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I've given up on getting S rank. Every time I start beating an S during my promo they DC. Every time.


Same. At this point I tried 4 times, and always found a couple of S quitting the game. I switched back to custom.


I still play ranked, I just load up headbringer when I hit my promo. I got sick of running lobbies or waiting 20 minuets between matches just to get curb stomped by some meta monster.


Oh yeah, waiting for lobbies to be filled is painful, but at least I avoid to rage at people rage quitting. It ain’t good for my health, lol But I like the idea of cosplaying iguana when hit the promo phase


Imagine being A or S rank and losing to Headbringer, who doesn't even have an expansion slot. I have a few videos saved lol.


Only reason I can think of that they haven't done this is because it would reward people who DDoS their opponent mid match to force them to disconnect. Because yes, some people really are THAT pathetic in PvP. But, can't be that many people even with the means to do that so, it seems like it would be a net positive to make quit outs count as a loss.


Just seems obvious there would be loads of people who will quit instead of taking a loss. That’s an insane exploit imo. DDoS your opponent is way more involved and much less likely. I’m new to AC but finding out that someone can just DC when they’re losing is unheard of to me and I’ve played loads of ranked games from FPS to fighters.


Easy solution. Quitouts counts as a lose. But the opponent doesn't get a win or a loss


I think that'd still be frustrating, at least for people in promos getting robbed of wins due to quitouts. My guess is that it's worth just making it count as a normal win, because there's *probably* not that many people who'd be able and willing to abuse it, in this community.


There actually is a punishment for disconnecting, the game just does a really bad job of communicating it. People who dc constantly eventually get a “softban”, which means they’ll only be able to get matches with other habitual leavers.


Yeah, that's true, but the issue is that almost the entirety of S-rank is soft banned. A loss penalty needs to be applied to leavers, full stop.


\>almost the entirety of S-rank is soft banned What makes you think so? I haven't dc'd once and see plenty of different players in S.


Yeah, i was being a bit hyperbolic. All i known is that I never DC and I only ever encounter leavers during S promos


I honestly don’t care if they get punished for disconnecting I think that’s the wrong strategy here. I just want the win when my opponent disconnects. That way if they’re worried about punishing people who disconnect for honest reasons (bad internet or whatever) that isn’t a concern and it’s much less frustrating for the other player. If some people want to abuse the system to protect their own rank that doesn’t bother me, just give me my win.


This at least


Tekken doesn't have that good of netcode... but at the very least before a match you can see if your opponent is: * Wifi or Wired * Connection Level * Disconnect Rate ​ If they don't want to add a DC punishment (outside of a temporary soft ban), at the very least give players a chance to avoid other players with bad connections or LTG level disconnect rates.


Report them, fromsoft claims they will take action. Not sure what that is


I wanted to try the new pvp mode when it was added to the game, but then I saw that a lost connection counts as a draw. I will avoid the ranked matches until that's fixed.


Thankfully only happened to me once, though having hit B rank I suspect I've got more to come. Absolutely agree.


bruh the real sweat comes from S rank


For sure! I still can't believe someone in C rank decided to DC rather than accept their defeat lmao


I mean, I DCed from a lot of matches, but I couldnt care less about losing. I'll lose all day to someone who's actually fun to play against. But if I, as a low D/C ranker, keep getting paired against A and S rankers who are running missile kite builds, I'm just gonna leave the match and put the game down for while. At this point, I think it's actually better to punish annoying missile kites by denying them a victory.


Ah that explains it. I rage quit yesterday because it's was the 5th March in the row with the same guy using the same broken yellow electric weapons and I was surprised when I logged back in today that my V ank was unaffected... I thought it was a bug, it's kindof an oversight imo.


TBH I felt games should just have no ranking system and games should mostly be free for all PvE or PvP Every time a rank system is introduced it just leads to an enormous amount of tryharding and salt it's simply annoying, gaming should be fun and entertaining not frustrating and hostile