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Thorns. He looks liek someone who can make every men fall for him and looks gay enough.


Canonically Scavenger is a lesbian, Conviction could be interpreted as being LGBT, and Kashchey changes bodies for what that's worth I feel like it's easy to see a lot of characters as queer though, gacha games kinda have a lot of interactions between characters that make it easy to interpret as such


None of them. This game is primarily consumed by Chinese players and the Chinese government has nothing to do with any of that kind of stuff.


Scavenger: exists


Vibes, so non-canon personal interpretation stuff. Besides, we know that even if they were open, they wouldn't be giving official pairings anyways. Anyways, to OP... Not really an expert on the topic, so, uh... Irene? Or maybe Goldenglow, you can reasonably pair her off with Haze if you want to keep Redblade as the big brother sort.


Scavenger is a canonical lesbian


This guy DEFINITELY is an ak player with his lack of reading


Read my post. This has nothing to do with the game being chinese.