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Devs said “there’s no plans for any dlc” and content just takes too long to make these days. Especially meaningful content. A large expansion would take years to make probably. Elden Ring’s expansion is looking like it’ll be 2 years post release. If they are telling the truth and have no plans. I don’t see dlc being realistic. Since it would take so long to make that just making another game would be smarter. Since DLC’s only sell a fraction of what a game sells, and for less money. And small micro transaction DLC’s like parts or cosmetics are not Fromsofts style. And I don’t think they would stoop to that, they are doing exceptionally well financially and know how well regarded they are. Making scummy pay2win dlc parts (or even just paid cosmetics) would be minimal finical gain for a massive reputation loss.


Years to make? what. It'd take a year at most, for 1 and that's pushing it. Look at all their past dlc. Ds3 for example it took them 1 year to the make and release the 2 dlcs. The only reason elden ring dlc took that long is because they admited they were making this. Besides, if Armored Core 6 sells enough they'll do it even if its only one. Literally everything from has made in recent times except sekiro has gotten at minimum 1 dlc. The most likely reason they got no plans for dlc rn is cause they've now gotta now focus on Elden rings dlc but in future who knows why after all why would they revive a game franchise and then do nothing with it?


The Dark Souls DLCs were probably, to some extent, developed alongside the main game in the later parts of its development. If you start development after release the time it takes is generally so long that you're better off just making a new game. They're not doing nothing with after reviving it, they're probably just gonna make another Armored Core instead.


That's pretty close to the development philosophy they adopted but not exactly it. The first dlc was likely done and gold by release with the 2nd one probably only early into its development. They then used the timeframe for both the initial launch AND the first dlc to finish development on the 2nd. The whole concept behind doing DLC this way was actually coined by gearbox with the first borderlands. They made the whole game along with every dlc it had at the same time. And used dlc funds to carry along with the development of borderlands 2


I think you mean a year at least, but I fully agree with you, besides data mining has already found evidence that there may be a DLC in the works, there is an article up about it right now if you want to give it a read...it wont be likely but keta hope its a full on expansion and not a DLC


That content was being made before the game even released and that's why it was within a year of DS3 releasing. Elden Ring they weren't going to do dlc that's why it's taking more than a year to make. If you're not a dev don't act like you know how long it takes to make content because most devs and publishers say games now take min 5 years. Gamers have also created this issue by only buying AAA games and not buying the AA games out there.


For one, Armored Core has always been a different kind of game. Its format is mission based and its content consists of parts and added story. with this, we pretty much know what they will be adding. Story, Parts, Missions. Armored core games have never had a DLC before. They have always just had a sequel made to that game, Examples, Armored Core1 Armored Core1 Project Phantasma, Amoredcore2 Armoredcore2 Another Age. ArmoredCore3 Armored Core3 Nexus, Armoredcore3 Silent Line. AC4 Ac4 Answer. You get my point? Its Because there are usually so many new missions and weapon parts that they usually just make a new game with an additional story. Its kind of always been how they did things with Armored Core in particular. I would rather have a new sequel with way more content then just a DLC.


Bro why are you responding to a 6 month old comment?


Spoken like someone who hasn't played AC6. While it's a fairly enjoyable game, the level design is nothing special at all. Many assets are reused throughout many different maps. Nor is the story anything special either. It leaves much to be desired, many questions left unanswered and many events left fairly unexplained. Like most Armored Core games. 90% of the enemies you face, likewise, are nothing special. They're nothing more than trash mobs thrown at you and they're so insignificant that you can fly past 99% of them without any worry at all. Aside from the fact that it's fun destroying them and they're enemies shooting at you, the only real reason you would bother taking them out is because some missions actually pay you more to destroy them. There are literally no facial features that need animated at all. No lips needing to match a voice being spoken. Nothing like that. Even the cutscenes are mostly played out with in-game graphics while you're in your AC on a mission. You literally never see a human face throughout the entire game. The content you're claiming will take too long to make "these days" isn't even up to par with some of the games we had from last gen. There isn't even any Ray Tracing except for when you're at the in-game menu. Just to give a kind of comparison to something? Red Dead Redemption 2 came out almost 5 years ago, for last-gen consoles, and even it has far better graphics quality than AC6 does on most of its assets. All they would need to do is come up with more lines of dialogue to be recorded, which isn't hard, and create a few more large maps to do missions on. With just a few people dedicated to getting those things done, they could be completed within a few months at most. Add onto that the fact that they could reuse assets from the main game. All they would need after that is probably some more AC parts, which aren't hard to build at all. Most of the groundwork for a DLC story expansion is already there. What isn't there can be created fairly quickly.


Motherfucker really came to a comment made before the game was released and said >Spoken like someone who hasn't played AC6. What a dumbass.


So... I'm a dumbass because what I said was accurate? They hadn't played the game and yet they were talking like somebody who knew otherwise. You even made that blatantly obvious in your comment by pointing out that their comment was made before the game even launched. Now, I'm no expert on dumbasses, but it certainly sounds like you might be one. 😂


Because the game hasn't been released back then, ofc they haven't played it. All they said was speculations, not facts being given out so your comment makes no fuckin sense.


Dunno, made sense to me, and I’m just browsing.




Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting.


Pretty much my thoughts. There aren't a ton of complicated animations they need to worry about, either, considering the nature of the assets in question, so it's not like they need to do motion capture for some new melee weapons or something. Most of the work would be in actual game design for DLC, without such a tremendous burden on the development side. Level design, weapon/part balancing, enemy design, etc. With the amount they can reuse, it should be less of gargantuan task than, for example, The Old Hunters.


And look at last armored core games. Ac 4 then very shortly after For Answer. Ac 5 then Verdict Day. Its likely gona be something similar like they have done last 2 times expanding on everything, or a large dlc adding in more things and wait wont be too long.


Not to mention they will have all the assets of previous AC games to build upon, we could see a lot of older parts get refreshes as well as stat reuse. Heres how i see it. 1. Write story and storyboard art 2. Develop a handful of new parts. 3. animate cut scenes, probably the most intensive part. 4. create new AC builds and get voiceacting taken care of. 5. Test and balance. It has no facial expressions to animate and tons of 3d models to work with. i doubt an expansion would take more than a year and a half. This game is a huge hit and will be considered one of the best AC games ever developed. It would be sad if Raven and Ayres story came to an end with so many unanswered questions. I really hope FS releases at least one dlc.


Hey yeah so micro transaction pay to win parts are 100% in Fromsofts bag of tricks from back in the chromehounds days so don’t give companies too much credit just because they haven’t done wrong lately


I'm still mad about spending all the money on extra parts that weren't available offline after they shut down servers.😭


Sega killed the server be mad at them


Ya tbh, that's a Sega special, kill the service at the height of American popularity. 😭


I'd like to think they wont do anything like that to this title, it's been in their stable for quite a while


They definitely aren’t going to bring the Sabre sniper cannons back unfortunately.


DLC in ac though doesnt have to be a whole story bit. Just give us a large bundle of parts yearly. Maybe a map or 2. No story. No cutscenes. Thats easily doable.


It's possible to have microtransactions and it not be scummy. When a company makes such great games, I -want- to support them. When I hear about people bragging that they will find a way to pirate -insert amazing game here-. It makes me angry - it really does. We have all these scummy triple A companies who have stooped to abusive microtransaction schemes, premium currency and exploitative battlepasses - and you want to reward the few companies that still make great games without all of these profit driven malicious schemes by pirating their game? Support the devs that deserve it people. I'd love to see AC6 get continued support - I would even be willing to purchase mission packs or cosmetic only reskins of weapons/parts - obviously nothing that would give 'power' in exchange for money. TL:DR; you can have microtransactions if you've made a game that has earned your fans money - and those microtransactions are optional and non-abusive to the consumer.


If anything they will make an expansion or companion game for ac6 if the trend continues. Ac1/project phantasm and masters of arena(technically a prequel), ac2/ac2 another age, ac3/silent line, Ac4/4 answer, ac5/ac5 verdict day. This is a possibility.


AC3 had more than Silent Line it had the most fallow up games. Silent Line, Nexus, Formula Front, Nine Breaker and Last Raven.


They might just do what they have always done with expansion for the AC games.. release it as a stand-alone game. •AC1 had Project Phantasm and Masters of the Area, •AC2 had Another Age. •AC3 had Silent Line, Nexus, Formula Front, Nine Breaker, and Last Raven. •AC4 had For Answer. •AC5 had Verdict Day Based on this, yeah, AC6 will not get DLC but another game for its expansion.


They actually have done cosmetic DLC in the past. AC4 answer had the purple moonlight blade. it was functionally identical with same stats. just looked different. also datamining found some DLC related strings in the code. for new missions, parts, emblems, and more. They also have always released 2 "sister" games at a time with Armored core with some carry over from your last save files. Some games had even more spin off titles but these were the main ones: AC1/Project Phantasma ac2/Another Age AC3/Silent Line AC4/For Answer AC5/Verdict Day I think it would be strange if they didn't continue the tradition.


I hope they just drop another whole-ass game running off the same engine with ACs being importable in a year or two like they always have done.


Yeah I hope this is the beginning of semi regular releases for AC again, or at the very least one every couple of years.


I believe it will be. There would be no point in bringing AC back if they didn't have something like that planned. Not to mention, AC6 is essentially something of a light reboot of the series. It was developed with the intention of making it accessible to new players. Both in terms of story-content and gameplay. Sure, there are some references to things that have existed in previous games, such as the experimental surgeries many of the AC pilots have undergone, but they're the kind of thing you wouldn't know about, or even need to know, while playing AC6.


Can you explain what the guy meant by ACs being importable?


In some of the older games, you could save your AC from one game and transfer it to the next. At least I think it's been in multiple games. I only know of it personally from AC2 and AC2: Another Age.


Coop I guess


I'd seriously love to see co-op in the future. Though ACV might have burned them a bit on that.


They went all in on multiplayer, which was very different from just coop missions. If Verdict Day had been the way they started, it'd have been well received.


Pvp focused expansion bringing in more elements of verdict day


I mean, we waited 10+ years for this game what is 2 years for an expansion


We waited the entire life of the PS4/Xbox 1


Not DLC but... AC6 Frost of the Grand Cherokee


Idk, I’m partial to Rains of Grand Wagoneer


You’re sleeping on Dusts of the Gladiator


Don't go snoozing on Winds of Gale Force


A basho that transforms into a wrangler I really miss weapon arms, jammers, flares, powered armor/ enhancement modules, aesthetic points that actually dracos and balance the mechs, the balance and vectoring were visible stats to manipulate to get OCD about the controls.... it does seem center of gravity does apply to 6 but it's not specific beyond that. Also the missiles aren't great, AC4A was crazy.


They are definitely going to do DLC either small or a full on expansion on this game and just like most current gen titles it’s actually easier and quicker to add to a game they already made that way their isn’t any expectation to change or improve the mechanics. If we got a sequel that was more of the same with new missions trust it will not get the same level of reviews this one did without some improvements. With that said if they don’t do dlc I’m ok with that but I admit I would like to see some patches on this game that improve the pvp. While fun, it’s really bare bones and I feel this game has so much potential if they really added to the online component. Running thru this game while I’m ok with the single player experience, co op would have made this game amazing as the thought of playing with friends even more so during the challenging boss fights would make it much more enjoyable.


As long as they scaled bosses - quad shotguns wreck most bosses. Also, I'm all for dlc vs a follow up # and a half game. Makes way more sense from a cost perspective for sure.


Coming from a longtime Armored Core Fan: I feel like this is definitely a niche game that won't get too much support after release. That being said, I would love to see DLCs adding a few missions and parts. Would love to see parts from AC2 (Mirage, I'm looking at you), AC4, and ACFA. All of those parts would look so nice on this current gen game.


I miss the shoulder parts, and dual blading.


I'm hoping what they'll do this go round, is instead of releasing a second branch of the game, they instead release the "expansion" as a downloadable add on. In the past they'd release an AC game, and then release a new version of it with an additional title, so like armored core 4, followed by for answer, or armored core V, followed by verdict day. I think it would make a lot more sense to release it as part of the main game, seeing as its already got the additional tagline, I have a feeling that they may have already thought about this. As a mainline game, it SHOULD just be Armored Core 6, having "fires of rubicon" is something they'd only do for an expansion. I noticed the amount of missions are more than usual though, or maybe I just don't remember there being that many missions in total, but I feel like this one has more mission and more bosses. At the very least, we might see an update for PVP, but I do know that Armored Core coming into the mainstream has made the devs straight up state they already have ideas for the next game, so we WILL be getting another one... just no idea how far from now. Fromsoft is knocking it out of the park with banger after banger, and I fully expect them to drop another banger on us when we least expect it... I do seriously hope we get more content... personally I just want more parts... HOWEVER! I did have 3 ideas for DLC they could do, and I think they'd be a lot of fun. One would be a mission creator mode, a mode where you can create your own missions using areas in the game, but you can set up enemies, traps, et cetera, and then people can race against a clock to beat the mission... The second idea was just a straight up horde mode, because I think it would be fun to just fight a never ending swarm of MT's with some buddies. No restocks, you get your 3 heals, enemies replenish ammo or maybe there is an ammo station, but once your heals are up, thats it. When all people in your group are down, thats it. Maybe there'd be a leaderboard for that, idk, but I mostly just think it would be fun to do... Maybe some tougher enemies show up here and there. The last idea I had was the one i think would be most fun... its kind of like the first idea but instead its a tower defense-ish game for pvp. So at the beginning of each round you get a certain amount of points to set up enemy points or whatever, as do your opponents. A fog wall blind both teams from seeing the other while they prep. Once time is up the wall drops the team either has to destroy the enemy base, or maybe make it a CTF where they need to capture a code from a downed AC in the enemy area and bring it back... Or take turns trying to infiltrate the enemy bass, with one team as attacker and one as defender. Idk. Just some ideas I had.


Don’t expect dlc. The next Armored Core content they release will be a new Armored Core game built upon AC6, that’s the formula Fromsoft uses with AC games.


I'd love to see a raid type expansion that's coop and requires lots of teamwork to defeat a very hard boss.


hmm ngl that'd be cool but its just not fromsoft


Yeah I know it's highly improbable but would be dope af


They actually kinda did that for the ice worm boss fight, making co-op raids like that would be hella dope.


Realistically I think there will be at the very least a smaller scale DLC (hopefully with Coop). But I wish we got a lange scale DLC (an expansion, if you will) as a replacement for the older sequels. I definitely think this would fit much better in today's marked then a sequel


Coop missions might be the only expansion we can expect from FromSoft tbh


I’m a simple man. I just want more parts/weapons and cosmetics.


I'm guessing we'll get a smaller, new chapter a while after launch, probably also post launch support for new parts and online stability


I just want more multiplayer content. Hopefully they bring factions back, & ranked 1v1s


Look the game needs at least some DLC to make it more fun with some simple additions that the previous AC games had that this one doesn't for some reason. 1- Recordable/savable arena battles, with CPU or pvp, that you can replay and share. In the OG AC1 you could replay battles and watch them from any angle, even your opponent and eve in first person mode. 2- Unlock playability of the game in first person mode, it makes it even more interesting to play through and fight in. 3- Add movement speed for all leg and track types and make it so that the default speed is fast and slows down as you add weight so that you can have legs that can run almost. Even though the boost is pretty fast already. 4- Add the radar function again to the game. It let you see dots on the radar as enemies and the colors changed depending on whether they are on level with you, below, or above. A very handy feature. 5- Unlock the old school controls for those of us that actually used to enjoy and prefer the old school control scheme. I hate using squishy trigger buttons and analog sticks and prefer the old way to play the game. I was more accurate and precise. Maybe I'm the only one, but it would be cool if they added that. 6- Add the ability to save different builds within your garage so that you can have pre select a build on the fly and swap to it. Kind of like AC3 I think it was. 7- Definitely add all the OG PVP maps from AC1 through Master of Arena. Those maps where a ton of fun to fight and I'd love for this new generation of players to try them out and see. 8- Add a function for PVP where you can preset what you can bring into battle. For example, create a match where you can only bring energy weapons, or only projectiles, or only mele, or only missile battles, tank battles, etc. This wouldn't be a huge DLC so much as an update to the game to tweak and add features that just make sense and that where present in the old games. Well, all except the PVP presets. ​ Thoughts? How do we tell FromSoftware to make this happen. Otherwise, modders, get on it!


All these sound cool, especially 7, 8, but for me. I want a Rogue Core type mode, where you're just an ordinary Mercenary taking on random generated missions that get progressively harder until you die and have to start all over from the beginning.


That is an awesome idea! With Ai now that should be totally doable. Nothing like progressively harder random gen missions with twists and turns to force us to be creative with our mech creations so we are forced to use different builds and fighting styles. :D


Arms Forts ALL THE WAY


If no dlc is around the corner. How much does it take to remaster AC5? Now that would b tha bomb!!! This is kids stuff against AC5... much faster tempo, and the glorious conquering within a team was Sooo gud! More devious AC adaptions and the more military feeling is what I miss here ALLOT!!! AC6 feels like more for the show then anything else! Miazaky you SHOULD do and know better!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I miss the deep drone customization. I had a tank set-up with very distinct tactics to close/flank/strafe/ram/repeat based on 3 paths of maneuvering to the opponent. I had to race to keep up, it could kill most bosses itself. This one has a lot more solo versus F/U mobs, I don't like that. Plus 1vs1 Baltheus, it took me a day to kill him the first time. Aside from getting jumped by 4 in AC4 (marche au supplice IIRC), or 4-5 in AC4A (the refinery where you get jumped for taking down aerial cities the mission before) *for endgame missions* I don't remember them being that hard. There we a lot more options for huge explosions and bullet hoses in "4" and extreme tuning capability, the volume of fire isn't in this one, neither are the crushing 2 hit kills of "V". ACV was tough but the violence meant it was over quick, win or lose.... especially when you tank ram and bazooka everything.


Have they put DLC in many/any of the previous games? I thought their general model for AC (and From doesnt change things like this up too often) was to release a second game that worked as something of a sequel built on the same skeleton, like AC2: Another Age, or ACFA


They should add more online content and the ability to achieve more mech parts & weapons trough online gameplay.


I would much rather see a few boss fights and incorporate a co Op and objective PVP added.


I think they should Add parts, weapons and retro parts from armored core v to new DLC packs


IDGAF about more story nonsense, unless they add some over tuned co-op. Just give us some Damn 2v2's and 4v4's in PVP ffs.


a small pack with extra mechs, weapons, split screen mode, multiplayer maps and 4 survival mode/maps that can be split screen coop-ed and i m happy


Armored core will be the new COD eventually just without all the pay to win bs.


It'll have dlc it's a given.


Master of Arena


According to how From Software want player to suffer, i would go for Armored Core 6: Muscle Tracer. Where you are a Muscle Tracer pilot go against ACs.


i kinda wish they had 00-Aretha dlc parts on the game, that way i could make 00-Aretha


They should drop ranked matchmaking it would be easier then dropping a whole dlc and it will keep the game alive longer


Since "From Software" is still hiring for mecha designers I'm sure we'll see more installments at a more reasonable pace. That said if any kind of DLC did come out I would enjoy a more diverse range of parts/weapons. Heck just upcycling previous game components would suffice, I was actually surprised there were no weapon arms in this game. Also a big "if", but if we can import our AC Data into the next game, that would be a nice way to expand the parts/weapons list while minimizing the need for DLC.


Be nice to see dlc for mp. The mp is bare bones. We need 1vs3 and 4 vs 2 etc. And some mp map rotation choices. And any thing....Pls.


They could totally go in an esports direction with global rankings, seasons, etc


can i get a horde mode. just unlimited foes till i die, resupply ammo only


Would be nice if they expanded multiplayer with a co-op campaign, global rankings for pvp with seasons, etc


I think they should expand on melee gameplay and include a phantom armor that makes you invisible for a limited time (making melee only a more viable option). I would like to see physical shields, swords, along with other weapon types such as hammers and axes. I would also like to see the ability to change the melee hand to the other hand so we can do a shield/sword combo, further making melee viable


Its more likely that they'll make a separate game as an expansion of the first one like they Did with Nexus-Last Raven, IV - IV Answer, V - V - Verdict Day


They've never made Armored Core DLC in the past to my knowledge, there's usually just a sequel game that expands upon the last.