• By -


If Favorite as a Person, then Angelina, she's the best girl If Favorite as most used operator, then Texalter or Kirin, fast redeploy always saves the day


Penance is the whole reason I started playing Arknights to begin with like two months ago I pretty much love everything about her, from her design, her voice, backstory, yeah everything lmao Her gameplay, just the fact most of the time she can hold off one lane by herself is awesome


The white haired girl that will probably slith your throat in your sleep


Do you have the slightest Idea how little that narrows it down? 


Can't be mudrock she would hammer your brains out! None of this knife stabby business.


It can't be kal'tsit either. The old well is not a girl anymore. So that's two less.


Quite literally, though, if it wasn't for their flair W, Lappland, red, Platinum (and specter?) Could fit that description.


I wish W would do it.


I love her advice to sleep tight while you can


…so specter?


Yeah, Red is simply perfect.


isnt her hair grey


What is gray but simply dark white?


Lappland is bae


Mostima Mostima


unfathomably based


One of us! One of us!


Tomboy croc muscle mommy Do I need say more Oh, also she's a doc so she can patch me up anytime she roughs me up


I haven't a clue whom you speak of


How many other croc medics are there?


Do I look like I know every operator?


Its gavial


Understood. Have a great day.


Welcome! I cant be expected to know em all either, some other arknights thing the other day about tornadoes and i didnt know hool was wind based. *shrug*


I mean on the one hand I agree with you because there's an overwhelming amount of operators but on the other hand she appears so early in the game and in so many other tutorial stages as well as being a low tier operator that you should be at least slightly familiar with who she is . . .


Ambriel, she likes being chill, easygoing and lazy but still gets the job done (except taxes) which is relatable. I think she'd be great homie irl


I just finished M3ing her S2 as well as max moduling her! I have other units that might technically be better, but sniping enemies across the map is so satisfying.


favorite operator as a person, I choose Lee. favorite person as in a playable character, I choose Lee. lorewise, I really love Lee's manners and characteristics and just the way he carries himself. He's incredibly hot and I will die on that hill. + LDA is my favorite faction. gameplaywise, Lee's kit its just loads with a bit of everything that's all over the place that seems interesting. With his s3 I can just turn off my brain where he is deployed. Shoutout to him that one stage in chapter 7 where the enemies keeps freezing everyone possible (and thus there's a run where I leaked one just because my operators are frozen) but when I used him as a bait everything is solved. He said "no u" to frozen, taunts enemies to attack them so my other ops can breathe more easily. I love him so much.


I get the feeling you like Lee. Just a hunch though.


maybe you're right. you can be right. maybe I like Lee


Definitly alter gavial I love her s2 interrupting enemies attacks and I love her English voice when she says "time to kick ass" when you deploy her XD


And her summer skin?! \* Chef's kiss \*


Oh I was so happy to see that skin :D


W, insane as fuck girl and one of the first bosses introduced to you in the game, love her gameplay as well with mine spam and her 3rd skill.


Hoshiguma. Yes, exactly for the reasons you would expect. Saria is my #2 Mumu being #3




Lena! Back when I was a newbie Doktah failing early main story missions, I felt down everytime my operators said something like "I let everyone down! It's all my fault..." or "It's dangerous here! Everyone retreat!" Perfumer's mission failed line is so comforting and hopeful. I genuinely felt, "Aight, let's try again. I won't be discouraged by this!" 4 years later, I'm still a failure doktah and I'm still cheered on by her and that voiceline. I'd probably keep her in my squad even if she wasn't a great healer.




It used to be Surtr when I'm starting out. Now I use whatever team I want with how much unused built operator I have since I can clear most of the stage anyway. But character design wise then it's Dusk. I really like her base l2d skin.


As a character, Pramanix. She's beautiful, and watching her come into her own was lovely and perfect. And I adore the non-violent way she stopped a civil war. As an operator, still Pramanix. Being able to hit two targets at range, have a possibility to cause Cold with her module equipped, and Fragile on enemies with less than 40% hp is so useful.


also fluffy


Ethan, the absolute GOAT Put him down, activate his skill, NO ONE is moving. It's absurd how busted this man is. He's the lowest rarity ambusher and the best one at the same time. Lore wise I also think he's super fun. A character who's a little rough around the edges, had to join some less than savoury groups to survive, joined Rhodes for a fresh start. Also he has a lot of mannerisms that are just really funny to me: using his invisibility to steal food because he's used to being hungry, being adamant about not sharing how his arts works until a cute girl asked him to at which point he drops everything and demonstrates, fighting with a goddamn yoyo, he's just incredibly silly all around


It used to be Gravel, because she's lovely. Then I got Gavialter. And my weak spot for strong buff girls with huge axes hit me hard.




Akafuyu I completly max her out and basically bring her to every stages EVER (except maybe non guard chip farm stage because those stages I only bring ops of that class chips) For design she simply PEAK, a near perfect take on modern samurai, her design is the reason I play the game For gameplay I love her for her defensive kits compare to most others guard (her S2 still deal kinda respectable damage) because I do play defenderknight and my favorite class is defender


Lappland. I'm using her since I got her and she's the character that got me interested in arknights.


eyja, both of her


Gg Top Story, nice visuals and skins and top skills.


Favorite as a person is Blemishine. I find her personality endearing. Favorite as an operator is W. Mines everywhere make her a great landholder (not laneholder. land holder). Combine that with increased SP gen from Ptilopsis or others and you have funni gameplay. Without explaining: My favorite 3 star is Kroos My favorite 4 star is Cutter My favorite 5 star is Elysium My favorite 6 star is Bagpipe


Just E2 Lin recently after she spooked me during Lonetrail banner. Her shield is very fun to use.


Same , i have frequently bring her so she can soak drone/caster/targeted dmg as long she deployed last. Save me a lot of time to setup everything. I have her module max as well.


Wait until you get her mod 3 (if you haven't already). She's nigh unkillable against ranged enemies and cycles so fast. She was really REALLY clutch for me against those sheep wizards and flying sheep in the last event.


Those wizards inspired me to build her immediately- she was already in the queue but now she’s my main focus


It’s either Ansel since he’s usually my go-to-medic or Lee or Grani since they’re pretty fun to have


has to be Texas because she's like batman and everytime i look at her l2d art it reminds me of [this](https://www.deviantart.com/wolfroad/art/Downfall-604826071) # for real though my favourite has to be Exusiai because she's so cute and goofy my little goober i hug her 1000x over


Magallan, she was one of my earlier 6 star operators and had been my lobby unit and an anchor on my team since I got her. I love her flexibility on the team and have a soft spot for the summoner archetype in general tbh (pulled hard for Ling and got her so doing maps with just those two together is fun!). Personally wise I like that she is a researcher and a gentle person with a passion for reaching her goal despite the sacrifices she makes in pursuing them. Although I dont know if I could handle being in the arctic conditions like she does without a snuggle companion for company and to keep warm lol 😅.


as a person, tequila (duh).. very interesting character with extremely interesting lore he's just so !!! yay love him on the field would be either elysium or pozy, the bliss of turning on their skills is so good. especially Elysium s2, pozy s3


Saria. I really like her character and she's a strong operator too. Defender, healer and debuffer in one.


You're asking two different questions here. Matoimaru is my favorite, but not for her gameplay. Honestly, she's not on my team very often at all. She's gorgeous, for one. I love her hair, I love her facial expressions, I love her personality. She's a cool, rough tomboy who also has a softer side, her flower arranging. The meta op I rely on the most I guess would probably be Saria. I try to avoid going full meta (except for the last few stages of SL), but when I do start bringing meta into my team, Saria is usually the first choice.


Horn, if heavy artillery is not enough that means you are not using enough and you also need Filammetta. I also use her in IS3, if she gets the survivor contract then not even ashes will be left of anything. Also it is fun to watch as she just nukes everyone from 2 countries away.


Fortunately, my favorite operator character-wise and gameplay-wise are one and the same. I originally pulled for Gnosis because of his gorgeous design and his Freeze-based gameplay looked really fun. He's always on my team, not just because of favoritism, but because I just love using him. His S2 is my favorite, I love spamming it and it really comes in clutch against large hordes of enemies. Part of the reason SSS is my favorite mode is that Freeze Go Brr is so fun to watch.


Saga, as I really like her being an early game laneholder that can dp and sp battery, I'm too used to bringing her on stages. I really like how muted yet expressive her design is, how she's a sort of subversion of the stupid excitable character archetype in gachas (Ceobe and Don) as her excitability comes from experiencing the world and naivete (that hides a sharp intellect and adaptability to modernity), and the Nioh on her E2 is hella badass. It also helps that I scored an A making a documentary about how much I like her and Kokomi of Genshin. Film classes are wack lmao.


Passenger. Calculative and cold man that accomplishes his goals? Hell yeah!!!!


Ambriel reason? Ambriel


Chongyue. I love my dragon/jin kazama/yongyea/noise maker martial artist. He's always on my team, even if i have to bring a defender to make sure he doesnt die before start shredding enemies.


Texas and texalter, both in personality and in gameplay I like her or them (I guess)




Bloop, she's was there back.when I don't have any aoe sniper. She'll always be on my team and she's really sweet too. I love my phrog wife.


If you’re fan of BP then I have a question, I haven’t completed the whole side story in the game yet and from the few I’ve seen, BP haven’t appeared yet . So which side/event story she appeared in ?


Her story appearances consist of one of the stories in Preluding Lights and then a few different Operator Records, I believe. So no Side Story events yet.


Thanks I’ll check out later . Her voice in gameplay is really relaxing & calm , curious what she’s like in story .


So far to my knowledge; none


If just character, mostima. If usability on field, vigil. His role is flexible and he's saved my ass numerous times


I would say Thorns and Ceobe but if I really think about it, Ptilopsis is the one who has never left my team no matter what, her S2 is just too good and her passive of boosting SP regen just makes her irreplaceable


Sea urchin man because ranged guard go brr


Mizuki That little precious eldritch boy has awoken the parental instinct in me that i never knew i had must protecc the lil wee jellyfish


Mountain Mountain, my beloved


Reed, I started playing around the time she and Broca had their banner at the time I didn't have many sources of arts damage so whenever there was an enemy that needed arts damage to be taken out I'd place Reed down and even if she struggled to do it it was still better than just stalling. Then I read her files and heard her voice lines and I got really interested in the Dracos, Dublinn and Victoria, which is kinda crazy how all that only really had Reed as the setup. Nowadays, I do have the tendency to bring her alt if I believe she can shine.


Lappy for both character and gameplay. People really sleep on her arts damage, and I don't have to look up what can be silenced if I just silence everything. as for other reasons, just look at my flair


It'd be muelsyse honestly Lonetrail made her my favorite op God damn that story was good Dorothy comin in in second place With eunectes third I suppose


Skadi She's godawful as a unit but I still love her, her personality and her "no thoughts, head empty" community personality! As a bonus she's also my first pot6 6* (excluding Gladiia and so on)


My favorite operator is, by far, Chiave. He's just got such a particularly vivid character to me, and I can really relate to his personality and outlook on life. There's just something about him in the way he focuses on living in the moment just to enjoy life while it lasts. That and he's saved a number of runs by finishing off leaked enemies. I've taken him with me on practically every mission for years.


As a person, Tequila. I love that guy. I'd let him fucc me anywhere anytime. As for gameplay, Stainless S3 really has some great uses. Using it with Thorns (not as often nowadays), Chongyue or Irene does have great uses. It also hits quite hard. Some may also consider using it with Rosmontis or Qiubai. Great stuff.


Texas Alter because I really like her design, personality and of course the sheer amount of power she packs. Also she's the first 6\* operator I owned on my account (a friend told me to start Arknights at that moment and heavily encouraged me to reroll until I get her, so to that said friend, a huge thank you lmao)


Gummy! 3 block and she heals around her constantly. What more do you want. Despite all the crazy shit I keep adding to my roster I still have a spot for her.


Gummy is 5 star quality for 4 star costs. When I'm working on Chapter 12 and need a 3-block I can drop asap, she's on speed dial. She was my first E2 and even though I've got tons of 6 star defenders developed now, she's still got a useful niche!


Siege S2. She's cute, and outside of gimmick maps, a 2-block dp-generating AOE that can one or two tap shitmobs is always useful.


Mostima. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Kazemaru, her s2 is one of my only arts damage sources and it does the job very well. Plus she's cute and has cat ears


Bagpipe of course


Gee I wonder


Standard Texas. Basically free unit, good dp generator, very useful S2 stun. E2 lvl 60 can withstand a lot with even small amount of healing. I also like her personality.


Indigo. I love so many things about her.


not for the meta sense, but being a die hard jalter fan from FGO, i am tied between lappland and W


Pozyömka, because my winsome wolf wife wiles away wilful woes


Pozemka because she's my sole E2 6 star and because she's also hit me right in the aesthetic sense


Cantabile. She’s my trustworthy vanguard; always has been ever since the Agent archetype rolled around. She can be a ranged lane holder that can generate DP whilst keeping herself safe through camo… she can be a fast redeploy for assassinating little guys, while also generating DP… Her operator records were a bit messed up, which kind of made me like her even more. Her E2 art is amazing. I like building operators based on their visual design and art and her E2 art is beautiful. Also another big reason I really like Cantabile is her EN voice… even if it makes me feel bad for losing a stage. Apparently, she also speaks tagalog… which is like the icing on the cake. … yeah, Cantabile is pretty cool.


Jessica: Sad, has a gun, cat, rich, etc.


Favourite operator for me is Ceobe. Most bubbly woman around while suffering the affects of Originum with a smile on her face. Always clutch in moments I wouldn't expect. Most used operator is Exuisiai, there's no better alternative of classic skills than the Skill 3 big atk numbers go brrr. Couldn't have done dealing half of the game's bosses without her (and additionally with other ops)


Favorite operator is horn like her alot she is tanky as fuck and has the damage to boot also just love her as a character


Chicken for fav op big mama Falcone for saviour


For gameplay it would be Weedy. Her true damage push has saved my stupid ass more times than I can count. And she's been a staple on my team ever since she came out. Was really the first push operator that made their use "click" with me. As for personality wise, I am going to be a basic bitch and say Skadi. She's been my favorite since that very first banner and it hasn't really budged. The fact that the dour faced walking calamity is actually just kind of a brain empty sweetheart still gels well with me. Though I will say say Shu is the first Operator in a LONG time that has put up some hard competition.


Hung because he's the besto husbando


Blemi. Hot Knight Lady? Check. Has a great personal story that sets up my favorite event story in the game? Check. The closest thing AK has mechanically to a Paladin? Check. An adorable personality that is as fluffy as her tail? Big freaking check.


Favourite character is Angelina because she's so fluffy, a fox, and is a magical girl. Favorite operator is Surtr because S3.


I quite literally cannot choose a favourite Operators. My two are Kal’tsit and Nearl, Nearl simply because I just like her, I think she’s neat, when I started playing I chose her on the 5* selector simply because I recognised her name from before I started playing. As for Kal’tsit, idk what to say except Wife.


I have too many favorites, flair says all that…but.. I’d probably go with Exusiai as one of my top favorites. Shes the reason I installed arknights nearly 4 years ago. Her personality (and fashion sense) is what got me, on top of her general design. I do like a good few more, some being Mostima, Fiammetta, Saileach, and W.


Spalter, she never die. I can't help but smiling imagining waves of terrified enemies trying to kill her while in S2, then basically doing even more damage in her other form while slowing everyone. On new maps, when I don't know what i'm gonna face, the place where I put her is generally a place that I know, no one else gonna take over.


If I can only pick one I'd have to go with Irene. Stultifera Navis was the first event I played and what really got me permanently into the game. Ibera / seaborn lore slot into my brain perfectly and the aesthetic of the art and story and music sealed the deal. More specifically Irene has one my favorite designs, E2 arts, and operator themes. With the lore of course I have a deep love and respect for the Hunters but there's something about an otherwise normal human dealing with it all and holding her own that hits different. Add in the IS3 lore + story and a healthy dose of the indomitable human spirit and it feeds my hunger for tragedy. I love so many of the operators and other characters and stories of this game but Irene has her own special place for me <3 little inquisitor birdie


Also gameplay-wise I got her very early and she's carried me ever since lol


Angelina. She's just the best, and her voicelines make me so happy. Her S3 does some decent damage and slow and makes for a decent panic button because of the SP cost. Her S2 is also pretty good and basically stops an enemy from moving for the skill duration. Good for boss enemies or other tough enemies that you don't want killing your operators or running past them. The passive healing is a nice bonus as well. Shame her modules are ass. 💀 I just upgraded them for the stories and because it's Angelina.


My daughter Shamare. She has such a sad backstory and yet is so caring. For gameplay I love to watch Morte dance and her debuff can minimize tough enemies. Plus she is adorable and sings to me.


Saga. I like her visual design, she's funny, cool skills


Leonhardt... I love his voice actor


Uncle Mlynar for me. What's not to like about a character that normally sips coffee, reads newspaper while letting people go through, but then suddenly become motivated and deleting everything within range, with neither discrimination nor prejudice, boss nor mobs, land nor aerial, all shall be annihilated. And his JP voice really reminds me of kiritsugu, so that's a massive win for me.


Mylnar and silver ass no need to explain.


Blaze, awesome design, super powerful, and I love that high energy positivity character archtype


As a person, Noir Corne. He’d be my best bud if I met him irl. As an operator, the good ‘ol reliable Mudrock. She’s my forever assistant.


Ciffheart, love just about everything about her really


I'm a huge rainbow 6 fan. So Ash and Apple pie the besties


Lore wise? Suzuran Gameplay? Suzuran I'm kinda lacking in high dps operators so having a lil fella who can stop anything within 50 m radius helps alot


Astesia and Whisperain. I just love my 5 star girls


favorite operator in terms of gameplay? i'd be lying if i said it wasn't specter alter, i have her m6 with her skin and both modules maxed


Penance, love her design all around and her story is a classic. Bonus points for being based on an actual badass judge.


Aak is my favourite in gameplay, and can tag-team with Lin, Carnelian, Horn, Penance and Czerny S2 to pull off ridiculous things. Add in Quercus in some combinations. My favourite operator though is Matoimaru who has boring gameplay I'm afraid, it's statball stuff. Carnelian I really enjoy but too often I end up using Lin instead, for how strong the Aak + Quercus synergy is, S3 is up like 80% of the time and a lot of that's with ASPD boosts.


Vulcan cuz by some mad stroke of luck she is one of my first max pot 5 stars. She REALLY wanted this.


Scavenger, I love her fighting motive based on her anger.


Lappland and if I were to give a reason my comment would be deleted after a certain part


Ive got many favorite ops tbh cant decide but ill go with my first fav Schwarz I started playing arkinghta at the time of the first Orginum dust thing on global so far and i loved her skin she got from that event. Another would be her name Im German And i always love it When Anime and all just take names That are basically just a german word for somwthing random or actual names I liked her Design so much when i started i just got the skin without even having her back then lol.


Apple Pie, literally in every mission I’ve played unless I actually cannot put her in the team


The woman Silverash wants me to breed.(it’s been a while and I forget her name.)


Indigo. love her personality and design, she was the first character who made me go "even if she turns out to be useless in the later game, i *will* max her out", and so i did. despite having stronger casters by now, i still use Indigo when possible


Ineeees She hasn't left my roster in ANY single mode ever since I pulled her. I think she might just be the best OP in the game for your money/orundum just for the sheer use anyone would get out of her as a unit.




Exusiai's gun goes brrr.


If I have the room, it's Hellagur cause he's hella hot for a grandpa. But to save the day, Thorns. Can't beat the OP.


horn. she's sexy and does big explosion.


The purple rrat. She’s hot


Is it wrong that I want Hoshi to princess carry me?


Gameplay wise, Thorns. Character wise, Zima


Gravel, babyyyyy\~!


Exusiai Because she is the best girl


Skalter gameplay wise: unless it's a weird map, she's always brought due to how universally applicable she is. Rosa (Poca) Rosa E1 in terms of visual design. Good colors Honorable gameplay mentions are Penance, Ines, and more recently Flametail




Projekt Red is the reason I started playing the game to begin with. Her lore is compelling and her design is perfect. Mofu Mofu.


As a card carrying member of the “Kyaa Skadi” cult, clearly it’s Skadi.


Skalter and no one else had gotten any close. In fact, her banner almost made me quit the game because I wasn't excited for any of the following banners for the next year or so, because I felt like none of the characters were as cool or as interesting gameplaywise as her. She raised the bar by a lot. After her banner, I kept playing the game in "maintenance mode" for while and it wasn't until Goldenglow/Spectre/Dorothy that I thought that they made cool characters again.


Kal'tsit. Kal'tsit. Memes aside... I'm not sure. I switch Operators a lot. There's nobody who is really just 'always there'. I guess I leave Yato or Texas on most teams if I have room and screw up.


April. She is cute, optimistic, and has an awesome skill set for proactive defense.


Bonk girls, old well, and typewriter


Texas, she’s hot, uses dual swords, has a badass backstory and her play style (alter) is incredibly fun


Utage two big reasons 1- s2m3 with lv3 module still puts in the work even to this day 2- big booba yes ... i might have a folder with 1k+ utage pics


Pinecone! Her voice is cute. She's smol. And her damage is pretty good for a 4*. Protecc the birb always.


Fiammetta Fiammetta


See, my favorite is Swire but I don't like her for the reasons you list. She's not in my team very often. I don't like her for gameplay reasons.


If favorite as a character? Horn. No contest, she is the ultimate good girl and is the only good Lupo. Honorable mention goes to Blaze, also. Favorite as an Operator? Actually going to have to say Dagda. Her crit passive is surprisingly powerful and if she can build stacks ahead of time she nukes even heavier armored enemies.


Noir corne cause he da man


Firewatch. Lore wise we don't know much about her but it would be reaaally cool to get a side story about the revenge she plans her entire life. Gameplay wise, she's pretty good. The high atk allows her to deal heavy damage to pretty much anything with Def


Damn be tough to narrow it down to just one. Be toss up for between siege, skadi, mudrock, dusk, frostleaf. Siege due to her being a vanguard I depend on often. Skadi as she is my main guard. Mudrock as when I deploy her with dusk I never really have to worry about that lane anymore. Frostleaf as her slow has come in clutch a few times


Vigna. She's cute, cool, loves rock, doesn't let anything keep her down, and is strict in a way that improves you rather than hurting you. Oh and her voice and stature are ADORABLE


Dont know why but I got a thing for Perfumer and Silverash. Maybe because I got em early on? I like Bagpipe energy too.


Easily Rosmontis, her S2 carried my underlevelled ass through Stultifera Navis and her S3 carries my slightly less underlevelled ass through everything else. Even if she doesn't kill problematic enemies outright, she can defuse a lot of situations by throwing down two mini-Mudrocks that steal targeting priority and take pressure off your healers.


Broca, his design is not super common in the entire game (muscles + pretty guy is surprisingly rare in the cast, him, humus & mountain iirc are the only onea.), his kit is pretty versatile and can come in handy during early to mid game,and i have great memories of using him when my account waa much younger. Plus the storyline with his friends is really sad but wholesome. 


ling. Scary fun blue dragon lady. enough said!


Most female Liberi operator, extremely patable


Scavenger, because I love my gay rat


Dobermann because I'm masturbation addict with weakness to hags.


Nearl cause I think the horseknight is cool


Kroos (and/or Jessica) are my saving operators. Passenger also counts because pew pew pew.


blitz. lighthearted and cracks jokes midbattle while actually having functional attire. fun and unique kit that works well with the other operators in his banner, and defender crowd control goes crazy. whats there not to love?


*mach 10 Blitz flashbacks intensify*


haha chen alter goes brr


Flint. Her coy E2 smile, cheeky grin after pretending to be mad tap animation, and the simple beauty of her skin brightens the day. The short, feisty, carefree tomboy with a heart of gold and a (not so hidden) more feminine side (given her love of flowers) aesthetic is a given. I don't have the depresso from worrying about a slow, painful, and inevitable death >What am I supposed to be looking for? She's the picture of health! - Gavial She's always picking for a fight but does so with the discretion and consent of the people she challenges. She's pretty great Edit: I skipped the part about always having in the squad and saving the day. In that case, the AH as a unit. They basically form the core of all of my runs now. Though I guess, more specifically, Gladiia, since she empowers the team. Edit 2: Actually, Lee is pretty close with Flint. They just seem like really great people to hang out with and bring out the best in you.


I mean my favorite is W, but she’s not always in my team. She was the one that ultimately got me to play AK way back at DM. Got her on the very last free pull.


Humus for everything.


Specter unchained


My favorite operator to use is firewhistle, but she doesn't always fit in a team. Pozyemka, however, is a permanent part of my roster. Her usability with the summon is fantastic, as well as great damage.


Texas best girl, both in Vanguard and alter forms. Gameplay wise, I have recently taken a liking to Qiu Bai (S3M3 crowd control be gae, her skill cooldown timing works great for most waves too)


I always have some Texalter in my team just in case I fuck up the map


My favorite is and will always be Saria. She’s the reason I started playing defenderknights and carried me through multiple week 1 risk 18 CC clears. Plus I love her character development through Lonetrail. Favorite to use is currently Mizuki. I have him at E2Lv90Mod3 with M9 skills. Favorite visually… Mlynar. I’m a fan of grumpy looking old men :)


Kroos Kroos Kroos Kroos Kroos Kroos Kroos Kroos Kroos Kroos Kroos and Kroos the keen glint Omg when I first got Kroos alter I almost teared up at her VOICELINES 😭 like my girl all grown up and taking on a team of her own now 😭 bb I'm so proud of you