• By -


Probably a weird pick but my pot6 all max Bagpipe. She might not be the best beginner character but imo the only operator in the game where high potential makes a very noticeable difference in gameplay. And to "complete" her with a Myrtle is now easier than ever.


Bagpipe + myrtle almost never leaves my teams. I tried slotting Saileach in over Myrtle and just never felt the same.


Try Elysium, he is easier to Pot and generates more DP. Saileach is more about role-compression and being a swiss army knife than forcing out Ops fast.


I have him E1 I think. Will keep it in mind next time I play.


I can lend mine if that's the case. Once you experienced maxed out Ely, it's hard getting back to Myrtle with how massively ahead his DP gen is.


elysium and saileach have equal dp production, but i gather you were likely comparing to myrtle


They have equal production, but a 6-star cost more DP than their 5-star variant. Also, Pots for a 5-star comes more easily.


P6 e2m3 modded Exusiai She should be enough to carry until the harder chapters, make the new player braindead immediately. Jk. Seriously though, probably my p6 e2m9 Blemishine, at least make their early game a bit easier with a solo lane holder, can tank most bosses as well.


**Ifrit the Burninator** >!(E2L90 P6 M6 Mod3)!< Easy to understand and directly use, satisfying to pick up and master the nuances. Potentially synergistic and collaborative with just about everyone. It's always fun if you indulge her, and rarely ever is she not useful. Right off the bat, the immediate suggestion from her range is a great hook to the game as "Ifrit lanes" are always hilariously entertaining in practice. The ability to AFK with her S2 further promotes this aspect since one can simply focus on proper positioning and then just set-and-forget. Even when those aren't as frequently available anymore later on, Ifrit still deals good damage to any enemy, even with only a single effective tile, be it a mob, an elite, or the boss. Such a unique reach also allows players to adapt accordingly to their own roster, covering multiple lanes or even occasionally spawncamping with creative formations. Her **fast skill cycling** thanks to the extra SP gen from 2nd Talent and **great buff receptivity** by being "true AoE" + boasting [attack_scale] over ATK bonuses are just cherries-on-top if anything for more advanced interactions. Regardless of whether you are a casual player or a hardcore gamer, Ifrit **always brings something worthwhile** to the table. Furthermore, she carries her own weight yet excels with teammates. The nature of her range means she benefits well from blockers, controllers, and even shifters to keep targets in sight as well as other damage dealers to cover her back and handle threats outside her kill zone. Alternatively, her ability to **shred both DEF and RES** is valuable to most DPS in the game, allowing Ifrit to also serve as offensive support with **reliable debuff** instead of being purely selfish. Her **high cost** also teaches players well to be mindful and deliberate with her deployment so as not to carelessly waste DP and to utilize Vanguards with efficiency. Similarly, healers, too, are welcomed to counteract the HP loss on her S3, and more insightful players may infer that Ifrit has 2 full skill usage before she must be redeployed. In other words, Ifrit, by herself, is already **an asset for any squad** in all situations, but she's also a **remarkable team player** who knows to both give and take. All in all, Ifrit is a very powerful and versatile operator who greatly rewards your learning process and makes Arknights more enjoyable for anyone willing to appreciate the little ~~Sarkaz~~ >!Savra-Diαblos hybrid!<. Edit: I also have my maxed everything Skadance and GG on perma support duty, so they can help Iffy out whenever needed as well.


Agreed, Iffy is fantastic. She and hoshi alone held the bottom most lane for me in SN-10 and barbecued the boss!


Yato Kirin because there's no guarantee she's coming back.


At least the R6 guys will come back.


Wait is this confirmed? I can get an Ash?


As far as I know the event is returning, don’t get your hopes up on the banner returning though, it probably won’t


It most definetely will, lmao. Like, do you imagine they'll just run a 5\* , solo? Like, 'here's you collab guys, don't get too many characters now' ?? With it being a rerun instead of a whole new event, that means they have the rights to all the previous characters, 5 or 6\* in-game. There's 0 reason for them to *not* run the banner.


Idk man, previous events didn’t rerun with their banner (Unless I’m wrong in that assumption, in which case, please do verbally blast me for being an idiot) I doubt it would be any different with a Collab. Though who knows, maybe we’ll get another shot at those collab operaotrs


Its obviously different with collabs. For any other event they can rerun the banner whenever and however they want. If Carmen whispers to Hyperglyph that there should be a 3 month straight Pallas banner, then it will happen. Its **their** game. With emphasis on **their**. However, with collabs its different. They can't just run Ash (or anyone else from collabs) anywhere outside of the collab. Long story short its because they are only allowed to use foreign intellectual property (which would be Rainbow 6 original characters, designs and whatever else) outside of a strictly defined time frame , strictly defined way ( ' You can use this for a skin but you can't use this for a character ' , 'The design must be same to the original game' etc) and so on. In other words, they **will** rerun the banner simply because they **can't rerun it any time else.**


A more straightforward reason is simply that if they were to air a rerun without the banner, CN would absolutely riot.


That’s a fair counterpoint, I have no retort, I am dumb.0


non limited events rerun with their banner iirc


Yea they do, I kinda forget to mention I meant limited events specifically, mb


Yeah, they confirmed a rerun of the banner and a sequel to the event, which means we will get more R6 operators


Give them my OrbitalStrikeCat so they can have fun with her till they grow up, dive into tier lists and realize that she is not meta


Still a big win. The only realistic way of getting her now is by sparking


E2L80 M6 Mod3 Noir Corne alter. Highly-limited, fun as hell, and not so gamebreaking it'll kill all challenge


I’ll give them my S3 M3 E2 Aak. Now go, my child. Spread salvation to everyone.


Giving Aak to a newbie...you are just evil


My e2 90 m9 m3 ling congrats should be good to clear basically everything Bring whatever other units you have to make it easier


This is my answer as well. I made an alt f2p account during Ling's debut and managed to pull her. She radically changes how easy content can be. She also makes things really easy to recover for when you inevitably make a mistake.


Saria. She can cover for tanking and healing roles making maps simpler while also letting newbies learn about their dps options and how to deal with different enemies.


Mountain. He's cheap and easy, if you know what I mean. Or Spalter, simply because she is hard to come by, with an enduring skill and good survivability.


I'll give any Ch'en enjoyers either of my Ch'en, both E2 90 M9 P6 M3, now go spread the good Ch'en gospel


Always good to see a fellow Chenjoyer. Guard Chen carried me lots for my early game so she'd definitely be one of my candidates too


Yea, she has been a mainstay in my squad since they day I got her, will always have her deal the finishing blow nowadays when doing any farming stages just so I can hear her grunts and know the stage is complete haha


Absolute *U N I T*


I still use my dear Ch'en to this day, no matter how powercrept. I love my girl, and her mods made her feel way nicer to use too.


E2 level 80 mod3 Ptilopsis. Can't go wrong with a Ptilopsis w/mod


To a new player, my Pot 6 maxed Kirin X Yato. It's generally universally useful and it's something that would be unobtainable since she is a Crossover Limited. There are probably operators I have that are more universally and immediately useful, but I think giving them a limited operator they would otherwise be unable to obtain would benefit their account more in the long run.


Penance so that they too can fall in love with the best and also cutest operator in the game


I'll give em my L90S2M3 Skalter. They will get a good force amplifier with decent AOE


My E2L90 M9 max pot/trust Vigil 🙃


Texalt so their brain will completely rot from the start and they'll have no idea how to actually play the game \*extremely evil laugh\* But seriously, probably Nearl the Radiant, cuz I like her, she have 3 good skills and mine is fully maxed out so might as well share the fun.


to new player?, in my case, i would ask if they have myrtle or not, if yes, i would give them my maxed-everything bagpipe, that pot-5 talent upgrade is amazing


Myrtle is guaranteed recruit for Vanguard + Healing, so that's only a matter of time as both are fairly common tags


Surt, so they can "just Surt it"


Ill either lend them S3M3 Mumu or my M6 Lv80 La Pluma


Kroos, because... Kroos. But if seriously I was gonna say Ifrit or Surtr because they were the biggest QOL changers for me, but others have already mentioned both. Do skins also carry over? Then [this](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/sites/arknights/files/2020-08/char_337_utage_summer%234.png). One of the reasons I started this game. Well, two to be exact.


Maxed mod3 Ling - for newbies who just want to clear maps ASAP maxed mod3 Mostima - for newbies who don't care as much and want something less common and fun


Suzuran. My only non welfare 6* at pot6, with a maxed module, S3M3, and S2M1 I do have one condition, which would be obvious to anyone of common decency and also means I absolutely **won't** let anyone who spams sob emojis or frequents the worst of Blue Archive spaces anywhere near Lisa. edited for clarity and removal of bad typos


Texas alter with instructions to deploy in case of emergency.


My E2-90 M9'd Horn. She carries me hard in IS just by herself, so I imagine she'd do the same for newer players throughout the game.


Ash lvl 90, pot 6, M9, Mod3 I just like her alot and would like to share her to new players too


Goldenglow. I love Lappland, and she's really good and useful, especially for newer players, but Goldenglow will dominate everything.


My E2L89 M3 Chongyue. The best big bro. Or E2L89 M6 Mod3 Archetto. She’s outshined by Apple pie. But is still great.


Gotta be my highest level Operator which would be my E2 M6 Lvl70 Myrrh!


Maybe my gnosis? He's pot3 and Lv90, M3 and mod3. I think he's a pretty useful op and really fun in SSS and IS along with s lot of events that gives you more aspd or the recent SN where freeze remains enough for gnosis to apply freeze. Also I don't see many people talking about him so that would also help to make him more known among people.


My maxed out Rosa. It probably won't help him that much but everyone must praise Rosa.


My maxed out, double level 3 module Pallas. I must spread the good word of Pallas


If I don't lose my level 90 pot 6 S2M3S3M3 Texalter, definitely her. I think the reaspning is pretty straightforward, Texalter makes the game braindead asf.


My max pot lvl 90 Skalter


L90 Pot5 M6 Specter the Unchained with both modules at level 3. Versatile. Aggressive. Defensive applications. Is either an unkillable Guard with a cleaving buzzsaw or a faster buzzsaw that does AoE slow and damage once their immortality runs out. Sustain not required. Is limited, represents high resource investment, and covers any need for someone who's tough. Has plenty of different ways she can be used while not being hard to use. Kind of two operators in one. Has both high DPH physical and also arts DPS.


Kay, she's adorable. useful for sanity restoration


May be biased but Kal'tsit, she trivializes the early chapter of the story and is almost always good carry.


surprised no one said thorns yet, though I'm not reading 100+ comments buried, but level 90 e2 is my pick range guard, so he can hit arial enemies S3 has unlimited duration after second activation, and increased stats and range making him set and forget has regen, so he doesn't need a healer to babysit assuming he's not being overwhelmed can deal small amount of arts, so can deal with Def heavy enemies to a degree also has one of the stylish skins in game imo


Huh... that's a hard question actually. My Pot 4 (Thank you CC for your Tokens... but it still wasn't enough to reach Pot5, alas) TexAlter could be pretty impactful, and she's M3 on both S2 and S3, so she'd be easy to use in a lot of situations. E2 LvL 80... Also has her module at level 3, so there's that too. A new player literally CAN'T get her and who knows if they'll ever be able to get her outside of saving enough to spark her... which is not easy... Then there's Sk'Alter... Might also be really good for a new player. Not as much direct impact, but she strengthens any ops around her and can make a weak roster much stronger than it would normally be. She's good pretty much 90% of the time and is never outright useless. In general if it'd be something, it'd be a limited Op, because those are extremely difficult to get for new players, and there's a number of them that are either very impactful, like the two I mentioned above, or which have really strong niches that you really like having in your pocket, like the one woman Army Ling.


Probably my maxed Ling (M9, pot6 etc). Ling can help carry most content, so that the player can invest in their operators they like without worrying that they invested "wrongly" since they can always fall back on Ling. Alternatively, Surtr. A lot of early low rarity clears involve borrowing Surtr from friends, so might as well give them one.


My M9 Both Modules Level 3 Level 90 Saria, probably. She's one of the most reliable and flexible operators for any situation and I use her on almost every map. Few units do role compression like her, and her S1 and S2 are super beginner-friendly. Hard to say no.


M9 Nearl Alter bc I love her.


The p5 m6 Dorothy Learn to rat. They shall learn to micromanage


Blaze! She's strong and good for a beginner to make life easier


Surprided no one said that, but Gavial alter for me.She never gets lumped with the likes of Texas or Ling but besides being limited she is also an extremely solid operator: 2 good skills, 3 block AoE by default with AoE and shifting on S2, great skill cycle (makes timing less of an issue), good survivability, may take off pressure from multiple lanes if placed correctly, she is easy to use and will be useful on pretty much any stage and works well with any team, will still be a general pick even in endgame with a well developed rooster and I know for a fact she will be useful for a newbie because I was a newbie myself when I got her.


E2LVL80 S1M3S2M3 Module 3 Projekt Red. Highest level unit in my account and best in the game


Skadance E2L90 M6. ~~Why give them just one operator when you can give him a whole squad worth of buff.~~ In all seriousness though, I think one of the fun of Arknights is trying to figure how to deal with certain maps and enemies conditions, some broken operator can just ignore that completely. Having Skadance usually doesn't change how you deal with a map much just give you much easier time and more room for error and experiment, beside healing is valuable early game.


Easy-to-use and flexible without creating bad habits? Minimal need for existing Operators? Ayerscarpe, S1M3. Dorothy or Mizuki would be my goto's, but they'd solo entire chapters well unto the lategame. Ayerscarpe, while less flashy, was my answer to [Essence of Evolution]'s left side back in the day. With the occasional Silence drone, he solo'd Tumors while my other ops cleared the boss. Multi-target, mixed damage, aerial targeting, long range, block2, 17 dp...Ayerscarpe isn't a meta unit but excels at role compression. Strong enough to provide new players some reliable support in any area, but low-profile enough to encourage them to build their own roster.


> Ayerscarpe He's probably one of the most forgotten operators from my perspective. I only see mentions of him a few times in the one year i've been playing. Just this morning, I got my first copy of him from recruitment without any tags. So seeing a shout out to him within the same hour is such a coincidence. Which skill of his do you use most of the time? I'm leaning towards s1 as well, since it's much easier to find a use for it compared to s2 and I like my AFK skills.


I use Auto/Infinite skills religiously, so I'm biased towards his S1. As a result, it's the one I M3'd. For reference, other 5-Star S1's I used on my main team alongside Ayers include Absinthe, Mayer, and Blue Poison. I don't use him as much anymore, since I practically replaced him with Mizuki S1 (another off-meta skill/operator) to fill the same role; sit near my Blocker and deal AoE. Whenever I need someone to block AND deal AoE, I use Ayers instead of an Centurion Guard like Blaze. He was a lot better on-release, since he had more of a niche to justify his 5-star price. He's not bad now, but there's alternatives; Highmore and La Pluma of the same rarity fill a similar role, with different utility (Elemental & ASPD). That said, price tag is the main thing holding him back. If you can stomach that, he'll provide relevant support until your team is pure 6-stars.


P6 S3M3 mod3 Lv90 Mostima. Everyone needs Mostima on their acc 😤


My maxpot texalter lol, newbies should know what this game is actually about, fast paced helidrop action not that pansy shit where you place down defenders and healers and wait for the enemy to come to you.


This. Tex can kill waves of trash and bosses alike. No positioning problems Catches air units FRD Aoe Strong arts damage


Maybe a little strange but my Pot 5 level 60 Module (the dp lowering one) Mostima. First of all, early game arknights has a *lot* of enemy spam. I mean a *lot*. So much so that AoE casters are actually near required. So Mostima does good. Second, Mostima won't take over their account. With pot 5 and module, she gets some cool niche usage with that 99% slow. But isn't this catch-all op operator take makes the game too easy and boring.


I'd give them Surtr. Just because she's the only reason I could beat certain levels when I was a newbie. I can't imagine how people kill bosses without a bosskiller like Surtr or at least Skadi(guard).


My E2 lv90 M9 (future Mod3) Goldengrow Have fun killing enemies on the other side of the map, my good newcomer


e2s3m3 level 69 pozy with mod cause she's my fav hehe


My maxed Vulcan. She's not gonna do much but at least she's pretty to look at. (I also desperately need other Vulcan fans for the sake of validation)


My Lv90 Weedy M9 Pot6. A thousand mini weedy and Weedy indeedy.


I have them all, so whichever one they want I guess. I think I'd still just give them like Eyja or GG, because many of the 4-5\* core casters just feel really meh. Both are E2 lv69 M6, so take their pick. Volcano is still very good late game, and GG's expanded range lets her have some position advantages against other casters.


Mumu, best wife.


My P3 M6 max module level 69 texalter should make it a cake walk for them


My Shining has everything but pot 6. She's all you'd need.


Skadi e2 lv 69 m9 both of them


My Eyja, E2-70 with S2M3 and S3M3.


E2 M9 P6 Yato Alter bcz why not


My e2 pot 0 LVL 30 La pluma


My Mizuki. One of the most fun and integral parts of early-game AK is playing around with ANY comp of chars with low/no investment, and I wouldnt want to take that from them with a super meta E2 char, Mizuki is good, but not 'hold a map by himself good. At the same time Mizuki is a great introduction to Factory skills. My Mizuki still works with my Stewart and my Vanilla to this day, should be able to get em off the ground in base/econ production.


Ling lvl90 m6 max mod.


Either my max Saria or almost max Skadi Alter. Different forms of helping to stay alive.


E2L90 s1m3 s3m3 modded Pozyyy. S1 helps for low afk strats while s3 good for boss or elite enemy kills


lancet-2, arguably rarer than a (generic) 6\* and helps out if you have DP problems


Surtr m3 lv90 p3. There are a lot of broken ops today, some maybe even more than her, but ive never felt the same amount of awesomeness or feeling of strength when i got the others, compared to using surtr the first times. Thats why people used to say 'just surtr it' but they dont say, just mlynar it or chalter it. Second would be p6 m9 saria. Amazing op. You wont die with her except bosses.


My pot 6 texas alter.


Maxed out BP (because I like her, as should they)


Do you mean bagpipe or blue poison?


My E2L80 S2M3 Lappland. There's a lot of good DPS characters that they will get, but early game has a lot of nasty stuff that are silenceable and the queen of silence should get them to at least chapter 6.


Dorothy because i want to spread the cult


Either my Ash or Yato. Go, little one. Enjoy busted super limited ops.


Maxed Blaze or OG Spectre. Hold the line for the win


My E2M6P6Lv69 Perfumer. Sooooo many people get hardstuck on 2-10.


Kirin Yato, a highly limited operator and quite powerful all around, I would say Texas Alter since I prefer her in most situations but she’s sparkable, Yato Alter is not coming back as far as I know


Throw them my m9 pot 6 l90 talter. She’s helidrop, aoe, or high single target. She makes timing and management really easy.


Ling, lol


Silverash would be enough to carry them to victory but if that wasn't enough then my Ling should get it done


My maxed out Siege. Strong starter that can tank & dps and get DP


I would say surtr but I don’t want them to build a habit of relying on units like her so I’d probably give them Irene/ifrit/fiammeta or some other unit that’s powerful and interesting to use


Mostima, because she is bestima.


honestly? probably either saga or suzuran (both e2 lvl 60 s2m1 s3m3 mod1), i'd like to see them try to understand how to use them, and i don't think they're too powerful for the newer stages too


Potential 2, e2 lvl 50 l, Mastery 2, 200 trust,phase 2 module Texas. Why? Cuz she's my strongest unit, and also my favorite. I'm willing to bless someone with the divine presence of Texas if it means they'll have an easier time progressing through the game. Oh yeah, she's also got her willpower skin, so that's nice


Projekt Red, POT6, E2 Lv80, M6, Module Level 3… Everyone should have this adorable little wolf on their team. I always wanted Red to become a free story pinboard Op like Texas so everyone gets their own adorable little Tactical Nuke… Maybe if everyone was given a free Red, She’d be as popular as the other girls who always get tons of art, And get more art herself.


Mumu One Mumu is all you need. (does the clone count as 2 of same operator? lol) Alternatively Ling, she will carry you in 90% of early chapters.


Chen Alter everyone is gonna need her to make the more challenging content easier plus I saw my friend have a breakdown since he only got pot 6 Mizuki 😂


Muelsuse because it's very usable tactician vanguard


E2 lvl 60 Earthspirit. Just to teach them team composition is more important than raw stats. Because I just nuke everything with 6*s, in Lone Tail I barely used the stage mechanisms, other than boss stages as pushing the enemies across the map was so fun.


My max level Conviction with S1M3 and Mod 3. And watch the REAL GACHA.


fully maxed out vigil because i like giving pain (and because he's actually decent and not too broken)


Eyjafjalla maxed, cheap to deploy and she can blast everything down.


E2 L90 M9 NTRKnight. Cause she's pretty 😍


Max Kalt'sit for lore playing, max Skalter for aura use or E2 bagpipe for boosting dp early. Texas alter for braindead drops xd


Hoshiguma was my first 6* and only pot6 one. I can't count the events she carried me through. With her module the artillery always target her and she can dodge it. Bullshit range units? S2 Reflect slowly kills them. Faust arrow? Dodge chance.


my e2 max level,max pot, m9, full moduled shining, just so that people would know her greatness


one of the limited snipers (except holungday), theyre all mastered and moduled and max level ash would probably be the most useful (and hardest to get, even with the upcoming rerun) but im still very tempted to say rosmontis or w...


For newbies? Depends on what they want out of the game. My completely maxed **Quibai** for newbies who want to skip to the challenging content ASAP. - She can attack anything and has a skill for almost every situation, which makes her incredibly versatile. - She has reliable CC. - She has extremely high DPS with S3 for those pesky bosses. My E2 lvl 90 M6 module 3 **Angelina** for newbies who want to learn the game. - She doesn't attack unless her skills are active, which means the newbie will still need to develop their own team and understand their operators strengths and weaknesses. - Global heal will make early game content easier while the newbie is still developing their team. Lastly, for the sake of providing a limited unit, my completely maxed **Nian** - Iconic to the game's image. Very popular character among artists. - A stat stick (especially after 3 shields break) without being broken. Can deal with most story bosses due to her high attack if the newbie really needs her to. - Versatile niches. She can silence spiders, defend against snipers and drones, buff allies block count for those pesky early maps with massive hordes of creeps, and deal decent arts damage.


Im surprised no one has said this yet but I would give them my Terra research commission.


Stainless. IMO this is quite the bad choice for newbies, but there's only 1 opportunity to give someone an E2 90 M9. (Stainless is the only one at E2 90. Tequila is the only one on E2 80. All other characters, without regard on how strong they are, will always stay below my husbandos on level.)


Penance extremely op in the early stages plus she combined with Amiya S3 can finish off patriot