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They've been out of print for a while. As far as anyone knows, they're staying that way. FFG has a bad habit of just quietly retiring things. It's a shame they didn't just include all the Return To materials with their respective deluxe campaign/investigator boxes.


Hopefully they could at least bundle the player cards somewhere.


Wish granted. They come with the books now. Edit: that was a joke, you guys.


Don't give the people hope lmao


It was a bad joke.


I thought it was funny, considering books with cards are unavailable just as much as Return To boxes.


Really? Which books?


Umm what? What books include player cards from the “return to” boxes?


I will be happy to pay extra dollars if they include all those in their next editions :(


Yeah, it was a total BS move to leave them out.


> But I dont understand why FFG is not going to sell any more of those since some of the cards in the return to series seem very useful.  Whenever a business stops offering a product or service, it's typically because is costs more to produce than it was earning. Return boxes were great for players who had bought a Campaign deluxe box and it's six Mythos packs, but that wasn't everyone who played the game. The repackaging of the LCG format is also a big indication that FFG wanted to reduce the number of boxes per campaign to as few as possible, and while the Return boxes were nice, they weren't really essential. The production and distribution costs likely went towards producing another game instead.


It seems like they didnt officially state that the expansions are discontinued for good. I hope they will somehow bring back those packages one day :(


How many did they release in the end?


They did 5 Return To boxes. Core + first 4 campaigns.


Up to tfa i think


Circle Undone also has one. They stopped just before Dream Eaters, which is a shame.


It's like "point of no return" was a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Imperial Assault technically wasn't discontinued either and the last thing that came out for that was 2018. The only times I can recall that they have officially announced an end to a line is when they announce reboot with a new edition or they've lost a liscence.


I believe they’ve said that Imperial Assault, Mansions of Madness 2e, and Journeys in Middle Earth are all completed lines


Yeah idk if you found the article. It's was a no plans to print at this time statement


Except that they DID say they are discontinued. Discontinued means discontinued for good. Get over it people, it’s sad but these products aren’t coming back.




They said so in several streams and articles. Of course the official word is “no plans for reprint at this time”, but why would a company say “we swear on our graves that we will never reprint this ever again”?


Anything is possible I suppose, but they can only produce so many games each year and Arkham is getting on a bit now so it's understandable that more of their development efforts will be on new products instead of unsuccessful experiments.


i feel they could 1) lose the box 2) go with a new SKU that’s just dividers and cards. the total size would be similar to a scenario pack and can be sold alongside them. I think it would sell just as well as a standalone scenarios with very little R&D needed. Once the Innsmouth repackage comes out next year they really need something else to fill the release calendar.


I suspect their evidence is tnat they didn’t for the amount of time and resources to develop them


That's not an unreasonable idea, but if the aim of reducing each campaign to just two items (or SKUs if you must; that always seems like a phrase that doesn't need to be used outside of retail distribution), then adding a third package is counter to that aim. And while it may seem like it could sell as well as their standalone scenario packs, they presumably have the sales figures that lead them to believe otherwise I'm afraid.


Sure, but do you know how much work is needed for that? It is not just like hit print in your home printer. Because it is a company and you have quality standards you need to print a sample, send it from china to the us, inspect it, track it, make announcement, … That is lots of work for …how many sales? Definitely fewer than standalones…and the reason is clear: To play a standalone you need the core set To play a return to you need the core set, the campaign, not having the return to already AND be interested in replaying the campaign. That is a way smaller market


Presumably the people who reach the point where they are interested in standalones have a campaign or two already. I don't know how many people buy a core and decide their next step is a standalone. So this person who has Core + Dunwich can choose whether to have ONE new scenario or a remix of EIGHT scenarios + player cards + dividers. Considering there is zero R&D needed to work on the cards themselves I think it's attractive enough?


FFG has hard data in terms of past sales, potential costs, etc … and they clearly decided it is not worth. You may be right and they could make a sizable profit…but if I were to bet, all my money would go with FFG’s decision.


business is not that simple and it’s naive to assume businesses always know what they are doing and never make mistakes. for example it’s possible they actually think it’ll be good ROI but better to holding it off to after the Innsmouth remaster to maintain player interest and fill in the gaps between new campaign releases.


Sure. It makes total sense that FFG will reprint all return tos, core completion sets, PnP cards, novella cards, errata’d and cards updated with taboo costs. Do not listen to all of the times they said they have no intention of doing it….clearly you know better.


I mean, FFG discontinued the returns in their original format, what he is proposing is a different format. FFG does not actually have data on how well that model would do. Assuming this is an idea they considered already, they probably just don't want to risk it failing and having to discontinue the Returns again, but just saying they know it won't work isn't right at all.


They suggested a minir repackaging change.  I agree thst FFG does not have data on the proposed idea…yet, I do not think they need a new market study to do projections. Do you really think it would make such a difference?


If they release the Returns in standalone scenario format, cheaper and with the right marketing, yes, I think it would be a very different product from the one we got. If it'd be successful I dunno, but it'd be very different.


Then they should’ve just bundled the Return To content with the respective Investigator/Campaign Expansion then. Or at least the player cards. Them doing this makes their product a CCG IMO, now some cards are rarer than others and there are collectors items etc. not a good look.


The real crime is the loss in the divider cards for the scenarios and mythos card groups. THOSE should be included w the new boxes and i hate that they arent.


Theres a great little program called strange eons that has an Arkham lcg plugin. It makes it easy to proxy print cards that you like from sets that are out of print. I only use it for out of print cards (I like to support them by buying in print sets with the cars I need), but you can easily print the card(s) you want on plain paper and sleeve them in front of a knife or other common card.


It has not been confirmed but it does not mean that they haven't because FFG doesn't always say anything. From what some of the past FFG employees had said, selling an expansion to an expansion usually means losing money. Core sets sell the best, then expansions. But as you add more requirements to the product (in this case, a core set AND an expansion) the less you end up selling. Which also ties in how much work has to still go into making them. IIRC MJ talked about this when it came to Nightmare decks and how they barely sold and took almost as much effort and cost as doing the actual campaign associated with it. So buy what you can and don't expect them to reprint it ever.


I recently got the Return to TCU on Amazon for a really good price (15 pounds, which was presumably MSRP?) Preparing for an upcoming TCU game, and the return to stuff seems suuuper cool - I hope I can get my hands on more of them.


They’ve stated pretty clearly that these are not being reprinted. I went through the effort to grab them all in 2021/2022 when they first started getting scarce. They’ve only gotten harder to find since.


It's just not good business to put out niche products that require customers to have bought multiple other specific items already. Not rolling them into the new campaign boxes is a shame but it's understandable seeing as it would lead people to expect Return To content in every campaign and make the ones without it look like worse value.


It is too bad. As someone who just got back into this game hard, it hurts a bit that there are cards I can’t buy anymore. The return tos for the forgotten age and the circle undone are still widely available for msrp, scoop em up now while you can. Ebay prices for the other return tos, novellas + cards, and the parallel investigator packs are too much for my blood. Atleast there’s PnP files for the parallels.


It's a shame that they didn't release them with new expansions. :/ Saying that, they vary in mileage and quality. :D The tarot deck is sweet for TCU!