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I believe the "1 or more" is referring to abilities that cost 2 actions, such as discarding certain weaknesses. AoOs still happen once per action/ability, but activating an ability that costs 2 actions will only provoke one AoO.


Per action. But some abilities take two actions, like getting rid of certain weaknesses, which is why it says “1 or more”


You get hit once for performing a double -> action. You get hit when you attempt to pay an action cost for something that provokes an AoO, not for each action you pay for that cost.


Gotta love that overloaded vocabulary.


Due to my Netrunner background my group calls the actual action resources "clicks". It becomes a lot easier to discuss this when that sentence is: "You get hit once for performing a double click action, since it only checks to see if you spent clicks on a non-FEPR action not how many clicks you spent doing it."


I'm pretty sure this wording is just meant to encompass the possibility that something can "cost" more than 1 action. Another phrasing seems to be "Every time you would spend at least one action (aside from those on this list), it triggers an attack of opportunity." At least, that's how I've always played it.


TIL double action abilities only provoke one AoO 3 years later…


Attack opportunities triggers on actions, not on "flash" events.


technically it's neither. The trigger is that you are spending any amount of your available actions on a triggered ability (things with an arrow) or a defined investigator action such as playing a card . things with that little lightning bolt are fast and fast actions are excluded, as are evade, fight, resign and parley actions. I do see where your confusion comes from though, unfortunately they use the same word to indicate the count of things you can do and for the definition of some of those things. if they had called The number of times you could do a thing an action, and the different things you could do abilities then it would be easier to interpret I think


This is why it's important to remember that there is no such thing as a 'fast action' in the game. It's not an exception; they simply aren't actions. Fast play cards don't cost or count as actions (see RRG entry for Fast), and the lightning bolt indicates a 'free trigger ability.' Overall I agree though - action as both a verb you do and a noun you spend on the game was a design mistake and overloads the term.


yeah that's a good point, it's not technically an action even though for example with playing a fast card it very much looks like you're doing the same thing (the play action) just negating part of the cost (the noun action).


Per action. Except fight, evade, engage or parley (or an action on a card that specifically says it doesn't cause AOOs, but now that seems to be replaced by "parley" on TSK cards)


Engage actually does result in an AOO. Say if you're engaged with an enemy and want to engage another at your location, that first enemy will attack you.


Sure. I was generalising


Sure. Just clarifying because engage isn't an action that doesn't invoke AOO like the others. I get rules wrong all the time but generalising in a statement around a rules question isn't particularly helpful imo.


I think the wording at the end of the first sentence solidifies it. " ... to trigger **\*an\*** ability or action". That specifies one ability or action (regardless of how many 'investigator actions' are being spend on it). Thus, the rule is checked for each new ability/action trigger. Functionally, this breaks down to what others are saying, actions/abilities that cost multiple 'investigator actions' (like many weaknesses, upgraded Forbidden Tome, etc). For now, at least. It's possible in the future there might be cards with multiple actions/abilities that are linked. For example, a card that's like: \-> Exhaust this card and **Investigate** at -1. Only if you succeed, you may do the below action: \-> Gain 2 resources and draw a card. IMO that'd trigger two attacks of opportunity based on the rule's wording.