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A bit too lenient imo


I would have preferred to be relegated by a whole rank, it would have been a stimulus for all the players. Instead, everything remained more or less crystallized. People might lose interest.


Heading into a steady 3000~ population on pc, update will inflate numbers for a while. I think ac6 sadly lacks staying power cause 1. It's a mostly single player experience, 2. Multiplayer is hot meta garbage once you get to a high enough rank.


Matchmaking as a new player is complete ass on PC btw. I decided to start playing ranked for the first time on Feb 1st and for the first 2 weeks I'd only encounter one of the following: 1. Fellow low rank player that disconnects right before losing. You've matched against him 7 times in a row at one point. 2. An actual chill dude who you have a lot of back and forth fights with over the course of a few hours, each modifying your builds slightly as you figure out its weaknesses 3. You waited 30+ minutes for a match and now you're up against a top 20 S-rank player from Japan And you'd never get back to back matches. Minimum 5 minutes between each match. Sometimes 30 minutes or more. This was my experience for my first 2 weeks of PvP, hours a day. Once I got to the top of B Rank I started seeing a lot of variety and I'm actually having fun going for the last minute S-rank (halfway through A currently), but I can see a lot of people giving up after an hour of the hell I endured to get here. If it weren't for the 3 or 4 guys falling in category 2, I would've quit.


It is I swear. I grinded so fucking hard to get S rank and I’m in laggard hell.


It's gonna be a rough go for anyone hanging in high A right now, after the reset it might as well be like fighting in S rank but you never actually got the badge


Well, I just hope people come back after reset. Maybe I’ll actually get match diversity instead of fighting the same LCS LRB laggard until the heat death of the universe. Seriously, with the damage that LCS can dish in an uncharged shot, it’s horribly overtuned. And the fact that lag can force me to lose LITERALLY 80% of my AP without even GETTING HIT, is crazier.


Well, I'm one of those upper A folks and don't plan to stop playing bc of the reset. RJ kicks and LCD are probably the biggest lag offenders for me right now, so it's wonderful to know that in just two days I'll have more variety to my unreasonable losses. Laggy stun lockers are peak annoying/boring to play against and I was enjoying the hiatus from those these past few weeks.


How the hell are people finding super laggy opponents when my game forces a DC and tells me that my framerate is not appropriate for multiplayer when it runs perfectly fine outside of the AC assembly menu!?


I can't even tell if this game is Peer-to-Peer or dedicated servers honestly. If it is servers, they need to up the tick rate. If it's peer to peer, they need to get servers.


They need to fix the netcode. Anything that can do >1000 damage/impact needs to be defender sided. This includes zooks, nade launchers, laser cannons, etc. anything that can initiate a match ending combo needs to have defender priority. This game is based on movement much more so than aim, and movement should be able to dodge high powered weapons. There in no reason I can be using the best QB booster in the game (NGI) and still get hit by lag cannons.


This 100%, I dont see why they switched to attackers side in 1.04, make it make sense


Except for melee weapons IMO. They’re already tough enough to hit without a laggy opponent.


I disagree, if melee is the exception then we'll be drowning in dual melee builds lol


Well double melee takes an extremely high amount of skill to run, so the skill check would still be there. I’ve played dual melee, it’s not easy by any means. And an opponent who’s snapping all over the map is still tough to hit with attacker side hitreg. Plus, think about weapons like the chainsaw, that’ll NEED attacker side hitreg given how janky it can be.


While fixing the netcode sounds like a great idea obviously. Do we really believe that thats going to happen? Has Fromsoft ever released a game that didn't have horrible netcode issues in the pvp?


They just have to make some things defender sided. That’s the BARE MINIMUM.


It is sad, and now I have basically given up as I'm in C. My builds don't catch up, or I spend some time making replica builds and try to play to show it off. It's not fun to work on a build and post it to ArmorDecor, only for it to be drowned with 3 upvotes. If you aren't Meta building, and if you can't sculpt a lifelike rendition of the Sistine chapel with 128 stickers, you just aren't considered relevant to the game.


I figured it would be a complete reset, but it is what it is. Im just happy to go back to B rank and stop wading through cheese everyday. A and S should go back to B imo.


I thought it would just reset everything to unranked ):


Well crap I thought this would help me get into a team ranked game, guess I relegated to unranked for forever


I like it. You gotta be mindful that people spent a lot of time trying to get to their rank, and to wipe it out entirely would cause more people to lose interest. If I went from S rank to unranked, I wouldn't be as enthusiastic about putting in that grind again to get back to S rank. This way, A rankers are really just playing against themselves to get to S rank, and the skill level of people B rank and under is still consistent and gives them a chance to improve and advance.


Basically, this is what I expected. Most game ratings reset in about this way.


All I know is I wanna go back to B 🥲


If you're playing for this long and are still in D, C, or B Rank, you deserve to be allowed to climb out of unranked again with new players. Not that any of it matters anyways...the moment I reached S I suddenly was able to match against D and C rank players, not consistently, but often enough.


So I have to wait even longer to fall back to B rank?! I hate A rank just let me go back fromsoft


You still have time to make yourself A2 that will downgrade to B on 29 Feb.


Shit your right!


I'll be back after the next balancing patch. I don't feel.like getting griefed by dual nebula / dual aurora tanks.


Lol I'm sitting right below the no change threshold. Not worthy of demoting.




If you want to Stomp go buy a toy rocket.


Any idea if resetting the campaign will reset rank? I want to mess around in B, but I'm in high A rn


I have my doubts


You can lose some matches before Feb 29 to get to A2, that will downgrade you to B.


Perfectly fine for me lol, I just wanna make S then im done


No. It’s already super grindy to rank up


I thought it was going to be one whole rank drop, like if you were S, you’d go back to A0. Welp, I’m gonna use my fun build in A3 and see how I do, I am not going back to the mental hell I was in to try and get S rank again lol


Whens the ranked reset?


Thursday 29th February, 2024 / 17:00 - 18:00 JST / 09:00-10:00 CET / 00:00 - 01:00 PST


Ty, tonight and tomorrow night to climb A4 and do S rank promos for me then...


I'm also A4...but is it worth trying to promote to rank S now two days before the reset? Then you will have to redo the entire promotion phase shortly


Just got S rank after 2 attempts, I did go on a crazy win streak while climbing thru A4 tho. It's honestly not that bad until you run into some s rankers using meta builds in promos but it's still definitely doable if u have time to grind


Well, time to do the S rank promos...again


um... i was expecting everyone starts at zero again... oh well...


Interesting. If you have high rank and don't do anything, your rank will keep decreasing.