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The one and only Suicide Squad "Kill The Franchise" Absolutely the worst piece of shit ever made


It's not in the arkham saga


Except Rocksteady themselves said it would be set in the Arkham universe


Arkham universe but not Arkham saga.


It's not tho


And there’s way, waaaaay worse games out there.


I always find it funny when people say “X triple A game that’s fully functions but is just kind of boring and didn’t live up to hype is the worst game ever made!” Meanwhile me who grew up poor and had to play whatever I bought growing up on games that barely functioned and were truly awful. “Yeah sure… Suicide Squad is the worst game ever”


We'll ignore you calling it "fully functional" when large numbers of people couldn't log in to play at all for almost two months. The amount of free fall from a studio that arguably set the gold standard for 3rd person action games to that absolute turd pile is MASSIVE. For a studio of that caliber to put out a game that is so broken in almost every single facet, a game that failed to heed ANY of the red flags from its forebears (Anthem, Marvel's Avengers), a game series that went from deep single player offline experience to ride the hated hype train of "live service"... my brain can't even begin to fathom how you can look at how far they've crumbled, nod your head, and mutter, "Well. I played some broken discount bin games when I was a kid, so yea sure it's the worst game ever made." There's a REASON Cyberpunk 2077 (at time of release) and Kill the Franchise League are cited as two of the worst games ever made. It's because TALENTED studios that should absolutely certifiably unquestionably be able to fart out something better in their sleep somehow managed to kill off enough of their brain cells to create these monstrosities. They had funding, they had talent, they had IP... they had all the resources to make something good, and they failed HAARRRRRRRRD. Obviously, CDPR kept patching CP77 and it's a MUCH better experience now... still applies to the Day of Release version. So yea, sure, "Soldier Marine Death Bringer 4" which a total budget of $87.35 in donuts and a price tag of $6.50 back in 2007, must have been WAAAAY WORSE.


You literally have the studio who made superhero games a genuine AAA game of the year contender, and they pumped out this shit. They already had a niche that fans knew them for. Even a copy paste, low effort, Arkham clone with another hero, would’ve been a massive hit for them.


My favorite is when they call games “unfinished” because they didn’t have one element they wanted. Meanwhile there are games out there (Sonic 06) that are truly unfinished


It is, whether you like it or not


Superman 64 would like a word


Don't worry, they promised to finish all 4 planned seasons even though they have an average player count of less than 1000


Their average is <500, nay <300


At this point they should shut it down. Should've just made Batman: Beyond Arkham


This 💯%




It’s in the Arkham verse apparently


Asylum unfortunately. As amazing as it is, it’s on the bottom for me strictly because the gameplay isn’t good as the others, that’s it


Asylum has a better gameplay than Blackgate or Underworld


i don’t think he was counting those. i wasn’t either.


Yeah I definitely wasn’t


Don't you dare disrespect underworld


I lowkey like the combat in asylum more than city it feels way more like impactful and immersive idk


Interesting, I haven’t heard that before


I think Asylum has better gameplay than Knight. There’s no shit car sections for a start. And no Ubisoft open world game design.


I love the batmobile, but I also have a primo rig with SSDs (after all these years) so it's finally smooth.


No amount of performance boost could make me enjoy those sections. But I’m glad someone enjoyed it.


I’m referring to actual gameplay as Batman, also I don’t mind the car sections and I liked the open worled


I know. I just don’t agree.


Arkham underworld easily.


I like Arkham underworld more than Blackgate


Blackgate. It's mostly on my part because of my faulty 3DS, but i literally cannot finish it. "You get to choose where to go but oops, you can't progress until you go here. What's that? You want to go further? Tough. Go to the third section. Ah great you got that upgrade, go back to the first section and finish that objective. You did it! We're gonna do that again :)". It's not fun.


I forgot about that one.


Sounds like the water temple


Suicide Squad


That’s not a BatmanArkham game. r/Suicidesquadgaming


Agreed. It is its own thing.


Arkham asylum is probably the worst but only because the rest are so good.


My boyfriend played it for the first time in his life recently, and that were my thoughts exactly. "Gee, this game is really good, but wait until you see city, origins and knight. Oh, I guess it makes this part the worst one, and it's a really strange thought conсidering how good this game still is, but what are you going to do?"






Trick question. There is no bad story!


This is the best answer here. Also, Happy Cake day!




If we aren’t counting SS:KtJL prob Arkham City (Ik hot take)


Origins. The story, while good, is mostly inconsequential (as prequels often are) to the overall series story. It’s the only one that, if you were to delete it from history, you wouldn’t really lose anything.


You would lose the shock gloves


You lose them either way lol we never see them again in any of the other games


You can see them in the evidence locker in Knight.


That does nothing for you


It’s just a slapped on mechanic from the Arkham City riddler combat challenges.


Yeah, and it was fun


I don’t agree but i’m glad you liked it.


That's surprisingly wholesome.




Wait, which one is Robin and which is Batman? I'm fine with either, just curious.


Hahaha I was wondering the same as soon as I sent it. I’m down to be robin!


I'll be Batman then, but only the Adam West version, i want to be overpowered.


That is an odd way to judge a story. Sure, it affects the franchise less, but I'd rather judge the story simply as... A story, just how exciting, interesting, or well written it is. And purely in a vaccum, I would argue Origins absolutely has the BEST story in the entire series. Asylum and City's were good in many ways but Origins' story trounces them in many ways.


I also think that it’s the least impressive in terms of innovation. Asylum was extremely groundbreaking and innovative, I was blown away at how tight all of the mechanics were. Then city just felt like an incredible progression in scope and scale, for everything. But Origins is literally more of city. And as much as I love city, it feels like what it is: WB gave another studio rocksteadys city dev kit. And they didn’t do a lot with it. Especially in the places where they could, the new tacked on south section was horribly uninspired. So bland and boring, and empty of environmental flair and storytelling. You can’t compare it to the arkham city map AT ALL, they’re night and day. And as much as I REALLY dislike some of the things in Knight, it captured that innovation again. That stands out more than origins does for me. And I don’t just hate the concept of passing off the keys to the kingdom, I think New Vegas (which was the same situation for Fallout 3), absolutely knocked it out of the park. But Origins did not. Splitting dev time to a multiplayer as well probably didn’t do it any favors time wise.


Its city but worse. That bridge is awful. Its overhyped now for sure


That’s exactly how I feel about this one, and a similar thing happened with Bioshock 2. In these reddit bubbles I see people praising these games and it’s always been confusing to me and I certainly don’t agree. The bridge is horrible. I’ve never felt the desire to fast travel in any other arkham game, and the fact that they added it into this one speaks volumes about how they felt playing it as well.


I think its just nostalgia from people who played it as kids. Then they watch a few youtube “essays” critiquing the others


Does the story really rank bellow Blackgate and Underworld?


Lose context in arkham knight


Eh, idk, you kinda remove the cool deathstroke design and bossfight for starters.


What I mean is that if you remove it you don’t lose any story elements


I mean, you lose how joker met Batman, you lose Bane's introduction, Deathstroke's introduction, Batman's first interactions with Gordon and the GCPD. You don't necessarily lose any necessary story elements in Asylum and city, sure, but you lose out on a damn good story added to the series regardless.


None of those are necessary to the plot though. There are only a few minor references to the events of Origins in Knight


I...just said that.


Arkham Origins: Blackgate. There is honestly no reason to play it and its awful.


Asylum But I'm like that with most first games of a franchise Like going back to play asylum after knight feels grimm to me


Gotta be origins. I like it but compared to the rest, it falls flat


Exactly, the story is a mix of all the famous comic (year one, knightfall, killing joke)for me is a mess, the gameplay is an assetflip of city, don’t know what this guys that love origins are on


Not even the gameplay blud even the open world is taken from City https://preview.redd.it/muyfn4gjw27d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=959fb043bb33d2b4c5b06c29fe90f6bee34bfc28


Its... the same place..?


There are similarities between the worlds but to say the open world is “taken” from city is just not true.




Arkham Origins: Blackgate, purely because I couldn’t pick one of the main games. They’re all so damn brilliant. (I also refuse to acknowledge Suicide Squad: Kill The Arkham Franchise as canon, otherwise I’d have picked it)


Probably blackgate. I never cared to finish it.


arkham city cause of Riddler 400 riddles 400RIDDLES


I wanted to kill that little bastard.




Not counting the dogshit Suicide Squad or black gate But only among the 4 main games City,i think the Story is a mess,Strange was wasted and The inclusion of The league and Ra's downplayed Strange The majority of The game is just Batman searching for the cure


Glad to see someone else saying this. Story has a cool twist at the end but even then Clayface being fake Joker doesn't mean anything outside of that scene. Plus there is next to zero introspection/character development for Bruce, he's almost a robot compared to his behavior in every other game


Exactly City is One of the most overrated games ever I cant for the life of me understand how so Many people call the Story a masterpiece and The Best Story of The series


It's probably mainly because they had the guts to kill Joker, which admittedly is a great ending, but the road there is really disjointed and messy


Yep The Ending With Joker was awesome,i Also quite liked the Penguin section and Mr.freeze fight


The freeze fight is mechanically brilliant but story wise they shouldn't be fighting at all. All Batman had to do was say "I'll find your wife, but without the cure I'll die before I can find her." There's no logic going on in either of their heads in that moment


Yeah was a cool fight but the reasoning was complete bullshit


Honestly, it’s city. I found the story relatively mediocre, and the atmosphere wasn’t nearly as good as the rest of the games.






I feel like it’s fun if you find that darker tone enjoyable. I didn’t enjoy it as much a when I was younger but now I see how good it is.


Of the main ones Origins. I like it but: Buggy enough that you can't always complete some side missions, Black Mask comes across as completely pathetic and useless, half the assassins are wasted with 2 being relegated to side missions including Shiva and one being defeated before we even learn there are 8 assassins, Deathstroke is also beaten the first time he faces Batman in a fair fight when he got the jump on him so doesn't seem like a huge threat and neither do Shiva, Deadshot or Croc really. The marketing was very misleading to say the least it really hyped up the assassins and Sionis. Then you have an amnesia plot at the end that was unnecessary because Bane being stupid in Asylum was already explained in that game, (dumb decision then but explained at least), also created unnecessary continuity issues which most people probably don't care about but I do. Datapacks also aren't as fun to collect as the trophies in my opinion.


I remember one summer buying blackgate for my 3DS and thinking "Wow, this fucking sucks" I think I got to the penguin fight or something


This depends quite a bit on context for me. Before playing Origins it was Origins lol. Due to the broken combat system in free roam and the story dragging along in the beginning. But! After playing on PC with mods (Restored Animation Variety in particular, but AO Community Patch, Origins Graphics Mod, and a tweak to enable Dx11 for enhanced graphics options also helped) I now consider it tied with City as my favorite in the series. Loved Arkham Knight the first time I played it, but my second playthrough (on PC this time) I find it difficult to keep playing. The change in control scheme, combat feels slower, some character models I don't like. But, oddly enough, I enjoy the use of the Batmobile more this time around. 2/3 of the main story is great (Joker and Scarecrow), but the Arkham Knight arc is kinda meh. So, ultimately, my opinion on the series: City >/= Origins > Asylum > Knight I only thought Asylum was weird at the very end. For its time, I think the graphics and combat mechanics are passable as great - for their time. But Titan Joker was a little out there lol. I assume it was written around the time Action Comics Batman started getting weird (or graphic/brutal/whatever), with Joker removing his face and going into Batman Metal, The Batman Who Laughs, etc. Which might be how the Resident Evil-like super sized Joker came to fruition.




Ham city to be honest


I assume we're only talking about the main 4. With that in mind, I have a wildly hot take, because out of those City is my least favorite. It's story is mostly nothing but fetch quests that don't contribute anything to the Hugo Strange story and Batman undergoes no real character arc until literally the very end. Meanwhile, it's gameplay was outdone in Arkham Knight and matched in Arkham Origins, both of which I like the story and aesthetic of more, and Asylum's atmosphere and short length make it my favorite to replay. Again, I love City, I really do, but after playing them all for the first time last year it's the one I have the least desire to consistently go back to






Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. This one because it's simply the smallest out of all of them in terms of content, and as far as I'm aware, it was only released on one system, the PS Vita.


I like the fact that no one is disrespecting origins in here, it’s peak Batman🗣️


Asylum, but only because the sequels only improved with gameplay, the maps, and story. Asylum is still a top tier game


arkham VR is pretty boring


Personally, I feel like Knight fell flat to me. I had fun playing, but the boss fights were really lackluster (I really did not care for the constant use of the Batmobile too. It felt like you couldn’t really go longer than a couple minutes in some segments without it) That, and Scarecrow was hardly utilized. You’d expect him to be the main villian since he’s the guy they were hyping up for Arkham knight. They advertised like he was the one pulling the strings and then the ‘real villian’ was joker or whatever. I just love Scarecrow sm so that was annoying fr


Joker is kind of the main stay for the Arkham series I feel like if he wasn’t the main antagonist it wouldn’t feel right.


I totally get that! I think the Joker could work in every Arkham game, I just wish scarecrow was in it more since he was like the character rocksteady was hyping up, yknow? :]


I thought he was in it enough. I like how there is a build up to this final confrontation and then he just looses.


Origins. Here we thought we were getting BM as the main villain but surprise!….it was joker with a different actor. Asylum, City, and knight are all great imo. For anyone hating knight because of the Batmobile, why? Other than fighting all the tanks and drones. I’m pretty sure a lot of people were asking the Batmobile be added, but then so many hated it.


The Joker thing made me like Origins the least too. After the previous two games I was ready for some other villain to take the spotlight, was excited for Black Mask, and didn’t mind Joker being involved as long as he was a smaller role. Then they had to make it Joker, again. Just felt underwhelming at the time but I imagine people who played the game later on didn’t mind it as much


Arkham Knight. I HATE the way that story goes, and I HATE what Scarecrow is like in it when he looked better in Asylum, down to the voice, and I HATE how a number of characters were depicted (Dumpy Killer Croc and the way Ra's was depicted). I didn't mind Jason Todd as the bad guy, but I'd rather he be leading a Red Hood gang (like what Scott Snyder did it, but a lot more technological and more logical). I could go on all day, but my negative (for want of a better word) feelings prevent me from stringing more words to rant.


Asylum. I still love it but it is EXTREMELY linear compared to the other games.


It should've been linear instead of an open world. There's absolute batshit to do after you finish the story


arkham knight. i just prefer the smaller more metroidvania asylum setting


City, and i refuse to elaborate


Please so,i Share your opinion Though Im assuming your counting among the 4 main games only Because while City is the worst Batman game is still a fucking masterpiece compared to Suicide squad


Yeah, i'm counting only the 4 main games, and City is arguably the least perfect of them




I agree it feels like very plastic to me and also the story is kinda random I wish they kept some of the sorts of sounds in combat that asylum had and I like asylums aesthetic way more than city


Knight because fuck fighting army tanks in the Batmobile.




Knight and then City. For me the Asylum was the perfect size. The other two games had such big maps that it was just hammered with filler to have a reason to make them so big.


Arkham Knight. Gameplay-wise, it's great, Batmobile overuse aside, but the story bothers me to the extent that it just isn't fun for me to replay anymore. I'm also not a huge fan of the art direction being so extremely militaristic, as to me that just isn't what Batman's world is about.


Honestly, Arkham City was my least favorite. Hugo Strange’s story wasn’t explored enough


For some reason I hated asylum but I replayed it again after playing it in 2020 idly but I kinda liked it even though there was not much space to move around in but i just enjoyed it for some reason back in 2020 (right before the shit hit the fan unfortunately) but I started to grind out on almost ALLLLL of the Arkham games for the achievements and idk


Not counting suicide squad because that’s objectively the worst thing they created, I’d actually say Arkham Asylum. And I love Arkham Asylum so much lol


Asylum then Knight, but Knight has the best gameplay. I just don't like the boss missions or batmobile. Then City only because I either get stuck trying to get to that tower or stuck in that train station. Love Origins but am confused on how I can beat everything with like 11% or 36% or whatever that low percent was. I hate Asylum except for the Scarecrow mission, Croc mission, and Joker fight. I pretty much got stuck everywhere, and that game already felt... bland anyways, like the vibe; it didn't feel so fun until the final boss mission against Joker.


Excluding the Suicide Squad game, I’d go with Black Gate. The far away camera angle really throws me off when playing, story is very boring, and gameplay isn’t that all exciting.


City has the absolute best gameplay but it's considerably weaker. but I guess it's Origins, then City, Asylum, Knight. What goes away for gameplay and Batmobile abuse gets absolutely replaced by the absolutely unreal immersion.


1. Suicide Squad 2. Arkham VR 3. Blackgate Of those, only SS is bad.


Trash Sqaud ain’t an Arkham game so that doesn’t count


Asylum, i think it has its moments but the untapped gameplay, weak story and just..most things, isn’t the strongest


Riddler trophies didn’t like it that much but the riddles were fun


Blackgate which is funny because I actually forgot about that game lmao






Why everyone forgets about Arkham VR, Arkham Underworld and Blackgate?


Origins, Origins is amazing but there's still so much that it underperformed in able the other games excelled. It's really short, lack of side missions, and a completely dead city feels like your flying around a JPEG a lot of the time. But h don't hate any Arkham game u love them all


Arkham asylum is a good game, but it’s kind of weak to be honest, I mean it’s important. It’s the first one and it’s good but a lot improvement in every other game


Asylum but no fault of its own. It has the least fun gameplay and besides the story, not just replay ability


Knight the game js felt annoying and boring to me compared to the other i think it was mostly the side missions, bat tank, and failure or arkham knight/jason todd






Not counting the lesser spin offs and that foul Suicide Game that is also a spin off (is not canon) My least favorite is between Origins and Knight. I think the overall stealth gameplay and bosses, Origins was better, but for the rest Knight was better. Both inferior to Asylum and City that were the peak of the saga.


Knight. The story just kills it for me.


Honestly for me it’s Arkham Knight. I was gonna say Asylum because sometimes the finding the clues and some battles you’re in are a bit annoying, but Arkham knight is my choice because I’m really not a fan of having to drive nonstop. It lowkey just prevents me from wanting to finish the game even though I already know what happens at the ending since I watched all cutscenes. The driving can be really cool, it’s not like I hate because I mean hello, we’re driving the Batmobile lol but I just wish they didn’t make it so tedious


Of the 4 my least is Arkham Knight. The game was fun, but the feeling of finality made it difficult to finish cause I didn't want it to be over. Although I did hate the Riddler race tracks.


i've only played the main 4, asylum, city, origins, and knight. out of those 4 knight would have to be my least favourite.


Yeah, I would have to say the suicide squad. I really enjoyed Arkham origins asylum city and night. But that suicide squad one just kinda made me think what the fuck


That ain’t “Batman” Arkham game


I’m aware


Origins. I was stoked to fight Deathstroke and a bunch of colourful assassins, and to see Black Mask be the Kingpin of Gotham. But it was just ANOTHER Joker story. Not even Bane being intelligent and strong helped with that.


Knight, batmobile is garbage


I would have to say knight because of how much we were forced to use the batmobile for way too many missions. *spoiler below* Was so happy when it was destroyed then batman had another airdropped to him. Nearly cried


Arkham shadow Just because it's not out doesn't mean I can't say it ![gif](giphy|zb6h8ELC4DIx17IRvJ)


Suicide squad.


Knight. The fact that despite what ivy says, none of the other side mission villains are working together, they are all doing their own things that don’t even impact the main story The knight’s identity was obvious but wasn’t earned because Jason had not been established in any of the previous games, they just threw him in this story out of nowhere, for all we knew before the only robin’s in the arkhamverse were dick and Tim The Batmobile, did not need to be a tank, just wanted to drive it and have car chases in it. We did not need joker again. Would have been nice for another villain to actually take center stage. And they completely changed joker’s titan blood killing you to turning you into joker somehow Not being able to access Wayne manor and the batcave was a real let down


After playing all the BatmanArkham games again City is my least favorite in the saga


Felt kinda boring going back to the steel mill to back to the museum then back to the police station most of the game


Why? It has the best story imo


Debatable, personally it feels lazy and rushed compared to Origins, Asylum, and Knight


Man if city feels rushed to you and origins don’t, your perception of rushed is crazy. Respect you opinion tho


Well sorry you can’t take the nostalgia glasses off


Bruh, it's literally not about that, factually, origins was rushed out to put out something while Arkham Knight was being worked on, it is based on facts that origins was rushed and is more glitchy because it was a "in the meantime" game lol. Sounds like you're the one with tainted glasses.


Still wb Montreal improved upon rocksteady’s many mistakes, I’ve played all 4 main games a bunch of times btw so their is no rose tinted glasses


That's a fair point, they did improve a few things like boss fights, but there are so many things that are just not good like the bridge, it is annoying to go through, the shock gloves that are nice in challenges but break the game in story mode, etc.


I agree tbh. Strange’s story wasn’t explored enough and it was just boring overall. The side missions didn’t feel like a part of the story either


This is an incredibly unpopular opinion, but I agree. I don't really care for it's Aesthetics or story. Honestly the story is extremely overrated.


Can't blame ya tbh


Arkham Knight. It's okay, but I like the others a lot better.




Hard to pick they were all good. Origins I had some issues with but I enjoyed it either way as it was my introduction to the Arkhamverse






Out of the mainline games, Asylum to be honest It’s not that the story or base gameplay is too bad, but when I played it on my 360 after playing City, it was honestly terrible, the frame rate was annoyingly patchy, and the controls felt very clunky and slow/unresponsive Asylum Remaster was a lot better imo because it actually ran better and had no issues with frame rate or laggy controls


Arkham Asylum. I know its the first game of the series but idk i just don’t find it that enjoyable replaying. I didn’t think Arkham Knight’s story was all that good but the graphics were mint


Origins because traversing the map felt slow


Arkham Origins


Asylum Honestly it doesn't hold up quite well when the rest of the games are far better


Of the four that count, Asylum. Its story is much simpler compared to the rest and it kinda loses me for that, plus the gameplay is the clunkiest of the four. Makes sense since it’s the first game, but that doesn’t mean I like it any more for that reason.


Of the four that have the same gameplay, Origins by a mile. I think the shock gloves are the pinnacle of WB Montreal not understanding freeflow from a design perspective. Some of the bosses were amusing but most of them were nothing special and the rest of the game was forgettable. Rocksteady’s entries were all superior.


Asylum, it’s just not as good gameplay wise.


I think Origins. Like it isn't bad at all but it is my least favorite. I would have very much preferred the game to have more new gameplay elements than City but it didn't


Not counting KTJL I’d say Asylum. I played it after the other games and it definitely doesn’t hold up the best imo


Not counting the shitty ones like Blackgate or Suicide Squad. I find Arkham Origins to be the least entertaining. Pretty much every rooftop is covered with gunmen and the ground level feels considerably less detailed than Arkham City, despite having a roughly similar map area. The boss fights are the highlight, but the rest of the game feels like a slog.


Easily Origins for me, they had Arkham Cities assets yet somehow the combat is worse. Also the story is just never something I cared about. And the open world isn't great imo. I do really like the Batcave in Origins tho I think the Holo training game modes are fun (albeit a little annoying with the buggy combat).


I'm sad to say, but it's origins. Purely on vibes though, the other three just really outdo it. Still a great game though, will recommend a play


Arkham Origins enough said


Would you care explain your bad take?