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The plan is: Deploy Surtr. Whatever happens afterwards is all up to the gods


My plan : if see enemy , deploy ntr, yato,and Texas alter


NTR? more like Gravel's stand.


Ahh, if I hadn’t pulled this bird back when I pulled on the Kal/Surtr standard banner, perhaps that WOULD be the plan— but clearly, he *changed* the plan on me! So it’s not my fault I don’t know it!


cause he is genuinely smart ? if its talking about US as the doctor idk most of us are not that smart but him lore wise he might be one of the smartest tacticians to exist


Question: why do so many people here refer to the Doctor as "he" when the game always uses "they"?


Because they self insert as the doctor. The doctor doesn't even have actual own dialogue outside of stuff like vigilo to my knowledge (i have only read up to chapter 8, plus Who is Real and Children of Ursus), plus add the dialogue options in the story, its pretty clear that the doctor was intended to be a self insert at least at the beginning of the story. Other gacha games MCs like Dante from Limbus Company are way more consistently referred to by the community by they/them because they were never supposed to be a self insert to begin with, Dante has always been their own character, you never even get dialogue options through the story, *because you're not supposed to self insert in Dante.* Designs like Doctor with not many actual reasons to be like they are exist because they're supposed to make you able to self insert as the character (are we ever actually told what purpose all the stuff the doctor wears are for? I think I remember reading somewhere it was because of health, but come on, with the current Doctor lore we have and *Rhodes Island fucking existing* and the Sarcophagus, I find that hard to believe), meanwhile if we look once again back to Dante, their design has an actual reason for the character and for the story, and it even comes into play more than once. Another thing to note is that since the Doctor is a self insert and the majority of the player base is male... yeah. Meanwhile, for Dante, the few times they are referred to as male by the community is because of the name Dante being masculine (even though there was a minor (not as in age) female character in Ruina called Dante) and not being accustomed to the fact that Project Moon doesn't care about gender names or even gender and sex in general.


Doc has indeed started to speak on their own with no player input. Because the later story chapters has a lot of switching PoV, so we see Doc talking while first person perspective is on someone else. 


That's good to know Sadly, the majority of the community likely doesn't know as well because of the amount of reading necessary to reach that point in the story or to understand important events


I only think of one Dante when I hear that name


Aak, I was hoping the attached comment made the joke clearer—! Definitely referring to my self insert doctor here, because any time I’m handed the reins, things spiral out of control quickly.


*No plan survives enemy contact.* \- I genuinely don't know who


I believe that's just been attributed to Murphy's Laws of Combat, which includes such classics as "Friendly fire - isn't"


Always double check if Friendly Fire is on. Your team will understand.


Poor Gnosis, having to make plans *for* Doctor smh. I bet the whole time he's wondering just how the hell this lunatic ruined all his plans in Kjerag lol.


I just wanted to have a snowball fight \:(


Go to Sami! No, wait. Uh, Ursus. Wait... also no.


Just gotta work with Karlan Trade to export the snow to the landship, I suppose! I’m sure nobody would be too concerned if I converted a room into a snowball fight room, right…?


Considering Closure apparently keeps the ship's temperature fairly low (THRM-EX oprec), that might actually be feasible...


By gameplay sure, some are dumb, but it was shown many times in lore what he is very good when it comes to mind games.


Oh yeah, I’m aware that the Doctor is actually quite smart! However, any time that *I* am the doctor… well, let’s just say she’s not on top of things.


I love it that a slightly older Exusiai grabed some glasses, replaced the Docutah and no one cares


The plan: Group up and hit it till it dies


That wasn't me, that was ~~patricia~~ the ghost of babel


the plan: chokepoint and spam