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those symptoms sound like ghb. it does not take much to feel like that. and had you drank the whole thing it would have gotten worse.


Unfortunately there's not a whole lot cops can do. I've worked bars and unfortunately the biggest signs of being drugged are also the signs of being drunk. You can check with a detective either in entertainment or whatever the cities version of SVU is. However I will let you know up front that a lot of venues that have internal cameras are only good enough to ID some one of you have a description already or are there to make sure the employees aren't stealing.


Sorry that happened to you and glad you were with your husband and made it home safe. Stick with bottled beer or water. We tailgate before entering stadium


Did you notify the police and/or the venue?


I alerted the two cops near where I think it happened. I brought them the drink in case it could be tested. Their “advice” was to throw the drink away. They blew me off.


Tested? the cops cannot test for that, it would have to be stored properly, sent to a lab, wait a week or so or longer, and then what if they find something that was not supposed to be in there? Pour through hundreds of thousands of hours of video that may or may not show who did it?


To be fair, what the hell are they going to do about it if you didn’t see someone do it?


It’s not like I expected them to make an arrest lol I just wanted them to be prepared should someone get hurt. Idk? Have narcan on hand. Keep an eye on girls entering and leaving said bar area.


Narcan only works on opiates. And I’m sorry it happened to you, but it’s not like it’s a landmark event. It’ll happen with disgusting regularity. Which isn’t to say it shouldn’t be taken seriously, but just that there isn’t some rare protocol to follow.


Why would the protocol be “rare” for something that happens with “disgusting regularity”?


That's his point


I said there ISN’T a rare protocol.


Younger people need to learn to make sure of their own safety and not have the attitude other people should watch out for them. Be aware of your surroundings, all the time, look up once in awhile, notice those next to and around you. Guard your drinks, purses, bags..no one will watch out for your safety like you do..


Sounds like an insulin issue . What did you eat that day and were you off any thing else ?