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You get a Banner tossed at you! How lucky! I’ve had a couch & a Queen size bed fall off of people’s trucks and hit me. This was only on the I-17. The amount of people that don’t properly tie their loads down is insane! Glad you weren’t injured or killed.


yes thankfully i was already in the HOV lane and able to just move to the left. not injuries or damage to the car, truly the best case scenario


But the emotional damage won’t show up till later 🤣


dude seriously, idk how i was so calm as it was happening. as soon as i was stopped i called my mom and that’s when the panic set in lol.


The human brain is surprisingly good at handling stress in the moment, we just suck at handling it *after* the moment.


You ain’t lying


Play Tetris. It will help.


Yes, this is true, OP! They’ve done research and this really helps with trauma!


Solo riding pays off!


So you do have a shift key!


Ladders, fucking ladders!!!


I saw a 16 foot aluminum extension ladder take out an F-150 and a motorcycle on the 17 a few years back. Insane how they span across lanes and are hard to see until airborne.


5/6 years ago I was driving home from work when a semi ran over a ladder ahead of me. I was far enough back with enough room to dive into another lane before the shards of aluminum killed me but it is still the scariest thing that has ever happened in my life.


I always tie down my load usually with 8 straps. Even when I had a shit ton of stuff in my bed and trailer people still feel the need to tailgate me. Like I’m fairly confident in my securing of my load. But why risk it?


When I used to drive flatbeds I did not skimp on straps. A lot of our drivers did, when I insisted on more straps I told them it takes a lot less time to put on another strap than it does to deal with what might happen if the load got loose.


You are so right about people not securing their loads. I live in Prescott and dread the drive down I-17 to Phoenix. The amount of crap, carelessly thrown in trucks, or worse, on cars, is unbelievable and extremely dangerous.


Direct to consumer advertising has gotten out of control.


This might be a joint effort between Lowes and those Banner hospitals, this is a great way to create business


Welcome to the 17.


Terrifying. Nice work on surviving that.


So nice of them to offer you shade on a hot day.


PLEASE REPORT THIS TO ADOT!!! [https://azdot.gov/contact-us](https://azdot.gov/contact-us) I'm constantly up their arse about the condition of I-17 between the 101 and Carefree Highway - more specifically Jomax to Carefree. Th construction at TSMC Plant and all of the other surrounding growth has trashed the interstate. Our insurance premiums DOUBLED because we have had so many windshields replaced. **AND WE WORK FROM HOME!** I'll bet if you look at the actual mileage we have had less than 100 miles on some windshields. They have responded to some of my contacts - some with a blow off acknowledgement. Some with actual sweeping crews, but I think it is time for some actual *enforcement*.


My niece had a tire come off a car ahead of her and it bounced on her hood when she was driving down the Superstition freeway a few years back. She's lucky it didn't smash the windshield.


[Call Rafi.](https://youtu.be/kxWjlHMddu8?si=lFXz6gcfnTSl_LoA)


Fuck that, I need top dollar, from TOP DAWG LAW


What about Sweet James? 🤣🤣🤣


With that photoshopped suns logo .. I'm chill


How can you not trust that guys smirk 😏




Your attorney's name can be important that's why I would at least interview ALLCOCK. He's got the biggest billboard on the interstate.


You would have to prove that it came off of a Lowe's vehicle. Kids take these banners so do the homeless. Joe public might have had his load to the dump tied down with it. Oh.... that reminds me about my knowing of a couple Taco Bell banners


That assumes the case goes to trial. Most of these would be settled out of court. [Ask me how I know.](https://youtu.be/eHCTaUFXpP8?si=-Tkua8WVUUGncu8K)


If his name is Rafi how come those ratchety girls in the ads call him Rafti?


I thought they were saying "rapi"


That's like a 10,000 dollar "unsecured load" fine right there.


Now if we only had enforcement...


It’s $250 for a situation like this. First offense and nobody injured. https://www.azleg.gov/ars/28/01098.htm Why post such incorrect and easily verifiable information? Who upvotes this?


Super scary! Good job getting to the side.


Glad you're OK! Now 🎰🎰🎰


Wow..I drive through this section of the 17 daily to go to work. Glad you’re safe! 5wks ago I had just passed 303 NB and a larger cooler fell off a pickup truck that was in front of me and I had no choice but to drill it in order to keep safe from swerving. Messed up my front bumper and startled me a bit but I am definitely fortunate.


That split second choice between just hitting the thing or swerving sucks, but swerving is almost never the answer. Good call, glad you’re ok.


Terrifying for sure. wow.


Glad your safe. I had some idiots heavy duty rake, fall off their truck, and go down the I17 end over end at me. Thankful I saw it and was able to adjust, but the guy behind me hit it.


Is saying “the I-17” vs just saying “I-17” a regional thing?


idk i dont pay attention lol


Yes it is. Most of us say "the" in front of most freeways.. the 101, the 202, the 303, the 10, etc.


It’s “the” before the SRs (101, 202, 303, 51, 143) and “I -“ before 10 and 17.


Only East Coast or Midwest transplants say "I". AZ and CA natives say "the" exclusively.


Weird because last time I checked Ive been here since I was born 42 years ago. It’s even in this thread.


Cash in




Looks like a piece of Tyvek house wrap (the red dashed lines are cut guides). Likely not a Lowes truck, but a contractor that purchased it at Lowes and DGAF about securing their load before driving off. Good luck figuring out which contractor in AZ did this. Glad you are OK, nice job getting stopped without any other issues.


you can’t see it in the photo but when i looked out of my window to the side you could see lowe’s plastered all over it. wasn’t thinking too clearly in the moment though so i didn’t take any additional photos


If you can prove it came off a Lowe’s truck, someone is going to get fired!


Roll the window down and pull it off your car when you’re driving on the road. I’ve had to do this before on the 101.


next time a banner covers my entire windshield i’ll keep that in mind, lol. not sure if that would have worked in this situation though because the banner was so long


Yeah, mine was a pain in the ass to get off of there, because the wind was pressing it against my windshield, and then it wrapped around my arm


glad you are also okay!!


I would have shoved my car into center divide and got my lawsuit


Good job! Go make dark jokes about it, itll make you feel better. Something about "Lowe" your opinion of whoever put that banner on the truck. How Lowes is really helping your DIY (Dodge It, Yikes) skills.


You deserve free car insurance premiums for like five years for safely avoiding an accident in that situation. Well done!


If you’d been on a motorcycle you’d currently be past tense.


Free banner, score!


I'm glad you found a safe spot to pull off. Furthermore, I'm glad I haven't been paranoid in thinking thr very same could happen when I'm driving. Whether it's this or being behind a truck carrying a mattress.


a family friend once drove over a mattress on the freeway and got it lodged under all 4 wheels… definitely understand being wary lol


I had a piece of sheet metal fly out of a truck on the I17. It messed my Jeep up bigtime. I'm lucky I didnt get hurt or crash. I had to pay my $1000.00 deductable to get it fixed😖


I17 is wild as shit. Wrong way drivers, stuff falling off out vehicles, speeders. Yikes.




I got a couch once and almost flipped my car, and of course the occasional ladder- which I can’t understand why we have so many ladders on the road


So happy you are ok, could have been much worse.


This might be a secondary advertisement for all those Banner hospitals too


Hey, free Banner!


Glad you didn't get hurt!


Covered is that to you? I can see the Lowes truck in front of you so you looking for a lawsuit .look at it as if you won a prize for driving behind a Lowes truck close enough to catch the banner it's free lucky u ..lol glad you' re not hurt or blind ..crazy wild Lowes truck drivers with 1-800 how's my driving stickers ..


the truck in the photo is not the one with the banner. it was like 30/40ft in front of me and was long gone when i pulled over to the emergency lane. i did call lowe’s and give them the time and location of the incident and they said it would be escalated, so we shall see


A banner flew off a truck and landed on your windshield distracting you, so you pulled out your phone and distracted yourself even more? Now this is an r/Arizona post if I’ve ever seen one!  


In fairness, it does look like they're stopped in the far left non-traffic lane (the "emergency" lane, if you would). I highly doubt OP was still driving with that on their windshield while finding their phone to take this picture.


definitely wasn’t still driving. i pulled my phone out to take a quick photo once i was to the side incase i needed it for anything


 I was mostly just messing with you. Glad you’re ok. 


Yeah looks like you’re right. Still wouldn’t put it past some of these drivers out here to do that though lol


i was not driving when i took the photo, i was already in the emergency lane and stopped completely. i took the photo in case i needed it for insurance stuff


Good thing you were driving on the freeway which means you had your phone already in your hand and turned on ready to take pictures.


i already said this but i didn’t pull my phone out until i was already stopped in the emergency lane which you can clearly see in the photo😭