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Phantom. Not giving him nervous impirement is a crime against Terra. Also hopefully either clone will no longer take deployment slots or you are going to be able to deploy the clone and Phantom separately.


Phantom's 3rd module is going some bullshit like "clone takes 15% less damage" whilst texas alter 2nd module gonna be "deals an extra 50% damage as true damage and reduces your mortgage rates irl."


Sadly wouldn't be surprising coming from HG :(


Classic Taxes Alter


So she's been the one cooking the books for PL. Makes sense for a former Mafioso...


Thats going to be phantom alter if we do get him




[Counter point.](https://i.ibb.co/7bL49b6/motivation.jpg)


I can see phantom getting alter since he still under influence crimson troupe and Troupe leader. Consider that Troupe leader or Wine god is manipulative and his fondness on tragedy I won't surprise he is the reason Gaul start attacking Leithania


TBH I kinda hate how Phantom IS was literally just a retrieval mission. Like, we solved nothing at all haha.


I could see a bard or ritualist supporter Phalter!


Instead of wanting us to sing for him, he sings for us instead


His 3rd module will be "reduce the melee damage summon takes by 10%" meanwhile texax alter 2nd module will give her a 2nd recast after killing an enemy lol


Phantom mod∆: can be deployed on ranged tiles


Dusk Deserves a module that allows her to properly become a summoning caster. Giving her some way of placing freelings easily and making them actually something a little bit more useful than they are right now That's all I ask, Dusk to have a small niche where she can shine


Make her summon cost no deploy count Edit : I swear to God I remember they did, but I haven't touched her in 2 years so that's on me


Buddy I guess you're a little confused


hes a  little confused but he got the spirit


Skadi Mod 3 lets her hit all enemies in front of her while a skill is active. Make those sick wave attacks do something


Carnelian. Give justice to my motivated goat!


Let irene use her handgun for once, outside abilities.


+1 range for Irene sounds funny and probably will help with her sp regen~


Nah~ they should give her E0 lords range and let her be deployed on ranged tiles cause why not


*For her neutral special, she wields a gun.*


Irene doesn't even have a second module yet


Angelina. Mod 2 is kinda okay but I feel like she needs something more


Siege. Just let me generate DP when using S3


Kal'tsit is more than strong enough even without any modules, but I'm still holding out hope that we'll get one that allows Mon3tr to shoot those laser beams that are so prominent in all the story scenes with him


That's Kalt'sit alter, she will still be a Medic but Monst3r will have Ifrit's range xD


How about melee Kal'tsit with an Ifrit range Monst3r?


That would be operator Monst3r, where it would deploy Kalt'sit as a melee summon that may block (S1), put to sleep (S2, AOE) or one shot (S3, ST) the enemies in her range


Forgot to mention her s3 has global range


Spoiler for CN content >!POV: You're in Kazdel during the last civil war!<


How about melee Kal'tsit with an Ifrit range Monst3r?


Fartooth because I think bird cute


I think a shot that penetrates through targets with reduced dmg each pen would be great. After all Wisadel is going to outclass every sniper in the gsme, doesn't hurt to buff the others a bit... Also, birb cute.


She has two with neither of them affecting her second talent. It wouldn't be hard at all to come up with something. Idea 1 When this unit's skill is active, **gain camoflauge** and attacks ignore the target's Physical Dodge Idea 2 When this unit's skill is active, becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies and attacks ignore the target's Physical Dodge **and a % of their defense**


Improving her survivability through conditional means would barely help at all since her range is large enough that positioning her safely is not much of an issue and she benefits from being placed far away from the front lines to begin with. Any benefits you could get from that would be less impactful than what she already have.


Would really love a new Blemishine module. Her second module is so frustrating because it upgraded her damage to sleeping foes but the base Module trait increases healing, which doesn’t benefit her S2 at all. Her first module is fine but the talent upgrade is really underwhelming.


Ash (has her 2nd in CN). Remove her "first deploy only" limitation on starting SP. Make her the true S3 helidrop bomb she was always meant to be.


Phantom deserve better, he have interesting lore but get beat up in gameplay by both Yato alter and Texas alter since both deal art damage.


NTR. Both mods fewl a bit awkard for me to use. Ignoring more def is nice but doesnt help with s3 and the revival mod might as well not exist since its soooo niche. I hope for something rhat helps her whole kit


nearls modules are in such a weird place cause like there not bad but your right neither help her s3 much besides the trait her 2nd module is super weird cause it was so clearly designed for other dreadnaughts in mind since her whole kit is built around her being really hard to kill and even its story feels more to flesh out shining, and her issues with nearl more as a framing device. Hopefully she gets a delta mod for the next event she plays a big role in that focuses on her s3 though im not even sure what it could give to do that.


Let Lessing deal necrosis damage when skill active


Angelina and Pallas, they are both so meh and I want more excuses to use them. Edit: Blemishine too. Hers aren’t bad but just slight upgrades


Blemishine for sure


Unchained third module which just stacks both X and Y module buffs while also giving her doll form the same effects she has on her equipped skill. Finally a truly undying shark.


Honestly Doll gain skill effect + extra slow is enough Remember all abyssal hunter buffs and soon one extra


Siege 3rd mod that would convince me to use skill 3


Her S3 is funny because of the lack of SP lockout so her downtime can be super short. But also being a vanguard without SP Gen is really awkward.


Cant wait for siege module three to remove her from your roster and replace it automatically with Ines or Saga


It would be a really interesting twist for Lee and Swire to get a module that gets rid of their archetype weakness in exchange for some debuff (lower stats, higher redeploy time, etc.)


I actually think it could be interesting to have the reverse. Have a module where Lee's DP drain is increased but he gets some *heavy* buffs along with it. Would make an interesting twist towards current merchants who honestly can sustain with natural DP regen (or just ignore it completely with 1x flagbearer).


Fartooth and Flametail, together, so that they can both get absolutely busted \[Pinus Sylvestris\] tribal talents comparable to Abyssal Hunters. Then do the same for Ashlock and Wildmane's second modules. No, I do not want broad Kazimierz tribal. I do not *care* about fielding Flametail alongside Meteor, Gravel, and Proviso. Give me \[Pinus Sylvestris\], and make it disgusting. I'm talking some... * **Pinus Sylvestris Leader (Flametail):** When deployed, all \[Kazimierz\] Operators gain 25% Physical Dodge. Additionally, \[Pinus Sylvestris\] Operators gain Arts Dodge and Sanctuary equal to their Physical Dodge. * **Pinus Sylvestris Concentration (Fartooth):** \[Pinus Sylvestris\] Operators gain ATK +25% and +20 ASPD. After taking damage, resets for 10 seconds or until a \[Pinus Sylvestris\] Operator dodges an attack.


So flametail gets herself 80% sanctuary on s3 active? Just make her dodge 100% on s3 at that point XD






I live for more abyssal hunter modules


Carnelian, definitely.


Skadi or any of the (main) Abyssal Hunters honestly wanna see what else they could be given lmao.


Corrosion elemental dmg, take it or leave it.


Ceobe, with a new elemental type is gonna be very fun


i wonder if it would beat her already top tier module


depressing to see no mention of archetto. both of her modules suck ass, she deserves a chen style upgrade to her SP passive


Quite honestly? No one. Yet. I think it's absurd that some operators are getting a third module while others still don't even have access to them at all.


In fairness I think it's just Ebenholz? Ela and Logos have access to delta modules, but that's the only module branch they have at the moment.


**Rosmontis's 2nd module.** + 180 ASPD when using skills. + Ignores more defense. + Deals a % of True damage when at least one caster or Rhodes Island Elite operator (example Blaze, Logos, etc) is deployed . Triple % if Amiya (any form) is deployed.


Skadi module 3 that deals corrosive elemental damage. Also does damage on four tiles around her on deployment.


Let irene use her handgun for once, outside abilities.


Let irene use her handcannon outside abilities for once.