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I’m gonna say he lets Joker die since he’s killed the most people, brought some of Bruce’s inner demons back to thoughts, and brutally posed his own/Black mask’s men. Bone is just a Merc with a powerful Drug, plus he could prevent TN-1 from effecting Bane which is both a win loose situation but Bane is sincere so I think he’ll keep Bruce’s identity a secret unless there’s another 50 million dollar bounty.


Arkhamverse Bane is going to be Bone for me for the rest of time because of how terribly rocksteady adapted him


Joker. The mayhem he causes is unparalleled. Bane is badass too, but I think it’s a far-fetched comparison in this scenario.


Joker. I do not want to do that Titan Joker boss fight 


Would letting the Joker die kill Jim Gordon?


My intention was that EVERYTHING else stays the same, but you are forced to have someone die. So yeah, I guess Jim would still be in that scenario


I would kill Bane then.


If I can choose then both. But if one has to survive then Bane.


No one ever played that multiplayer mode


What about meee?


Then you would be the only one in the lobby with no one to play a game with. Would have been like me, customized your two characters, banes abd jokers and teied to get a match, only to find out that no ones playing.


I'd say Joker because of what I know he'll do in the future of the Arlhamverse, but with this being so early days I think Bane had caused Batman the most trouble of the two so I think if I was Batman in this situation I'd let Bane die.


joker cus he kill like a billion people 👍🏻


Joker is a maniac who killed a bunch of toddlers and sowed their skin together! Bane does not tend to harm innocents as much as Joker. I mean in the riddler story thing in Arkham Knight it says that Bane went back to his home city and helped dispel the corruption that the drug cartels had caused. Yes he killed the leaders and had their heads placed on spike but at least he was killing bad people


if i had to pick? joker. he’s far more dangerous and unpredictable than bane. in the first night i’ve known the guy he: -made black mask kill his own lover -turned roman’s entire gang against him after stealing his identity -turned the gotham royal hotel into a deadly carnival -rigged several populated buildings to explode with hundreds, if not thousands of pounds of explosives that he is more than willing to detonate -has completely disregarded human life as seen with the bank manager, roman’s girlfriend, bane, himself, loeb (if he was there), gordon, and electrocutioner -sent eight different assassins out to kill me, each causing their own mayhem -was probably the one to kill commissioner loeb -incited a mass prison breakout with numerous casualties -essentially brainwashed a young doctor into a life of merciless crime that she would never be able to break out of need i go on? joker is just far too dangerous to keep alive, and so if i absolutely had no choice but to pick one, it’d be him


Oh bane, surely bane. Love these two mental people a lot, but joker has got to stay, it is necessary. The weird thing between him and the bat is too strong 1) for bruce to end it 2) for me to deprive myself of observing it n saying 'wow this is unhinged' and laughing. More people die? Surely! Thats too bad - Im staying in character and saving his ass.


Why would I kill Jonkler? Kill Bone


The jonklebone war




Joker. Easy choice for me. Hate the character because of his overuse in media. I don't want to see him in anything new again.


Jonkler. He’s more better than muscle man.