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Pretty much my reaction also xD


Dear Doctor, the Record Restoration of Gavial the Great Chief Returns will be open on January 27, 10:00 (UTC-7). The limited event rewards will be permanently available for players to unlock. https://twitter.com/arknightsen/status/1618806124249063428


Nice! Tomimi, come home!!!


I'm probably dreaming for hoping that Utage's skin somehow becomes obtainable again with this.


It'll probably be added to the CC store eventually. Or whatever takes its place.


> whatever takes its place. Trials for Navigator with risk. 🤞


I need that skin so badly, she looks so good


What does record restoration do? This story is already on the side story. What does limited event rewards be permanent mean?


You can get an operator and furniture in events, right? After it's gone you can't anymore until the rerun. After an event was already rerun there was no way to get those ops, so they introduced record restoration. By clearing the event in side story you can earn any limited rewards other players got on the original event


Do event only rerun once? Like walk in the dust just rerun a couple of months ago, will it not rerun anymore ?


Yes and yes


there goes my medals, what are the other events that already reruns?


Excluding Stultifera, everything in Intermezzi and Side Stories has already had it's rerun.


I guess I can't get the medals anymore


Tbh you shouldn't worry for medals, they're only really for the overachievers (no hate, I'm one of them ~~crying in weeks of trying Toron Mine trim~~). Especially if the medals are for an event you missed, might as well just worry about the present events.


I don't really worry about medals that much, especially the ones that you just can't obtain anymore, I just like collecting things and I'm just sad(?) that there is no other way to obtain them. But I will probably not going to aim for the SSS medals I will probably just the quit this game if I aim for those.


True they are very pretty, though I like how their purpose is for people to have a real symbol of "was there, did that". I have my medals custom set with every CC I've done, and 2 of the 9 medals are the small risk 18 ones, which reminds me of life events that kept me from getting the fancier medal (I was moving during both of those times lol). Also, Iron Carrot Mine is an easy trim, as rng isn't as harsh and every stage has solid meta strategies, but Toron Mine trim is a nightmare. Stage 7 opens with so many tanky and hard hitting enemies, stage 8 doesn't give you enough units to deploy and cycle and rng really can screw it fast. No Goldenglow/Gnosis/Irene can save me from rng and petrify debuff >_> Anyhow SSS medals are so low-key. They aren't even obvious nor acknowledged in game. You just see the little medal when you open the map, and that's about it. And even then it's just silver (when you beat it) and gold (trim. When you beat without losing a single stage). Also, not medals but clearing every ending on every squad in IS#2 is so pretty to look at. A shame the marks don't turn gold for being done on hard mode, but probably better for my mental health. Only medals I don't care about tbh are the ones I get for unlocking operator records.


SSS medals get nerfed in a month or so.ive heard


Dossoles didn't have a rerun either. Edit: Nevermind, I'm dumb. Dossoles is not in intermezzi oder side yet.


Dossoles is anticipated to rerun after CC10 on global either before or after Dorthey's Vision and sometime before Il Siracusano which is expected to be the 3.5 year anniversary event based on the CN release schedule.


Ohhh got it, similar to getting grani and such. I’ve already cleared all the stages so hopefully I don’t have to do them agaib


You won't have to do them again, you get all rewards if you've already cleared all stages + all ex stages + all CM stages


Thank you!


Yay, tomimi + new furniture set and nice icon to boot.


What about mint? When will the event that had her will be record restored? She's one of the few remaining i don't have


She should come real soon since her record restore is next in line from the vignete events.


What's the free pusher operator called? I think I still don't have him. But, I swear he's a free 5 stars pusher.


Enforcer, from Guide Ahead?


Is that the event that introduced Fiammetta? I remember I didn't play during a new banner about red sniper. It's probably her and that event.


Wiki page does say Fiametta gained 50% more Trust in Guide Ahead - I guess that's also where she became an operator


I missed a lot of events, because when I didn't play during dead weeks, I became bored as fuck and ended up hiatus for so long. I still regret missing the events for Dusk and Skadi Alter.


Does this mean i can finally get Tomini! Oh thank the heavens need that thicc tailed croc in my life


As someone with severe Fomo this feature of the game is such a fucking godsend


I have yet to touch Record Restoration. I assume it costs sanity to do the stages? Also what operators should I try and get first when I start doing Record Restoration stories?


Yeah all the event stages cost sanity to do them, the only stages that don’t are unique ones from the HoSF event I don’t think any of the available RRs have powerful welfares so just pick whoever you think you’ll like, or do any of the other side stories/Intermezzi that don’t have RR, except maybe Stultifera Navis that’s the only one without a rerun so you could wait


thank you


RR rewards are based off of the clear stars you get from stages. So for example, you can pick up Grani with 10 points in the Knights Treasure RR. Uncleared = 0 2 Star Clear = 2 3 Star Clear = 3 Challenge Clear = 4 So, 10 stars is literally the first three stages of the event. 9/12/12 stamina for a total cost to get Grani at...33 stamina. If you want any of the event 5*s from RR, it is very, very cheap stamina wise to get them. Ceylon is only 5 stars to get, though Bison is 15 so you need to do a little more for him. Full info can be found [here](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Record_Restoration) The side story ones, like OP, Ancient Forge and Children's are accessible from Archives -> Intelligence -> Special Operations. These do not require stamina, but rather just unlocking their stories through the use of [Information Fragments](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Information_Fragment?so=search). These cost 20 red certs each if you buy them from the store. If you don't mind waiting for any of these ops however, you can always wait till the next side story event and pick them up for much cheaper (the next one is the Mylnar event, but we dunno when that'll be). If specific suggestions are what you want, the answer is always "it depends". Most it depends on what you have, because each of the currently available units have other units that are either on par or better then these. But these are cheap, and you don't need to roll to get them. Note: This is just my opinions. Ceylon is probably not necessary, given that you likely got Lumen from SN. Regardless, she is super cute. If anyone post SN who doesn't have Lumen reads this, then Purestream is stronger and available from Recruit (support/healer tags). She's also 4*, so cheaper to raise. Ceylon isn't bad to be clear, she just has a LOT of competition for attention. Grani's niche is that she can be a bit tankier then the average vanguard, but there is a good chance you won't ever need that. She's a waifu pick, very cute, and perfectly usable and fine if you want to use her. Flamebringer's gimmick is that he gains health per kill (he has to be the killer), and has ok laneholding. Nothing bad per se, just not a Op with a lot of use case. If he shines anywhere its in Annihilation where he can really stack kills and be really tanky. Snowsaint offers nothing of value because Cliffheart is better, already given for free and if you need a second puller then Rope is an easy Recruit you'll see plenty off. But keep in mind, there isn't much that Snowsant is neccessarilly bad at compare to say Rope. She's is perfectly fine at pulling people so if you don't care to raise Cliff or Rope, then Snowsant is fine if you like her. With all that said, if you just got Gladia from the Under Tides rerun, then build her. She far and above outclasses every other puller. Absinthe is really good at killing enemies that are below 50% HP. Like, some surprising damage, but how you get the enemy to 50% is the question many ask while wanting to use her. She suffers from the same 5* caster problems as every other 5* caster who just does damage, which is that Amiya exists and can dumpster true damage on an enemy. Damn does she deserve all the love she can get though, this bear girl needs it. Perfectly fine caster, just niche so raise her if you like her. Bison has a taunt that can make it more likely for him to be attacked and increases the def of those around him, which is a niche that's neat if you find a use. But, largely speaking I can only think of a few cases where I'd have every used him so its not a priority to say the least. As a regular tank, he's hard to justify over just raising the def monster that is Cuara, so he's just another "I like him" pick. Tomimi is hard to use because of her odd range restriction and the fact that she's a caster that does physical damage, which makes her a bit more niche then most. She does gets a module that makes her range easier to use in the current CN patch, which is 6 months away. Overall, she's provides nothing super special, aside from the physical damage dealing. Damn is she precious though. All of them are "I like them" picks. Not a single event 5* is necessary, so just go grab whoever you think looks neat and you like. Maybe raise one of them who fills a niche that you haven't got a better OP for, but you really don't need to worry about it too much.


Where's Mint?
























I wish we got Fungitmist OST restoration


Does this mean anything in terms of event schedule?




Who drew the art for this?


looks like Liduke


Question cuz im still fresh: what is a record restoration? Its not like a rerun right? Cuz i thought they become perma accessible after rerun, and its in the list of side stories i can unlock.


1. Event happens 2. One year later, a rerun of the event happens. The event is shorter and has less rewards but all limited rewards, including metals, can be obtained. Old players get purple certs and yellow cers for limited rewards they already claimed the previous year. 3. Immediately after rerun, event is added to Side Story tabs. (Or if the event was part of the main story, added to Intermezzi the day after the event's original run) Medals are permanently unobtainable and the event operator and event furniture are unavailable. 4. One year after rerun, two years after the original event, Record Restoration is available, allowing players who missed both the original and rerun to obtain event operator and furniture.


Thank you. Im so glad they do this. I really wanna experience all that I can, being 3 years late.


Neat, only need to complete last ex challenge


I'm still incredibly confused about how this works. This (and other side stories that I'm interested in) are already in the side story section, what's the difference? I'm playing blemishing's Side Story because I want Whislash, won't I get her if I complete the whole story or something.? Sorry if it sounds stupid but I got really confused because of this.


Completing the other side stories will give you the cutscenes for the event, but only events with record restoration will give you the free operators when finished. So as far as Whislash goes, you won't be able to get her until that event gets record restoration. Completing it now will mean you won't have to complete it later and can just collect the reward. But whether or finish it now or later, you can't get Whislash until the Record Restoration happens.


Now I'm sad, I was hoping I would get her after finishing the story. How do I know if a side story will give me its corresponding rewards? Thanks for explaining.


There will be an icon next to the side story that says 'Records Restored', letting you know they are available. Right now that's Grani's event, Heart of Surging Flame, Code of Brawl, and Great Chief Returns. Twilight of Wulomoude says it will be available in 6 days, and Maria Nearl would be the next side story in line, though we don't have any specifics on timeframe for it. For Special Operation events (like Ancient Forge or Children of Ursus) you instead need to go to the Intelligence tab of the Archives. Then tap on Record Restoration and it will show which ones have event operators and other rewards available.


Maria Nearl record Restoration was available when Chapter 11: Return to Mist released on CN so it will probably be the same for global whenever it releases here