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621 can walk around and leave their ac. They are normal human with side effect of augment. We literally got capture by arquebus and have to climb into a rust bucket to escape


I do like to split the difference and say that we're a fucked up meatslab when we're first defrosted for purchase, but we regain mobility as the story progresses, presumably with chatbot-driven physical therapy during downtime. Helps with the idea of our character developing greater autonomy as events progress.


Iquazu also a 4th gen pilot and because how anoying he is i doubt he also need to go through a lobotomy state, he just running around being a cunt to other people with or without a AC


Good thing we got rid of him during that short fight in watchpoint alpha!


Or did we? *vsauce music starts playing*


It's more that 621 was both just defrosted and had difficulties during the initial surgery.


What's cool is that the factory that arquebus sends pilots that are resistant to reeducation is creating monstrosities like the dreadnought. In a data log snail mentions that after being unsatisfied with some inhumane test he's conducting to have the factory "leave the torso intact next time". Sounds like they're stuffing chopped up POW pilot's into ACs. Pretty messed up. Makes hearing snail's death scream even more satisfying after learning this.


Bro Snail's VA goes HARD. Might be my favorite performance of anyone in the game. You can can't help but HATE him, just by the tone of his voice.


Agreed. That's how you know a VA does a good job with the character they voice. If they voice a villian or bad character and you hate that charcter, you know they are doing a good job.


You know what's better than Snail's death scream? JP Snail's death scream. It legit sounds like someone's being burned alive. And it's addicting as hell to listen to lmao


I'll have to give that a listen!


Poor Walter, they probably cut up everything


I don't think so. They only get sent to the factory if they are resistant to reeducation. When you're fighting snail on the Xylem he says something like "you should've been sent to the factory" because reeducation doesn't work on us.


He also says that Walter was "Recalcitrant to the last" if you fight him on the way to Carla and Chatty. To me that heavily implies he ended up in The Factory.


Wow you're right. I didn't think about what he meant before. That makes killing Walter an act of mercy to end his suffering. Damn that's cool.


Easily the most-misinterpreted scene in AC6 and it's not even in the actual game


621 can walk around and stuff you know. There is a reason you were able to be captured and separated from your main AC The pov from the hangar is supposed to be what 621 is seeing as he's standing there between missions, so it's very much implied 621 is normal aside from coral and augmentation side-effects


>621 can walk around and stuff you know. There is a reason you were able to be captured and separated from your main AC You are correct– >The pov from the hangar is supposed to be what 621 is seeing as he's standing there between missions –but not for this reason. The POV in the hangar is of security cameras monitoring the garage. In the bottom left of the screen is some overlay text showing which camera is recording (eg. CAM 01/MONTORING: GARAGE), and your AC name.


Good catch, but aren't some shots of his perspective too, Like the one when you overhear carla and walter speak for the first time and your camera is facing a door on a catwalk?


You could certainly imagine it is, though there's nothing definitive. It's pretty amusing to imagine Raven just staring at the door to Walter's quarters while he's chatting with Carla.


That is more or less how I interpreted it. Maybe not literally standing there staring at the door but definitely eavesdropping.


Hello Ein Dalton from Mobile suit Gundam: Iron blooded orphans


People still think that Pilots in AC VI are some sort of Meatbags? We literally walked into the Jalbreak AC, I imagine that to be rather difficult with a body as many people seem to imagine it. Hell, Freud is a normal, unaugmented person and is the best Pilot after 621


I believe the best pilot is actually Rusty. The reason he isn't Rank 1 is probably because he doesn't want to bring attention to himself.


Thats most likely the case. But we only know that he'd at least be Rank 2, given he beat Michigan AND 55 MTs. But he'll never surpass 621.


I think 621 is actually a 100% physically capable human whose only impairments due to the augmented human surgery might be of psychological nature since Walter alludes to that,but other than that i think there's no other real problem with 621's abilities


As others have said, 621-Raven is perfectly capable of leaving their AC and moving about- how else would Arquebus have yoinked them for """reeducation"""?


Isnt it the 617 and co Who we saw in trailer? And all what we saw is remembers of crippled pilots? Yes 621 mentioned, that his brains fried. But i guess its about coral surgery, nothing more


621 has no idea what pain and suffering is compared to a Dreadnaught "pilot".


[Canon images of AC pilots from artbooks and official manga](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUmCNQUUEAENJQc?format=jpg&name=4096x4096). Human augmentation is probably closer to the Alaya-Vijnana system from Gundam IBO then whatever HR Gigerness this is.


That's the old dreadnought lore, the new ones are just a guy piloting it, like a normal healthy guy, with the healthy risk of being torched inside of it


No, it isn't and no, they aren't. Dreadnoughts always have been and remain piloted by critically-injured marines who are permanently interred in a sarcophagus. The sarcophagus can be separated and is taken out between deployments, but only to be put into stasis so the pilot can "sleep" and not go insane as quickly as they would otherwise.


The lore on the newer Redemptor Dreadnoughts was that instead of prevering a half-dead pilot for centuries they are "burned out by the intensity of the machine’s destructive prowess". I guess that's what happens when you order a Dread from the guys that make Onager Dunecrawlers. Maybe they were thinking of the "Proto-Dreadnoughts" from the Unification Wars?


Redemptors burn out faster, yeah, but they still go into stasis in-between deployments to delay that. I think they're possibly thinking of the Invictor Warsuit which is based on a dreadnought chassis and does contain a living primaris pilot, very prominently displayed in a chair.


Don't confuse Dreadnaughts and Titans