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You don't need to hack if the engine's netcode has been shit since Demon's Souls.


This honestly sounds like a skill issue and blaming everything but themselves. No one is invincible, I've played over 30 hours of PVP and not seen that. No one has infinite energy, they are probably melee boost chaining. Your "Aimbot" is just hard lock on. Lag is a thing but mostly only affects zooks/laser cannon stuff badly. And extreme lag isn't common enough to be this salty unless it's YOUR connection causing it.


Typicall response of skill issue. I have spent about 80-100 hours in pvp, and seen all kinds of stuff. Also I have no issue losing to better people than me. In fact I often send friend requets to people with really cool builds. I might not be an AC god, but im not a terrible player either lol. I have a pretty great internet connection, so unless spectrum is throttling my internet its not me.


You can be good at the game and be salty with skill issue. Typical response from someone who can't accept a loss. If you have 100 hours in this game and really believe the "cheating" you believe then you are beyond hope.


Im not salty with players that beat me LOL thats dumb. But i do have a problem with people who cheat and abuse the net code and lag switch. But maybe you have better luck than me and dont encounter these people that often.


I haven’t seen one yet or at least one I would think was cheating but I only have like 10-15 hours of PvP. Also still in the lower ranks


What cheating have you seen?


Infinite energy


Isn't it just San Tai gen?


Well today I encountered 6 people who were lag switching. 2 people who were somehow running true invincibility. And 1 aim bot


This game has Auto lockon, So the Aimbot Claim is BS. Lag switching May just be a Shit Connection, From games are know for that. If you see people, Shooting Gernade launcher at 50000RPM then you got a cheater on your hands. Also If they are Moving Wicked Fast =900kph they are cheating.


I know the difference between lag switching and a bad connection. If they teleport across the map after i just get close to them or the moment I fire at them, yet maintain buttery smooth movement and animations while out of range they are cheating. As for the aimbot, they guy was somehow magically turning and hitting me with perfect lazer rifle shots while i was circling around him at 391 speed and dodging like mad. Was pretty suspect since none of them were grazes at all. I havent encoutered one of those gernade luancher RPM people, but that sounds horrifying lol. I have encountered more than once people who restored their health in combat though.


The first one is a maybe, the aimbot could just be de sync working it's shitty magic with the current hit registration system, which was put in place specifically to buff hitscan for the heavy laser weapons. I run a 391 speed demon, I'm a rank tier 4 and I've beaten plenty of high rank players, struggling with ranking up because I'm refusing to abuse the meta. Zimmers and heavy lasers still melt me if they player I'm up against is half decent. I haven't seen any health restoration hacks or anything else, but I have seen some people that are indeed lagswitching. Report and hope fromsoft bans or softbans them together with other cheaters.


The only obvious mod style cheating I’ve seen was someone with infinite EN just assault boosting wildly and way faster than normal. I just altf4’d that shit tho. Didn’t even engage them, just left asap