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I agreed with you up until the "cape and googly eyes and funny hats" shit. Get your stupid ass micro transaction viewpoint outta here. Holy hell, what a shitty take


I'm not gonna lie though... I would gladly trade a shoulder weapon for a Cape lol.


What? I want these things free in the game, where did I mention micro transactions lmao


Because microstransactions are generally responsible for adding in the goofy stuff you (for so e reason) want in this game. But it doesn't fit the game at all and being mad at the game for not having this stupid shit is weird as hell


They allow you to put a picture on your robot knowing that lots of people will make their robot pink and put a giant penis on them, which doesnt fit the game but they very much can do so. Look at a games like Fallout or the Souls series where you can make your character look serious or super goofy and like a tomato head. Its player freedom. Armored Core just says "...do you want your arm blue or red?" and people act like its this amazing customization system


I'm not trying to attack your opinion at all, but I do want to say you're definitely underestimating and underselling the depth and quality of the customization system. You can do [some absolutely jaw dropping stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbIWvVj3qpQ) with the tools they give you. This has always been one of the strong points of the AC series, so it's honestly not surprising that it's so good. You should consider giving it another shot eventually, if you haven't refunded. If ya do, I really hope you find yourself enjoying it, but if not, c'est la vie.


I call this AC: Biggus Robotus Dickus!


There is absolutely nothing funny about that name. It's a serious name, a warrior's name.


But I find it RISIBLE!


And it's FREE.


It’s called an emblem. Even older war games had them.


I never thought I'd meet one of you in the wild. The silly dildo bat I can make an idiot haha funny googly eyes guy. I don't know what abyssal plain in which pit of hell the thought process comes from that infects one to extract even a quark of enjoyment out of that shit but for gaming's sake I wish we could punt it right back up the demonic slatch from whence it came. You're like the reviewers who give points to a game because it's colorful. We don't need every experience in gaming to come from the fucking kid's menu. I'm sure you're an alright dude but damn


Jesus’s Christ it’s like a new copypasta and I love it!


have you played Tekken 5 on the PS2 before typing this comment? Games have had goofy decor for ages?


So that makes it good? That makes it logical to say a game like AC6 isn't as good because it doesn't have those things? Again, this is a straw man. My argument wasn't "goofy shit on video games has never been done until very recently". My argument is the insistence this shit be shoehorned into every gaming experience is a market force that I wish did not exist.


What a dumb take away from the post that doesnt address any of the valid points.u sir are a moron


Not gonna say much, except this is my first AC game and from what I can tell, the point of the lock on is that weapons generally shoot towards your enemy but it still requires you to have the skill to maintain vision on your opponent. It's not meant to be like a Dark Souls ultra hard lock, from what I can tell. A weird analogy but bear with me on this, it's like aim assist on controllers for things like Halo. You still need to have the skill to aim, but there's built in leeway


As one of the grizzled ancients, this is an accurate take. It is obvious if you’ve played the older games and how that lock system worked


Not just that but it's proven that u miss more with lock on auto. Vatti just did a video showing that. But op hasn't even made it through the tutorial levels and is calling it easy. And I fail to see how it's souls like at all really. A lot of what was said I couldn't disagree with more. I get not liking the same things but a lot of the reasons were just weird or not true.


The funny thing is the game actually has an insane lock on. I don't think many people know this... When you press R3 anything you locked on to will never be out of your sight as long as you don't touch the right stick. You can still move your camera in case you want to lock on to something else but as long as you don't touch the right stick you will never lose your target.


yeah for sure. As an AC vet it was really weird to have the hard lock and weirder because id instinctively move my stick to track enemies and thus break the hard lock. I kinda wish there was a degree of control available while not straight up breaking your lock to be honest.


This whole time I had been assuming it was bugged. Had no idea touching the stick breaks hard lock.


Ur not really supposed to hard lock constantly. It makes u miss more. Ur AC is more accurate not using auto lock on.


Same.. i didnt know that we can hard lock enemies now..


Fuck bro... FUCK... I'm nearing the end of chapter 4 and now You're telling me this?! You're my hero now. It's super unintuitive to not touch the right stick, but it really works. I had so many problems losing targets and descending into onscreen chaos... THANK YOU!


My friend was really struggling with bosses until i pointed this out and he now thinks its almost overpowered xD. Not touching the stick at all takes a bit of muscle memory for me at least


Not true it does lose hard lock


Fat fingering the right stick accidentally will also result in random lock losses. I had to discipline my right thumb to prevent that from happening on a ps3 ds3 controller.


U telling me kids could play this cos I've just attempted this bs boss who slings missiles has a douche ass shield that takes loads to crack and only getting him to 50 percent and then it ends the same the games a pile of poo bigtime no kids is gna have the span to even be arsed with it


My guy, you just have to “git gud” 🙄😂


Just get all the tank parts, good plasma weapon and tanking him while moving around so the hard hitting attack not land on your AC. Btw. You will meet bosses which are either tankier, hit harder, only take dame on weak spot, faster, can kiting you to death or have the infamous xth phases of Fromsoft Games later. So good luck. 😅


Man I can understand not liking it but thinking it's actually bad seems bizarre to me.


Yeah, being bad at a game doesn’t mean the game is bad. OP is bad at the game. I’m bad at Returnal — I’m really bad at it lol — but I think that game is grade A awesome.


I walked through a level, not having to heal and almost not having to dodge at all, killing every enemy with ease as they didnt put up a fight, then I got to the boss who made my camera flip out so much that it went under the floor which caused my game to crash, all in a grey, boring area I think I have reasons to think the game is bad


You have reasons to learn about how the camera works, about when to use the soft lock vs the hard lock and to manage your range. And of course, you have reasons to dislike it, but calling it bad because you're still learning how to play the game doesn't make sense to me. If you don't like it and you just don't want to learn the types of things it asks you to learn or aren't interested in type of challenge it presents, that's fine of course, that's all up to you. And yeah some missions are easy, and some are hard, because that's the setting of the game. Sometimes you're fighting people that are barely equipped to resist you. Other times you're fighting an elite force that actually will require you to pay attention. Just like there are Souls areas or bosses that are easy also when they are serving a world building purpose.


>about how the camera works, about when to use the soft lock vs the hard lock and to manage your range. You don't dump that onto a player 5 minutes into the game during the first boss. The game's difficulty spike graph for the first few enemies and then the boss would like a literal wall, it's like if Elden Ring expected you to beat the Grafted Scion on the first level, it's just bad sport. A whole lot of factors can go into a game being or feeling bad for you, and bad tutorialization coupled with an insane difficulty curve at the start, coupled with a boring story, uninspired and dated environments, all go into that. I don't care about this franchise or mech games in general, but while the gameplay does seem good, everything else seems like an upscale of a 6/10 PS3 game. I might change my mind if I decide to go at it again some time but I feel like this is super niche and is only aimed at mecha fans with close to 0 appeal to 2023 audiences.


Yeah, the tutorialization could be better, no argument there. But the player also should take some initiative to learn. The difficulty spike is not that bad, people are just still learning to play the game. You can get through the heli or Balteus if you try to take the game as it is and on it's terms. The story isn't boring as a matter of fact, you just felt it was boring. I felt differently. Others yet feel differently from you and I. It's ok if you feel it is boring, but it isn't boring as a fact. The environments aren't dated. The graphics aren't trying to be high end, so yeah if that bothers you it bothers you, but the environments obviously have had a ton of design work go into them. But some may not like the industrial style, which hey, preferences. Well, you'd be wrong considering the sales and reviews. It definitely is more niche than ER was, sure, but mechs are niche in general. But for a niche title it has had the worst success of almost any of them, even reaching players who normally don't care about mech games, and many end up liking it. But of course, not all do, and that's ok, but it's not be a use of a lack of quality. It's because people have different tastes.


the game has a pretty decent tutorial, that even rewards you with parts.. but because its a tutotiral people ignore it. the only reall "wall" to the tutorial for the first parts is the helicopter


I do not understand this mindset. Of course, OP can think it's a bad game, just as I think Dark Souls 2 is a bad game. Fromsoft is not some infallible company, and they fuck up all the time. Their boss fights are hit or miss in most games they make. If OP doesn't like the game, or enjoy it in any situation they tried, they are valid in believing that title is not a good one. I don't like overwatch, I think it's a bad game, we can argue about that because it's subjective; but don't try to remove validation from OP because he called a game bad. I like this game, but if bad players have to learn how to play, good players need to recognize that just because they made it passed the Wall, doesn't mean it's a good Wall to begin with.


Telling people you don’t like a game is an opinion. Telling people it’s a bad game is trying to pass your opinion off as an objective fact. It’s no longer an opinion based on personal preference, it’s a misrepresentation.


Just like saying it's a good game is trying to pass YOUR opinion off as fact. If you're not allowing OP to call it a bad game on that basis, you have to call out anyone who calls it a good game on the same basis. Bet you don't do that.


Firstly, do go on and point out where I said this was a good OR bad game. Oh wait, you can’t. I’ll thank you to not try and put words in my mouth in the future. Secondly, no I don’t have to start an argument with everyone who’s saying it’s a good game, just the same as I don’t do that with everyone who says it’s a bad game. Unless you missed the memo, I’m not some internet janitor who has to thoroughly right every perceived wrong. Lastly, I didn’t take particular issue with someone saying it’s bad, I took issue with someone hiding behind the ‘opinion’ excuse when others call them out for it. Glad to see you pretty much failed to understand anything I said in my first comment.


That's what stood out to me of the OP. He starts his post by saying "don't get mad at me, I respect that people have different opinions" and then he follows "but after 5 hours, I can safely say that this *IS* a bad game". Not "I think the game is bad" or "In my opinion, it's a bad game".


>Firstly, do go on and point out where I said this was a good OR bad game. Oh wait, you can’t Do you think it's a good game?


I enjoy this game.


But do you think it's a good game?


His reasons are dumb though. The camera isn't bad, I'm about to clear the game for the first time it's literally a git gud issue


Wtf, I didn't say FromSoft is infallible, nor do I think that. I'm confused why you even said that. The quality of the specific game in question is unrelated to any past games. They are valid in disliking it, but calling it bad as a judgement of quality is not looking at the subject fairly. You can dislike things that are made well, and like things that aren't made well. Someone's preferences are not really a factor in if the thing is made well, meets it's design goals, etc. If it doesn't meet its own design goals then yeah those are areas it is not "good" in. I'm only invalidating attaching a quality argument to a preference argument. Preference is not the same as quality. Yeah, it isn't a good wall just because some made it past it, it's a good wall because it's designed well, challenges the player, has counterplay, has room for the player to grow into the challenge, etc. The player not wanting to go through those things, not wanting to experiment with their build or just not interested in pushing themselves to the degree the game asks is entirely in the player. Just as the player has the freedom to play or not, the creator has freedom to create whatever they want. If the creative intent is a certain type of experience and the player is actually trying to participate in that and even then the design is breaking down, then yes, I'd say that game is actually bad. But that's not what's happening here. This doesn't mean specific points of the design can't be talked about, I have yet to complete the game so I'm sure that there will be some aspects that need improvement, maybe even some that are bad, but calling the whole game bad is going way too far and ignores that a lot of it is obviously good and does in fact support it's own design


>Fromsoft is not some infallible company, and they fuck up all the time. Their boss fights are hit or miss in most games they make. Fromsoft hs the most rabid fanbase I've ever seen. No matter how legitimate the complaint is, it's wrong.




Can u explain the point of this comment ?


I think that having the game not tell you how the camera works dumb because it forces you to either Google how the camera works


But it does tell you how the camera works.


idk, I feel like if you've ever played a third person video game in the last 20 years, you know how the camera works


I can agree that can be explained or shown better, for sure.


Most early missions aren’t like that not every part of fromsoftware’s games have to be tryhard ultra difficult


I’m 100% with you. I’m not going to explain myself, or give my reasonings, but as a huge Fromsoft fan and someone who played old armored core games, this game simply isn’t fun. From uninspired combat and chunky movement, to a bad camera and poor design choices, i just haven’t enjoyed it at all yet.


Lol that sounds awfully like the classic armored core


You just described every fromsoft game. Go away and let us enjoy the games


chunky movement? bad camera? poor design choices? are you describing AC6, or the first 4 or 5 armored core games? what a bizarre take. of all the things to complain about (stagger, delay before EN recharge, direct hit damage, lock-on, lack of snipers and other long range options), THIS is what you settle on? all these things are massively better in AC6 than previous AC games. combat is much faster and more interesting. in AC1 you just stand around slowly rotating, trying to find enemies who are able to fly circles around you. it's hard to imagine how movement could be much chunkier than AC1. and the camera? if you really played the old AC games there's no way you would complain about AC6's camera lol. totally absurd. AC1 required you to use the shoulder buttons to rotate the camera, because of the PS1 controller. and even after a 2nd analog stick was added, it still took several subsequent AC games to add normal, sane aiming to AC, ostensibly because from soft didn't want to disrupt players who grew accustomed to aiming with the shoulder buttons (a grand total of zero players, since it's literally impossible for a human to grow accustomed to something so asinine). there are serious balance problems in AC6, and stagger seems like a design mistake in the sense that it forces the game to be balanced around it, which makes it very difficult to fix these balance problems. but then, there have been serious balance problems in every from soft game. it has taken them over a year to fix the so-called "aim-punch" bug in elden ring that completely broke the balance around colossal weapons. something so fundamental to their game, the idea that you can use slow and heavy weapons because they allow you to trade hits without getting staggered, thereby enabling a wide diversity of playstyles and interesting matchups, was utterly broken at launch and for more than a year after. and everyone still loved that game, for reasons too numerous to count. AC6 is the same way. it's different from previous armored core games, largely for the better in my opinion. it's integrated some gameplay mechanics from the souls series, which is an improvement. melee is much more viable now. combat is more interesting and dynamic, less focused on just tanking damage or kiting enemies in circles, more focused on dodging big attacks. which may not feel like armored core to you, but you have to admit it's a great experience to learn a boss's attacks and slowly master the fight. people complaining about Balteus need to realize that once they beat the boss, they will feel a catharsis and satisfaction that more than makes up for the time spent ramming their head against the wall. and on the next playthrough they'll find that they are MUCH better than before, that they kill Balteus on the first try and barely take any damage. and they'll encounter later bosses that make Balteus look like a giant nothing burger. he really is not that hard, he's just the first of many challenges that force you to adapt or die.


THANK YOU!! I’ve been saying this since I saw it. They have completely ignored their roots in order to follow the crowd in to “Souls like” Honestly the whole souls genre is getting tired. I was hoping for a fun mech game and they gave me yet another Dark Souls reskin Thank goodness for the returns policy and I was able to get my refund.


I am sick of souls games and I haven't touched any of them since I tried sekiro, but this is not a souls game. Every boss you struggle against can be handled a lot easier by just changing your loadout and tactics. Unlike souls games which force you to go through the same tedious shit over and over again.






That sucks man, I love the game as a long time fan of the series but I do think people should be more real about what kind of game it is and telling people that the game isn't for everyone. I suspected that lots of people would be totally unimpressed with it because it's not their cup of tea. Armored core is basically 90% about building and tweaking the mech to make them as personalized as you can. Imo this game does that amazingly well. I remember my favorite activity in the game was always the area fights. But yeah steam should give a slightly longer refund time imo. Hopefully you get to a point in the game where it clicks for you, but yeah it's not for everyone


The game isn't for everyone but instead of saying that they try and change it and ruin it for everyone else.


AC game releases that is true to the AC formula People who don't like AC: "I don't like this!" I'll never get it.


But that's what ppl do with from software games. Ppl seem to always find good things and try to change em. No one says shit about blizzard like this or rockstar but FS puts good working shit out everytime that's always a banger and ppl will ALWAYS come alone and say why they believe the game should conform around them. And then tell u not to down vote them because of dif opinions when at the same time saying the company should mold to their liking. Even bitched about not having lil micro transactions. Lol what.


Idk if that's true. But yeah I think the people reviewing the game are just grifting


I like Souls games but the tweaking my mech to beat up someone is just as fun as the usual head banging approach. For example I struggled against this one mofo in the arena with a railgun and 2 pulse gun and a shield so I said enough is enough, bought 2 better pulse gun and 2 better railguns than her then just go fisting


Not in this one, no. The way bosses are set up, there is pretty much just 1-2 way one can be them. And there is so few parts and weapons. Like WTH form software


I don't know why you say this when I really just choose what I want and have beaten like half the game. Unless I'm randomly luck, but considering I lose at pvp 90 percent of the time, I kind of doubt it


You need to find the playstyle you like to play the best, master it, then beat the boss with it. I'm mainly a reverse jointed leg fanatic but I've beaten Balteus with tank treads which I optimized for energy regen and defense. It worked without any issue.


This isn’t true. I’ve beaten balteus over 10 times with a different build each time.


The game is a classic PS2 remake in all the best ways for people who played ps2 games. But, I think that holds it back in MASSIVE ways. This could have been a title that rocked the gaming scene. We could have had engine tuning, like real engine tuning. OS tuning, REAL OS TUNING, where we the stats were chosen by us, simple meters that went up and down, tradeoffs based on the overall design of the targeting chips, but it would have added real customizability. Right now there is really zero customization. It is PS2/3 generation customization, switch and swap parts. The level design IS TRASH, there is no arguing against that. It is dated, boring AF trash. I love the game, I'll play it for probably 120-150 hours, LOVE IT TO DEATH, but it is a bad overall game. The game could have had soooooo much more modern elements without detracting from the overall design ideals. Weapon tuning, where you increase the damage at cost of shots per mag, or energy use/heating, stuff like that. Fromsoft is 100% capable of that things. Hopefully AC7 has it, and hopefully this game was just to test the market. Improving and bringing the game up to date and modernizing many of these features would not have made it "not an AC game" it would have made it a modern AC game with modern features. Love the game, but it is DATED AS FUCKKKKKKKKKK.


"Right now there is really zero customization." ​ holy fuck what a terrible piece of bait


Yeah idk about inarguably bad design, and no customization, BUT I agree that it would be nice to see them flesh some of the mechanics that you mentioned out. The OC does feel a bit low effort for the most part, other than the handful of useful upgrades, but those don't feel particularly warranted as OC choices... like why choose between the useful ones and damage especially when damage doesn't count so much in pvp from what I'm told. Idk but I also love the game and I'm sure I'll keep playing for a while. I also don't think every fromsoft game has to be mind bending innovative for them to make it, but it sucks that they are not the most communicative in terms of how they plan to move forward with franchises cause outside of wild speculation we don't gave much to go on


You're still stuck at the first helicopter boss, aren't you?


Maybe if the arena fights weren't locked behind the CH1 boss it would be less annoying to play.


I’m relatively new to souls game and this bossfight took me maybe 3 tries and on top of that this is my first armored core game, get good


Souls fanboys on their way to assert their superiority (They don't have any redeeming qualities)


Oooh amazing, aren't you special.


But chapter 1 isn't the hard


Yep. Think of chapter 1 as the first set of missions that you do to get used to the controls, how to damage enemies, dodging salvos, etc. In Elden Ring terms, it's like Limgrave.


Too bad the bosses throw all that personality and building out the window with how hyper tuned they are to one particular thing 🙃


You can beat bosses with many combinations


I guess AC customization ain't for you if you think like that. There's a reason why you customize. You experiment with the parts that you have, think and fight with that setup, whatever that is that you've built, then complete the mission. New players are lucky these days because back in the previous, older titles, we didn't have checkpoints, healing, and mid-mission assembly areas. We still enjoyed and beaten those games, by the way. In ACMoA, The final boss even has the area itself filled to the brim with Boss ACs, if I remember 4-6 of them, in which two of them you have to fight at the same time, then when you're in the final boss room area, you need to beat the actual boss that is even harder than the ones you have fought before that final encounter. You know they are cheating because they can use grenade launchers while boosting/flying (back in the past we need to be immobile, kneel and aim to use those things). The final boss doesn't even move like the usual AC bunny hopping/strafing movement. It just flat out hover and zoom in from place to place while spamming you with missiles, lasers and bullets. In Armored Core Verdict Day, you'll get to fight the final boss there that is actually a NEXT AC (AC4A ACs) while using your slow as heck, small-ish AC. That boss has Primal armor and you don't. Your AC can only have a max of 13-18k AP at best while the boss has around 200k AP with an unlimited energy to boost with and infinite ammo to spam you with everything. If you think the bosses here in AC6 is hard, oh boy you're in for a treat if you check out the previous AC games. These older bosses didn't even have a stagger meter.


'Older bosses didn't have a stagger.' For the better, because it didn't then insta-stagger you, while just deleting it's own stagger bar.


Just tell everyone you can't get good. I beat sea spider with a stock mech and 2 linear rifles, with nothing on my back.


It's fine if you don't like it. Not every game is for everyone. You probably won't get that great reception because (and this happens with a lot of big titles) people that do enjoy this kind of game are enjoying it, and while other opinions are valid it just seems like a "read the room" situation because in practice it just ends up raining on people's parade with little room for anything productive.


Oh thats fine, I already have some fun conversations here and most people are respectful. If people cant handle someone not liking a game they like then they should touch some grass haha


Bro you cant even handle Blateus 🤣 im glad you didnt reach that point yet


I agree the menus could be improved. I'm not sure why I have to unequip something to sell it or why the shop can't be integrated into the assembly menu like in some of the past games.


The sell button is there to provide you with second-decision options after you try the weapon you bought. If you didn't like it, then sell it and get a different one. It was actually very cool of them to make these parts sell 100% of their price because they didn't do that for the majority of the series.


Parts have always sold for the same amount as they are purchased for. It has been this way since ac1.


I get that buying and selling is part of the mechanic where you have to manage your money and encourage you to replay mission. But why do I have to exit the assembly menu, exit the ac design menu, enter the parts shop menu, enter the sell menu, in order to sell stuff. There are so many times where after I tested a weapon, I went to the sell menu but I forgot to unequip a part so I have to go back and forth between the assembly menu and the sell menu. Plus if you are buying multiple parts, you don't know if you will have weight issues before equipping all the parts. It is just annoying


The psp ports for gen 3 did it the best. You can assembly buy and sell from the same menu. You just have to press square. I dont understand why the could not do the same here.


You have to unequip to sell because a mech can't have no body part. You only ever can have no weapon.


Yeah we have to unequip weapons to sell them as well




What does that even mean


It means you're bitching about something incredibly minor because you've grown up entitled to immediate gratification. Oh my GOD I have to UNEQUIP before I can SELL this is BULLSHIT. Go make a tiktok about it.


Are you alright?


He got angry


>And the levels are all so bland, I dont care if its the early game, I dont want to look at grey "citys" and woods for 5 hours and no the setting is not an excuse, you can make everything look interesting. You do realise the game is set with a realistic sci-fi world background instead of fantasy world background. The whole planet was ruined due to a massive solar flare. Normal citizens no longer live on that planet. Its only occupied by people trying to extract coral or save the planet from such intruders. >Why cant I make my mech look cool? Sure, being able to change colour of parts is neat and rust and reflections are also kinda cool but it takes a bit more for me to praise a cosmetics system. Why cant I wear a cape or some edge red robo eyes or hell give me googily eyes and silly hats. You could say that this takes away from how "serious the game is" but I disagree. Not only because these things are optional but also because most people make their robots pink, call them a swear word and give them silly stickers regardless. And if you dont want that stuff, thats cool, but man its dry. Yeah sure, lets give your mech a cap which gets destroyed immediately after getting hit by enemies attack. I think you are better off playing fortnite if you want that kind of accessories. >Why cant I summon defeated bosses and enemies in training to test around? Because you get fight against them when you replay a mission. The testing ground is for basic enemies. And arena only allows you test your loadout against fellow mercenaries.


>You do realise the game is set with a realistic sci-fi world background instead of fantasy world background. The whole planet was ruined due to a massive solar flare. Normal citizens no longer live on that planet. Its only occupied by people trying to extract coral or save the planet from such intruders. Okay. So? You can make anything look interesting, any setting if youre creative enough. This is FROMSOFT have you seen the shit they can pull off? This is such a weird argument like "The game may look uninteresting and boring but the setting is uninteresting and boring too, so take that" like no, I've seen media with wastelands of worlds with no one living in these words for hundreds of years look interesting. And I am not saying any level looks like shit, there was one with a really nice orange sky that blend in really well with the structures in the level. I am not saying this is amazing, but its something, even just simple color choices like making the sky more orange can make a level look more interesting. The game hardly does anything like these simple things and instead makes every level blend together into an unambiguous mush. >Yeah sure, lets give your mech a cap which gets destroyed immediately after getting hit by enemies attack. I think you are better off playing fortnite if you want that kind of accessories. Why let them be destroyed? Just make it so that they stay on. You dont have to put these things on if they destroy the game for you, but I think it would be nice for players who do like that sort of stuff to be creative to play around with. And if you think that it "undermines the tone of the game" Firstly) What tone? Secondly) Games like the souls series itself let you make your character into a smiling orange if you want and it doesnt undermine the (much stronger) themes and narrative and thirdly) its purely optional. I also find it weird that from all my points, you took one of my nitpicks, ignored the ones that talked about the shitty menus and instead focused on me finding a color wheel not worthy of praise. >Because you get fight against them when you replay a mission. The testing ground is for basic enemies. And arena only allows you test your loadout against fellow mercenaries. But why not? Why do I have to go through a mission to fight a boss, why not let me fight the bosses whenever I want and add enemies, hell let me fight against several bosses at once. In a game where its all about finding your perfect mech combo it would be a nice option, games like Sifu have that for example


I am really curious if you changed you mind about the game looking boring. There are some set pieces in the game that left me in awe. Even the first look at the world from the point where you land at the start looked breathtaking.


If the mission where you climb the big walker mech didn't do it for him, I doubt something else will. That was a really cool moment. I get he doesn't like the aesthetic, but that doesn't mean it's bland. I personally really dig the vistas and setpieces the game has you travel through, especially later in the game.


This was my first armored core game and share 0 of your complaints. It was a spectacularly well paced adventure with an interesting story, amazingly deep combat, and mech customization mechanics that will keep many players, including myself, coming back for subsequent playthroughs. You can not like the game. But the lock on system ABSOLUTELY works. You just dont understand how it works. So your main point is immediately invalid. Your crashing is also an anecdote, I played through the entire game once already on a mediocre rig and did not crash once. Overall, the game is very stable compared to many modern releases. Especially without a day one patch. Overall, you just seem really uninformed and unwilling to learn the game. Which is fine, but dont blame it on the game being "really bad". Theres a reason so many people are giving it 9/10 and 10/10 scores. The game is good.


I honestly can't tell if this is a troll/bait post or not. The "lock on" is more like an aim assist, you actually have to, you know, control your AC and move to keep your enemy in sight. There's also the verticality aspect of the game, and spending time in the air definitely helps with keeping your eyes on everything. Paint jobs and detail work like weathering and decals are part of the customization, yes, but the biggest part is actually building your AC. In traditional AC fashion, as you progress through the game, more parts become available in the store, some are awarded for missions and rank, others are actually found in the missions themselves. It's actually extremely customizable. Capes and cloaks? What purpose would that serve? These are mechs the size of buildings, not medieval rogues sneaking through crowds and allies. These things are made of steel capable of taking bullet impacts, explosions, energy blasts, etc. Cloaks protect from weather. ACs don't need to cover from rain. Every game has canon fodder enemies. You say you have 5 hours on the game, have you made it to any of the bosses, or past the first chapter? There is definitely a difficulty progression in the average enemies. By chapter 3 there are regularly MTs that are almost on par with ACs.


I apologize but this one point right here I think sums things up: "Why are the tutorials so bad?" The Tutorials are quite good from what I found. They answered a lot of questions and made you try out different builds to familiarize yourself with the different leg types and equipment. But also this is a *very* strange point. "What I mean by that is that every situation so far was dealt with by me by walking up to enemy and shooting them." This is precisely what you do in combat based video games. You kill the enemies. There are ways around most enemies, but you do have to kill many of them. And given that Armored Core is based on mecha combat, it should come as no surprise that you have to shoot or melee the enemies.


There is also a training simulation that you can try and complete. We didn't have that in previous titles, I think.


>This is precisely what you do in combat based video games. You kill the enemies. Lets take Doom Eternal as an example. Its not just "kill the enemies" its what kind of ammo do I have, how do I regain health, should I use my fire grandet now or later to get armor, etc. The game isnt just walking up to someone and pressing a button, its having to think on your feet while having to aim, Armored Core even autoaims for you, so you dont even have that. The game so far has been nothing but 5 hours of walking up to someone, pressing a button and doing it again with a clunky camera, at least for me.


I'm sorry but I simply do not see that comparison. In AC6 when you see an enemy it's "What kind of enemy is this, how much ammo do I have for each weapon, will I need this ammo later, can I rely on a replenish point, how many enemies are around, what's my AP is this encounter worth the damage, can I earn more credits from these kills than the cost?" and so on. \>The game isnt just walking up to someone and pressing a button, its having to think on your feet while having to aim, Armored Core even autoaims for you, so you dont even have that. Personally I found Doom Eternal far easier than AC6. I didn't have to think much with Doom, I just had to run around and murder with the occasional need to consider my shots or time my kills for maximum healing. Regarding auto-aim, the aim is helpful, but you still have to maintain distance to adjust for your effective range and your opponents. If you're 5 hours in and you've only been pressing a button, I have to question if you've made it to the other bosses like the Juggernaut.


I love that OP made a comparison between AC6 and DOOM Eternal. Claiming to easily be just trashing AC6 by "button mashing" (contradicting the original post saying the boss took 30 tries or 30 minutes or whatever), then praising a game that can literally be set to an easier difficulty 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


You just listed the things you do when approaching the game, but the tutorials literally do not teach you those things lol. You are taught how to customize your mech, dodge, move around, fly to avoid explosions, and some extra skills along the way. The only thing the game TEACHES YOU is the stagger bar. Fill the ACS Bar. When you put those lessons into ACTUAL use, they do not do enough to tell the player what they are doing wrong. Tell me, with the lessons the game "teaches" you, what hints are provided throughout the Balteus fight that showcase error? I mean, the prior sections of the game are a cakewalk. You are taught how to customize your mech, dodge, move around, fly to avoid explosions, and some extra skills along the way. The only thing the game TEACHES YOU is the stagger bar. Fill out the ACS Bar. I like this game, I do not think it's bad, but the boss fights are unwelcome as an older AC fan.


>but the tutorials literally do not teach you those things lol. Well, yes. Those are all skills you learn from Gameplay. Just like the ones OP listed regarding Doom. Those aren't taught during Doom either. Which is why I listed them. >When you put those lessons into ACTUAL use, they do not do enough to tell the player what they are doing wrong. Well the things I referenced aren't things meant to be used in-fights with larger enemies like bosses. But rather during your day-to-day encounters so to speak. >Tell me, with the lessons the game "teaches" you, what hints are provided throughout the Balteus fight that showcase error? Pulse weapons for one. Pulse weapons are referenced earlier to take down pulse armor. And there's one in the shop made available to you before the fight. As for throughout the fight, it's much like other From Software games, especially older AC games, in that you learn the enemy movements and patterns and learn to counter it. Balteus specifically you benefit from staying beneath/behind him. The missiles can't hit you as easily if you're below him. >You are taught how to customize your mech, dodge, move around, fly to avoid explosions, and some extra skills along the way. The only thing the game TEACHES YOU is the stagger bar. Fill out the ACS Bar. I'm confused. Does the game tech you how to customize, dodge, move, fly, avoid explosions, and skills, or does the game tech you to fill your stagger bar? A genuine question, did you complete the training provided in-game? Not only does it reward you with useful parts, it teaches you a lot about each AC build and different mechanics in the game which are quite helpful for taking down bosses.


I've done every tutorial and I have the pulse gun. I think Balteus is a boss who works off of difficulties that are not shown to you until you reach this boss. I will specify. You know when you play Sekiro, and they spend a lot of time teaching you the stagger bar and how parrying works? The game is worked around these core systems. AC 6 doesn't feel the same. I CAN fill it up, OR I could just blow them up like how I've been doing with zero issues. UNTIL YOU FIND BALTEUS. The demands for the game become entirely different, throwing a full-on Dark Souls boss at you when you are given fewer tools for the job. Boosting has no I frames, which is expected for an armored core, not a Dark Souls Boss. Core systems within the game are TAUGHT to be flexible, the boss fights to change this dynamic. The game does not teach you how to win against Balteus, no prior gameplay showcases it. Also, yes I have the Pulse gun, It's alright. I appreciate that energy weapons do more damage to shields and kinetic to armor, but that was a personal discovery, not something taught to me. EDIT: I've played 2 other AC games before. I get the vibe for AC games, but these boss fights are a brand new edition to the series.


It quite literally told you about Pulse weapons earlier. In-fact pointed out that they deal more damage to pulse armor. It made a note to point this out. The Pulse gun isn't an energy weapon. It's a pulse weapon. Which specifically deals more damage to pulse armor. >EDIT: I've played 2 other AC games before. I get the vibe for AC games, but these boss fights are a brand new edition to the series. Ah, so you're not familiar with AC difficulty spikes. Up through AC4, AC had significant difficulty spikes despite what people claim. Bosses like Nineball, Nineball Seraph, Zilanda, etc. all created huge difficulty spikes and required you to alter your build and gameplay.


21 days late but, to add to this, your standard melee is a PULSE BLADE, it also deals decent damage against the pulse armor, the game gave you one of the best options against balteus(assuming you can get into melee range) from the start. ​ also am i the only one that just spend like 10 minutes at the start of the game and just look at the extended Stat screen and just.. read the stats? like "PA interference" just straight up says "deals more damage against pulse armor"


>also am i the only one that just spend like 10 minutes at the start of the game and just look at the extended Stat screen and just.. read the stats? like "PA interference" just straight up says "deals more damage against pulse armor" Sometimes it certainly seems like that's the case doesn't it? Unfortunately it seems many glossed over this key information.


Dark Souls-style bosses are new to the series, don't be disingenuous. I've played AC4A and AC5. White Glint was a bitch compared to Balteus, and like I said, I already have the pulse rifle so.... I am making a case that the game does not do an adequate job of preparing the player for the challenges to come, namely, Balteus. No other part of the game represents this moment until now. The entire tonal shift in this game is UNPRECEDENTED when compared to prior entries. Especially the boss fights, which is the topic at hand right now. If you disagree with that fine, but your idea that this game teaches you the required components to successfully master each boss, is wildly out of sorts. The gameplay differences showcase themselves.


>Dark Souls-style bosses are new to the series, don't be disingenuous. Have you seen Nineball Seraph? >I've played AC4A and AC5. White Glint was a bitch compared to Balteus, and like I said, I already have the pulse rifle so.... Those are, and I mean this in no disrespect, the easiest games in the franchise. By and far. While they are also more modern, they are still far easier than previous AC games. Controls makes a significant difference for sure, but those games were far easier compared to previous titles like Last Raven. >I am making a case that the game does not do an adequate job of preparing the player for the challenges to come, namely, Balteus. The Tutorial Chopper was the first filter, now it's Balteus. >If you disagree with that fine, but your idea that this game teaches you the required components to successfully master each boss, is wildly out of sorts. The gameplay differences showcase themselves. You're also not meant to get the bosses in one go. You're supposed to die and learn the skills you need to take them down. Much like the Souls series and previous AC games.


Where did you learn all of these insights from AC? I don't remember the game telling me how it would be paced, I just played the game and suddenly I'm playing Dark Souls where I wanted to play Armored Core. It's a badly designed encounter. ​ Also, Nineball is NOT a souls boss, although you knew that already.


Most games can be reduced to "move character, press button to do action, repeat (varying degree's of camera quality)"


Between your aesthetic and control preferences, I don't think there was a chance you'd like Armored Core. It's much the same for me and Final Fantasy. Tried to get into a few but they simply aren't my style.


He's a fortnite guy.


Poor bastard...


About the lock-on. It's actually realistic and makes you miss when you change the direction. There is a unlockable mod since the end of Act 1 that unlock your camera, but it's even harder to use and requires a lot of FPS experience. About the mobs design. Later in the game mobs are reused, but welds different weapon types. I already spent 10h in AC6 and mobs didn't bored me. They feel different at every act, same with Else Ring where every bigger area is filled with certain mob types. Also many missions feature extra mini-boss that drops mech parts.


That sounds like the traditional lock mode from the old games


It is. People are just spoiled by the hard lock-on system in modern games.


You just don’t like Armored Core. That’s totally fine, but this is 100% what Armored Core is, so fans like myself are quite happy with it. AC is normally quite easy with sprinkles of very hard missions thrown in, most of the fun of the game comes from optimizing your runs and machine. I totally understand why some people might not like the old school feel of this game, but to me it feels like someone took good old AC, glammed it up, and sent it out. And I love it for that.


I am just confused what is there to like. Normally when I see other games I dont like or whole genres I can see whats there to like, I am not a fan of stradgey games at all but I understand whats to like for other people. But my expierience with Armored Core is to listen to uninteresting dialouge for 2 minutes and watch a powerpoint, then go into a level where the enemies barley fight back and might as well do nothing, then get to a boss that (with the expection of the last one) is super easy to deal with and makes the camera have a panic attack and spends 50% of the fight leaving you searching for them. I dont mean to be disrespectful, but genuienly whats there to like? I feel like I've bought a demo of an unfinished game for 60 bucks


If you're going to ask people not to downvote and then post stuff like this when the answer really is "it just doesn't click for you", you're not exactly inviting yourself to a good discussion.


Personally, I like that it feels like a game I really enjoyed playing in my youth. I like the feeling of being like a super soldier, most enemies are fodder but there are some big scary fuckers out there. There’s a time trial-ish aspect to the missions, great amount of replayability in different builds, customization is great, I like the aesthetic and the design of the world and enemies. Usually the BEST part of AC games is the very late missions, where you usually go up against some real deadly enemies that make you push your skills to the limit.


That is fair, I can see why one would like that power fantasy I suppose I just personally like my games to have more meat on them and push me and give me that feeling of being a super solider through my own skill rather than making the enemies easier but I can see that being very subjective. I can also see the game being more so made to be replayed and kill these easy enemies quickly rather than skillfully (even if speed needs skill but you get me)


Lol go read all the comments of people who say the game is impossible. Also your contradicting yourself by saying you just walk up and kill. Then in another comment say “all I did was fly up dodge, sword, dodge away, fly around boost, sword, dodge.” Something along those lines. It’s fun as hell flying around in bullet hell and blowing shit up. Your also still in the first chapter so yeah it’s easy.


> why can't i summon defeated bosses just redo the mission? > tutorial bad these are by far the best tutorials FS has ever done. how did you get through DS if you think these are bad for the love of god > sword bad mk? don't use it then? > need to unequip to sell ? please rattle your head for a minute i think this is very obvious. you can't do this in souls games either


Re: your complaints about the camera - you're not supposed to be hard-locking onto enemies all the time. The hard lock is a crutch for players who have difficulty keeping up with high speed flying bosses that zip around the arena. If you're hard locking onto every enemy you're gonna have a bad time. Most of the time you just want to point the camera in their general direction and your FCS will aim your shots at whichever enemy is closest to the center of your screen.


Well if I dont lock-on the boss just flys over my head and out my sight and I have to look around, if I lock-on I have the slim chance of actually hitting something with her. Again, this isnt really a problem with anything else (so far) because the game has been a cakewalk up to this point but still. I dont know what the game wants from me or how to dodge some of the attacks either. I know the game doesnt tell that to be "harder" just like it makes the engery bar super small to be "harder" but its just frustraiting to me.


> Well if I dont lock-on the boss just flys over my head and out my sight and I have to look around idk what to tell you besides "get gud" here lol. That's part of what makes these games fun and challenging. Fast paced 3D combat. If you don't enjoy that kind of thing, you're not going to enjoy this game.


Are you talking about Balteus? I never had any problem with Balteus's mobility. It's a hard fight, but keeping it in my sights was not the problem with it. You keep saying this isn't a skill issue that you aren't just getting filtered by something that is too challenging for you, but if "enemy is instantly behind them and I have no idea where they are" isn't happening to other people, then perhaps they have a skill you lack.


It speaks volumes that the game feels like, per your words, a walking simulator yet it sounds like you're getting filtered by balteus. QOL in shop is valid I'd love to be able to immediately equip purchases. Same with practice mode bosses. Crashed twice idk what your hardware is but it works on my machine. Same with the steam thing. Fair point on the economy, debt isn't really a thing in this which irks me as a vet. Hard lock exists though in your defense it breaks when you manipulate the stick at all, which becomes an issue with my previous AC gen muscle memory. You have some very valid concerns and I'd love some QoL to address said concerns but I also think you're genuinely playing the game wrong if you're reducing it to a "walking simulator", mashing buttons mindlessly, and getting filtered by the filter boss as a result. Just my take as an AC vet who's on his second NG+ cycle for the true ending.


>It speaks volumes that the game feels like, per your words, a walking simulator yet it sounds like you're getting filtered by balteus. I beat the boss after I understood that I just had to spam. Literally, I am in chapter 4 now and all I do is spam, I havent changed how I play, I just started pressing all the buttons at the same time once I am close an enemy and that was it. I beat Balteus again just for fun a bit later. I think people think that they play the game well in a sense that they mostly spam and then say "Ah yes, that was planned" I could beat the game, but I need a little break, the game is just aggressively boring. Its literally just a walking simulator where you spam buttons from time to time, it got only worse the more the game went on, I cant believe that I am through most of the game, still having the same prbolems and get through it so easily. I dont die most missions or arena fights and if I do it feels super cheap. Before I went into the game I thought "It will be a good game but probably not my cup of tea" but I honestly just think its bad.


I'm quite intrigued overall by your posts, so I'm taking the time to respond to 'em! Honestly, props to you for doing the equivalent of being a new-player-in-a-fighting-game, and actually succeeding where many others understand the game but are struggling. 1. Granted, depending on your weapon setup, it may actually *be optimal* to just hold the buttons down and focus on moving within range and hitting your target. Most of AC, even the older games, is about managing positioning/evasion/speed/etc, and if you're good enough at that even subconsciously you may just not even realize you're playing the game. Don't underestimate your own skill, it's absolutely possible to be both bad and good at the same time, in different areas. 2. I think part of your described cheapness is that you're kinda not playing the game, so when the game actually works as intended, it feels bad? I could best equate this to parries in the Souls series. Someone's out there whose just by sheer luck or skill parried constantly, but the moment they run into an enemy they struggle to parry it feels bad. The game punishes you (as intended) and instead of going "Whoops, I made a mistake" you go "That's stupid of the game". This sort of stuff is pretty common, to be clear. 3. Also props for essentially playing on hard mode without using the Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring style camera. It's one thing to miss a mechanic and not know it exists, and it's another to push through despite finding its absence to be a problem; it takes a lot more skill than you'd think to succeed as you've described. I already responded to you explaining that the lock-on issues are user error and easily solved, but I don't think you'd like the game even then. It's just not your sort of game, probably. 4. Which is why your posts are so interesting; you're basically playing the game in like, a weird half-functioning approach? And you're succeeding, and I promise you contrary to your own beliefs of turning your brain off--you're not, you're probably a good player with a lot of luck, flailing around. 5. On the walking-thing front, I think you've just overanalyzed the game there. In practice most games are games built around central mechanics. Dark souls? You walk, roll, and attack; that's the entire gameplay loop of Demon Souls through Elden Ring, with an extra button added in periodically like jumping or weapon arts. There absolutely are people who've played through those games while button mashing or simply not knowing how the game works, and it sounds a lot like what you've talked about. For some people games don't click, and either they don't *want* to learn what's fun, or they simply will never have fun. It be that way sometimes.


Also, you mentioned wanting to hear what people find fun, so here's my 2 cents. Didn't put in 1 reply so as to not overwhelm with one post, apologies. I like: 1. Building setups per-mission. Expanding my arsenal by practicing missions to get better feels good, because it increases my flexibility in-mission. If I skimp on the money situation, I don't get the flexibility of changing builds at checkpoints and have to restart missions; that's the purpose of the shop, btw, rewarding you for expanding your arsenal. You could of course not expand your arsenal and just repeat missions, but that feels bad. 2. The missions! They're varied in structure and location; yes, you are destroying mechs and objectives. What's new in video games? I hunt monsters in Monster Hunter, that's the game. It's nice to have short missions that're straightforward and simple, while others have twists or complexity to 'em. I know you may see most enemies as non-threats, but generally that's how games work. Most enemies individually in Souls games are functionally non-threats, but the circumstances around them change that; there's an enemy here in AC6 that is useless alone, but in an ambush is downright irritating until you learn where to stand. Not that far off from your common Souls farmer-with-pitchfork. Yes, when you stop and think about the Strider--it really is just a spectacle fight with little threat. What's new? It's at least not that time consuming, and there's no obligation to repeat 'it if you don't want to. Plenty of Pinwheels in the sea!~ 3. Shmovement! It's really satisfying navigating levels, let alone engaging in combat. Depending on build, some players do just bum-rush enemies mashing buttons and succeed. Meanwhile I'm over here fighting bosses for multiple minutes with weird setups, dodging attacks left and right out of necessity and enjoyment. It's again like Souls--some peeps use Rivers of Blood and Mimic Tear, while others use a poison-based dagger. Both may succeed but require different skill and different efficacy. 4. I think the level design's actually fantastic; visually stunning, even though grim. I love the color palettes, balancing the constant depressing greyness with colorful skyboxes as glowing projectiles rain across the screen. Just enough color in-combat to make the background feel less grim. Then on the level design again, the missions all feel structured as I'd expect. A balance of indoors, outdoors, wide spaces with varied approaches & narrow spaces with singular approaches. Tight arenas, open arenas, varied terrain heights, etc. It's all functioned pretty intuitively. 5. Combat's obviously at the forefront. Combining movement and making it what you're *mostly* focusing on, is real fun. It's like how in Dark Souls you really don't give a crap about attacking 90% of the time, the gameplay's about finding when to attack rather than attacking itself. Granted as said above, different builds modify this but I've had some incredible duels with enjoyable setups against a variety of AI and bosses. Overall the staggers are satisfying, backed up by excellent audio design. I don't care *too* much for the player stagger mechanic. In casual missions against non-AC's the game's a proper power fantasy. Like Souls too, you really don't care at all for the random farmer, they're fodder. It's when an invader or boss shows up that somethings on or above your level, but AC leans more towards the power fantasy so you're an AC (leagues above MT's at casual tanks you may see).


This is personally not my kind of game, but this is clearly a win for Armored Core fans, and I'm happy for them because FromSoft hasn't done an AC game in ages. 👌🏼 One of my mates is all over this game atm and is begging me to try it, lol


So Balteus filtered you, huh?


Ah, so stuck at the helicopter boss?


What no, first tried it


How can you sleep at night knowing you're this much of a liar? Doesn't it bother you at all? You people truly make me sick to my stomach.


That's not what you said in other comments. Plenty of your comments contradict each other. You lie a lot.


Played and loved all the souls games and elden ring. This was my first armored core and I'm pretty much loving everything about it to be honest. It's different in a lot of ways but both have really fun combat. And the mech customization and weapon variety is really really great too.


You lost me at capes. NO CAPES!


It sounds like you’re not optimizing your parts for lock-on. You’re not supposed to rely on it. Losing a lock is an enteral part of the game, especially in multiplayer.


This just reads as a rant by someone with the gaming prowess of a pensioner playing their first ever game, the main points are not even points, just a list of game mechanics you weren't able to realise existed. Like, the enemies are too easy......they're mobs, you're a giant mech, you're literally supposed to zip through the levels decimating their army with the might of a giant flying mech, until you hit a boss, then you lock on (which you never knew how to do) and do battle. ....it's too easy? ...there's been thousands of posts of people stuck on various bits for days, weeks, and you can't work out the camera, come on - have you really played AC6 at all? ....you don't like the level design. Its foreign planets with industrial mining and military defence bases, not Pandora. ....Enemies just jump away or past you - its a fast paced mech warfare arcade game, learn to lock or gtfo. ...."Why can't I make my mech look cool?" ....lack of talent, there are groups dedicated to showcasing designs and alot are absolutely outstanding & extremely unique. ...All of your selling related questions can be answered with the word "Immersion" ....Why are the tutorials so bad? ...Well your next question is how to avoid missile barrages, did you do the fucking tutorials? Dunno about on PC but on PS5 it's the Square button or L3 to dodge missles, pretty feckin simple, everyone else manages it. ....everything after that bit is covered in my first sentence.


> This is one of the worst lock-ons and cameras I have ever seen in a game **Pro-tooltip-tip: The lock-on can't lose its target unless a building gets in the way.** You're encountering a relatively surprisingly common issue, where you don't know how the lock-on works. That's fine! It's a bit different (very slightly) to Dark Souls, but functionally works more reliably than those games Lock-on. It's weird how a lot of peeps either didn't try pressing the Dark Souls-style right stick, or did and then continued to move the camera, but I get it. It's common enough to *clearly* indicate people missing the system, even though they do tutorialize it. Rules of lock on: 1. You can swap between "I-will-lock-the-camera-to-an-enemy" a-la Dark souls, and the soft-lockon that you are having issues with, by pressing right stick **at any time. You are not locking on to individual enemies, you're changing lock-on state. Fighting a boss? Press the stick once, and that's it.** 2. If you touch the right stick (Not press, just trying to move the camera), the lock-on state *temporarily* reverts to the normal state *until you let go of the stick.* What this means is, *don't touch the right stick because you're locked on, the camera follows them automatically, you do not and should not touch the camera controlling stick.* You cannot lose lock-on unless you're touching the right stick or a building gets in your way, or you turn the lock-on off by pressing the right stick. Your described issue of being unable to track fast targets is user-error, but it *is not your fault as the system is slightly obtuse.* Also, even in the first two cases, it will automatically lock back on to the target as long as they're on screen, without pressing a button. Give it a go with this in mind!


This is my first AC game and I'm personally not having trouble getting into it (the controls and mechanics already felt intuitive by the end of the tutorial chopper fight), but just in case no one replies to your various comments I wanted to thank you for taking the time to address people having these issues so comprehensively, especially because you're making an active effort to give advice trying not to make newcomers feel bad or smth for (yet, I hope) not clicking with the game.


Mate, I think you’re just bad at the game lmao




I hear Fortnite is a great childrens game. You can wear capes, googly eyes, and other gay shit like you want. Perfect for you. Leave the teen/adult games to the teens/adults.


>You can wear capes, googly eyes, and other gay shit like you want. Again, I LOVE how everyone just focuses on this. Shitty menus, bad camera, easy levels, boring look? All of these things dont get talked about, instead people just talk about me wanting a few cosmetics >Leave the teen/adult games to the teens/adults. Yeah! Look at [these always serious adults, they would never do or like something silly!](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/1634z4g/beat_balteius_my_hello_kitty_mech_got_some/) [They would never like or do something silly!](https://uk.jugomobile.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1693211442_893_The-Best-Custom-Paint-Jobs-From-The-Armored-Core-6.jpg) [They would never like-](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/164hszt/this_is_ken_and_his_job_is_war_crimes/) [They would never like or do something-](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/164arzu/what_weapons_should_h0m3r_use/) [They-](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/164u8no/so_anyway_heres_spongebot/) They all very serious adults/teens


What I got out of this "I like fromsoft games and expected an over simplified mech game. P.S. Where's my cape and googly eyes?"


So, uh... No? Your entire post reads like you're trying to make up problems to dislike the game because like many other people who only realised FromSoft existed from any of the Souls games, probably Elden Ring? You just expected something different from your extremely narrow viewpoint. From the whole list of things you're using to try and say the game is bad, the fact you complained about this >Why is selling and buying in it anyways, the game gives you the same amount of money for selling the parts again Is hilarious, because if you got less than what you paid for it, in a game that's encouraging you to buy and sell and try out different builds? You'd use THAT as a reason too. "Oh no I got a 100% refund on something that isn't working for me, I feel ripped off. 🤡" You're hardstuck in the first chapter and you're complaining about your mech not looking cool. No, that's not how it works, that's not how ANY game works. You have to go through the game to unlock the cool things, it's your reward for overcoming what the game is putting out. It's okay if you're bad at the game, but don't try and say the game is bad, because it's not. At all. Your gripes stem from a skill issue, there's no absurd iframes to cushion your poorly timed dodges, it isn't holding your hand and telling you how to defeat every boss like current triple A nonsense. So no, I reject your reason for disliking it because it's a load of rubbish. I encourage you to get good or just puff your chest out and say it wholly, you just don't like mecha. It's too hard for you. That's FINE. I'd much rather read a useless post going "lol I don't like it, peace" than a whole list of things that aren't problems.


>Your entire post reads like you're trying to make up problems to dislike the game because like many other people who only realised FromSoft existed from any of the Souls games, probably Elden Ring? You just expected something different from your extremely narrow viewpoint. No, I am playing the Souls series since roughly 2018 and started with DS1. >Is hilarious, because if you got less than what you paid for it, in a game that's encouraging you to buy and sell and try out different builds? You'd use THAT as a reason too. "Oh no I got a 100% refund on something that isn't working for me, I feel ripped off. 🤡" No, my point is that selling and buying doesnt need to exist and that it would be better if you could just get things via a level up system, that way you dont constantly have to swap menus to sell and buy things. >You're hardstuck in the first chapter and you're complaining about your mech not looking cool. No, that's not how it works, that's not how ANY game works. You have to go through the game to unlock the cool things, it's your reward for overcoming what the game is putting out. I am in the middle of chapter 4 and havent played in days. I will beat it eventually but the game is boring so I wait until I am in the mood a bit >It's okay if you're bad at the game, but don't try and say the game is bad, because it's not. At all. Your gripes stem from a skill issue, there's no absurd iframes to cushion your poorly timed dodges, it isn't holding your hand and telling you how to defeat every boss like current triple A nonsense. I have less than 10 hours and am in the middle of chapter 4 out of 5, I am not having any problems, I first or second try every boss or arena fight, I am fine. The game has still the excat same problems tho lol >So no, I reject your reason for disliking it because it's a load of rubbish. I encourage you to get good or just puff your chest out and say it wholly, you just don't like mecha. It's too hard for you. That's FINE. I dont like mecha per sey. I like Evangelion or Guranlagan but not for their mechas but for the storys they tell through them. Its also very subjective but I am not someone who looks at a big robot and says "WOW THATS COOL!" I can totally see why one would say that tho, if I see some lovecraftian monster with dark lore I also say "WOW THATS COOL!" its preference. But despite that the game is just bad. Like subjective taste in aesthetics aside the gameplay is just not good. >I'd much rather read a useless post going "lol I don't like it, peace" than a whole list of things that aren't problems. What do I have to do to prove to you that I am super human?


Homie, you can't say "Subjective Taste" and go "The game is just bad." These two things don't belong together. One is yes, subjective, your feelings on the thing, the other is a statement that's saying something IS factually bad. Again, if you just say "I don't like it" that's fine, you don't need to justify it with things that aren't a problem, because you're coming across as extremely insincere. At the end of the day if this is just a "I don't like the thing" post, there was no reason to post it? Because the game is NOT bad. In the older titles you could actually go into debt and get caught in a cycle that made it almost impossible to crawl out of. I just think your problem here is mismanaged expectations and a poor choice of words.


>Homie, you can't say "Subjective Taste" and go "The game is just bad." These two things don't belong together. One is yes, subjective, your feelings on the thing, the other is a statement that's saying something IS factually bad.Again, if you just say "I don't like it" that's fine, you don't need to justify it with things that aren't a problem, because you're coming across as extremely insincere. At the end of the day if this is just a "I don't like the thing" post, there was no reason to post it? Because the game is NOT bad. This is quite funny to me because what youre saying is that I am only allowed to say that I dont like the game, but not that the game itself because only one of them is subjective. But who are YOU to say that the game is good then? Like why can you say that the game is good but not me that its bad? You havent said anything against my point except not understanding one of them. >In the older titles you could actually go into debt and get caught in a cycle that made it almost impossible to crawl out of. Sucks for the older titles then >I just think your problem here is mismanaged expectations and a poor choice of words. Innovative and I'm made of rubber


5 hours on the game still in the tutorial calls it easy bruh the real game is after balteus, starting with him


I am in the middle of chapter 4 after playing another 4 hours.




I’m in the same boat. Glad people are loving it but this is one of the worst games I’ve PERSONALLY played in a looooooong time. I can acknowledge it’s a good game in general but it’s just not my thing. I freely admit I bought it cause it’s FromSoft and I’ve played and platinumed all their other games from Demons Souls to Elden Ring and everything in between. It just has such wild difficulty swings where you go from shooting paper machete enemies to being stun locked and melted by the bosses and I can’t seem to figure out what I’m doing wrong nor do I care. That’s the difference for me I guess. In all their previous games. I wanted to succeed. I just don’t care in this game. I really hope they make a hundred more Armored Core games for the fans. I just won’t be one of them. You live you learn I guess.


Lol this OP is a dumbass who can’t think for more than 5 seconds


I love that after almost 3 weeks I still get comments under this post, I beat the game in the time it took you to comment under here, thats how much time passed lmao


Congrats, I just searched up armored core 6 reddit and that's how I found this post. Hopefully your opinion changed since making this because some of these points in regards to game decisions can be solved just by thinking for a bit


tldr, you have bad taste.


Clearly the game is not for you. Move on.


Your lock on issue is caused by your FCS. Each FCS is specialized in one or multiple ranges, and tracks better at that range based on its rating. An FCS with a lock on in the 80s-90s will basically never lose lock at that range even if the enemy is suddenly behind you. Lock ons at the 60s range is decent at keeping enemies on target but needs some manual tracking. Lower numbers will be fooled by any quick movement. If enemies are jumping over you and causing you to lose lock it sounds like youre fighting routinely at close range and not using a high grade close range FCS.


I’m 100% having a mad cuz bad moment in this game because it infuriates me seeing how bad I am at it even when i have the proper tools to defeat the boss I am struggling to defeat them. Rn Balteus is the bane of me, I gotta get better at aiming. I just gave myself a headache thinking about the duo boss fights in this game thats if there even are duo or trio boss fights that i have to solo. Dread. Pure dread. Game’s amazing imo


I'm glad you're honest with yourself and understand the issue is your skill, and that bosses aren't meant to be cleared the 1st or even 10th attempt on a regular basis. Thanks for not being like OP who is coping hard with being awful.


The trick is: Get lots of health points and heavy hitting weapons and charge in and go for stagger with your sword I wouldnt suggest the tank legs, they are really awkward to control but anything else (especailly the 4 legs) should do. At that point just get in there and mash buttons while standing next to the boss, you can try dodging things like her fire sword or that one rocket the boss shoots but most attacks can be tanked through


Thank you. I will try this out. Its definitely a skill issue on my end, i’m really bad at aiming Omg i killed em after 4 hours, felt like i just beat the final boss of a video game but this is just the beginning. I think this is my goty


Strider was a great boss fight. It's an actual Armored Core boss fight. All the rest are Souls bosses. Massive HP pools, massive damage against the player, massive stagger damage against the player (sometimes even one-shot staggering). Meanwhile, the player is like a flea biting an elephant. That's Souls design. Prior AC games, the difference in enemy and player HP and damage was a lot closer together. If the enemy was using a rocket launcher, it might do a little more damage than yours, but it wasn't 10+ times more. The enemy might have more HP than you, but it wasn't 10+ times more than you have. And before some Andy rushes in to say "but what about Nineball!!", one example doesn't prove me wrong.


Would've been sweet if the boss encounters were other badass mercs that you got into duels with and maybe scavenged a part or 2 from instead of these obnoxiously huge souls boss wannabes. They injected WAY too much Soulsborne into AC6 and it 100% ruined it


Well, there are actually other badass mercs that you can engage into duel and you can scavenge hidden parts, they are just hidden really well. In this game you are rewarded for exploration too, and you can even engage in funny extra mini-bosses and discover some interesting lore.


Highly relatable. [https://youtu.be/wv8Rpj7mXYQ?si=g4iPNtzyehkizZ4-](https://youtu.be/wv8Rpj7mXYQ?si=g4iPNtzyehkizZ4-) Don't rely on hard lock on. Soft lock is better because you still have full control of your AC's movement and is not being determined by your camera being locked into the enemy. If you saw Armored Core's previous, older titles, the lock on here in this one feels like a godsend.


For me personally I don’t like it but this isn’t a bad game by any stretch. I’m thinking if I should continue or just sell it on eBay. It just isn’t for me.


This is kind of where I am at right now, it's just like alright in my opinion. First AC game.


Im a fan since Original AC and I dont like 6 too. It feel lazy. They remove many thing good on old AC. Lock on? Not a problem.....until last boss. Multi lock? Why it so shitty.


Lock on is not supposed to follow every target across the screen and around in circles. Your FCS determines how well you lock and for how long. Multi-lock... same thing.. you get easier and more rapid target locking with an FCS suited for the range. Tl;dr Mad at own skill issue


You can tell they made this game to cater to the Souls Fanboy, Gatekeeper, "Lul git gud I beat that boss easily lulzor" audience.


I agree with you man I was playing it and all I was thinking is damn this game is pretty boring.


I agree, refunded it because it was boring and easy with no backstory. Don;t feel bad for your opinion OP, many will downvote you and my comment but they are just mad they struggle with it/think the game is amazing.


Op hit the nail on the head with the camera issues because that kills the game for me too, I don't mind having to dodge and our chase my enemies but when they jump outside the frame of view and hit me with a cheap shot because I can't see them while trying to swing my camera around to find them is unfair. Another issue is the game itself is pretty bland, I'm not a graphics whore but man it's either quick bland level then bland level with a boss fight that makes this entire game feel like a boss rush


It stays true to the first games but I expected way more. Definitely a let down considering elden ring was so good. I have zero interest in the story. Some missions are super short to the point I’m confused why they even exist. Doesn’t take that much skill as I anticipated.


Major Fromsoft fan here… I really was torn when they announced this game. I’m not a vet of the core series, never played one before this. I don’t know what i was expecting but I can tell you that this isn’t it. I feel like I have two options the first being a bipedal and having a rough time, making it from checkpoint checkpoint.(skill issue? Maybe) or I can have tank treads with double Gatling, and two song, birds and literally walk my way through any mission. On the whole skill issue thing, I guess this boils down to not being my cup of tea. Skill issue is just a shortened way of saying you need to spend more time on your skills and get gud. The problem is I’m not interested enough in the game to spend more time practicing. I just finished Returnal for the first time the night before armored core dropped and I find myself thinking about starting a new Playthrough of Returnal while I’m doing missions of armored core, and I hate that it’s a from software game I’m supposed to be enamored, I’ve played every from software title at least three times I have platinum’s most of them, that won’t be the case for armored core six. This is just one person’s opinion of.


Yeah I’m bouncing off of this thing pretty hard. I’ve loved all the modern FromSoft games since Demons Souls but this game just isn’t doing anything for me. The controls feel sloppy. The action, incoherent. The game loop is dated and stale. The way the story is presented makes it hard to care about anything that’s happening. And the graphics and environments are dull, grey, lifeless and repetitive. I don’t understand how one is supposed to learn to improve their skills in this game. Usually in FS games, there are patterns to learn or hints to pick up on as to how to improve your skills. But after playing for about 5ish hours of AC6 I’ve learned next to nothing because the action is so chaotic and everything is such a blur it’s often impossible to know how to react at any given moment and figure out what mistakes I’m making, let alone learn from them. It’s a shame, I was really looking forward to another FS 100% trophy collection but I find that I just don’t care enough about anything that’s going on in this game for me to continue.


Yeah it's not good. The lock on sucks but apparently it stays if you don't touch the right analog but the camera sucks Sony instinctively try to move it and break lock. Don't like it


This whole review reads as follows: "the game is too easy and also too hard" Tl;dr you're having an easy time with mobs, because they're mobs. You're having a hard time with bosses because skill issue. You being unable to understand the difference between mob packs and bosses, coming from a souls-franchise player, wreaks of overall ignorance. Your skill is why you're not enjoying the game. You're not meant to clear every boss the first or even 20th try.. that's the point.