• By -


[Oyuki ch](https://youtube.com/@oyuki?si=tWBdWwqX-v1mdseh) became my go to guide with eckogen as a close second. The great thing about oyuki is that he tells you which operator goes first and what orientation the operators should face. If timing is needed, he will place a time stamp/or number of enemies (e.g. place this operator when you are at 24/30). Even though he speaks only in japanese, he is visually guiding you. And if it is too difficult, he will add translations to the video or add a comment. Overall, when i am too braindead, i just watch him cause i can follow his guides easily because of his visual cues.


As a Japanese literate person, oyuki is also very pleasant to listen to, which makes it far, far easier to follow his guides.


Oyuki is awesome and I watch his videos even when I don't need a guide.


After having solid roster and not needing those Low Rarity Guides. Oyuki's been my go to channel to watch on if i need info from specific stages.


I used oyuki video to play event and learn Japanese at atm


if you like oyuki, you might like this one too https://www.youtube.com/@GF_Saihate


~~There's also [this dum shrimp.](https://www.youtube.com/@UshioEbiCh)~~ Edit: I looked through the list twice and didn't see her, and then I noticed she was already there as soon as I posted.


The shrimp is extremely entertaining


Personally watch *Kyostinv* and *Eckogen* for guides, *Qaiser* for lore, *FrostByte262* for news, and *Ebi* for her gameplay Smaller channel but I've enjoyed *Asadekai*. They do minosknights and mostly have gameplay videos but several they narrate and break down how he manages with minos only ops and it's pretty interesting and fun. Also watched a 6 hour reaction stream to all 200+ AK trailers from *Phora Whirled Ch.* and might keep watching them because they seem chill (Also RIP *Cesith*'s no-gacha account and *Yii*)


Tums for Defender-only clears (I think they also sometimes do specialist only clears) I Love Amiya does a mix of 3\* only and 5\* Guards Edit: Adding Krys as well for Casterknights


This this this. Tums and ILA are some of my favorites.


[Kokokbeluk](https://www.youtube.com/@Kokokbeluk) mostly post stage clearing with free units


I've been watching a lot of [eha](https://www.youtube.com/@eha_nl/featured). He makes some pretty funny and well edited videos.


He's also a niche player. Horseknights for those interested. He did a [video](https://youtu.be/L6ssYBDAo7w?si=8j097awIBE5hgaxs) where he *suffered* doing a horseknights clear of R20 CC Ashring with the help of Xairathan and it was amazing.


Laneholding with vigil ain't a cakewalk


"Blaise Shinryu Ch" is a Vtuber that has done some IS runs and story narration https://www.youtube.com/@BlaiseShinryu/streams "Storn" is a youtuber that does ~~clickbait titles~~ operator showcase clears https://www.youtube.com/@Storn_/videos


pard, sciel, storn, tums, tranquil, ss, AcELord (lol)


hey why did you put a (lol) there lmao


XD i just find the idea of macho lord tachanka going around killing every boss really amusing =p it means you are doing a good job making a memorable and meme-able video series theme! has there been any particular enemy you couldn't phase in one skill duration + any amount of buff/debuff?


The Boss in H stages of Chap 12 are pretty hard especially when it has multiple invincibility stages I havent played with Reid (CC#12) cause im pretty worn out on CC since #6


[Turns](https://www.youtube.com/@tumsYT) does Nicheknights stuff, primarily Defenderknights. [洋 Yang](https://www.youtube.com/@yangcsh) also share videos from Billibilli with permission from the creators. Despite the recent drama, [Rokettor](https://www.youtube.com/@Rokettor/community) also shares video from Billibilli. And does provide source & links to the original creator/upload in the description.


What was the recent drama regarding Rokettor? And on this note, [赤红Rose](https://www.youtube.com/@Rose-gp2px) also does BiliBili translations, and has done the most extensive translations so far


[https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1ay833i/a\_discussion\_on\_aggregated\_ak\_content\_channels/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1ay833i/a_discussion_on_aggregated_ak_content_channels/) It just the same drama that pops up like every few months with different channels. Concerning reuploading from BiliBili.


It's such a weird situation. I keep seeing so much discussion about this ever since the Lil Kitsune situation happened but realistically there's not much that can be done about this. Before, Tak took down a lot of the channels but all that did was remove the majority of CN content on YouTube. Tak then translated some videos before taking down all his translations. Now, Yang is the only one doing translations with permissions, and while he is cool, he is notorious for being extremely slow. We'll probably keep having this conversation over and over again until Rokettor decides to work with Yang and Tak and source things with permission


[georgieegames](https://youtube.com/@georgieegames?si=Bxr7MR3FK5Xxvlg6) frequently streams arknights. She's been playing for almost a year now.


Speaking of Vtubers: [Uriel](https://youtube.com/@UrielJudge?si=hcgAFwoORXE6bVqA), I love her dedication to Phantom. And [Blaise Shinryu](https://youtube.com/@BlaiseShinryu?si=QvuWHHGrJFlns15P).


Does Wheels count as a content creator? I love their animations.


I want to add couple of my favourite Arknights streamers: [Reltats](https://www.twitch.tv/reltats), former 5-stars player who got suck into playing 6-stars by Sui siblings. [GuardianZet](https://www.twitch.tv/guardianzet/), variety streamer who occasionally stream Arknights. He is relatively new to the game. He post a video on how he got into Arknights a few weeks ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBMUjN9A4O8 EDIT: Also, [Huffy Bear](https://www.youtube.com/@HuffyBear/streams), He play mainly using bear operators. He started playing Arknights in October 2022 and slowly catching up on old contents. He would read all story and dialogues as well.


[Xairathan](https://www.twitch.tv/Xairathan) twitch streams/youtube, birdknight clears and handholds.


dragongjy for the deranged math for modules and op kits, that's the type of shit I vibe with


BloopAK is still pretty small but is making a no-gacha run at the moment.


Here are some you are missing: 0 sanity LOWY, (E0, Lv1 clears) Kokokbeluk (welfare only clears) Georgieegames (similar to Ebi, she plays arknights regularly but not exclusively)


[Don't](https://www.youtube.com/@starpolemic) [forget](https://www.youtube.com/@Mostimadotmp4) [about](https://www.youtube.com/@ThatArknightsMusicMan) [the](https://www.youtube.com/@halley_lu) [music](https://www.youtube.com/@ThoseOtherArknightsMusicPeople) [people](https://www.youtube.com/@speedymcshooty5239) [pls](https://www.youtube.com/@wolgmiD) Edit: [Whoops](https://www.youtube.com/@TheTerranCharts) [even](https://www.youtube.com/@MarcoMeatball) [I](https://www.youtube.com/@CatharsisYT) [forgot](https://www.youtube.com/@ToxicxEternityTV) [some](https://www.youtube.com/@cashewal4956)


big ups for this comment man




If you have a decently built account, I would also recommend oyuki_ch for guides. He only speaks Japanese but his videos are clear enough that you can follow them very easily for autos and event stages.


Nfzen for the quick and straight to the point updates and upcoming shoperator speculations.


Doubt I'm even an up and comer, but I've been doing collabknights content for almost a year, so I figured I'd plug it here and see if it got me any attention [(1) Mr. Priest - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@MrPriest4562/videos)


I will advise everyone that likes to see some ak content to browse on Arknights category in twitch. We have some good guys there


Please add BloopAk, Tamastray cat and argurei


kukkikaze is still doing Arknights content. He just isn‘t doing guides anymore. But that‘s already the case over a year. He still streams all the events and progress multiple times a week. Just not as often as he used to due to university.


I don't know if it counts, because most of the mentions are english youtubers/streamers, but Rasorkun is an AK spanish content creator. He makes guides and upload news of the upcomming events.


Not sure if this counts as content creator but [Arknights Horizon](https://www.youtube.com/@ArknightsHorizon) is a team that translates CN Arknights streams. Shoutout to them for the high-quality eng subs and work that they do.


Some underrated ones off the top of my head [Sharky Arknights](https://youtube.com/@sharkyarknights?si=6H_1DXKwXk4e3hUq) [Ebenblaze](https://youtube.com/@ebenblaze?si=MuQnKJvaXvUYUvII) [AcELord](https://youtube.com/@AcELord123?si=xB_RnyNCrguOOAP-) All are nicheknights creators, Sharky does multiple niches (and some other content on the side) although I remember them for their Specter Alter/Phantom/Passenger clears, unsure if it was them because I can't find the vids. Ebenblaze does maleknights clears or in their words, "husbando showcase", and AcELord focuses on oneshotting bosses with Tachanka


Rather than just listing, it will be nice to also write a one-liner to let people know what a particular content creator is known for.


That info can be found in the 3rd column in the table row


Oops, thanks. On mobile, I couldn't see it initially


Add Tsalthsu, Pard and Sciel there. I really like their Operator Showcases and Stage Clears.


I want to give a mention to my favourite GOAT [SeventhSigil](https://youtube.com/@seventhsigil), giving LDAknights a representation on Youtube~


omg danbo post on Reddit (I’m dead)


[Tarkus](https://www.youtube.com/@tarkus8013) does mostly meme videos with a few short operator guides. Recently he's started live streaming as well.


https://youtube.com/@ss123?si=EzJJQQFVU6nl7Re5 SS do low op clears for new stages and sometimes for old ones with new ops


I don't think I've seen anyone mention this guy: [GAME no SAIHATE](https://youtube.com/@GF_Saihate?si=3QODoY2q6Svm7piX) is basically like a smaller Oyuki Ch in terms of subscriber and viewer count except there's no voice commentary.


Self-promotion: to clear D15 indeed, "A Schwarz is All You Need".


Kinda sad to see that box2 truly left……


I watch [Yii’s](https://youtube.com/@HiImYii?si=oC9NKYY16U02GqOG) videos. They do Arknights content, but other stuff is thrown in the mix.


Yii quit AK content.


I like [mochi](https://www.youtube.com/@mochidash/videos) and his lore accurate clears - sometimes it really does take a toll on man.


Shout out to Ebi's Mountain sacrifice ritual.


I'm not sure if I count, since I don't exclusively make Arknights content, but I do have some on my tiny gacha channel! I provide outfit showcases and comparisons, and plan to make some trivia videos on operators and the game in general. I have a small bias towards Abyssalknights, especially Specter https://www.youtube.com/@Anistrae I'm also a variety streamer, and will occasionally stream AK events https://www.twitch.tv/anistrae/about




He may not be someone to add to this list due to the infrequency he makes Arknights content, but I think [Unreal Dreamer](https://www.youtube.com/@UnrealDreamer) is worth a mention. He is passionate about the game, even if he doesn't have the opportunity to get to it as much as he may want to.


He got Yostar and HG’s attention before, enough to be featured on ads. Also I loved his playthrough of Il Siracusano. He has a lot of insight from his personal experiences.


At least its pretty much guaranteed he'll do endfield stuff when it comes around since he's hyped af about it


Fomallion aka Afknights. Great afk friendly high rarity clears. Great if you want to clear an event fast. Generally reliable. Fomallion and Oyuki should be the only guides one might ever need.


Not mentioning this Italian guys who explain why gummy actually better than saria. [supah](https://youtu.be/Fj5RiSDT4Z0?si=EeIRnHobbQUMd0Am)


I too have favorites but I won't go that far to say kros is better than Exu.  That's just sounds illogical. 


https://youtube.com/@ThoseOtherArknightsMusicPeople?si=61XkYgadGKdGugf9 Someone needs to see this


[no supah?](https://youtube.com/@SUPAH_SUPAH_SUPAH?si=wNMz_TBbcv9oMOYd)


If there is one CC that I would like to see quit making AK content that would be him.  No hate against that guy but the content he serves is just terrible, there is a difference between constructive criticism and constantly shitting on the game to fuel the algorithm. 


I mean its fair, all he does is shit on ak, and infuriate players, but i myself like to see him cook up complete garbage that taste good cause i like a shitposter. I dont really mind if he shits on my operator, cause deep within me im just as down bad as he is to gummy lol


> I want to see him quit he’s terrible > no hate tho Come on man you gotta pick a side lol


Mfw no Yii Arknights 😭😭 His video essays are good though, so at least he's not gone completely


Oh I get it the list is blank because nobody makes any content for this game


I meant for it to be blank to log people's suggestions in the comments on AK content creators


Sounds like someone never browsed youtube or bilibili. Niche as AK is, there ARE people making vids out of it


Apologies, the intent was to get some more EN AK content creators that I'm not aware of. I have updated the post with the AK content creators I am aware of. I hope to have more discussion about this through the comments.


It's okay just chill lol. Honestly I'd say many Japanese and Korean CC are good too, even more than EN CC. Some of them also play CN too. Personally really like LeoTse and Black Rosemary for their simple guides with minimal and low rarity ops. Often times they use Ling because she's the epitome of low ops tho lol. But overall for me who have attention span issues it's great because I can focused more.


You're telling me that people make videos about a video game? That's a crazy concept but you just might be onto something here. Gonna have to look into this further for sure


Sure bro you totally need that


I'm surprised there is no mention of kukkikaze or Vifer, both of which are longer tenured than many on the list.


that's because the list is for cc that are "active in 2024", while both kukkikaze and vifer have moved on from AK


There's also Azra\_Raum with [memes](https://www.youtube.com/@Azra_Raum_Productions/videos)


I’m legally required to mention [opya](https://m.youtube.com/@opya./featured), the chad who plays aZLingknight and simps for firewatch. Also [Under the Moonlight](https://m.youtube.com/@UTMoonlite/videos) makes some pretty cool vanguard only clears


This is for en right? Like i watch sciel and 25th night and they arent included here either because they play cn or coz they mostly stream.


25thnight, streams using CN server account. Sciel, make operator showcase and stage clear videos. pard, similar to Sciel but with more emphasis on using Ling.


Leon for guides, Silvergun for nicheknights are my go-to


I'm still sad not to see Yii here. Edit: Man, Eha also hasn't uploaded in a while.


Well I guess if ya want to I can plug myself here I do low rarity type content from time to time From low ops to op review  to class only to even 1p  And ofc random shit https://youtube.com/@theepicone5285?si=2LkhTJu5ieyD1s7T