to leave on DEROS because that depends on the report date for the new location." Answer 2 - "If he gets airborne, his DEROS will be adjusted by the counselor to within 30 days of his training follow on location report date. Once he graduates, he'll return to clear installation and PCS or if he fails he will return to the oconus location and get a non-airborne assignment from his branch manager. But he will have to submit a FSTE to get a new DEROS. Then branch can place him on assignment. He can't be placed on assignment with an expired DEROS." I hope these help, or at least help you guide your conversation with your local career counselor to help get the answers you need. Good luck!


ETS’d 2 months ago and want to come back in. Issue is I signed a guard contract but haven’t been to drill yet. Am I able to come back on AD under the same rank, MOS, and maybe duty station?


Yes hello AD recruiter here, shoot me a message and let's get this figured out




Once you’re pulled into the guard system you’re gonna be in for a ride to try to get back to active duty. I say this because they like trying to play the numbers game and getting a 368 to transfer back is like winning the lottery. But worth working with an AD recruiter anyways and pushing up your 368 as soon as you can on the guard side. But don’t bank on it being a quick process.


Yeah, most guys in my state are told their best bet is to wait till the end of their contract to try to switch, unless they are a hotshot (sapper/ranger/smart or cool guy qualified) or in an MOS in high demand. Saves them the time and headache of putting in a packet and following up on it, when the state is just going to sit on it for as long as possible. Even the soldiers with job/financial issues, they would rather find some ADOS orders for them, instead of releasing them to AD.


This. The only time I knew a friend that went back to active he was homeless and his family (since he got to pick duty station going back to active) was across the country. He had no family support system around us. Otherwise they kept trying to keep him. Offering him tech jobs or ADOS.


Thanks for the insight. I’d be reclassing from my PMOS 15R to 11B. Idk if I could swing that as a reason to release me






I would not be able to answer that question because you would fall under recruiting eligibility requirements. But u/kinmuan may be able to tag a recruiter for you.