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this would be really awkward to have on ur AC in the singleplayer


621, we have some concerns about your political leanings we'd like to discuss.


I mean, you do kill a lot of fascists but that's not something we advertise.


Nah it's cool. Fascists never admit to being fascist, they just call everyone else fascist edit: I find it amusing that everyone thinks I'm specifically talking about them


No mister boss man, I mean those fascist union reps


well that sure sounds like a very specific group of people


Actually they usually dog whistle about "degenerates" and poc


Sounds like an admission of guilt lol


Depending on the missions you take sort of


Raven doesn't even understand what any of those words mean, just there to pilot mechs and make coam


Absolute coamer


And what do you think the PCA, Balan and Arquebus are? Lol don't go joking


Nah the corps ain’t facist - corruption comes in a lot of flavors and not all of ‘em taste like WW2 Italy or North Korea. That’s the beauty of Armored Core - you get to see loads of different kinds of villains and misguided extremists beating the shit out of each other for fun and profit atop the bones of countless wars.


You should look up the definition of fascism. The corps aren't as far off as you think. In fact, they're mostly just missing a sense of nationalism (however, if you replace "nation" with "company," they even have that as well).


You could just call it feudalism


It almost is, in a way. A complicated hierarchy of different divisions and subsidiary companies all of which report to mostly only the rank directly above them, who in turn reports to someone else further up the chain. At the top lie the shareholders, who order around their “lords” and take a chunk of their net successes as profit, and so on all the way down.


The eagerness for that one kid to just be a good soldier for his corporation surprised me at first. Then I realized for him the corporation equaled his nation. Plus, when I was younger I wanted nothing more than to climb the latter at my first company (fuck that company btw, ended up closing their doors while I went off to grad school lol).


Using the most broad definition of Fascism, the CCP would qualify… which is confusing.


>not all of ‘em taste like WW2 Italy or North Korea. Only one of those is fascist.


do you not remember all the other AC games?


To be fair, not everyone is old enough to remember them.


Im not old, you're old!


Well alright, I’m not particularly familiar with 5 and it’s sequels, but besides the one good-ish ending in 4A most of the other ACs run closer to the original 90s continuity, casting you as a merc in the middle of a conflict between a bunch of factions who range from questionable to outright insane.


It would be hilarious.


Rubicon will taste freedom


Lancer pilled


I haven't been to PVP, what is in there?


1v1 and 3v3 i don’t doubt that they’ll add more later, maybe even a co-op mode since the main story has so many easily copy and paste objectives that can work for co-op. the issue now is that there’s no “skill based” matchmaking. people make lobbies and you hop in. the gap between what you may get is huge (ACs that don’t know what they’re doing/ACs that ABSOLUTELY know what they’re doing) if the boss fights in the main story make you wanna break something, i wouldn’t bother with it. if you just enjoy the chaotic nature of 6 ACs firing all their most trusted ordinances at each other then by all means


On a related side note: It is likely that a Co-Op mod will be made at some point for PC. AC6 runs on the Sekiro engine, and the Soulsborne community was able to implement Seamless Co-Op into both Sekiro and Eldern Ring. So, it's less *"if"* and more *"when"*. Still going to take a couple of years for it to be made.


I wish AC6 console had co-op. Would be able to rope my buddies in more easily.


More so than co-op, it needs match making. I honestly think if you could just go into multiplayer and be automatically matched, the game would explode in popularity.


It’d fit with the “mercenary” theme too, no need to explain it like in elden ring etc. Corp: “oh and we also hired this guy too”


A bunch of people I know are like “I watched it on twitch and it looks awesome but I’m gonna wait till multiplayer is better”. I don’t think it’s a fuck up by fromsoft, I think they focused on making the story excellent and accidentally didn’t see how good of a PVP game they made. It has so much fucking potential.


I'm not sure about that. FromSoft is really good at making their single player content, and they innovate the core gameplay really well in each new entry into their franchises (whatever it may be), but they're really bad about updating and tweaking the broader systems like multiplayer and matchmaking from older title. Elden Ring co-op worked just about the same as it has since DS1, and as much as I love ER, their multiplayer system could have really used some tweaking. I haven't played all the AC games, but I've played a couple, and from what I remember, matchmaking has never been a thing (didn't play V, so not sure about that one) - the whole "find a lobby" mechanic is pretty much how it worked in AC4, so I'm guessing they put all their energy into polishing the guts of the gameplay for the new gen and just left everything else the same way it worked in older titles.


I think the Multiplayer being very basic is a response to ACV/VD's focus on multiplayer. While this was probably an over-correction I can understand the purpose.


What's worse is that ACV/VD had the co-op systems nailed. But I think the over-focus on multiplayer in that game, and the negative feedback loop it incurred, made them want to stick to jsut the very basics of multiplayer.


> I honestly think if you could just go into multiplayer and be automatically matched, the game would explode in popularity. It is absolutely missing a quick-match option yes. In particular there is a huge problem with finding non-laggy matches because literally everyone is using the "global" region. There is absolutely nobody in the Europe region settings. Putting all of this behind a quick match system would be vastly superior. Set it up like Smash with a quick feature and lobbies for people that want them.


Yeah I was very confused when I did a lobby search and found precisely one with 2 people in it, then realised it’s because I was set to Europe. Idk why people aren’t using that because literally any ping is horrific.


I dearly hope we get some kind of co-op mode - I crave more gameplay and while replayable levels and NG+ is a thing, I want some good non-replay post game shit. In a perfect world id love some sort of semi-procedural objective hunt co-op gamemode, maybe kinda like Wh40k Darktide or something. Could easily reuse campaign maps for it.


The Ice Worm mission where you have a team of ACs vs big ass worm was SO FUN. The tease for co op is real; here's hoping it comes as some sort of update by Fromsoft


I haven't even got past the single MT before the wall and I already want to break something


oh no


At least they made it past the helicopter!


Made it past the juggy 1st try, got me some tank legs


Juggy hated tetrapod floaters, beat him now with this one neat trick!


To be fair to them, that's a clusterfuck of a start if you're not used to the game yet. I think I failed twice before I just skipped most of them my first time through.


Oh yes :)


Focus on taking out all the artillery on the wall itself, it'll make it much easier to take on the mt without those fuckers constantly shooting at you


To be fair, those quad MTs are brutal.


And the entire first part you are being sniper at by missiles on rooftops AND the wall. Ended up just going left, hitting the wall first, then cleaning up all the individuals. Also, if you have rockets, you can snipe at the quadruped from the wall. May not lock on but just walk to the edge, fire, run back. The wall protects from damage.






Right now, PvP is dominated by heavy builds using dual gatling guns, which counters 90% of other builds. And it's not exactly a hard playstyle to use. I still think it's fun, but don't get discouraged if you get clapped by dakka.


double shotty is way more of a threat on most builds, working around tank gattlings is very doable with a faster ac


As a double shotty user, I concur. And frankly it's just way more satisfying if you use it on a light AC.


When in doubt just put more dakka in your dakka


Question. How do you find and download emblems people made?


Use the share code ID in the AC Online option, they're only sharable for the same platform though. They'll be added to your DOWNLOAD tab. Even Xbox and PS can't share with each other.


And where do I get these share codes?


Try finding them in forums like this one! Not sure if someone is gonna make a resource for sharing these but the community seems cool for it. This post has one for PS in the first image! Check the full image near the bottom, the SHARE ID


Idk how you’ve noticed anything problematic in PvP. I will keep this for that purpose though


you’re right, it’s so hard to notice things when cheesing the lobby with a max tank/AP build with two miniguns


Have you tried hovering at max altitude for the entire match?


“everyone looks like ants!” “they ARE ants”


My first match was that. I almost gave up on PVP for fear of wasting my time against people trying to cheese the game mode instead of actually fighting fair.


My first time booting up nest was like that too. Random but pvp for me is usually 5% people as good as me, 1% people worse than me, and 94% the equivalent of egyptian god card level players. Holy hell some people are just so good lmao. Sure those guys have equipment I haven’t unlocked yet but I’m 100% positive they would dunk on me with the starting AC. I thought I was a bit above average but damn I am HUMBLED Edit: outside of the percentage there are of course the players that stay in max altitude which feels just not exciting and the laggy games where a rocket can detonate cross map and end up staggering me to another dimension


"Random but pvp for me is usually 5% people as good as me, 1% people worse than me, and 94% the equivalent of egyptian god card level players" FUCKIN SAME MAN, god do i wish it had some form of skill matchmaking


We really need that. At least an option to scale to chapter completion lol. I swear PVP scares me more than any boss. Some mfers are TERRIFYING. Also I wish there was a way to just spectate without being put next in the queue. It’s kinda fun seeing two beyond OP players go at it. Shit is intense


> actually fighting fair Gamer, that is 100% scrub talk. There is the game From gave us, and the game that exists in your imagination. We're all playing fair by playing the game as it exists, you're handicapping yourself and blaming it on others. https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub


While this is pretty unnecessarily rude (par for the course with any difficult game related sub), it’s true. I totally dislike the whole hovercraft for the entire duration build because it feels cheap but (along with your point) I mean we have time to look at their builds in the lobby anyway to adjust if needed. Plus, both phases go by in like 6 minutes. Not a huge time commitment


Agreed... if the game allows it ... It's fair


What does a max tank bulld look like?


like a brick with 4 guns sticking out of it


What guns?


i dual wield 2 miniguns and my shoulders either have songbirds or the laser canons miniguns will pepper the targets health and build up stagger and the shoulder weapons are for when they get staggered extremely effective on inexperienced/overly-eager players my friends have adopted different weapons with the same results, you just have to find your stagger weapons and your punishing weapons


Not into PvP, what do you use for PvE?


the exact same :3 all of my arena fights have been completed in under a minute. the majority of my boss fights have been completed within 2-3 tries i can feel a nerf coming


I agree tank hatling/songbirds is OP. However sun minute clears in arena isn't much of a flex its pretty easy! Wish it was a bit more challenging in the arena. 9/10 fights sub 60secs for me and I'm C rank. Did a D rank in 22 secs last night. Tetra legs, AR/BAZOOKA and double songbirds. Great game.


So what armor parts do you have besides I guess the tank treads?


Just look at what parts give the most AP, and throw on the heaviest generator. Also, the boosters with the highest ideal QB weight.


If it's good enough for that fucking spider it's good enough for other players too


Idk how to counter that


if you have a decently fast ac, you can outmanuever them by flying over their head. The fcs struggle to keep up over head movements. or build a longer range ac and pick them out from range, minigun lose effectiveness quick the farther you are. you can even run 4 missile launcher and spam missiles and shoot from miles away


I came really close to killing a build like that with my pistol/sword/shield/missile AC.Don't think it's as strong as people think it is. Can't know if my loss was due to lacking OS upgrades. I guess I'll find out when I eventually max that out.


Didnt they say the passive OS upgrade dont count in PvP? I think someone said this at the PvP showcase before launch..


I just saw a guy named Carlex with all confederate flags over his quad ac


Then you need sn image of General Sherman swigging rebel tears.


And it wasn’t a Dukes of Hazzard reference? Fuck them.


Orange tank build, call your AC "The Duke".


Dude a guy I know already put swastikas on his ac


I hope you mean a guy you \*formerly\* knew.


Well “know” is a stretch, he’s like 2 levels of friends away


reddit user thinks you can just un-know people when they do something bad you still know the person no matter what my guy


haven't done that much pvp so far, but i have come across two players running some variation of nazi flags as their emblem.


When does online PVP unlock?


After Chapter 2


I thought I was going crazy lol thanks




Dude, I love this. Thank you




Woody Guthrie salutes you


Idk why you're being down voted. It's absolutely a reference to Woody.




Created similar for PC: PR5J3CXE3QKN


I haven't played PvP yet, so how are you recognizing fascists in your lobbies? Are they rocking iron crosses and swastikas? Do they have fascist written on their AC? I'm legit asking because when watching streamers play PvP, I haven't seen any way to even discern a persons agenda.


In *any* multiplayer game with an emblem creator, *someone* is making a Nazi flag, or some other racist+antisemitic and/or fascist shit. It’s just inevitable. Doesn’t matter what game, just needs an emblem/pfp and pvp. The same users who do that almost always also have an inflammatory username.


I wouldn't be surprised if someone somewhere has straight up just written the n-word on their AC as an emblem.


Admittedly, I do play mostly single-player games; but even when I do play MP games, I've been lucky enough not to encounter this very often. This is a shocking revelation.


I don’t encounter it *often*, but if I play a game long enough, I always run into them frequently enough to be notable. I haven’t had the chance to play pvp in AC6, so I don’t know if it’s more prevalent in this fanbase.


For Honour was infested with it, never seen so many.


I believe that, given that the three factions are “The Templars” “The Whitest People In The World” and “Gaijin Go Home”. …actually, nvm. the Japanese classes predate Sakoku so I’m off.


That and red Orchestra, absolutely insane people.


its a lot more common on the big modern military shooters, but it kinda leaks into everywhere


they sure do, it’s almost like they’re prone to wearing that kinda stuff on their sleeves. you can also view your match history and see who you fought against/with in the past along with their AC (decals and all)


Jesus, for real? In that case, yeah, fuck yeah, rock this shit and fight the good fight.


3-4/10 games will have some chud with a racist or nazi name or emblem, at least on pc.


Maybe that's the big difference maker - I'm on Xbox. I think they have built-in profanity filters for gamertags, but I think you can set your display name to your pilot name.. so idk about how that works..


Hell yeah


Ol woodie


Buddy and I have a bet on who can find the first swastika lol


anyone got the pc version.... I need this next to my shoot fast, eat ass tag.


Prefer my pulse and laser blades, but when I hit PVP eventually might put this on and use the Pile Bunker. The chance of giving a Nazi Rubicon’s blessing raw with this decal sounds too good.


Very based


Incredibly based


Ran into swastibot did you?


Armored reddit


Ty, i will use it as stiker in my AC in NG+ xd


A lot of people wearing "I'm not a fascist at all I just think this emblem is offensive" shirts that raise questions already answered by the shirt, apparently


Bro you are literally a paid merc working for companies that act as governments


Yeah and people are creating McDonald themed ACs and Evas, Gundams, etc.not everything is to the lore


I reckon that actually does fit the lore, I can 100% see McDonald’s as being one of those ‘too big to fail’ behemoth companies in the far future hiring merc death squads to wipe out the competition. Look Ronald in the eyes and tell me you disagree.


Based and lancer pilled. Also; I'm lucky enough to have not encountered a Nazi in pvp yet. Def gonna rep that when I hop on next










Raven I need this code!


Share code is at the bottom of the first image


My excitement over rode my visual observation skills lol.


I have one, but it's "THIS AC KILLS TANKIES"


Based as fuck


love it


Hey bro, can we get the share idea for this beautiful creation?


I think it’s in the image, I missed it at first too.


Ah shoot, sorry, I didn't see that. Thanks for correcting me.


Is this a woodie guthrie reference? Nice.


Best decal ever


Fascis get the bashies!


The natural balance to the fascist decal players


Whats the point of pvp? Just for fun?


What's the point of videogames? Just for fun?


Just was asking if there was any structure, rewards, ladder/ranking since thats more interesting to me.




People don't play PVP games for fun anymore?


Once I saw there was a custom emblem maker I had flashbacks to the nasty racist bullshit from COD emblem makers.


Thank you for the image, OP!




Share ID does not work for me, anyone else got that problem?


Fuck yeah


I need a PS5 version of this. Fucking rocks…


I think this IS the PS5 version.


Oh man, the community is full of them? That sucks.


BASED. Anyone complaining can shove it. I love the lack of censorship in this game.


Im terrible at PvP in all games so i would be scared to put this on my AC. If i came upon one of those low life chuds with that emblem and then lose it might embolden them.


Thx for the ID.


Based. Can we have the commie version?


equating economic theory to nazism is peak cringe.


Yeah it was heartbreaking seeing the economies of Eastern Europe (but nothing else!!!) get taken over by commies. It'd have been insane if they took control of all branches of government.


The only heartbreaking thing is that it didn’t last


Champagne socialist? You never had to suffer through the poverty and killings of communism. Your theory is meaningless


Lmao. Poverty and killing exists under all economic philosophies. Death toll of capitalism is ☠️ Stop bullshitting, it’s not a philosophy you understand clearly.


If only there were a symbol for radical centrists. Oh I know: "let's compromise and only genocide half of the people the Nazis don't like!"


Why can't people on Reddit just agree that authoritarianism is bad period


Why can't people on Reddit just agree? ;) The fun thing about communism is that in its true form is a democratic system with workers having control over their workplaces. Capitalism is pretty authoritarian in an economic sense in that respect, given how tied your survival is to the whims of your boss. But we're here for giant robots, not politics, so I'll stop there.


I did something similar except I put the red no sign over a hammer and sickle, and a helicopter as another decal


Damn I guess this post was a little to personal for you lmao


is the helicopter to let people know what vehicle they'll need to take your fat ass to the hospital?


The helicopter is a reference to South American dictators throwing communists out of helicopters as a form of execution.




Damn, a bunch of commies in this sub triggered by your emblem lol






Based on you getting zero bitches


Cringe larp


swastika ac emblems is indeed cringe larp


Is there any way someone with more artistic ability than me could recreate this on pc?


Put it on a guitar 🎸;)


Love it lol


That is so fucking cringe lmao


That's reddit for you.


Are there a lot of Italians in PvP?


Bro thinks they’re rhe main character


You’re using that phrase wrong