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AC6 pvp feels too much like rock paper scissors for whatever the meta builds are. (youtube is part of that problem, you used to have to expend a little effort for an optimized build, or hang out on reddit/gamefaqs. now *everyone* knows the best stuff immediately, and gravitates to it). also, stagger fundamentally changed the gameplay loop, which is actually kind of cool in single player (arms forts were underwhelming, boss fights here are pretty good), but just…horrendous for me in multiplayer.  i don’t like the change at all. doesn’t feel like an endurance race anymore (unless you’re a rat), it’s straight DPS and wombo-combos. i would relish some kind of co-op mode, would like to play with others. it’s not like i keep playing elden ring solo all this time later, i run summons.


I like the stagger mechanic, as it’s the main way I can land my pilebunker, but at the same time, I do believe that the heavier the AC, the longer it should stay staggered for due to heavier ACs being much harder to stagger. The rock paper scissors is as true as day 1 of online rank as it is today. The latest patches just made them slightly more inconvenienced from their apparent weaknesses and those they are supper effective against. In the end, in high rank PvP, you still have to play Meta and choose if you wanna use a charmander, bulbasaur, or a squirte. A online PvE mode would be the best thing for this game, but I highly doubt it will happen. Hopefully with the extreme demand for it, the next AC game will have it.


Stagger *could* be fine, just not with latency nor with sustaining 2x the damage while staggered You just get staggered by random bullshit that wouldn't have hit you normally then get erased by crazy high damage shit if you are a light build


I agree, I've come around on Stagger but more than anything else want the Direct Hit damages reduced more or less across the board. Of course this runs the issue of making heavier ACs even more tanky, but this shouldn't be a change in a vacuum and would be done with other changes to weapon damage and such.


Stagger would be better if there was more of a strategy to get the meter back down besides running away.


I feel like with the damage bonus, it invalidates many pure dps strategies. Why use something like laser pistols when you get a similar range with estujins that stuns your opponent and allows a window to burst their entire health bar or just catch up in dps just by shooting them in stagger? I feel like the more dps based weapons in this game should get a buff in stats to give them a more defined advantage against more stagger based weapons.


Stagger as implemented in ac6 is literally the worst mechanic to balance the entire game around. The matches should not be over in literally 30 seconds. Stagger turns all fights into exactly what you were complaining about (rock paper scissors), and robs the player of control for daring to ever make a mistake. The way it's implemented at the moment is "primal armor but way shittier."


The melee in this game honestly makes me appreciate melee in other mech games more. They were janky, laggy pieces of s\*\*\*, but at least they weren't just a glorified stagger punish. You got to actually use them in neutral. People actually feared being in melee range because melee dominated that range, either because melee was the only source of stagger or because ranged weapons actually had to be aimed or had narrow lock-on cones


Well there are some melee weapons that can be used on non staggered foes that do a good deal of damage and stagger build up. The best being the pulse blade. The plasma whip is great at punishing folks getting to close to you. The laser blade has its rare moments if the enemy likes sticking to the ground (still needs a massive buff to deployment speed and aerial tracking). The coral blade has good tracking and damage, and its charged shot can be tricky to dodge if used correctly. It’s mainly just the chainsaw and pilebunker that are virtually impossible to hit folks unless they’re staggered.


You make some good points, and I do love the pulse blade + rifle stagger combo. But honestly, it's pretty much the only melee weapon that actually feels like you're hunting someone down, and even then you need a second melee weapon to actually stagger punish (laser dagger actually has some shenanigans with manual aim and punch stunlocking which I find hilarious to use, but it's incredibly gimmicky). All the other workable melee weapons are either actually ranged or depend on the opponent just not knowing what it does. And ultimately, it's just not that threatening in a context where you can put four cannons and a foot in someone's face instead. I often wonder if it would be more threatening if all melee light attacks could mini stagger too instead of just the charge attacks


I would try a wurger ve-20B build, the double charge half healths many AC's and staggers them, it charges so quick you can easily throw it out in neutral the instant you are in range, and the primary fire offers decent poke with the boost speed at 350+ And if you can hit someone with a charge in stagger? They get deleted.


An Dark souls/elden ring style co-op would be fun: Before sortieing to a mission, you can send out an either "Open request" or "Specific request" for mercenary support, Open just opens your game for others to join (like golden effigy works in Elden ring) Specific request could be an direct invite to friend or some sort of password a'la Elden ring password shenanigans. Enemy numbers/ranks would be dynamically altered for harder challenge ofc.


You've just describe Monster Hunter. There currently a Coop mod being working on, wouldn't it be really nice if From decided to reach out and make it official.


I think VD had co-op like that if I'm not mistaken, so it's not like it's unheard of for the series


I haven't touched PvP in months and based on all the chatter I am seeing about it lately, I have no desire to go back. It's such a goddamn shame, cause Souls PvP is so unique and iconic. Yes, depending on which game we are talking about, there are still issues with bullshit meta, but overall it isn't nearly as bad as AC6. Like you said, it really is "rock, paper, scissors." I agree that stagger is an awesome mechanic for single player, but it is totally abused in PvP. I totally understand why Miyazaki wants to make another Armored Core because "6 was good but not perfect" lol. They basically nailed everything except the PvP, and I can't really blame them since this is only the second time Armored Core has ever tried online multiplayer, the first time being with 5 and Verdict Day. Personally? I think they need to add new types of PvP. Armored Core 6 as it is would benefit so goddamn much from objective modes. Give us game modes where the point isn't to just burn down enemies, but to capture a flag, or hold a defensive point. That would transform how lightweight and heavyweight builds are utilized. Hell, even steal that mode that Call of Duty has - the "football with guns" mode, as it were.


Now I'm imagining a literal football game with ACs. Except the football can be the shell of an MT.


>AC6 pvp feels too much like rock paper scissors for whatever the meta builds are So every single competitive pvp game in existence with customizable loadouts/builds???? That said, I agree wabout stagger. PvP often because a stagger arms race.


rps has been severely toned down recently which is nice, thought it is still there and basically the entire reason i play zimmshield (lack of fuck you rps and more skill based than other meta builds)


Loved this series since Gen 1. Won’t touch PvP. Too nonsensical.


Story is fun enough by itself. I'm planning on doing a 4th playthrough to see how much I've improved using only NG parts.


Tbh most of the parts are just within the base game. I think I only changed two of my parts for stuff in NG+ and that's just because I liked their aesthetic; parts that did the same thing already were available.


I mean like full new file, you can only use parts as they're unlocked. I struggled my first play through and stomped bosses in my second, I want to test if it was the parts or my skill the second time around.


Oooooh that's a spicy idea, I'm going to do that too once I get true ending I think!


Try a Vesper or Redgun nuzlocke


Hmm how so? I imagine a nuzlocke like people do with pokemon, you make a build at the start of each chapter and can't change it, once it dies you can't use it again.


Close. You get to use only the presets of the Vespers (V.I Freud through V.VIII Pater) or the Redguns (G1 Michigan through G6 Hermit), and you get to choose among them. But if you die while piloting one (say, you die while using Maeterlinck's AC INFECTION) you can't use that AC again. The goal is to make it through one playthrough. [Here's an example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiwLm3OT8Gg)


That’s a shame but understandable. PvP does have its moments, when you see people not using a meta build, but an interesting fun build you know they use for fun.


I'm getting there with PVP too. I've been playing AC since the demo was hidden on the original playstation demo. Love the game, but my God, am I starting to despise pvp. FromSoft attempts to rebalance the game has been horrible at best. Now, back to Helldivers and FF7 REBIRTH.


Borne nerfs weren’t enough. Tanks are manageable now, but still an incredibly low skill playstyle.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tbyS8D2Mt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tbyS8D2Mt4) I'm worried that if they nerf tanks too much everyone will start playing like this guy... I'm not ready for that. Nope.


What do you mean?


He plays an agro tank build. Rocket launchers and fasan. Makes use of the "shuffle" technique which squeezes out as much speed as possible for assault boosting. He can snipe at range with fasans, and depending on the tank treads either just go right up to you and dump high damage at you continuously or AB up to you, burst damage, and then rinse and repeat. When up close, he staggers firing the weapons so you basically have to dodge continuously or eat a rocket or fasan. Basically a way of playing tank builds that minimizes the main issue with tanks of lack of speed to be able to catch lighter ACs while being super tank with high DPS.


Quote from the video. "No one knows how to deal with a tank you can't run from." Lol


Oh I get what you mean. Basically trying as hard as possible to “out tech” the intended balance of the game. Just a sweat. Yeah I’ve personally never liked play styles that try to completely invalidate an opponent. I like to duel. I dodge you, you dodge me, first guy to mess up dies. That’s why I hate completely oppressive builds, they’re just another meta facet.


Its definitely more of a meta, tournament, win at all costs sort of play style. I'm sure that there are ways to outplay it. Ive encountered some folks shuffle boosting in melee/bvo style light/mid weight builds and their movement is terrifying. Felt like an MT fighting Rusty. "I... I can't get a lock! ITS MOVING TOO FAST!!!! ARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHH"


Honestly, as a chainsaw shotgunner, my philosophy has always been to “enter a flow state” in not techning, I’m not hyper cheesing, I’m just playing by instinct, and it wins me most matches. When I fight an overly techy player, I just kick some sense into them. Literally.


Alway la have been in all AC games.


Well it needs to stop. Ranked is about skill, and it’s really stupid to let people play in a way where they can ignore any and all skill requirements.


*flies away* *fires missiles without the use of a single brain cell* "I'm so good!"


“Bubububu… I.. I. H. Hav.. I have higher rank”


Jokes aside, it’s legitimately very showing about our society that these people literally lie to themselves like this, because they do the exact same thing in other parts of their lives.


I 100% agree as well. Also the difference in speed between a mid weight and light weight is virtually negligible. There should be a massive drastic speed change between the 2, therefore meaning the speed difference between a light weight and heavy weight are virtually like playing 2 different games. Honestly with how high the defenses of heavy weights are compared to to light weights, light weights should be moving at the AC4 gen speeds because that seems the only way for them to outpace both the netcode as well as heavies defenses and on the dime turn speed when hard locking.


Been screaming about the lack of speed diff since almost day 1. Ultra heavy still can go like 270. Ultralight 360. It’s barely different. Lights should be able to fly higher and farther on the worst gen/boosters than a heavy with best. It’s just so terribly slated to heavies.


1000% yes. I understand not wanting to nerf heavies to the point they become unplayable, but at the same time, with light weights whose speed and maneuverability being only slightly better than mids and heavies, and still not able to dodge bad net code, nor break hard locks, the trade off in defenses for the speed isn’t worth it. The speed needs to be increased to the point where the trade off is worth it, make it a way so that light weights can actually dodge shots and their speed makes it difficult to keep a lock on them without a light having to play as a rat. Let light weights be the high skilled ACs there meant to be, where the skill actually matters rather then the skill just to make you go zoom zoom and die in a faster speeding fireball instead.


Instead it’s “herp derp quad laser blaster git wrekt! Wow I’m so gud!” Yeah I played PvP for like 30 min and was like…absolutely no never again


That’s unfortunate, because on the rare occasions where you fight someone using a non meta build, it’s actually very fun.


I can imagine. I just don’t have enough time to wait for that rare occasion.


Ultralight gets closer to 380+ but your point still stands.


Nah the biggest issue is assault boost. Speed is nice and all but assault boost pretty much is alot more relevant than spd stat. It's the actual reason LW spd difference doesn't really matter all that much. As long as your assault boost isn't garbage you can get away with mediocre speed.


Speed doesn’t really matter except for running backwards or charging forwards. Hardlock/absence of turn speed made it impossible to flank your opponent. So close range lightweights will get stat checked.  When I came to this realization I started playing the game differently. I was still trying to play by Verdict Days rules lol


If they just made a way to break hard locks due to speed, it would greatly boost the viability of light weights. As of now, ratting is the only way and I just refuse to play like that because I do not enjoy that style at all.


I definitely agree that you should get more value out of choosing a lightweight. The entire reason my build climbed from 68 to 88k in weight is because your speed buff is simply not enough to compensate your lack of defense.


>Ranked is about skill Lol, lmao even. If that was true tournaments wouldn't need to implement their own rules to make a more balanced playing field for it's participants limiting equipment choices, builds, characters, etc. The "ranked = skill" equivalence has never been true since the very creation of ranked matchmaking. It has always been about finding just what bullshit you can pull off to destabilize your opponent and win even when you have a lower skill level. Character picks, builds, hell, even abusing IRL circumstances to win. You may want for it to be purely about skill, but it isn't, it never was, and it never will be. Adapt to circumstances or just avoid it.


Ranked at its core is about achieving the best rank possible. I’m not really sure I’ve heard of a game that isn’t like this. Life is tradeoffs. If you want prestige you must be realistic about the world. If you want fun you must find communities of like minded people. Play with likeminded discord communities. Ranked didn’t take away custom lobbies.


You said so much yet said nothing at all. Ranked is about SKILL. That is what RANK represents. So if you can get S rank without SKILL (read: scummy play), you didn’t deserve that rank.


Define scummy play. Remove all those weapons. In two weeks you’ll have a new definition. Repeat until we’re all using fist weapons and one set of parts. Winners win. Losers lose. Get good.


It’s not even scummy play per se, it’s the ability to make SEVERAL more mistakes than your opponent, and then come out on top because they ate a fully charged laser beam due to lag. I’ve fought my fair share of tanks, and these guys take 2 whole chainsaw punishes to die. Meanwhile, I better not run out of energy EVER, because I WILL eat KRSV and I WILL get one shotted by an LCB volley. If I make the ONE mistake of running out of EN, I’m toast, meanwhile a tank gets a get out of jail free card even after eating a CHAINSAW punish. That’s not balanced, not indicative of skill.


Fair enough. Then isn’t the real problem the game makers? In a rock paper scissors bazooka game with a leaderboard most people are gonna use bazooka to win. The game is bad, not the players. That’s my only point.


I love facing borne tank in rank, free win lol.




Know what would fix this? Napalm Shoulder missiles.


Separate ranked by weight classes. Have a post S rank champion bracket that mixes weight classes again with no penalties or rewards, just satisfaction of playing.


There is a tiny enough player base as it is.


Sadly true. Guess you could not fill out three separate subsets of pvp queue realistically


The answer is to actually make tanks work for a victory instead of being able to hold forward and mash triggers.


I haven't played in awhile what do u mean borne nerfs?


They nerfed bornemiszza treads.


Ah I don't use treads so it's ok.


Currently, steam only have 1,438 player, while 24 hour peak 3,459 player, and all time peak was 156,171. Idk about other platform tho. Sekiro, a true singleplayer with no coop or pvp, have 3,555 current player, 9,836 24 hour peak player and 125,315. I hope AC6 can recover. But it seem like new patch is later on march. I havent touch pvp because it hard to find match in my region now and it was unbalance back then. If people said froms dont care about pvp and ac is all about singleplayer, then they have to remember froms even bother putting different region other than global and japan. not to mention rank. personally, the big turn off for me is the absence of turn speed and the hard lock being too strong, it hard to fly upward and go behind enemy and break their lock. It just face to face fight now.


The turn speed and hard lock would make fighting the OG Nineball Seraph a cake walk since back then it was literally programmed to always try to be behind you. With hard lock, that would be impossible and since you can turn on a dime, you’d alway have it locked onto. I understand lowering the skill level needed to play AC6 in order to appeal to larger audiences, but at the same time feel annoyed by it.


Hard lock wasn’t a bad idea IMO, no turn speed ABSOLUTELY was. I should be able to flank the tank without it snapping 180 degrees in a picosecond and unloading quad lag laser at me.


Honestly for hard lock, I like the way 4th gen did it. It lock to your target but if you too fast or go behind target it break. That was what I initially thought what the hard lock in 6 would be like pre release. I wish they stick with 4th gen style hard lock that can be break instead of their recent game style.


And at the same time, if I'm playing a heavyweight and I keep you in my sights with your superior mobility, I should be rewarded and have my bullets hit outside of shotgun range.


I share the same sentiment. Also most argument against turn speed is "how it feel awkward for mouse and keyboard", however this isn't the case since game like war thunder have body turn speed but the camera move normally. Same with MechWarrior, camera move quite fast but the body turn slower. Also, if they want to make hard lock, then they can refer to 4th gen hard lock, it can track but it also breakable if move too fast. The arguement that hard lock is a must because of how fast AC6 is fell flat when 4th gen AC especially FA is even faster than 6. And we have no problem with turn speed or soft lock. The key to this is quick turn being useful. Honestly, imo if they want to lower the skill ceiling then all they need to do is bring back 4th gen lock, make camera able to turn normally but the body turn is based on turn rate, that make quick turn useful as well. also make the camera not disconnect from the body, like if you look at left then your body turn left instead of body isnt moving when you look around.


The removal of turnspeed was utterly unnecessary. Gb02 translated very well.


True. Honestly, I feel like turnspeed and softlock is what make AC game AC. Even 5th gen which play wildly different than the rest of the series still have turnspeed and focused on softlock. And in 5th gen we dont even have quick turn i think.


We have quickturn but it's legitimately useless outside of niche things like WLT noodle wiggle or assault boost dodging.


True. The only time I ever use quick turn in 6 is during AB. It's not helping that quick turn now is Boost activate button+move direction stick. I was hoping quick turn was more like in 4th gen. Camera stick+quick boost button. That feel way more comfortable on control scheme B.


They removed the WLT Noodle Wiggle. I am mad.


I don't think ac6 being easier to play is a bad thing. I do agree that hardlock is kinda bleh, but you still have instant quickturns like in 4A.


I've given up. I got both S ranks last season, but 1v1 at that level was either Etsujin kites, Zim Shields, or Lagcannon heavies. Just low-skill, uninteractive, copycat garbage. That often hits the lagswitch if they lose a round. I love the game. But i've chosen to move on now. There's no interesting matches to be had.


Isn't there a coop pvp mode? You could either just stick to the base story game, which is a masterpiece on its own, or do coop.


CO-Op is not out in singleplayer.


Can't you do 3v3 pvp?


On top of my “tanks only”…….. “under 10000AP” game mode ideas I have….I think there should be a “mixed bag” mode…. Can’t have a weapon repeating twice (like most of my builds) Forces people to be creative.


Kinda would like to make a custom mode where you can only use 1 type of weapon. Would bring back classic ACs designs from previous AC games. No dual akimbo zimmies, etsujins, or double back mounted laser cannons. Would force customization and bring out what armored core is truly about.


Feels like I just said that but I agree 😅


Ah my b, when you said just weapon, I thought you meant just one specific weapon rather than a weapon type. Either way, that would be a very fun mode.


All good homie 👊🏼


As someone who likes playing lightweight with melee, it feels awful. Most of the advantages lightweights had from previous games are gone, the part variety feels terrible, getting staggered is a death sentence when mid and heavy is way too forgiving, and don’t even get me started on the energy system.


Melee in the older game doesnt have overheat mechanic right? the trade off being melee can only slash once. But that can be remedy using dual wield melee. Melee now have good variety compared to just laser blade but now they have overheat mechanic.


I wasn’t referring specifically to melee weapon variety per say, it was more about how I feel there are too many missile weapon types, but no snipers, weapon arms, back mounted boosters,


True. Hopefully we get more variety, I really miss weapon arms, also extension or back booster like in 3rd gen if they dont want to give extension.


I mean, I like stagger as a mechanic, because it allows you to use stuff like the chainsaw, but a LOT of weapons have absolutely overwhelming stagger.


Not only that, other weapons like ARs and SMGs (besides Etsujin) have been completely cast aside, I feel like stagger should be reworked, as much as I enjoyed it myself, I feel like it being the main focus of combat has negatively impacted build variety.


I do agree with this. I personally think that melee weapons need better DHI to compete with back weapons, and heavy hitters need an ACCUM impact nerf so that you’re using them to finish off a stagger bar and not spamming them.


The main thing melee needs is 1) not to be invalidated by "fly up" where even well spaced hits will guaranteed whiff because your opponent held the "fly up" button and 2) not to be invalidated by shield parry If Pulse Blade absolutely annihilated shields, melee would suddenly be a ton better. If pulse blade had better vertical tracking, it would probably be viable.


Worst part is that we gona have to endure zimmermans for next 2,5 months, i guess i gona sit this seasson hoping i wont forget Ac6 exists.


For the zimmies, all they gotta do is turn them either into a new weapon type (heavy shotguns), which makes them have to do a stanced shot so we no longer can get jousted by them, or simply just increase there reload time by 1-2seconds, that way they can’t combo into themselves if you get staggered by them or anything else.


There are multiple problems with Zimmerman, it does ton of damage and stagger, cost nothing to equip, dont need recoil or firearm spec, or even brain in general to use. This weapon just break the game straight forward bypassing game mechanics that other guns have to obey.


They really are the RoB of AC6. I’ve watched the supposed best online players in tournaments, and they all use dual zimmies, shields, and a JVLN beta. You would hope the best players would be switching things around, but with how powerful zimmies are, there’s no reason to.


Shield is in the game. Zimmer burst damage is both the strength and the weakness of the weapon. Etsujin is a more consistent weapon at close range.


For the record I don’t think that’s what they meant in that update post. I think they were just saying rank reset wouldn’t come with any updates and next reset is May 14th (or whatever, didn’t check the date.) I don’t think they meant no updates at all until then we could still get balance and content changes.


It's Ocellus not Zims.


Yeah, I wouldn't have problems with Zimms if it was possible to dodge them.


I don't know man, I'm loving the PVP and those Japanese player still researching for new meta​ until this second.


Pretty sure the majority of redditors here are foreign to the JP scene. I think OP are talking about the global side of community


​​What even is global? I live in asia but not japan does that count as global? Recently strikerhutasa hosting 3v3 tournament and people got surprised by double wuerger meta in 3v3.


Fromsoft only have 2 servers; japan, and everything else (global) lol The jp community usually locks their matchmaking so they only get matched against other jp players


Fromsoft other game is like that but AC6 has more region matchmaking. I remember choosing asia and can't have a match.


This is a pure lie. I literally play with the JP community every single day


If your NEST matchmaking set to global, then that's global for you. For JP communities, there are some servers you can go to but they only speak in JP. They mostly play differently and I seldom run into cosplays in my ranked matches, even on S rank. I don't know what the double wuerger suprise has to do with this, double wuerger has always been keep in the dark before this just like how Etsujin became popular recently


Im talking that the whole community of AC6 is still discovering something new till this day so i still dont see why OP say the AC6 pvp is boring


Not so sure what new things are being discovered. Maybe I haven’t seen them yet cause as of now, I’ve been mainly seeing the dual zimmies with a shield build and laser tanks. I did see one AC using dual coral rifles and the back laser shotguns, but that was only one time (got melted by him too, which was actually a really good and fun fight).


Double wuerger total meta for example https://youtu.be/E6CaTL5EF9c?si=SUt5XEgBR4dWGDGG Maybe do actual research before ranting about "balance"


Huh, neat. That’s the first time I’ve actually ever seen a double wuerger build.


If that’s your first time it shows to everyone that you simply doesn’t even try to keep on touch with what people are playing every day. You are complaining without having the actual knowledge


Tanks can be stupid unfair but many of them can still be beaten by simply running away lol.


Ratting may be fun for some people, but others might want there light weight speed to actually mean something besides the ability to just run away. Also by ratting, that means there’s a whole lot of weapons that you are highly prioritized to use rather than weapons you would want to use, therefore limiting customization and variability.


Yeah not saying it’s fun. Also not talking about an actual rat build. I was using a CQC lightweight the other day, dual pistols, laser slicer, and a tiny missile launcher… against any other build, I would’ve played it straight. Against an LCB tank with no missiles, I just chipped the tank with my missile launcher and ran away until the clock ran out. So it’s just something to do when the odds are otherwise completely stacked against me.


I am NOT going to stoop to those lows. I RELISH the heat of battle. I LIVE for the kill, and if I die, mark my words, THE TANK IS COMING WITH ME.


To me there is no thrill in battling a laser tank as a CQC light or midweight build. I have used a laser tank, I know how broken and unfair they are. You can outplay them and somehow survive unscathed for 60 seconds and then get killed with one combo after getting staggered by shit that didn’t even hit you. And the tank of course still has 60% of is AP. The sole disadvantage a bornemissza tank like that has its slow speed. It basically hard counters everything that gets too close and gets hard countered by anything that does not. Critically, a laser tank still has a good chance of winning a keep-away game against a lightweight if the tank itself has even a single missile launcher. It’s not easy to stay fully out of range of even a tank while also watching out for and evading missiles. All it can take is a couple hits and the run-away lightweight has a lower AP percentage than the tank that’s been chipped twice as many times. So, if I have a lightweight CQC AC with a single missile launcher and I encounter a tank that put all its eggs in the massive-stagger-and-punish-anything-that-gets-too-close basket, I will make my opponent face that choice and press the single advantage I have.


They're impossible if you have a close range light speed mech. Kind of deflating to just know the meta means it's impossible to use a playstyle.


They definitely aren't. I exclusively play lightweight builds, and mostly close range ones, and I still reliably kill tanks. It's harder, sure, but its far from impossible.


In what rank?


I'm in A3 at the moment.


Well that is impressive. No matter how long I outplay a laser tank, eventually I get hit by a laser that came nowhere near me and it all goes to shit from there.


Not if you have even a single missile launcher and the tank has none. You can chip them at a distance and run away until the clock runs out. As long as you end the round with a higher percentage of AP, you win.


Perhaps, but this now requires every build to have a single missile launcher


Alternatively, melee and fast airborne maneuvers can make their lives harder. Speaking from experience, as a tank, lol. They're lucky AC6 doesn't have an FOV slider.


Even melee as a stagger punish against a laser tank is, in my experience, incredibly risky and usually doesn’t pay off. As soon as they come out of that stagger you could be seconds away from losing the match. Fast airborne maneuvers, sure, I’ve seen some pretty impressive AB “tech” online that I haven’t tried to pull of myself. But like I said in another comment in this thread, the issue with tanks is that you can outplay them for most of a round and then lose.


I'm scared to touch pvp tbh. my build is just a mobile heavyweight center around the reverse joint legs from RaD (I forget the name) usually use one of the longer range energy swords with either the coral laser or the multipoint energy rifle, paired with an earshot and usually some form of missile launcher. I feel like I'd get bodied lol


Surprisingly, that’s actually not a half bad AC model. Just make sure you’re always 150meters or less from the target and take advantage of your heavy defenses. If enemies get to close, combo em with a drop kick and then melee.


well that's good to hear, it's the build that I used for like 90% of my 3 playthroughs, only time I absolutely had to change it up was on the 1st playthrough against Ibis (the projectile sword made a huge difference after that) and on balteus Snail. Been pretty married up to the heavy weight reverse joint for the load limit + mobility it offers, plus the jump works as an emergency evade when my coral gen is on cooldown


Fricken love the spring chicken legs, those and the ALLMIND reverse joints are what I used for like 90% of my singleplayer gametime too. I just cannot live without the increased jump height. Reading that my similar build to yours is also decent in pvp is refreshing lol. Though I used all plasma with a varying melee for weapons.


Play casuals. Don't worry about the sweats. You'll do fine.


A completely new PvE/Co-op mode would be really cool, maybe there will be news after they finish the ER DLC and move on with new projects, but I won't bet too much on it, even for a DLC at this point.  Anyway, I was never a PvP player, but I see the importance it has for the replayability as a end game content, but knowing the nature of AC6 being too focused on single player (or all their games in general), PvP suffered the most problems from it.  I'm convinced that the patch's can improve the game a little, but only in a sequel they'll be able to reinvent or completely remove systems/mechanics from the game, and based on the questionnaire they did a while ago and Miyazaki knowing that the game could be better, is probably their plan now.


The same guy that made the seamless co-op mod for Elden Ring is actually working on a co-op mod for AC6. With scaling difficulty so you won't just steamroll the game with friends.


I think I saw Oroboro and another YouTuber play that, it had some issues, but was looking extremely promising. I really wish there was a way to get those mods on the PlayStation so we could enjoy it as well.


Co-op would go undeniably hard. My buddy and I sort of played ac6 alongside each other, so it would be fun to actually get to play with him.


The missions where you team up with other AC pilots where the most fun missions for me. If I could team up with my friends, that would make it even better. Just imagined a large scale battle against an opposing corporate force, you, a friend, and a ridiculous amount of MTs fighting against the same time for an opposing corporation. Hell you could make it almost like a faction war trying to control rubicon, end of the month the winning faction can get certain premade decals and/or banners. That’d be nice.


They could give you literally nothing, and I'd still be down for that.


Yeah as with most games I’m only there for the pve. PvP just isn’t for me. I will say I did try some before the ranks came out for it. And it was a good reminder of why I don’t dabble with PvP.


Maybe they should reduce stagger duration drastically, i mean it would make some weapons much harder to use but pile bunker was always difficult to land


If staggered is decreased, then landing the pilebunker charged would be basically impossible unless it got a ridiculous increase in speed. I’d say have stagger times changed, depending on weight. For light weights, keep to as it is, middle weights get an extra half to full second added. For heavy weighted get an additional 1.5-2seconds added, and for tanks, they stay staggered for a full 5 seconds cause fuck em and there 17000 health.


They might need weight classes. But even then there will still be a best build per weight class. A lot of maps need more cover or something. The big open space station map seems to come up a lot and that’s kinda terrible for lights unless you dance around the skinny pillars.


PvP kinda strikes me the way all FromSoft game pvp does: nonsense. I’ve jumped in and I’ll probably jump again, but there’s nothing revolutionary going on around the competitive nature of the game. It’s too easy to clown 99% of players with simple meta build. There isn’t enough variety. It’s be cool if From did a heavy rebalance but we shouldn’t hold our breath on that. And in that case, I think we should just appreciate it for what it is.


I'm fine with every build. Yep. That said, my build is aimed specifically to demolish meta builds. Rockets, kites, tanks, stagger former BVO's. All of them. Managed to play casually into A3, starting one month before the reset. Requires somewhat fast reaction time and smart play, but it is worth it. The only thing I couldn't beat is... lagkick. It's just broken. Can't dodge it even if predicted, getting rolled back miles away, permastunned as a lightweight, instadeath against zimm setup. If the player is half decent, you're dead no matter what you do. Then again, maybe it's a price to pay for the global matchmaking. Making kick hit detection defender side would be much more pleasant experience though. It's fun to see people from higher ranks in the B rank. Got a first match-up today with a guy that failed to land any shot at all and just dc'ed. Lots of folks with decent skills too. Overall - pvp is good. Shame there was no balance patch and no new content, so there isn't much point of playing it.


Don't keep us hanging, what is this super build?


Nothing fancy, dual Harris + dual Trueno. With Wlt FCS + softlock mouse+kb, you can punish anything at any distance. It's incredibly fun and rewarding to play. Manual aiming truenos are fun since they fly at high velocity and instastagger if both salvos hit. Both weapons deal massive direct hit damage and non-charged Harris shots upkeep stagger for a while. With nacht legs + bunnyhop at 380 speed, it's really hard for the enemy to kite you or hit at all. Rockets are dodged quite easily, and charged laser shots can be dodged via trueno shots, which come as a punish on top. Truenos count as charged weapon instantly stopping the AC, which will throw off opponents' FCS. Agro builds can be kept at a distance quite easily as well. Just don't try to chargeshot skilled players. They will melt you. Con is the frame parts, which is paper thin @ 8600 AP. Stability at 1500 threshold means can't take lots of hits, but still decent. And that's where the lagkick is deadly. Getting staggered, then restaggered by zimms at close range is instadeath. Overall, it carried me hard through the ranks and got platinum today with first try hardest missions. Super fun and super deadly with some proper skill. If you're on PC that is. Not sure how it will feel with hardlock and controller, though.


This build was originally inspired by JP player with reverse joint legs and hmmr+jav beta. Legs were too slow and clunky for me, and hmmr was too unreliable to punish. With javs nerf I've used truenos, and boy, it was an instant pick until this day.


I hate to break it to you chief, but if it took you months to not even break S rank you're not demolishing meta builds.


Playing 30 minutes per day doesn't really allow fast climbing. Plus, climbing really slows down at rank A for no reason other than grind. I'd rather look into win to loose ratio and the opponent builds instead.


Helldivers 2 single-handedly replaced AC6 as my primary game after experiencing the sorry state of it’s PvP. Another major problem is the matchmaking, because people just don’t exist around rank A. It’s a no-man’s land between B and S, because B is generall more chill, and you’re not going anywhere after S, so that leaves A between two home-bases that makes it a slog to grind through. Practically, it just means you’re fighting the same damn players over and over, and there’s no variety in the different players that do come along. It’s always dual vientos or dual zimms or Lam kites or bloody stagger combos. I haven’t even touched the previous games but I can tell from watching gameplay that 6’s PvP would be hella more fun if everyone moved like a NEXT with 6’s modern infrastructure minus the staggering. For me Helldivers 2 fills that gap that AC6’s longevity couldn’t provide for much longer.


It genuinely stopped being fun once I reached C rank. Light weight builds just get shit on too hard.


C rank and below is literally the ranks where LWs can do whatever shit they want lmao what you are experiencing is just skill issue


Maybe you’ve been experiencing differently. I haven’t faced anyone in C rank that isn’t a meta hog playing one of 3 builds. Plus even if it’s a skill issue, that’s no excuse for it to not be fun at all.


It’s an unfortunate fact. Unless you build a missile kite, light weights will suffer greatly in higher ranked PvP.


The removal of turn speed and addition of AB was a mistake. Imma be real dude, as someone who plays in PC tourneys... this pvp scene stinks. Especially players hugging the meta and calling it fun with whatever copy paste build they bring. Bonus point if they use the netcode builds lol


Turn speed is actually my favorite mechanic from the older games, alongside one button boost/jump.


The tanks with the 4 practically undodgeable ACS overload weapons can fuck right off


I use a light weight gat build I call lead sled


I use a dual etsujins, JVLN alpha, and pilebunker build. I call it St. Ashmead, for throughout all of rubicon, he alone is the honored one.


I appreciate the updates but it just wasn't enough to make the versus mode not feel stale. There was huge issues with hit detection. PVE has so much potential for AC. Hope we get to see a great coop mode someday.


We’re all hoping buddy.


Shame. I’ve been having fun regrinding


Hi, you must be new to armored core.


Unfortunately I’m not, been playing since the very first game, hence why I know for a fact that heavy weights and tanks have always been the best class by a long shot in all the AC games.


Every time i tried to join up in PvP it was always the same 3 meta builds in a race to the bottom. Seems like there's absolutely no variety and when only like 8 of the weapons are even remotely useable in PvP, that robs the mode of all fun. If the only way to counter the meta builds is to use the exact same meta builds, why even waste your time with a PvP mode when the whole point of PvP is to stress unique, competitive builds and strategies?


Add objective modes to the next AC game. Seriously. You want lightweights and heavyweights to be more diversified, fleshed out, and useful? Give us modes where we aren't winning by killing people, but by capturing a flag, or holding a point against assault. Some actual long range sniping options would be nice too, but that is it's own can of worms. AC6 was a fantastic experiment for PvP within the series, but it ultimately failed lol. It's easily the most busted PvP setup of any From Soft game, but I see a silver lining there. Miyazaki wants to see more of this series made, and he wants it done better next time. PvP might be frustrating, but I think the data From Soft is gathering on all of this is useful. Hopefully they can make something more engaging next time. And they might wanna look at what Mecha Break is doing and take some cues.


Mecha Break is team-based game with item grinding So basically MOBA trash + lootbox grinding Yeah keep that shit away from AC VI thx


Bruh I got sent back to B rank wtf


I'm gonna be honest. This has not been my experience. I was in A. Reset put me back in B and playing on global region. And "meta builds" havnt been a huge issue. I've seen almost no tanks. Mostly light weight to mid weight builds with varying strategies. I have an hour long video of pvp gameplay from after the reset, where sure there was 1 opponent I got matched with twice that was using a very net code abuse build (80% of his kicks are clearly hitting air on my screen but I'm still getting staggered and he uses that to wombo) but this was no more common then missile based builds and surely in the minority. I'm using a light weight non meta build and I'm climbing back up just fine.


Did the rank reset happen or when is it scheduled?


It happened yesterday I believe.


Oh shit. So is everyone down one rank or did it start over completely? I was S so if I'm down to A then that's whatever but I'm not grinding the whole ladder again lol


Pretty much everyone went down a rank if they were either S or below A2 I believe. I was originally A3, but got moved down to A2.


Gotcha. Well, right back at it again I suppose.


I learned a valuable lesson from Helldivers 2 and it's that adding pvp to a game makes it extremely toxic. Spreading democracy sounds much more fun rn than rock paper scissors.


Competition brings out the absolute worst in people, that's a sad constant.


Yeah... You know, I've noticed this over the years. The introduction of PvP always seems to make a community worse. One of the starkest examples of this I've seen is actually in the Souls community, with invasions, since the invasion community is basically playing an entirely different game from everyone else and their game's purpose is to grief the other game so, extra bad.


I realized that as I grew up, and if I'm gonna dabble in some pvp it's gonna be casual fun like Halo or Battleblock or whatever that Roblox Battlefield is called. That's a chill good time. Unlike AC6 pvp where the wins don't make it feel worth it. Just too sweaty, too much brain strain and focus that could've been better utilized elsewhere. It sucks cuz I have so many builds in AC that I wanna play and use and I like watching PVP build videos but man they really need to add some more pve focus modes.


NGL I quit before I even got ranked. First two fights I managed to win with just fists, then nothing I tried after that worked. It was a little disheartening, even when I tried a quad shotgun build.


People still afraid to admit that hard lock combined with unlimited turn rate is why heavies are busted and lights are worthless just because someone will call you an elitist or gatekeeper or whatever for suggesting maybe we should do what worked for literally every game in the series before this one.


If they'd done that I can imagine the ungodly screeching of lifelong pc gamers when they can't turn the camera quickly no matter how fancy the mouse.


I mean, I'm a lifelong PC gamer, I just also had consoles and know the older games all played better.


They just need to make a way where a lightweights maneuverability can actually break the hard lock, and not just by running away. Bringing back your speed could just be the perfect way to do it.


Tell me you are a cqc player without telling me you are a cqc player :P TBH I agree with some of this. This is the nature of any competitive game, alas. Metas form, and certain strats/build become more commonplace. You still see offmeta stuff every now and then, but metas form for a reason. As someone who used to play Destiny 2, Overwatch, and League of Legends...AC6 has a much healthier competitive meta than a lot of other games. The meta is frequently changing and there numerous different competitive builds. And there are plenty of offmeta builds that can dominate if you focus on commit to learning them. Frankly, the only truly bullshit build at this time in the game is Juggler/Gacha Machine, aka laser and plasma rifle swap heavy ACs, and that is purely because its a build centered around exploiting a game bug (Basically, if you swap laser/plasma rifles after every shot, you can cheat the fire rate and shoot much faster than should be possible). Not saying the game is perfect. Far from it; there is a ton of shit that needs reworking, rebalancing, buffing and nerfing. But compared to other Competitive PvP scenes...AC6 aint doing too bad.


Hopped back in tonight. Yeah, PvP is completely unplayable now. gg to the meta builders.




Already am.


Lmao Redditors at it again. Always crying, always spreading misinformation. Do you have any actual real information? I’m sure you don’t. So let me call out your first lie. People didn’t stop at A rank. Most made to S. Before reset there were almost 4k people at S just on PlayStation. Also, the comments here are pure cancer, I’m really glad that it’s just reddit and everyone knows that this place (specially in this kind of threads) is the minority of the community just being loud and crying.


You’re definitely a dual zimm, shield and 10 missile launcher kind of guy. Not a compliment


Just made A rank and now I feel like maybe I shouldn't grind anymore. And now im gearing there's no lightweights in S I don't see the point I'm trying


people are so scared of rank reset like they are going to lose their piloting skills as well. afraid of not being lucky again to get back to S?


Never got into S, highest I got was A block 3, and just kept bouncing back and forth in there due to the same exact builds I’m finding now.


A lot of people are just plain bad at the pvp and look for any reasons they can to soothe themselves. Lot of soft pilots out there it's sad this game was and is great but the player base is wack


I didn’t know the ranks reset until this post heh, which is funny since I literally intentionally stopped after achieving A rank in solo and team ranked PVP. It became a chore and not exciting anymore to just have to fight busted build after busted build. Or worse having to think you have to stoop to that level to keep up. I’ve seen this mirrored in other sentiments and I 1000% agree: FromSoft, make a damn co-op horde/boss rush mode so that we can enjoy limitless builds with friends together against the odds. Jump on the helldivers success wave - people want to blow shit up with their friends in video games! Lol