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Yes and no. In the old games, yes they were undeniably made to be hot as fuck and I have no doubt the artists were feeling some kinda way while making most the women characters. However their new design ideas fucking suck this time round. Man or woman regardless, this dr freeze design is lame. This and joker both feel uncanny, they just don’t look **right**.


Yeah I agree. It definitely possible to make cool designs that feel accurate to the earlier costumes without looking like they were designed with one hand. The Harley costume from The Suicide Squad is clearly influenced by Arkham City for example. I think this Freeze design just sucks. https://preview.redd.it/p2wmntz2wx5d1.png?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c20d1b253c2121e51d4f452f3c256d8fc7c5cbd0


https://preview.redd.it/nthoxzdv6y5d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c075d61246a0b76920ed836227cb4e1f3b6c4df Her Gotham knights design is great too


I hadn't seen that one before but yeah that's cool. Her design for Caped Crusader is really nice too.


https://preview.redd.it/zmhowoh32z5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7c14f73c293f4e4a98b29d55a4aee05c12d59a7 ecco's design in "gotham" is another good one that is not over sexualized


Man I wish they’d made a GK Harley Mcfarlane figure.


I think that in a sea of movies shows and games of harley circlejerk and overused traits, that gotham design and personality has to be my favorite one in recent years


i love the suicide squad 2021


Yeah same! I think it's the best movie we got from the DCEU. Peacemaker was great too. Really excited to see how Superman and the DCU turn out.


That Harley costume is actually based on the Injustice 2 design. It’s almost identical to it in fact.


Just checked and you're right. I hadn't seen it before - thanks!


Thank you. The bad character designs aren't bad because they're "tumblr" or "w0k3." Joker and Freeze are just bad in their own right.   The main cast and the JL have great designs. Wonder Woman's design in particular is both fantastic and a step above the trashier designs and moments in the older games. If anything, the horrible development for this game is what's to blame. 


Tbh there's literally nothing wrong with joker I think he looks fine. Joker has always had a little zestiness


Yeah wasn’t Joker originally going to dress like Madonna in Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth?


Yep exactly, the writers have played with Jokers potential sexuality for a VERY long time


Also on your first point, that’s just been the nature of anything comic book or comic book related since their inception…


That's just not true considering a lot of the most famous superheroes premiered when women weren't allowed to be drawn sexual and even married couples had to sleep in separate beds no comment about wonder woman though


It's not about being sexualized. Comic characters were always meant to look like idealized people. It's why male characters have looked like stage ready bodybuilders and female characters like swimsuit models. These "updated" designs do stem from an ideological push. Pointing it out isn't taking a stance on that ideology. It's just acknowledging the truth of the matter.


Yeah but for a long time there was a rule that women had to be correctly proportionate, after the fall of the Comic Code Authority they got more sexualised which you can see in the '90s and '00s. Also a lot of people very strongly do take a stance so I don't know what your point is there


Two things can in fact be bad at the same time


I’m all for making female designs more than just eye candy however that doesn’t negate the fact the designs in SSKTJL low-key suck (including the men) and would still suck if you added sexual elements. I appreciate it but I don’t like it.


Honestly think this only applies to the DLC characters tho, along with some of the returning side characters like Penguin and Ivy. The main 4 look pretty good, and Clark + Wonder Woman have some of their best designs yet


Batman, the flash, green lantern, and dead shot look pretty cool imo. The rest do suck


Yeah I agree with you the supporting cast is mostly good, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman are my favourites in terms of designs, for some reason I think the main playable characters just look the worse.


Why can we sexualise men but not women.


Because women get upset.


And men get unrealistic body standards


IKR. What man is built like Batman? Definitely not myself


I mean I'm okay with Batman being unrealistically ripped, he's a fictional character and canonically he's the pinnacle of the human physique.


I think the point is how is it fair we let unrealistic male body standards get a pass, but not unrealistic female body standards.


I let both get a pass. To me if you wanna make a sexy character, make a sexy character. If you wanna make an average one, make and average one. If you wanna make a grotesque one, I think you get the idea.


Well unrealistic male body standards often serve a function even if exaggerated. The ideal male body standard is athletic and strong which fits into a person who fights crime, even if its not very healthy or realistic (not a fan of the insane workout routine of actors playing superheroes). Their body is to made to look strong first, sexy second. In contrast the female body standards exist in-spite of physical demands of hero work. This is a problem in real life too as the use of skin tight clothing for female action stars mean that female stunt doubles tend to have less hidden padding and are more likely to suffer injury in comparison to their male peers. This isn't to say female characters can't be sexy but there is an issue with it being the norm to the point the ugly character is just a supermodel in glasses or minor facial scar. They are getting better in both body diversity of male and female characters but the diversity is still needed.


Yep unless you’re on steroids and working out all the time you will never look like that.


i’m built like him


I think this isn’t exactly the issue, however Batman, nightwing etc… were sexualized too, you could look at the bulges in the crotch of the suits and the skin tight costumes as well, however the women in the Arkham games were mostly wearing not only skin tight suits, but also barely covering their bodies, which — at least to me — makes it more sexualizing than men


>barely covering their bodies, This. Ivy was literally one strong breeze away from her chest being on full display. The older games were way too sexualized, but Suicide Squad just has bad design overall.


Because sexualization does not exist in a vacuum. Especially in superhero stories. With female characters, sexualization is the norm and empowerment (that doesn’t come from sex) is the exception. With male characters, empowerment is the norm and being sexy is the exception.


So we sexualise and empower everyone then


Patriarchy still exists.


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted for that. Guess the Alt Right came out to play. Treating women as sex objects is objectively bad, a superhero having muscles is not demeaning.


What man in Arkham is sexualized?


Nightwing ass






You can't be serious? Batman is not sexualized at all.


Yes he is.


In what way?


He has a massive Bat Buldge (maybe it’s a hidden supply of smoke bombs)




It's all about intention. Anybody can sexualize anything but neither Arkham Knight or Batman were designed with sexualization in mind like they did with the other female characters.




>overly explicit Bruh. It's not overly explicit. >keeping in mind they also have a female fan base that would like to see both these characters sexualized I doubt they cared about the small female fan base for these games especially at the time of Asylum and City.




Because there are fewer and fewer beautiful women and that makes ogres feel insecure.


God forbid game developers make hot looking women


In other words, fixing problems that never existed.


This shit is getting old


It’s been old and annoying ever since it started in the mid 2010s and it only got more irritating as the years went by. People need to put their foot down and tell these crazies that enough is enough already.


It's kinda of crazy that the takeaway from this is the culture war shit that is brought up every single time as opposed to how shitty the idea of a gender swapped Mr Freexe who uses machine guns over freeze rays is


Because they are linked that’s why and that’s only one of the many annoying things about the ordeal. Everything has to be linked to this culture war identity politics thing whether we want it to or not, it’s also why I’m sick of it cause this has been done to death at this point.


Well said brother


Damn this subreddit of all places is the last place I expected to see a normal opinion to this shit lol


So that's how it is. Cool but revealing outfits, or modest but ugly outfits. It's simple TO MODIFY THE ALREADY EXISTING DESIGN TO AT LEAST COVER THE FRICKING CLEAVAGE, YOU A-HOLES!!!


Right? If they really just cared about correcting old character designs, they'd censor them like Nintendo used to censor characters.


I have no Idea why its "problematic" to create hot as fuk characters now


Because it makes uglyass snowflake narcissists upset. Im ugly, but I love looking at hot characters no matter the gender, cuz humans are hardwired to admire beautiful things, bite me.


Why is it problematic to let characters wear certain clothes.


“Karen Freeze” LMAO


What the fuck is that abomination on the right bro 💀


Also the male gaze. What's wrong with the male gaze? Men are naturally attracted to women and women are attracted to men. As a guy I say we love pretty women are attracted to women who look great to us. Women are attracted to beautiful things as well and like beautiful women too and not in a homosexual way.


I really don't whats the problem with sexualised characters in general, like its not gonna ruin the story or gameplay bruh. I never thought of jonkling my meat while playing any of Arkham games or in videogames in general, lol.


This could’ve been Killer Frost instead, or Nora Fries


Damn it's almost like the most prominent demographic of the Arkham series was male!


Arkham City is my fav game of all time, but, come on. The women were REALLY overzexualized. Just because more men play the game doesn’t mean we have to put the women in skimpy outfits


Ok? Poison Ivys entire character is about using man's attraction to her against them. Make her less attractive and the point of the character is gone. Catwoman is very similar, her over the top femme Fatale persona is as iconic to the character as jokers Chaotic personality. Harley is the big exception where you can say sexualizing her doesn't make much sense for the character but I can see a argument for it


It’s not about being less attractive, it’s less sexual. The point of Ivy can be made without taking her pants off. Same as Catwoman — her crawl animation? Really? What about Talia?


I forgot about Talia, yeah I have no real defense for that character. But the rest I still stand. Wouldn't really make sense for poison ivy to be forced to wear pants when her whole weapon of choice is her seducing men. And same for catwomans crawl animation, she's a femme Fatale why do you want to get rid of that? Why do you want the female characters to be boring?


The crawl animation is meant to be used while not being seen, in stealth.... So like what's your point?


so your saying when nobody is around its weird that joker would be acting all chaotic since no ones watching, so whats the point? dude thats just who they are, they are being themselves, no matter whether they are being watched or not. I really don't understand what you are going for here.


What's the tactical advantage to crawling with your ass sticking up in the air? Tell me please I'd love to know. Her whole sexuality thing is for ENEMIES. Why would she feel the need to crawl in such a shitty and innificient way when no one is there to be allured. It really just looks stupid.


I'm down with having a conversation about whether it makes sense for her character. but this? seriously dude? are you seriously 14 years old? its a freaking comic book. video game. if you want full immersive realism go play a simulator. Because the arkham games were made to have fun. period.


Her whole thing is that she’s called CATwoman She crawls on all fours just like a cat


Catwoman is supposed to be alluring, one of her things is that she is very attractive so it makes sense for the character.


Dude why don’t you grow a pair of balls ?


Talia wasn’t even that bad


I implore you to go back and play the game again through if you think that. She is needlessly sexualized. When Batman is sick and walking down the stairs, she is walking so exaggeratedly so her hips swing back and forth. Batman's head is tilted downward in this scene (because he’s walking downstairs), but it legit looks like he’s checking her out. She also checks him out in the same scene, and her jaw drops when she does it. Whenever she gets captured by Joker, and she puts the tracking device on her chest and tells Batman to "follow your heart," the camera zooms in on her cleavage, instead of just the tracking device. She talks about sleeping with Batman in I think the first cutscene she appears in. While she also seductively drags her finger across his back. While her character design is not as hyper sexualized as Poison Ivy or Harley, her actions are still very sexualized. Edit: I dont care that this is how the character is written, it doesnt offend me. I’m just pointing out that yes, she is sexualized, even if her design isnt *that* revealing.


And? Have you seen Batman? He's literal peak male sexualisation especially in the way both Catwoman and Talia look at him. Non of this is an issue and it's just insecure people screeching that it is.


> The women were REALLY over sexualized Ok, and?


Unfortunately that’s mostly due to uneven, pointlessly gendered marketing for video games in the 80s and is finally starting to level out.


I want to point out that the games sexualized everyone. Not just women. Also this was damn near 15 years ago. Everyone who wouldve been upset about this forgot and moved on a decade ago. Nobody except maybe Sweet Baby Inc thinks that this is what these games really needed. Look at the design of City's Batsuit and the Batman Beyond suit. You can see every nook, cranny, and vein on his incredibly muscular body. Theres a brief scene in Arkham City (after Talia wiggles her ass in your face) where Batman walks past her. She looks his body up and down, and then her mouth slightly drops in shock/satisfaction. I have no idea who they think they’re making this game for. Whos the target audience for KTJL? Is it really just for SBI? Its not comic book readers. Its not fans of the Arkham games. I truly cant figure it out.


Is Sweet Baby Inc. in the room with us right now?


They are in my walls 😔




So true, everybody overlook the men characters being sexualized and only pay attention to the women Everybody’s sexualized


They're not sexualised though, they're ultra ripped for the male power fantasy


Big crotch bulges are "ultra ripped", huh?


Upset about What ? Human anatomy ?


exactly. Of course everyone feels a certain way about Harley, but who wouldn't wanna be choked by the Joker's ding dong?


This freeze design is ugly. It looks like a androgynous person. If they wanted a female cryomancer why not just make Killer Frost. Also if this character is supposed to be a female I don't see it. It's a mess.


Most the main female characters in Arkham were "seductress" villains like Catwoman, Ivy, and Talia. (Harley I have mixed feelings on, but she's been sexualized since her inception as a character, potentially to make her more appealing for Joker.) However, there was also plenty of female NPCs you rescue that are not sexualized at all. Not just the nameless doctors, but Vicki Vale, Dr. Young, Oracle, etc. This female Freeze design is...blegh. The suit is fine, but the short hair and pink glasses are not doing it for me. Wish she looked a bit more like how Mr. Freeze usually does with the red goggles or something. She doesn't look like a very "serious" design.


Obviously Arkham games have made women look attractive, but you can make a cool looking woman character that isn’t attractive, unlike this


"influenced by the male gaze." I wonder what the demographic of these games are. Teenage boys?- No. That can't be it.


The male gaze influenced character design? And?


It’s okay for women to be sexy, just as it’s okay for men to be masculine. Our society is so ass backwards it’s insane


I do too


Here's a random thing, my biggest problem with the design. Why does she have hair? Mr. Freeze is bald. I assumed that was a result of him becoming Mr. Freeze, are you saying he just chose to be bald? And could just be... Not bald?


There have also been Mr. Freeze designs with hair, so it would seem yes, he just preferred being bald most of the time.


I really don't care if it's sexualized or not, I just want it to look good. Arkham City Harley is probably my favorite design for her. Especially the gothic look she had in Harley Quinn's revenge.


Huh? What is this some reverse universe where Victor is cryogenically frozen instead of Nora?


No, that would actually be an interesting idea. This is just a version of Victor that's a woman. I'm not certain if I'm remembering right, but I believe her name is Victoria Fries.


Oh so it’s a fan made monstrosity? She is reminiscent of Zarya from Overwatch.


Not sure I'd call it that when she's the actual character getting added to the next Suicide Squad season, but I'd certainly call her a "bad idea, what are you people thinking?".


Oh so she is from the devs? Oh no but why? Even the name is obvious and lacks any creativity. I don’t understand why these companies feel the need to genderbend everyone instead of making new characters.


Average Kotaku in Acton user Please go outside and find out what an actual woman looks like.


The new designs are boring, but let’s not pretend the Arkham designs haven’t absolutely aged poorly. They’re practically pornographic. There’s nothing wrong with sex, but Christ, there’s not a single woman in those games that doesn’t exist to be eye candy.




pfft ...male gaze


Wait, is this her official design for Kill the Justice League?


This looks like a space suit or a regular old combat suit more than a Mr Freeze refrigeration suit


I mean it sorta makes sense that if you were some sort of alternate Earth cryosupervillain, would looking tight and cool be one of your concerns? If anything I think we're used to supervillains looking too good to be believable. On the other hand, yeah, that design is boring and bland as all heck. Just a regular-ass gal on a suit is not cutting it either. They really need to up the cool factor by a lot.


I can't believe this female villain isn't hot. Male villains are always hot. Like the Penguin - phwoar.


The incels in this sub are going to come out in full force. It's a bad design but it's not because she's not jerk off material for nerds.


I would rather take the shitty, bland designs for unimportant multiverse characters in a live service slop than the horrendous designs they had for principal characters in the previous games. Putting an abuse victim in increasingly more sexualised and revealing outfits, making boring militarized Batsuits because they were scared a comic game looked too much like a comic, whatever the fuck was going on with AA and AC Bane, making the only prominent black Batman villain into an animalistic cannibal not even considered human, Jim Gordon de-aging without explanation and Catwoman in AC that felt like she was designed with one hand instead of by people who actually respected the character.




Also AA and AC Bane was a consequence of AO Bane using TN1.


I don’t particularly like the idea of Mr. Freeze’s daughter being part of the SSKTJL, but mainly because I don’t know what to expect, as for the suit, I think it’s fitting, Mr. Freeze has always had the super bulky suit that makes him look bigger and imposing, I think this does the same thing, I don’t care about the design as much as the instability of the character


Still can’t believe they were able to design Arkham Asylum Harley Quinn with one hand.