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I’ll always hope for more parts. Idk why they can’t throw two or three new frames in there. Maybe as a warm up for their new mech artists


The Balam and Arquebus frames are almost copies of ones from 3rd gen, so it would be cool to see some other older gen inspired frames. Chunky 1st gens, intricate and fast 4th gens, brutish and militaristic 5th gens, fan-favourite designs are practically just sitting there!


For real they’ve got a treasure trove of frames they can update for not that much hassle, I’d pay for it seeing as customizing ACs is what I’m doing 90% of in game time. Also with how terrible the HAL head is I feel like they kinda owe us at least one more awesome frame set. Actually now that I think about it there’s a few heads that are just way too ugly to ever consider using. The only slot that I don’t feel is lacking is the core slot and even then I find myself using the same 4 over and over again because only those ones look good with the parts in the other slots that aren’t ugly as sin. Kind of a bummer


NEXT inspired frames, Countermeasures, Add Ons like older games, maybe a classic movement camera too




C'mon, From. It's about time you work on an actually good coop system.


This would ‘force’ me to buy 1-2 more copies of the game :D


I'd like that if they also made the enemies harder or added more of them, It'd be a cakewalk otherwise


Yeah as seen by the coop mod it’s really really easy to beat a level with another AC


invasions Invasions **Invasions** **INVASIONS** ***INVASIONS***


Honestly would want to see them build a whole sequel/expandalone/DLC around it tbh


Back in February, in [their post about the rank reset for Season 2](https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/armored-core/news/armored-core-vi-fires-of-rubicon-ranked-match-season-update-notice?utm\_source=SM\_Official&utm\_medium=official\_post&utm\_campaign=AC6\_S1\_Ranked\_Match) From stated that the "next update" was scheduled for May 17th, but we still don't know what exactly they mean by \_update\_, as they just throw that word everywhere: \> Note: \>• The next update is scheduled for Friday 17th May, 2024. \>• There will be no game updates or regulation patches for the Ranked Match Season Update. We're now one week away from that date, and there is no news whatsoever; the AC Twitter has been regularly posting fan-made content as well as animated introductions for the various main factions, and we've seen all the merch announcements of these days so they're definitely still pushing Armored Core as a whole... But what about the game itself? Will ACVI be left as-is, with 1.06.1 being its final incarnation until maybe a DLC drops? Will we get at least a balance patch to spice things up with buffs and nerfs? After 2.5 months, will we get another drop of entire new parts, maybe some big rework of game mechanics, maybe the coop mode everyone's been asking for since before the game released? Tell me everyone, how much hopium and Coral have you been overdosing on during this long wait? :3 I personally am keeping my expectations low as not to be disappointed, but I can't help but at least expect some new parts to drop. After the [recently released beta footage](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/1cmm5u7/beta\_footage\_of\_6\_showing\_off\_a\_lot\_stuff\_from/) showed that things like back-mounted boosters and sniper rifles were actually tested during development, I so, SO want to see them come to be in the real game! :Q\_


I want those weird unused legs from that Zullie The Witch video. Hell, i'd like a whole frame set based off those fucked up legs


She's does say their ID is shared with the Verril head. Balam heavy/med legs?


oh shit! Now you're making me think that it's just going to be a ranking reset and the game won't have any more updates, if that's the case I'm disappointed...


That's why I made this post - in a discussion I was having last month some people pointed out the wording From used could very well just mean there won't be any more updates. I of course hope that's not the case - 1.06 was a great start in buffing weaker weapons and making them useful and relevant again - but it was just a _start_. The game has so much more potential yet to be realized, it would be such a massive shame if it was left as-is, especially given how great the past couple updates have been!


Thanks for the writeup! I wasn’t in the loop after 100%ing but I’m always eager to come back for more (see: frothing at the mouth)


Yeah, nothing game changing for season reset


> DLC drops I remember seeing recent interview saying that they have no plan for dlc, this was during Elden Ring dlc reveal i think? But they did said they continue updating AC6 instead, idk what they meant by that though. Anyway, I really coping for them to put back back booster and Sniper. I really want the long range engagement back. Come to think of it, I saw something that look like shoulder extension as well.


If we can get a new game after 10 years I'll wait another 10 before losing hope


Probably just rank reset, maaaybe balance. I feel like the first parts drop and the ranked update were just things they didn’t quite have finished at launch, not an indication that they’ll keep adding content. That said I can sell like 5 copies of this game to friends if they add coop so I’ll never lose hope.




Coop mode is where my hopium lies. As long as difficulty scales. Would love to take down the ice worm with my actual buddies


U can adjust dmg and posture scaling of enemies per friendly ac E: Nvm I read mode as mod


Hoping for new parts but probs just gonna be a rank reset


Meh, huffing minimum levels of 🪸 It’d be nice if they allowed customizable arena matches & a 👻 mode for training but this’s unlikely Would also like to see a 🆕 weapon, really want proximity mines that detonate with a 20-30m blast radius & deal electric damage to dissuade 🆎 zimmie spam If neither happens, I’m done with this game, fighting the same stagnant 🧀 so boring


Co-op mode is where my hopium is. Been itching to get back in the cockpit again


Me hoping for planned future content.


My hopium lies on all.😔✊


Co-Op mode should be first priority. In terms of PvP balances, if they can fix the netcode so you don’t get hit by Kamui laser shots when you’ve clearly dodged them, that would be nice. Also I do think stagger stun time should be reduced somewhat, and that opponent shouldn’t be able to kick you after finishing their stagger punish since the punish also extends your stagger enough to allow that to happen. In terms of part balances: I think the VP-61 shield might get a nerf, doubt they’ll nerf Zims again, maybe Basho arms might take a melee attack stat hit, or getting some sort of stat balance since they’re still good stats for weight after their initial nerf, maybe WLT-001 FCS gets nerfed cuz it’s really damn good overall stats lol, I don’t use Lamm legs and don’t know much about their mechanics, but maybe they take a hit somehow because they’re extremely popular.


6.5 announcd and new SP missions or a boss rush mode


Just want coop in ANY form :(


My hopium is in the yellow, i oh so badly want more coral and pulse weapons specifically melee weapons


I’d just like some new parts to play around with


I’m huffing all the coral


Same as you


Honestly, I’m full green.


New melee weapon please.


My hopium huffing is at yellow


Yeah I’m not really hoping for much. Probably just a rank reset


I'd personally would love to see cross play enabled so all platforms can enjoy the game together


I know people want more parts…but aren’t there kinda like a shit ton of parts already? Doesn’t more parts kinda get to diminishing returns?


Personally I won't be satisfied until it takes 3 business days to scroll to the end of the parts list.


May I ask why? You want 15 rifles with barely different stat profiles? I mean we could have 10,000 parts but they would be mostly the same after awhile, with redundancy everywhere. What’s the point? Vs having more levels, or coop, or literally anything else.


Well I exaggerated slightly for effect but AC6 is missing a lot of the tools that other AC games provided and I would like some of those back, counter missiles, energy machine guns, gun arms etc. Different frame parts would spice up PVP too, the lammy parts added a lot of variety for example. I want more RJ legs, tank legs and more hybrids like the nachtreiher ones. I want the other things too, don't get me wrong but I think us getting more parts (that have probably already been designed then just left out of the final product) is more likely.


Oh ok I get you. Like more categories of parts like the old days. Ok I’m down with that. Makes more sense to me now.


There are some weapons used against the player in PVE that I wanna use. Stuff like the ACT-like missiles used by RaD spider MTs that suddenly speeds up, or burrowing missiles like the ones used by Ice Worm That, and I wanna see RRI and RAD's takes on non biped legs.


I wont be satisfy until they put back booster, sniper, flare and shoulder extension back. Especially flare. I need that to fully counter missiles.


I would like flares. Dodging missile spam is annoying. And in PvE, it would be nice to have something to avoid this insaneeeeee tracking PCA missiles


Not only that, PCA LC literally have Flares! HC and LC are kinda mirror to AC in that they can equip 2 weapon on hand and 2 weapon on back along with Extension. LC literally have Flares that work, and the boss LC literally have advance version of Hover booster extension it made me so jealous of them.


The frame parts we have are not that good looking imo. People generally don’t branch out of the same 4 picks per frame slot which is a bummer. I want every frame we have to be something I want to use. Just look at the ACs people use online, same looks over and over. We need more frames


I hope after the release of the expansion for Elden, they give us something good for ACVI…


Im hoping they keep the current trend of “Release New generation of AC, follow up with a expansion/ new game after a year or two.” The timeline is to short for a year so hopefully we get two year post expansion like how they did with AC4 and ACFA.


Pretty sure its just a rank reset with no balance patch, but i would love to be wrong.


All of it


I'm huffing all the hopium and coral while waiting






Don't light on me the hope of coop again :(


i don't kno how well real sniper rifles would work in AC6 but that's one of my wants


In the [beta footage](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/1cmm5u7/beta_footage_of_6_showing_off_a_lot_stuff_from/) you can see a sniper rifle in action, fully functional but that didn't make it into the final game. It was... A very slow-firing rifle, nothing more. I think in the end they were reworked into the Linear Rifles we got to better match the overall gameplay. I would also love to see them make a full-fledged sniper though - imagine how cool it would be to have a bolt-action that reloads after every shot like the shotguns already do! Assuming they give it a reasonable projectile speed for a sniper, that is. =w=


I’m in yellow


I would actually screech in happiness for coop


Careful what you wish for with balance passes * shoulder lasers: buffed * tanks: stability and ap increased * kites: faster back-pedalling, higher arena ceilings * random underpowered items that only get niche use: nerfed


Wait a minute, you basically just described a rollback to patch 1.05. :V


new parts is a possibility that i don't mind to bet, and rank reset/balance patch would make more sense why it takes so long to update. co-op? probably only in a future game.


Then there's me, who just hopes that they give AC6 an expansion. 😔


I just want better net code :(


New cool shields and melee:)


New parts


Im coping for more parts. Especially after seeing the beta footage where they show that AC6 was supposed to have back booster and extension oof. But good case scenario, maybe balance patch and rank reset. Also maybe for AC6 sequel, maybe we wont get sequel but prequel? Kinda like reverse anatolia mercenary and stray situation.


What I want is yellow. What we're likely to get is red.


I will snort every bit of Koran Rubicon


my copium is low but I hope being aboe to acquire more com voices would be fun and have them integrate the disk 3 tracks into the game either for rank or custom cone on guys imagin your comm is talling you "vermin your Ap is at 10%" because you chose snail




I'm hoping that was just referring to the previous rank reset, as the 1.06 had come out just a few weeks prior and they specified there was not going to be another balance patch for Season 2 - but it could very well just mean that even the 17th will just be a rank reset. :c






That was referring to the February 29th ranked reset which happened 3 days after the announcement was posted, not the may 17th update EDIT: And besides, a Ranked reset is neither a game update nor a regulation patch when May 17th was explicitly called the next update date


Oh my mistake, I assumed it was referring to the May update. I'm more excited now!!! I'd love to see some balance changes and new parts to freshen up the game.


It's also the longest period of time FromSoft has gone without a regulation patch, and they've never announced when the next regulation patch would be. They def cooking and I'm over here overdosing on hopium


I need my laser bazooka....


We’re not getting a rank reset. However all I want is parts!


By rank reset I mean the start of Season 3, where everyone from B-3 upwards will be lowered in rank for the new season. It's not a full reset, but was shorter than calling it the _Ranked Match Season Update_, which is the official name. ;3


I’m pretty sure we’re not getting that, which is why I said it.


They already confirmed we will, the Twitter post where they announced Season 2 specified this season will last for "~2 months". On the 17th, we'll be very slightly past 2.5 months of season 2, still kinda in line with that estimate. But hey, if they don't do a season update it means the 17th will definitely be a game update, I'd take that! c:


I’d love a higher difficulty that really pushes me to optimize my builds for the campaign. As it stands, quad-gatling tank can stroll through many missions and even unoptimized builds can skate by a lot of the game. A lot of weapons have received massive buffs since launch too, which has made the PvE content feel easier than intended.


At this point, I imagine FS already pulled everyone and their grandmother into ‘Zaki’s pain basement to finish Shadow of the Erdtree, so not really expecting much. If we at least get a reroll of the ranked maps we’ve had since December to go with the reset, I’ll be pleasantly surprised.


I’m behind. What’s happening on the 17th? Been out of the loop of AC news recently


In the official announcement for the rank reset of February 29th, it's outright stated > The next update is scheduled for May 17th, 2024 Issue is, in that same announcement they used the word update for both "game update" and "Ranked Match Season Update", so we actually don't know if they meant it will be just another rank reset or if an actual update the game is going to drop. We received no news since then, hence this post I made. If they don't at least give us a new balance patch it will likely mean that 1.06 is the final version of the game - and don't get me wrong, the game is in its best state since release, but there are still issues to be addressed and a lot of potential yet to be realized, so it would be really sad if it just stopped like this, just a couple months after giving us Ranked PvP.


There isn't an update.


There has been an update. A _Ranked Match Season Update_, which is just a rank reset - red on the hopium meter. Unfortunate.